Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

The man deserves his iconic place in our history.

Sadly, much of what he so bravely advocated has been ignored or distorted by those who claim him, and I would guess that he would be terribly disappointed in how slowly progress has come because of it.
progress cannot be forced or mandated--------------natural progress is much faster and better in every way.
Agreed - the term I use is "organic". Forcing things both distort and retard progress. This is a cultural issue, and the only way to get lasting progress is for it to occur naturally, through the culture.
Here comes the Liberals claiming that what King taught about being judged by your character is being upheld with programs like affirmative action, something that focuses on race.
Dr King fully supported affirmative action. It was a necessary step to equality

Yes, he did. but AA is reverse discrimination being used to compensate for past discrimination. It was the wrong fix for a real problem.
Affirmative Action was a response to...... You can call those negroes equal but I'll be damned if I will hire one

It is something that uses a factor to make a determination in favor of blacks that if used to deny would be wrong. You say it is wrong to deny hiring someone based on skin color, and I agree, but you don't have a problem using skin color to favor.

Wonder if you would say the same thing if a black owned business chose to hire only blacks.

Affirmative action worked and changed the way we looked at our workforce. No longer were blacks relegated to menial labor and women given "women's jobs"

BS. AA was and is reverse discrimination. All discrimination is wrong, no matter who the victim.
Dr King fully supported affirmative action. It was a necessary step to equality

Yes, he did. but AA is reverse discrimination being used to compensate for past discrimination. It was the wrong fix for a real problem.
Affirmative Action was a response to...... You can call those negroes equal but I'll be damned if I will hire one

It is something that uses a factor to make a determination in favor of blacks that if used to deny would be wrong. You say it is wrong to deny hiring someone based on skin color, and I agree, but you don't have a problem using skin color to favor.

Wonder if you would say the same thing if a black owned business chose to hire only blacks.

Affirmative action worked and changed the way we looked at our workforce. No longer were blacks relegated to menial labor and women given "women's jobs"

BS. AA was and is reverse discrimination. All discrimination is wrong, no matter who the victim.

The idiots that support AA defend a program that uses a factor, that if used to deny, would be wrong. They claim using race in hiring, admission, etc. is wrong when used to deny then go about trying to justify how using it to benefit suddenly becomes a good thing.
...It affected he whole population...

He impacted 10% of the population rather dramatically.

He impacted the other 90% of the population a wee little bit.

But he was the original Magic Negro, and the Feds decided to toss Blacks a bone, and give 'em a holiday to manufacture some legends and traditions around.

Rather like that artificially inseminated Yuletide-Envy joke called Kwanzaa.

More invention than substance.

...The entire country was disgraced by our treatment of those we considered to be less than us.
Not disgraced.


And a wee bit embarrassed, when the issue actually bubbled to the surface long enough for the rest of us to take a look at it.

Constant yammering, media exposure, and the sort of passive resistance and civil disobedience, made popular by Ghandi, produced some useful results.

But it was hardly the stuff of "saving the country".

Like I said... get a grip... spare us the spin-doctoring which tries to make it into more than it actually was, with the passage of time - while it's still within Living Memory.
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...much of what he (MLK) so bravely advocated has been ignored or distorted by those who claim him,

Martin Luther King Jr. - A Historical Examination: The REAL truth about Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. Was An Evil Communist - Walid Shoebat

any questions??
...It affected he whole population...

He impacted 10% of the population rather dramatically.

He impacted the other 90% of the population a wee little bit.

But he was the original Magic Negro, and the Feds decided to toss Blacks a bone, and give 'em a holiday to manufacture some legends and traditions around.

Rather like that artificially inseminated Yuletide-Envy joke called Kwanzaa.

More invention than substance.

...The entire country was disgraced by our treatment of those we considered to be less than us.
Not disgraced.


And a wee bit embarrassed, when the issue actually bubbled to the surface long enough for the rest of us to take a look at it.

Constant yammering, media exposure, and the sort of passive resistance and civil disobedience, made popular by Ghandi, produced some useful results.

But it was hardly the stuff of "saving the country".

Like I said... get a grip... spare us the spin-doctoring which tries to make it into more than it actually was, with the passage of time - while it's still within Living Memory.

Jeez, people like you still exist then?
No...not from a black perspective

He saved us all from an evil that was destroying a great nation
Cue the violins...
I guess some of you do miss your Jim Crow

Not really... that shit was wrong... but it only affected a maximum of 10% of the population... not even that, really... and it really didn't do all that much good in the long run.

Your boy helped raise consciousness and made wise use of the bully-pulpit and got some halfway decent results, but he hardly "saved" the country.

Get a grip.

It affected he whole population

The entire country was disgraced by our treatment of those we considered to be less than us.

kinda like the way muslims treat Christians and Jews, right?
Which has what to do with Dr King?
Dr King fully supported affirmative action. It was a necessary step to equality

Yes, he did. but AA is reverse discrimination being used to compensate for past discrimination. It was the wrong fix for a real problem.
Affirmative Action was a response to...... You can call those negroes equal but I'll be damned if I will hire one

It is something that uses a factor to make a determination in favor of blacks that if used to deny would be wrong. You say it is wrong to deny hiring someone based on skin color, and I agree, but you don't have a problem using skin color to favor.

Wonder if you would say the same thing if a black owned business chose to hire only blacks.

Affirmative action worked and changed the way we looked at our workforce. No longer were blacks relegated to menial labor and women given "women's jobs"

BS. AA was and is reverse discrimination. All discrimination is wrong, no matter who the victim.
AA gave people opportunities they wouldn't have received without it
...It affected he whole population...

