Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

' ...Dr King kept it a nonviolent revolution By doing so, he saved the country
Pure speculation, and hogwash, to boot.

Ten percent of the population cannot succeed in revolting against ninety percent of the population.

Any such violent revolution would have been doomed from the start, and would not have seriously threatened the country.

Any time that inner-city Blacks engage in serious rioting, the National Guard throws a ring of steel around the city, until the natives calm down.

Your responses here are growing increasingly desperate and humorous, in your silly attempts to portray King as the Savior of the Nation.

The guy put a dent in racial discrimination in this country, helping to get things started, but that's really about it.

Hardly the stuff of a Nation Saver.

Except in the minds of a particular demographic with a vested interest in spin-doctoring King into something far more than he actually was.

The Appeals Board for Phony-Baloney Canonizations is just down the hall, second door on the Left.
What Rightwinger said obviously went right over your head.
Thank you for your feedback.
Yes, he did. but AA is reverse discrimination being used to compensate for past discrimination. It was the wrong fix for a real problem.
Affirmative Action was a response to...... You can call those negroes equal but I'll be damned if I will hire one

It is something that uses a factor to make a determination in favor of blacks that if used to deny would be wrong. You say it is wrong to deny hiring someone based on skin color, and I agree, but you don't have a problem using skin color to favor.

Wonder if you would say the same thing if a black owned business chose to hire only blacks.

Affirmative action worked and changed the way we looked at our workforce. No longer were blacks relegated to menial labor and women given "women's jobs"

BS. AA was and is reverse discrimination. All discrimination is wrong, no matter who the victim.
AA gave people opportunities they wouldn't have received without it

It GAVE people things they wouldn't have received had it not been for skin color. When you hire someone over a more qualified person because they're black, that's not an opportunity. That's a gift.
Affirmative Action was a response to...... You can call those negroes equal but I'll be damned if I will hire one

It is something that uses a factor to make a determination in favor of blacks that if used to deny would be wrong. You say it is wrong to deny hiring someone based on skin color, and I agree, but you don't have a problem using skin color to favor.

Wonder if you would say the same thing if a black owned business chose to hire only blacks.

Affirmative action worked and changed the way we looked at our workforce. No longer were blacks relegated to menial labor and women given "women's jobs"

BS. AA was and is reverse discrimination. All discrimination is wrong, no matter who the victim.
AA gave people opportunities they wouldn't have received without it

It GAVE people things they wouldn't have received had it not been for skin color. When you hire someone over a more qualified person because they're black, that's not an opportunity. That's a gift.

Yes it did.
It gave women and minorities opportunities they never would have gotten otherwise
Who would have thought women and negroes would actually make good executives?
Dr King and the civil rights protesters were American patriots

In fact, their grievances against their country were stronger than the grievances of our founding fathers

Civil Rights protesters risked their life for the cause

In the case of Dr King....he gave his life

yes, and which party passed the civil rights act of 1965 in spite of democrat filibusters?

LBJ signed it, republicans in congress passed it. democrats in congress tried to block it by filibustering.
Cue the violins...
I guess some of you do miss your Jim Crow

Not really... that shit was wrong... but it only affected a maximum of 10% of the population... not even that, really... and it really didn't do all that much good in the long run.

Your boy helped raise consciousness and made wise use of the bully-pulpit and got some halfway decent results, but he hardly "saved" the country.

Get a grip.

It affected he whole population

The entire country was disgraced by our treatment of those we considered to be less than us.

kinda like the way muslims treat Christians and Jews, right?
Which has what to do with Dr King?

it is pertinent because you support muslim immigration and ignore how muslims run their own countries.
It is something that uses a factor to make a determination in favor of blacks that if used to deny would be wrong. You say it is wrong to deny hiring someone based on skin color, and I agree, but you don't have a problem using skin color to favor.

Wonder if you would say the same thing if a black owned business chose to hire only blacks.

Affirmative action worked and changed the way we looked at our workforce. No longer were blacks relegated to menial labor and women given "women's jobs"

BS. AA was and is reverse discrimination. All discrimination is wrong, no matter who the victim.
AA gave people opportunities they wouldn't have received without it

It GAVE people things they wouldn't have received had it not been for skin color. When you hire someone over a more qualified person because they're black, that's not an opportunity. That's a gift.

