Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Sorry, but I can't get very enthused about Martin Luther King given the fact that he beat women, flagrantly cheated on his wife, and used extremely vulgar language in private but posed as a pastor in public. MLK Day should have been named Booker T. Washington Day.

I agree that MLK's civil rights work was admirable and needed, but I have a hard time getting past his vile private life. Booker T. Washington would have been a much better person after whom to name a holiday.

Even 45 years after his death...the rightwing smear campaign against King continues

You forgot to call him a commie
No. No, No, No way. Luther King is else matter mathers. One black how only will hims colour to deliver in once US how wanted only Nazism A chance in WW2 before Nazism loose in Soviet Union the war begin then two atomic bombs in Japan then Nazism second hand loses in WW2 1 year later Nazism loses in Germany. Whites are powerful even they are Nazism I know. This fights with hands can only handle close to Nazis and I am close to A white how like blacks more than whites. He isn't normal ?? I know every white like whites over black. Communists don't exist in Denmark and Norway in Nordic so justice for danish and norweigan people. Nazis, racists and gay in every over teenage. Woman and children don't involved in fights so they husband can fight back if theirs women or children get hurted by communists or normalthinking dos how are against Raise. I like for my self Nazi music even one or two communists come close they can not hurt me because nobody hurt Nazi music listening. Short music then stop by ending the Nazi music are. Even there are more Nazi music in youtube and spotify. Rammstein and Metallica plus even more Nazism. Nobody can hurt me close to me even they are against Nazism. Canal youtube in my jobs there they are this communists how like gangsta music more but I can do strange feelings against gangsta music. Only sad music with rap. This Luther King never knowing after he is death for soon 50 year back. Tupac were only great before with my mulatto friend from Iraq / Poland. Hes brother see with are strange rap listening. He fight me before I was friend with him brother. Last ten year I living alone i my village with 700 mouslims, 200 ortodoxer, 200 roman catholics and rest of my village are 800 Finns and 800 half finnish and Swedes around 75% and theirs more Nazi than Communists by Swedes my village. You know my point now mr Carlton in Fresh Prince and mrs Christina Appelgate from western side of America the women how are 15 year old better than me. I am 30 year this election year in America.
Did they lace your pot with PCP?
No. No, No, No way. Luther King is else matter mathers. One black how only will hims colour to deliver in once US how wanted only Nazism A chance in WW2 before Nazism loose in Soviet Union the war begin then two atomic bombs in Japan then Nazism second hand loses in WW2 1 year later Nazism loses in Germany. Whites are powerful even they are Nazism I know. This fights with hands can only handle close to Nazis and I am close to A white how like blacks more than whites. He isn't normal ?? I know every white like whites over black. Communists don't exist in Denmark and Norway in Nordic so justice for danish and norweigan people. Nazis, racists and gay in every over teenage. Woman and children don't involved in fights so they husband can fight back if theirs women or children get hurted by communists or normalthinking dos how are against Raise. I like for my self Nazi music even one or two communists come close they can not hurt me because nobody hurt Nazi music listening. Short music then stop by ending the Nazi music are. Even there are more Nazi music in youtube and spotify. Rammstein and Metallica plus even more Nazism. Nobody can hurt me close to me even they are against Nazism. Canal youtube in my jobs there they are this communists how like gangsta music more but I can do strange feelings against gangsta music. Only sad music with rap. This Luther King never knowing after he is death for soon 50 year back. Tupac were only great before with my mulatto friend from Iraq / Poland. Hes brother see with are strange rap listening. He fight me before I was friend with him brother. Last ten year I living alone i my village with 700 mouslims, 200 ortodoxer, 200 roman catholics and rest of my village are 800 Finns and 800 half finnish and Swedes around 75% and theirs more Nazi than Communists by Swedes my village. You know my point now mr Carlton in Fresh Prince and mrs Christina Appelgate from western side of America the women how are 15 year old better than me. I am 30 year this election year in America.
Did they lace your pot with PCP?

Explaine more.


Martin Luther King did not "save" this country...

