Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Which one? The first one, the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was signed by Dwight Eisenhower (Republican) after it was proposed by Herbert Brownnell (Republican). The Act marked the first occasion since Reconstruction that the federal government undertook significant legislative action to protect civil rights.

The second one, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was written by Senators Hubert Humphrey (D-MN) and Everett Dirksen (R-IL), and Representatives Emanuel Celler (D-NY), and William McCulloch (R-OH) and signed by Lyndon Johnson (Democrat). It would not have passed without 80% support of the Republicans in Congress.

Your attempt to re-write history to favor the Democrats fails.

Would not have passed without Democrats

Both Republicans and Democrats in the south voted against it
Teddy Roosevelt on Conservatives vs. Liberals
However, without the strong support and politicking of LBJ, it would have died in committee.

The 1964 presidential nominee for Republicans voted against it

The Democrats controlled the House and Senate. You can try to lie and vilify Republicans, but the fact is that the largest block of "no" votes were Southern Democrats and you KNOW that. In the House, the measure passed with 78 percent of Democrats backing it and 82 percent of Republicans backing it. In the Senate, 73 percent of Democrats and 94 percent of Republicans supported the bill.

If you have to lie to make your point, you don't really have a point.

Anyone with any sense looking at that vote would see a definitive North-South vote

Only those looking for partisan propaganda would claim it was a Democratic-Republican issue

But, your original statement was a condemnation of Republicans and claimed sole credit for Democrats. Now, you are "evolving" because you have been shown to be...inaccurate.
Link where I claimed sole credit

post 1283
Really? They emancipated them and They are the only reason the civil rights law was passed. Perhaps you should actually read history instead of making shit up.

Again you are over 50 years ago

Civil Rights was a product of northern Democrats and a Democratic president

Which one? The first one, the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was signed by Dwight Eisenhower (Republican) after it was proposed by Herbert Brownnell (Republican). The Act marked the first occasion since Reconstruction that the federal government undertook significant legislative action to protect civil rights.

The second one, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was written by Senators Hubert Humphrey (D-MN) and Everett Dirksen (R-IL), and Representatives Emanuel Celler (D-NY), and William McCulloch (R-OH) and signed by Lyndon Johnson (Democrat). It would not have passed without 80% support of the Republicans in Congress.

Your attempt to re-write history to favor the Democrats fails.

Would not have passed without Democrats

Both Republicans and Democrats in the south voted against it
Teddy Roosevelt on Conservatives vs. Liberals
However, without the strong support and politicking of LBJ, it would have died in committee.

The 1964 presidential nominee for Republicans voted against it

The Democrats controlled the House and Senate. You can try to lie and vilify Republicans, but the fact is that the largest block of "no" votes were Southern Democrats and you KNOW that. In the House, the measure passed with 78 percent of Democrats backing it and 82 percent of Republicans backing it. In the Senate, 73 percent of Democrats and 94 percent of Republicans supported the bill.

If you have to lie to make your point, you don't really have a point.

Anyone with any sense looking at that vote would see a definitive North-South vote

Only those looking for partisan propaganda would claim it was a Democratic-Republican issue
353 to 9, is clearly a north/south split. 98% of the aye votes came from the north.
Again you are over 50 years ago

Civil Rights was a product of northern Democrats and a Democratic president

Which one? The first one, the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was signed by Dwight Eisenhower (Republican) after it was proposed by Herbert Brownnell (Republican). The Act marked the first occasion since Reconstruction that the federal government undertook significant legislative action to protect civil rights.

The second one, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was written by Senators Hubert Humphrey (D-MN) and Everett Dirksen (R-IL), and Representatives Emanuel Celler (D-NY), and William McCulloch (R-OH) and signed by Lyndon Johnson (Democrat). It would not have passed without 80% support of the Republicans in Congress.

Your attempt to re-write history to favor the Democrats fails.

Would not have passed without Democrats

Both Republicans and Democrats in the south voted against it
Teddy Roosevelt on Conservatives vs. Liberals
However, without the strong support and politicking of LBJ, it would have died in committee.

The 1964 presidential nominee for Republicans voted against it

The Democrats controlled the House and Senate. You can try to lie and vilify Republicans, but the fact is that the largest block of "no" votes were Southern Democrats and you KNOW that. In the House, the measure passed with 78 percent of Democrats backing it and 82 percent of Republicans backing it. In the Senate, 73 percent of Democrats and 94 percent of Republicans supported the bill.

If you have to lie to make your point, you don't really have a point.

Anyone with any sense looking at that vote would see a definitive North-South vote

Only those looking for partisan propaganda would claim it was a Democratic-Republican issue
353 to 9, is clearly a north/south split. 98% of the aye votes came from the north.
How sad you need to spin to hide the democrat dirt

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
Which one? The first one, the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was signed by Dwight Eisenhower (Republican) after it was proposed by Herbert Brownnell (Republican). The Act marked the first occasion since Reconstruction that the federal government undertook significant legislative action to protect civil rights.

The second one, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was written by Senators Hubert Humphrey (D-MN) and Everett Dirksen (R-IL), and Representatives Emanuel Celler (D-NY), and William McCulloch (R-OH) and signed by Lyndon Johnson (Democrat). It would not have passed without 80% support of the Republicans in Congress.

Your attempt to re-write history to favor the Democrats fails.