He impacted 10% of the population rather dramatically.

He impacted the other 90% of the population a wee little bit.

But he was the original Magic Negro, and the Feds decided to toss Blacks a bone, and give 'em a holiday to manufacture some legends and traditions around.

Rather like that artificially inseminated Yuletide-Envy joke called Kwanzaa.

More invention than substance.

...The entire country was disgraced by our treatment of those we considered to be less than us.
Not disgraced.


And a wee bit embarrassed, when the issue actually bubbled to the surface long enough for the rest of us to take a look at it.

Constant yammering, media exposure, and the sort of passive resistance and civil disobedience, made popular by Ghandi, produced some useful results.

But it was hardly the stuff of "saving the country".

Like I said... get a grip... spare us the spin-doctoring which tries to make it into more than it actually was, with the passage of time - while it's still within Living Memory.
Dr King was no bone. He was an American patriot as important as our founding fathers

The conditions our government imposed on blacks was worse than what the British did to he colonials
...It affected he whole population...

He impacted 10% of the population rather dramatically.

He impacted the other 90% of the population a wee little bit.

But he was the original Magic Negro, and the Feds decided to toss Blacks a bone, and give 'em a holiday to manufacture some legends and traditions around.

Rather like that artificially inseminated Yuletide-Envy joke called Kwanzaa.

More invention than substance.

...The entire country was disgraced by our treatment of those we considered to be less than us.
Not disgraced.


And a wee bit embarrassed, when the issue actually bubbled to the surface long enough for the rest of us to take a look at it.

Constant yammering, media exposure, and the sort of passive resistance and civil disobedience, made popular by Ghandi, produced some useful results.

But it was hardly the stuff of "saving the country".

Like I said... get a grip... spare us the spin-doctoring which tries to make it into more than it actually was, with the passage of time - while it's still within Living Memory.

Jeez, people like you still exist then?
Awwwwww... wassa madda... you encountering people who don't see King as the second coming of the Messiah? Oh, dear-me, what a pity...
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are
Sadly, MLK would turn over in his grave if he saw what became of the black community over the past 47 years.
...Dr King was no bone. He was an American patriot as important as our founding fathers...

...The conditions our government imposed on blacks was worse than what the British did to he colonials
King did not change that... he was merely one of many pioneers who collaborated to steer the Nation towards the Civil Rights Act and other remedies.

King did not "save" the country.

Most of the country couldn't have cared less what he said or did... it really didn't affect them all that much... and still doesn't.

Other than being an excuse for a mid-winter holiday, for the kiddies, bankers, gubmint folk, and creating day-care headaches for working moms.
...Dr King was no bone. He was an American patriot as important as our founding fathers...

...The conditions our government imposed on blacks was worse than what the British did to he colonials
King did not change that... he was merely one of many pioneers who collaborated to steer the Nation towards the Civil Rights Act and other remedies.

King did not "save" the country.

Most of the country couldn't have cared less what he said or did... it really didn't affect them all that much... and still doesn't.

Other than being an excuse for a mid-winter holiday, for the kiddies, bankers, gubmint folk, and creating day-care headaches for working moms.
Dr King kept it a nonviolent revolution

By doing so, he saved the country
' ...Dr King kept it a nonviolent revolution By doing so, he saved the country
Pure speculation, and hogwash, to boot.

Ten percent of the population cannot succeed in revolting against ninety percent of the population.

Any such violent revolution would have been doomed from the start, and would not have seriously threatened the country.

Any time that inner-city Blacks engage in serious rioting, the National Guard throws a ring of steel around the city, until the natives calm down.

Your responses here are growing increasingly desperate and humorous, in your silly attempts to portray King as the Savior of the Nation.

The guy put a dent in racial discrimination in this country, helping to get things started, but that's really about it.

Hardly the stuff of a Nation Saver.

Except in the minds of a particular demographic with a vested interest in spin-doctoring King into something far more than he actually was.

The Appeals Board for Phony-Baloney Canonizations is just down the hall, second door on the Left.
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To be fair to our founders, just the leap of common men being the equals of royalty was quite an achievement. To claim blacks, women and Indians were also equal was too big a leap to expect

not really, but neither of us were there so we really don't know what the founders thought do we?
Yes what they thought has been well documented

We also know how they felt about blacks, Indians and women

those views were shared by the entire world in the 1700s. The founders were unique in that they signed a document saying that all men were created equal.

MLK did some good things for the country, but he did not save it. Mostly he expedited what was happening naturally. I lived in the south in those years, I saw it happening in people's hearts and minds naturally. King just helped it happen faster and for that he gets a lot of credit.
All white men.

yeah, and the founders of Kenya were all black men, whats your point?
They meant all WHITE MEN were created equal. Lincoln was not even convinced that Blacks and Whites were equal.
' ...Dr King kept it a nonviolent revolution By doing so, he saved the country
Pure speculation, and hogwash, to boot.

Ten percent of the population cannot succeed in revolting against ninety percent of the population.

Any such violent revolution would have been doomed from the start, and would not have seriously threatened the country.

Any time that inner-city Blacks engage in serious rioting, the National Guard throws a ring of steel around the city, until the natives calm down.

Your responses here are growing increasingly desperate and humorous, in your silly attempts to portray King as the Savior of the Nation.

The guy put a dent in racial discrimination in this country, helping to get things started, but that's really about it.

Hardly the stuff of a Nation Saver.

Except in the minds of a particular demographic with a vested interest in spin-doctoring King into something far more than he actually was.

The Appeals Board for Phony-Baloney Canonizations is just down the hall, second door on the Left.
What Rightwinger said obviously went right over your head.

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