He merely lent some modestly competent leadership to a popular movement that had already been underway and accelerating since WWII...

Abraham Lincoln "saved" the country...

George Washington "saved" the country...

Martin Luther King was a partisan manipulator of the collective conscience and an icon-magnet and speech-i-fier and shit-stirrer, and took a bullet for his trouble.

And, from the Black perspective, he did some good, and made some decent progress - being in the right place at the right time - and was a person of deep conviction.

But he didn't "save" the country.

Martin Luther King did not "save" this country...

He merely lent some modestly competent leadership to a popular movement that had already been underway and accelerating since WWII...

Abraham Lincoln "saved" the country...

George Washington "saved" the country...

Martin Luther King was a partisan manipulator of the collective conscience and an icon-magnet and speech-i-fier and shit-stirrer, and took a bullet for his trouble.

And, from the Black perspective, he did some good, and made some decent progress - being in the right place at the right time - and was a person of deep conviction.

But he didn't "save" the country.

No...not from a black perspective

He saved us all from an evil that was destroying a great nation

Martin Luther King did not "save" this country...

He merely lent some modestly competent leadership to a popular movement that had already been underway and accelerating since WWII...

Abraham Lincoln "saved" the country...

George Washington "saved" the country...

Martin Luther King was a partisan manipulator of the collective conscience and an icon-magnet and speech-i-fier and shit-stirrer, and took a bullet for his trouble.

And, from the Black perspective, he did some good, and made some decent progress - being in the right place at the right time - and was a person of deep conviction.

But he didn't "save" the country.

No...not from a black perspective

He saved us all from an evil that was destroying a great nation
Cue the violins...

Martin Luther King did not "save" this country...

He merely lent some modestly competent leadership to a popular movement that had already been underway and accelerating since WWII...

Abraham Lincoln "saved" the country...

George Washington "saved" the country...

Martin Luther King was a partisan manipulator of the collective conscience and an icon-magnet and speech-i-fier and shit-stirrer, and took a bullet for his trouble.

And, from the Black perspective, he did some good, and made some decent progress - being in the right place at the right time - and was a person of deep conviction.

But he didn't "save" the country.

No...not from a black perspective

He saved us all from an evil that was destroying a great nation
Cue the violins...
I guess some of you do miss your Jim Crow
No. No, No, No way. Luther King is else matter mathers. One black how only will hims colour to deliver in once US how wanted only Nazism A chance in WW2 before Nazism loose in Soviet Union the war begin then two atomic bombs in Japan then Nazism second hand loses in WW2 1 year later Nazism loses in Germany. Whites are powerful even they are Nazism I know. This fights with hands can only handle close to Nazis and I am close to A white how like blacks more than whites. He isn't normal ?? I know every white like whites over black. Communists don't exist in Denmark and Norway in Nordic so justice for danish and norweigan people. Nazis, racists and gay in every over teenage. Woman and children don't involved in fights so they husband can fight back if theirs women or children get hurted by communists or normalthinking dos how are against Raise. I like for my self Nazi music even one or two communists come close they can not hurt me because nobody hurt Nazi music listening. Short music then stop by ending the Nazi music are. Even there are more Nazi music in youtube and spotify. Rammstein and Metallica plus even more Nazism. Nobody can hurt me close to me even they are against Nazism. Canal youtube in my jobs there they are this communists how like gangsta music more but I can do strange feelings against gangsta music. Only sad music with rap. This Luther King never knowing after he is death for soon 50 year back. Tupac were only great before with my mulatto friend from Iraq / Poland. Hes brother see with are strange rap listening. He fight me before I was friend with him brother. Last ten year I living alone i my village with 700 mouslims, 200 ortodoxer, 200 roman catholics and rest of my village are 800 Finns and 800 half finnish and Swedes around 75% and theirs more Nazi than Communists by Swedes my village. You know my point now mr Carlton in Fresh Prince and mrs Christina Appelgate from western side of America the women how are 15 year old better than me. I am 30 year this election year in America.
Did they lace your pot with PCP?
He doesn't speak English very well despite living in this country for 30 years. This is a failure of multiculturalism.