Yes it did.
It gave women and minorities opportunities they never would have gotten otherwise
Who would have thought women and negroes would actually make good executives?

Equal treatment and special treatment are two vastly different things. AA gave some people special treatment. It was discrimination.
It is something that uses a factor to make a determination in favor of blacks that if used to deny would be wrong. You say it is wrong to deny hiring someone based on skin color, and I agree, but you don't have a problem using skin color to favor.

Wonder if you would say the same thing if a black owned business chose to hire only blacks.

Affirmative action worked and changed the way we looked at our workforce. No longer were blacks relegated to menial labor and women given "women's jobs"

BS. AA was and is reverse discrimination. All discrimination is wrong, no matter who the victim.
AA gave people opportunities they wouldn't have received without it

It GAVE people things they wouldn't have received had it not been for skin color. When you hire someone over a more qualified person because they're black, that's not an opportunity. That's a gift.

Yes it did.
It gave women and minorities opportunities they never would have gotten otherwise
Who would have thought women and negroes would actually make good executives?

which of the following got where they are due to AA
Herman Cain
Clarence Thomas
Magic Johnson
Sammy Davis Jr
Dr King and the civil rights protesters were American patriots

In fact, their grievances against their country were stronger than the grievances of our founding fathers

Civil Rights protesters risked their life for the cause

In the case of Dr King....he gave his life

yes, and which party passed the civil rights act of 1965 in spite of democrat filibusters?

LBJ signed it, republicans in congress passed it. democrats in congress tried to block it by filibustering.
No ....history shows that northern Democrats and Republicans passed it.
Southern Republicans opposed civil rights legislation unanimously.

Your attempts to turn a north/south issue into a Democrat/Republican issue is humorous...it shows what a simpleton you are
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Affirmative action worked and changed the way we looked at our workforce. No longer were blacks relegated to menial labor and women given "women's jobs"

BS. AA was and is reverse discrimination. All discrimination is wrong, no matter who the victim.
AA gave people opportunities they wouldn't have received without it

It GAVE people things they wouldn't have received had it not been for skin color. When you hire someone over a more qualified person because they're black, that's not an opportunity. That's a gift.

Yes it did.
It gave women and minorities opportunities they never would have gotten otherwise
Who would have thought women and negroes would actually make good executives?

which of the following got where they are due to AA
Herman Cain
Clarence Thomas
Magic Johnson
Sammy Davis Jr

Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Obama and Hillary all got where they are because of affirmative action. They benefitted from the opportunities of AA and the battles fought by blacks and women before them
...It affected he whole population...

He impacted 10% of the population rather dramatically.

He impacted the other 90% of the population a wee little bit.

But he was the original Magic Negro, and the Feds decided to toss Blacks a bone, and give 'em a holiday to manufacture some legends and traditions around.

Rather like that artificially inseminated Yuletide-Envy joke called Kwanzaa.

More invention than substance.

...The entire country was disgraced by our treatment of those we considered to be less than us.
Not disgraced.


And a wee bit embarrassed, when the issue actually bubbled to the surface long enough for the rest of us to take a look at it.

Constant yammering, media exposure, and the sort of passive resistance and civil disobedience, made popular by Ghandi, produced some useful results.

But it was hardly the stuff of "saving the country".

Like I said... get a grip... spare us the spin-doctoring which tries to make it into more than it actually was, with the passage of time - while it's still within Living Memory.

Jeez, people like you still exist then?
Awwwwww... wassa madda... you encountering people who don't see King as the second coming of the Messiah? Oh, dear-me, what a pity...

No, I wasn't even talking about the bits where you speak about King, just more the general racist dinosaur part.
Affirmative action worked and changed the way we looked at our workforce. No longer were blacks relegated to menial labor and women given "women's jobs"

BS. AA was and is reverse discrimination. All discrimination is wrong, no matter who the victim.
AA gave people opportunities they wouldn't have received without it

It GAVE people things they wouldn't have received had it not been for skin color. When you hire someone over a more qualified person because they're black, that's not an opportunity. That's a gift.

Yes it did.
It gave women and minorities opportunities they never would have gotten otherwise
Who would have thought women and negroes would actually make good executives?

Equal treatment and special treatment are two vastly different things. AA gave some people special treatment. It was discrimination.

