Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Happy Birthday Dr King

A Nation turns its lonely eyes to you
A bit of an overstatement. He did focus the white mans eyes on the disservice whitey was paying the black man by ignoring his plight, ignoring their unthinking prejudices, and wakening them to the need to acknowledge their need to step up and react to their ignore-ance of the problem...

Blacks had been raising the issue for generations. Each was told....be patient, your time will come

Dr King told them he was tired of being patient
"i have decided to stick with love. hate is too great a burden to bear" - Dr King

Today marks what would have been Martin Luther King Jr.’s 90th birthday. May we honor his life and the sacrifices he made by choosing love in our own lives-- today and always.
Happy Birthday Dr King

A Nation turns its lonely eyes to you
And all his work was nullified by Obama
Dr King would have been thrilled with the election of Obama

It was the fulfillment of his.......I have a dream

Many of US were thrilled with Obama’s Historic Election and shared that fulfillment of Dr. King’s. As a fellow Republican, Dr. King would have been equally disappointed how quick Democrats were to pull the race card on ANY critique or opposing of Obama’s policies.

That didn't stop republicans from trying to destroy Obama since the day of his inauguration in 2009. Too bad Obama didn't go after these guys like pete sessions, paul ryan, and whole slew of other republicans and private citizens like newt gingrich, who vowed to obstruct him no matter what he did or what legislation he put forth. No, it seems like when it comes to getting in the gutter or even the sewer, republicans are the champs.

The Victory of ‘No’
Democrats condemn GOP's plot to obstruct Obama as 'appalling and sad'
Like the Dems say now about Trump
I said about Obama....He was never my president
Celebrate King's memory by living as he did. Get drunk and fuck a blonde whore.
and lets not forget to add a little plagiarism if we want it factual
Such is the reprehensible, cowardly right.

Conservatives are so frightened and intimidated by an admired, successful black civil rights leader that they must attempt to vilify him.
And all his work was nullified by Obama
Dr King would have been thrilled with the election of Obama

It was the fulfillment of his.......I have a dream

Actually, as he won against Hillary in the primaries because of his black skin and not the content of his character,

it is actually a complete and total repudiation of his dream.

The Great Obama beat HIllary in the primaries because he was right about invading Iraq being a disaster and Hillary was wrong

MLK opposed Vietnam

Who figured?

That was the one significant policy difference, but it was not enough to explain the stampede from Hillary to Obama.

It was because of excitement over his being the "First black President".

And as such, it was the complete and total repudiation of King's dream.
Obama had many things to his advantage over both Hillary and McCain

He was young, he was dynamic and he was black
He was a black candidate who could fulfill the dream of Dr King. Not too ethnic, highly educated, non threatening, good family man....likable

Nobody could beat him

You guys don't get to shout from the roof tops how cool it is, what a milestone it is, to have the "First Black President"

and now to also down play it, as not that much.
Happy Birthday Dr King

A Nation turns its lonely eyes to you
A bit of an overstatement. He did focus the white mans eyes on the disservice whitey was paying the black man by ignoring his plight, ignoring their unthinking prejudices, and wakening them to the need to acknowledge their need to step up and react to their ignore-ance of the problem...

Blacks had been raising the issue for generations. Each was told....be patient, your time will come

Dr King told them he was tired of being patient
I think blacks were raising the issue with politicians...a waste of time. They should have been raising the issue with their white neighbors...but they had no white neighbors. I've been too busy to hunt down black people to talk to...I've lived my life with no exposure to black people...although I never avoided them. I now live between two black families and find them to be the best neighbors I've ever had.

How about you?
Dr King would have been thrilled with the election of Obama

It was the fulfillment of his.......I have a dream

Actually, as he won against Hillary in the primaries because of his black skin and not the content of his character,

it is actually a complete and total repudiation of his dream.

The Great Obama beat HIllary in the primaries because he was right about invading Iraq being a disaster and Hillary was wrong

MLK opposed Vietnam

Who figured?