Martin Luther King did not "save" this country...

He merely lent some modestly competent leadership to a popular movement that had already been underway and accelerating since WWII...

Abraham Lincoln "saved" the country...

George Washington "saved" the country...

Martin Luther King was a partisan manipulator of the collective conscience and an icon-magnet and speech-i-fier and shit-stirrer, and took a bullet for his trouble.

And, from the Black perspective, he did some good, and made some decent progress - being in the right place at the right time - and was a person of deep conviction.

But he didn't "save" the country.

No...not from a black perspective

He saved us all from an evil that was destroying a great nation
Cue the violins...
I guess some of you do miss your Jim Crow

Not really... that shit was wrong... but it only affected a maximum of 10% of the population... not even that, really... and it really didn't do all that much good in the long run.

Your boy helped raise consciousness and made wise use of the bully-pulpit and got some halfway decent results, but he hardly "saved" the country.

Get a grip.

Here comes the republicans to claim him as one of their own, happens every year.

Here comes the Liberals claiming that what King taught about being judged by your character is being upheld with programs like affirmative action, something that focuses on race.
Dr King fully supported affirmative action. It was a necessary step to equality

Yes, he did. but AA is reverse discrimination being used to compensate for past discrimination. It was the wrong fix for a real problem.
Affirmative Action was a response to...... You can call those negroes equal but I'll be damned if I will hire one

It is something that uses a factor to make a determination in favor of blacks that if used to deny would be wrong. You say it is wrong to deny hiring someone based on skin color, and I agree, but you don't have a problem using skin color to favor.

Wonder if you would say the same thing if a black owned business chose to hire only blacks.

Martin Luther King did not "save" this country...

He merely lent some modestly competent leadership to a popular movement that had already been underway and accelerating since WWII...

Abraham Lincoln "saved" the country...

George Washington "saved" the country...

Martin Luther King was a partisan manipulator of the collective conscience and an icon-magnet and speech-i-fier and shit-stirrer, and took a bullet for his trouble.

And, from the Black perspective, he did some good, and made some decent progress - being in the right place at the right time - and was a person of deep conviction.

But he didn't "save" the country.

No...not from a black perspective

He saved us all from an evil that was destroying a great nation
Cue the violins...
I guess some of you do miss your Jim Crow

Not really... that shit was wrong... but it only affected a maximum of 10% of the population... not even that, really... and it really didn't do all that much good in the long run.

Your boy helped raise consciousness and made wise use of the bully-pulpit and got some halfway decent results, but he hardly "saved" the country.

Get a grip.

It affected he whole population

The entire country was disgraced by our treatment of those we considered to be less than us.

Martin Luther King did not "save" this country...

He merely lent some modestly competent leadership to a popular movement that had already been underway and accelerating since WWII...

Abraham Lincoln "saved" the country...

George Washington "saved" the country...

Martin Luther King was a partisan manipulator of the collective conscience and an icon-magnet and speech-i-fier and shit-stirrer, and took a bullet for his trouble.

And, from the Black perspective, he did some good, and made some decent progress - being in the right place at the right time - and was a person of deep conviction.

But he didn't "save" the country.

No...not from a black perspective

He saved us all from an evil that was destroying a great nation
Cue the violins...
I guess some of you do miss your Jim Crow

Not really... that shit was wrong... but it only affected a maximum of 10% of the population... not even that, really... and it really didn't do all that much good in the long run.

Your boy helped raise consciousness and made wise use of the bully-pulpit and got some halfway decent results, but he hardly "saved" the country.

Get a grip.

It affected he whole population

The entire country was disgraced by our treatment of those we considered to be less than us.

Today, those same people embarrass themselves by their disproportional use of social welfare, lack of education, and over 70% bastard birth rate.

Here comes the republicans to claim him as one of their own, happens every year.