Declaring ...you are equal and actually being equal are two different things

Like running a race where you are given a big head start and then declaring everyone in the race is now equal
BS. AA was and is reverse discrimination. All discrimination is wrong, no matter who the victim.
AA gave people opportunities they wouldn't have received without it

It GAVE people things they wouldn't have received had it not been for skin color. When you hire someone over a more qualified person because they're black, that's not an opportunity. That's a gift.

Yes it did.
It gave women and minorities opportunities they never would have gotten otherwise
Who would have thought women and negroes would actually make good executives?

Equal treatment and special treatment are two vastly different things. AA gave some people special treatment. It was discrimination.

Declaring ...you are equal and actually being equal are two different things

Like running a race where you are given a big head start and then declaring everyone in the race is now equal

Qualifying for a job because you're the best and qualifying because your skin color is black are two different things.

Like running a 400m race, letting blacks start 100m ahead, and calling it an opportunity.
The conditions our government imposed on blacks was worse than what the British did to he colonials

[FONT=Helmet, Freesans, sans-serif]
“The bloody butcher” is what colonists called British Colonel Banastre Tarleton.
He let his dragoons bayonet and hack hundreds of surrendering Americans at Buford’s Massacre during the Battle of Waxhaw, May 29, 1780. In January of 1781, Colonel Banastre Tarleton led 1,200 of Britain’s best troops, consisting of British dragoons, regulars, highlanders and loyalists, in a hot pursuit of the Americans.

Read more at When all else failed, this won Revolutionary War

soooo, tell me exactly when did "our government" "bayonet and hack hundreds" of your colored brothers to death????

i know you will not reply because you are just another liberliar and stupid fool!! :up:
AA gave people opportunities they wouldn't have received without it

It GAVE people things they wouldn't have received had it not been for skin color. When you hire someone over a more qualified person because they're black, that's not an opportunity. That's a gift.

Yes it did.
It gave women and minorities opportunities they never would have gotten otherwise
Who would have thought women and negroes would actually make good executives?

Equal treatment and special treatment are two vastly different things. AA gave some people special treatment. It was discrimination.

Declaring ...you are equal and actually being equal are two different things

Like running a race where you are given a big head start and then declaring everyone in the race is now equal

Qualifying for a job because you're the best and qualifying because your skin color is black are two different things.

Like running a 400m race, letting blacks start 100m ahead, and calling it an opportunity.
First of all....the issue came about because blacks and women were not even allowed to participate in the race. I mean everyone knew they were not good enough to win.
Affirmative action said you had to let them try. At first, yes they failed. Bigots gloated about how right they were about their lack of capabilities. Over time, nobody noticed anymore that they were in the race
The conditions our government imposed on blacks was worse than what the British did to he colonials

[FONT=Helmet, Freesans, sans-serif]
“The bloody butcher” is what colonists called British Colonel Banastre Tarleton.[/FONT]
He let his dragoons bayonet and hack hundreds of surrendering Americans at Buford’s Massacre during the Battle of Waxhaw, May 29, 1780. In January of 1781, Colonel Banastre Tarleton led 1,200 of Britain’s best troops, consisting of British dragoons, regulars, highlanders and loyalists, in a hot pursuit of the Americans.

Read more at When all else failed, this won Revolutionary War

soooo, tell me exactly when did "our government" "bayonet and hack hundreds" of your colored brothers to death????

i know you will not reply because you are just another liberliar and stupid fool!! :up:
Hundreds? is that all? Actually the number was 113

Thousands of blacks were killed by terrorists. Our government looked the other way
The conditions our government imposed on blacks was worse than what the British did to he colonials

[FONT=Helmet, Freesans, sans-serif]
“The bloody butcher” is what colonists called British Colonel Banastre Tarleton.[/FONT]
He let his dragoons bayonet and hack hundreds of surrendering Americans at Buford’s Massacre during the Battle of Waxhaw, May 29, 1780. In January of 1781, Colonel Banastre Tarleton led 1,200 of Britain’s best troops, consisting of British dragoons, regulars, highlanders and loyalists, in a hot pursuit of the Americans.