That was the one significant policy difference, but it was not enough to explain the stampede from Hillary to Obama.

It was because of excitement over his being the "First black President".

And as such, it was the complete and total repudiation of King's dream.
Obama had many things to his advantage over both Hillary and McCain

He was young, he was dynamic and he was black
He was a black candidate who could fulfill the dream of Dr King. Not too ethnic, highly educated, non threatening, good family man....likable

Nobody could beat him

You guys don't get to shout from the roof tops how cool it is, what a milestone it is, to have the "First Black President"

and now to also down play it, as not that much.

Democrats are rightfully proud to elect the first black president

Republicans will be shamed by history for their treatment of Obama
Actually, as he won against Hillary in the primaries because of his black skin and not the content of his character,

it is actually a complete and total repudiation of his dream.

The Great Obama beat HIllary in the primaries because he was right about invading Iraq being a disaster and Hillary was wrong

MLK opposed Vietnam

Who figured?

That was the one significant policy difference, but it was not enough to explain the stampede from Hillary to Obama.

It was because of excitement over his being the "First black President".

And as such, it was the complete and total repudiation of King's dream.
Obama had many things to his advantage over both Hillary and McCain

He was young, he was dynamic and he was black
He was a black candidate who could fulfill the dream of Dr King. Not too ethnic, highly educated, non threatening, good family man....likable

Nobody could beat him

You guys don't get to shout from the roof tops how cool it is, what a milestone it is, to have the "First Black President"

and now to also down play it, as not that much.

Democrats are rightfully proud to elect the first black president

Republicans will be shamed by history for their treatment of Obama

Your desire to have Obama treated differently than all the other dem Presidents we have opposed,

made what should have been a positive milestone for the country, into a step BACKWARDS.

The Great Obama beat HIllary in the primaries because he was right about invading Iraq being a disaster and Hillary was wrong

MLK opposed Vietnam

Who figured?

That was the one significant policy difference, but it was not enough to explain the stampede from Hillary to Obama.

It was because of excitement over his being the "First black President".

And as such, it was the complete and total repudiation of King's dream.
Obama had many things to his advantage over both Hillary and McCain

He was young, he was dynamic and he was black
He was a black candidate who could fulfill the dream of Dr King. Not too ethnic, highly educated, non threatening, good family man....likable

Nobody could beat him

You guys don't get to shout from the roof tops how cool it is, what a milestone it is, to have the "First Black President"

and now to also down play it, as not that much.

Democrats are rightfully proud to elect the first black president

Republicans will be shamed by history for their treatment of Obama

Your desire to have Obama treated differently than all the other dem Presidents we have opposed,

made what should have been a positive milestone for the country, into a step BACKWARDS.

No other previous president had no support from the opposition party. Republicans did not provide a single vote in support of Obama.
No other President was refused the right to fill a Supreme Court vacancy
That was the one significant policy difference, but it was not enough to explain the stampede from Hillary to Obama.

It was because of excitement over his being the "First black President".

And as such, it was the complete and total repudiation of King's dream.
Obama had many things to his advantage over both Hillary and McCain

He was young, he was dynamic and he was black
He was a black candidate who could fulfill the dream of Dr King. Not too ethnic, highly educated, non threatening, good family man....likable

Nobody could beat him

You guys don't get to shout from the roof tops how cool it is, what a milestone it is, to have the "First Black President"

and now to also down play it, as not that much.

Democrats are rightfully proud to elect the first black president

Republicans will be shamed by history for their treatment of Obama

Your desire to have Obama treated differently than all the other dem Presidents we have opposed,

made what should have been a positive milestone for the country, into a step BACKWARDS.

No other previous president had no support from the opposition party. Republicans did not provide a single vote in support of Obama.
No other President was refused the right to fill a Supreme Court vacancy

I reject you pretense that you are so stupid that you have not noticed that we are is a period of increasingly bitter partisan divide.

YOu may be stupid, but you are not that stupid. Stop pretending to be even stupider than you actually are.

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