Here comes the Liberals claiming that what King taught about being judged by your character is being upheld with programs like affirmative action, something that focuses on race.
Dr King fully supported affirmative action. It was a necessary step to equality

Yes, he did. but AA is reverse discrimination being used to compensate for past discrimination. It was the wrong fix for a real problem.
Affirmative Action was a response to...... You can call those negroes equal but I'll be damned if I will hire one

It is something that uses a factor to make a determination in favor of blacks that if used to deny would be wrong. You say it is wrong to deny hiring someone based on skin color, and I agree, but you don't have a problem using skin color to favor.

Wonder if you would say the same thing if a black owned business chose to hire only blacks.

Affirmative action worked and changed the way we looked at our workforce. No longer were blacks relegated to menial labor and women given "women's jobs"
When our founding fathers wrote about "All Men are Created Equal" - that was a radical notion. So radical there was no way it could have been put into practice in 1776. It was more of a promise. That promise is a lot closer to becoming a reality thanks to MLK.

He did as much to fulfill that promise as any other founding father.

To be fair to our founders, just the leap of common men being the equals of royalty was quite an achievement. To claim blacks, women and Indians were also equal was too big a leap to expect

not really, but neither of us were there so we really don't know what the founders thought do we?
Yes what they thought has been well documented

We also know how they felt about blacks, Indians and women

those views were shared by the entire world in the 1700s. The founders were unique in that they signed a document saying that all men were created equal.

MLK did some good things for the country, but he did not save it. Mostly he expedited what was happening naturally. I lived in the south in those years, I saw it happening in people's hearts and minds naturally. King just helped it happen faster and for that he gets a lot of credit.
All white men.

yeah, and the founders of Kenya were all black men, whats your point?
Dr King and the civil rights protesters were American patriots

In fact, their grievances against their country were stronger than the grievances of our founding fathers

Civil Rights protesters risked their life for the cause

In the case of Dr King....he gave his life

yes, and which party passed the civil rights act of 1965 in spite of democrat filibusters?
The man deserves his iconic place in our history.

Sadly, much of what he so bravely advocated has been ignored or distorted by those who claim him, and I would guess that he would be terribly disappointed in how slowly progress has come because of it.

progress cannot be forced or mandated--------------natural progress is much faster and better in every way.
Here comes the Liberals claiming that what King taught about being judged by your character is being upheld with programs like affirmative action, something that focuses on race.
Dr King fully supported affirmative action. It was a necessary step to equality

Yes, he did. but AA is reverse discrimination being used to compensate for past discrimination. It was the wrong fix for a real problem.
Affirmative Action was a response to...... You can call those negroes equal but I'll be damned if I will hire one

It is something that uses a factor to make a determination in favor of blacks that if used to deny would be wrong. You say it is wrong to deny hiring someone based on skin color, and I agree, but you don't have a problem using skin color to favor.

Wonder if you would say the same thing if a black owned business chose to hire only blacks.

Affirmative action worked and changed the way we looked at our workforce. No longer were blacks relegated to menial labor and women given "women's jobs"

So you agree that many were given jobs they didn't qualify for due to skin color and reproductive organ. Thank you.

Martin Luther King did not "save" this country...

He merely lent some modestly competent leadership to a popular movement that had already been underway and accelerating since WWII...

Abraham Lincoln "saved" the country...

George Washington "saved" the country...

Martin Luther King was a partisan manipulator of the collective conscience and an icon-magnet and speech-i-fier and shit-stirrer, and took a bullet for his trouble.

And, from the Black perspective, he did some good, and made some decent progress - being in the right place at the right time - and was a person of deep conviction.

But he didn't "save" the country.

No...not from a black perspective

He saved us all from an evil that was destroying a great nation
Cue the violins...
I guess some of you do miss your Jim Crow

Not really... that shit was wrong... but it only affected a maximum of 10% of the population... not even that, really... and it really didn't do all that much good in the long run.

Your boy helped raise consciousness and made wise use of the bully-pulpit and got some halfway decent results, but he hardly "saved" the country.

Get a grip.

It affected he whole population

The entire country was disgraced by our treatment of those we considered to be less than us.

kinda like the way muslims treat Christians and Jews, right?

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