Read more at When all else failed, this won Revolutionary War

soooo, tell me exactly when did "our government" "bayonet and hack hundreds" of your colored brothers to death????

i know you will not reply because you are just another liberliar and stupid fool!! :up:
Hundreds? is that all? Actually the number was 113

Thousands of blacks were killed by terrorists. Our government looked the other way
Thousands were killed by democrats and you ignore it.....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The conditions our government imposed on blacks was worse than what the British did to he colonials

[FONT=Helmet, Freesans, sans-serif]
“The bloody butcher” is what colonists called British Colonel Banastre Tarleton.[/FONT]
He let his dragoons bayonet and hack hundreds of surrendering Americans at Buford’s Massacre during the Battle of Waxhaw, May 29, 1780. In January of 1781, Colonel Banastre Tarleton led 1,200 of Britain’s best troops, consisting of British dragoons, regulars, highlanders and loyalists, in a hot pursuit of the Americans.

Read more at When all else failed, this won Revolutionary War

soooo, tell me exactly when did "our government" "bayonet and hack hundreds" of your colored brothers to death????

i know you will not reply because you are just another liberliar and stupid fool!! :up:
Hundreds? is that all? Actually the number was 113

Thousands of blacks were killed by terrorists. Our government looked the other way
Thousands were killed by democrats and you ignore it.....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
They were killed by southern conservatives
...It affected he whole population...

He impacted 10% of the population rather dramatically.

He impacted the other 90% of the population a wee little bit.

But he was the original Magic Negro, and the Feds decided to toss Blacks a bone, and give 'em a holiday to manufacture some legends and traditions around.

Rather like that artificially inseminated Yuletide-Envy joke called Kwanzaa.

More invention than substance.

...The entire country was disgraced by our treatment of those we considered to be less than us.
Not disgraced.


And a wee bit embarrassed, when the issue actually bubbled to the surface long enough for the rest of us to take a look at it.

Constant yammering, media exposure, and the sort of passive resistance and civil disobedience, made popular by Ghandi, produced some useful results.

But it was hardly the stuff of "saving the country".

Like I said... get a grip... spare us the spin-doctoring which tries to make it into more than it actually was, with the passage of time - while it's still within Living Memory.
Our revolutionary war only affected a small percentage of the population.....the wealthy colonialists

The average American, scratching out a living on a small farm did not really care about England
The conditions our government imposed on blacks was worse than what the British did to he colonials

[FONT=Helmet, Freesans, sans-serif]
“The bloody butcher” is what colonists called British Colonel Banastre Tarleton.[/FONT]
He let his dragoons bayonet and hack hundreds of surrendering Americans at Buford’s Massacre during the Battle of Waxhaw, May 29, 1780. In January of 1781, Colonel Banastre Tarleton led 1,200 of Britain’s best troops, consisting of British dragoons, regulars, highlanders and loyalists, in a hot pursuit of the Americans.

Read more at When all else failed, this won Revolutionary War

soooo, tell me exactly when did "our government" "bayonet and hack hundreds" of your colored brothers to death????

i know you will not reply because you are just another liberliar and stupid fool!! :up:
Hundreds? is that all? Actually the number was 113

Thousands of blacks were killed by terrorists. Our government looked the other way
Thousands were killed by democrats and you ignore it.....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
They were killed by southern conservatives
Democrats not conservatives ...

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
...It affected he whole population...

He impacted 10% of the population rather dramatically.

He impacted the other 90% of the population a wee little bit.

But he was the original Magic Negro, and the Feds decided to toss Blacks a bone, and give 'em a holiday to manufacture some legends and traditions around.

Rather like that artificially inseminated Yuletide-Envy joke called Kwanzaa.

More invention than substance.

...The entire country was disgraced by our treatment of those we considered to be less than us.
Not disgraced.


And a wee bit embarrassed, when the issue actually bubbled to the surface long enough for the rest of us to take a look at it.

Constant yammering, media exposure, and the sort of passive resistance and civil disobedience, made popular by Ghandi, produced some useful results.

But it was hardly the stuff of "saving the country".

Like I said... get a grip... spare us the spin-doctoring which tries to make it into more than it actually was, with the passage of time - while it's still within Living Memory.
Our revolutionary war only affected a small percentage of the population.....the wealthy colonialists

The average American, scratching out a living on a small farm did not really care about England
A really and truly lame-ass faux equivalency, and a terrible stretch in an attempt to draw one... rather embarrassing, even for you, RW...

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