Would not have passed without Democrats

Both Republicans and Democrats in the south voted against it
Teddy Roosevelt on Conservatives vs. Liberals
However, without the strong support and politicking of LBJ, it would have died in committee.

The 1964 presidential nominee for Republicans voted against it

The Democrats controlled the House and Senate. You can try to lie and vilify Republicans, but the fact is that the largest block of "no" votes were Southern Democrats and you KNOW that. In the House, the measure passed with 78 percent of Democrats backing it and 82 percent of Republicans backing it. In the Senate, 73 percent of Democrats and 94 percent of Republicans supported the bill.

If you have to lie to make your point, you don't really have a point.

Anyone with any sense looking at that vote would see a definitive North-South vote

Only those looking for partisan propaganda would claim it was a Democratic-Republican issue
353 to 9, is clearly a north/south split. 98% of the aye votes came from the north.
How sad you need to spin to hide the democrat dirt

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
Not as sad as your dementia to think my figures are inaccurate. :cuckoo:
Would not have passed without Democrats

Both Republicans and Democrats in the south voted against it
Teddy Roosevelt on Conservatives vs. Liberals
However, without the strong support and politicking of LBJ, it would have died in committee.

The 1964 presidential nominee for Republicans voted against it

The Democrats controlled the House and Senate. You can try to lie and vilify Republicans, but the fact is that the largest block of "no" votes were Southern Democrats and you KNOW that. In the House, the measure passed with 78 percent of Democrats backing it and 82 percent of Republicans backing it. In the Senate, 73 percent of Democrats and 94 percent of Republicans supported the bill.

If you have to lie to make your point, you don't really have a point.

Anyone with any sense looking at that vote would see a definitive North-South vote

Only those looking for partisan propaganda would claim it was a Democratic-Republican issue
353 to 9, is clearly a north/south split. 98% of the aye votes came from the north.
How sad you need to spin to hide the democrat dirt

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
Not as sad as your dementia to think my figures are inaccurate. :cuckoo:
I know your whole racist ideology wrong. I also know just saying southern doesnt change the fact they were Democrat

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
The Democrats controlled the House and Senate. You can try to lie and vilify Republicans, but the fact is that the largest block of "no" votes were Southern Democrats and you KNOW that. In the House, the measure passed with 78 percent of Democrats backing it and 82 percent of Republicans backing it. In the Senate, 73 percent of Democrats and 94 percent of Republicans supported the bill.

If you have to lie to make your point, you don't really have a point.

Anyone with any sense looking at that vote would see a definitive North-South vote

Only those looking for partisan propaganda would claim it was a Democratic-Republican issue
353 to 9, is clearly a north/south split. 98% of the aye votes came from the north.
How sad you need to spin to hide the democrat dirt

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
Not as sad as your dementia to think my figures are inaccurate. :cuckoo:
I know your whole racist ideology wrong. I also know just saying southern doesnt change the fact they were Democrat

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
Moron, more Democrats voted for it than against it. More Democrats voted for it than Republicans. The split was north/south, not Democrat/Republican; I don't care how crazy you are. :cuckoo:
Anyone with any sense looking at that vote would see a definitive North-South vote

Only those looking for partisan propaganda would claim it was a Democratic-Republican issue
353 to 9, is clearly a north/south split. 98% of the aye votes came from the north.
How sad you need to spin to hide the democrat dirt

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
Not as sad as your dementia to think my figures are inaccurate. :cuckoo:
I know your whole racist ideology wrong. I also know just saying southern doesnt change the fact they were Democrat

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
Moron, more Democrats voted for it than against it. More Democrats voted for it than Republicans. The split was north/south, not Democrat/Republican; I don't care how crazy you are. :cuckoo:
But it was democrats in the South and north voting no... Like al gore senior and John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
353 to 9, is clearly a north/south split. 98% of the aye votes came from the north.
How sad you need to spin to hide the democrat dirt

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
Not as sad as your dementia to think my figures are inaccurate. :cuckoo:
I know your whole racist ideology wrong. I also know just saying southern doesnt change the fact they were Democrat

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
Moron, more Democrats voted for it than against it. More Democrats voted for it than Republicans. The split was north/south, not Democrat/Republican; I don't care how crazy you are. :cuckoo:
But it was democrats in the South and north voting no... Like al gore senior and John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
So? Even more Democrats in the north voted yes. More Democrats in the north voted yes than did Republicans.

No matter how you shake it, it was a north/south thing .... 353 in the north agreeing to it; compared to only 9 in the south.
"Do not let your inability to do everything undermine your determination to do something. We are living testimonies to the millions who, amidst tremendous trials and overwhelming odds, still chose to do something: something to protest, something to resist, something to help." - Unhinged leftist Martin Luther King
"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right."

- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Happy Birthday Dr King

A Nation turns its lonely eyes to you
And all his work was nullified by Obama
Dr King would have been thrilled with the election of Obama

It was the fulfillment of his.......I have a dream

Actually, as he won against Hillary in the primaries because of his black skin and not the content of his character,

it is actually a complete and total repudiation of his dream.
Happy Birthday Dr King

A Nation turns its lonely eyes to you
And all his work was nullified by Obama
Dr King would have been thrilled with the election of Obama

It was the fulfillment of his.......I have a dream

Many of US were thrilled with Obama’s Historic Election and shared that fulfillment of Dr. King’s. As a fellow Republican, Dr. King would have been equally disappointed how quick Democrats were to pull the race card on ANY critique or opposing of Obama’s policies.

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