Dr. Rand Paul vs lawyer Xavier Becerra, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, who does not have a degree in medicine or science

You haven't shown where Rand Paul got any of his information from.

Sen. Rand Paul ... he said natural immunity to COVID-19 was “99.9982% percent effective.”
The irony of the righties pointing out his science background is that they are highlighting the fact that Rand Paul KNOWS he is being a dishonest little weasel, when he cherry picks and misrepresents studies. That is, if he understands science.

So either he is a lying little weasel, or he has not a goddamn clue how medical research works. Pick your poison, goobers!
The irony of the righties pointing out his science background is that they are highlighting the fact that Rand Paul KNOWS he is being a dishonest little weasel, when he cherry picks and misrepresents studies. That is, if he understands science.

So either he is a lying little weasel, or he has not a goddamn clue how medical research works. Pick your poison, goobers!
He’s been proven right. Every. Fucking. Time.
The irony of the righties pointing out his science background is that they are highlighting the fact that Rand Paul KNOWS he is being a dishonest little weasel, when he cherry picks and misrepresents studies. That is, if he understands science.

So either he is a lying little weasel, or he has not a goddamn clue how medical research works. Pick your poison, goobers!
Paul knows what "facts" are true, which are false, but more importantly, he knows which ones can't be disproved. And he uses them in his claims.
The irony of the righties pointing out his science background is that they are highlighting the fact that Rand Paul KNOWS he is being a dishonest little weasel, when he cherry picks and misrepresents studies. That is, if he understands science.

So either he is a lying little weasel, or he has not a goddamn clue how medical research works. Pick your poison, goobers!
How did he misrepresent the study? Bring a link showing how he did.
Paul knows what "facts" are true, which are false, but more importantly, he knows which ones can't be disproved. And he uses them in his claims.
How dare Paul use facts that can't be disproved.

You should try that sometime, Moron. :cuckoo:
Rand Paul is a medical doctor.

Xavier Becerra is a lawyer who has no degree in medicine or science. Despite this, he is the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.

In this video, Dr. Paul explains why Becerra is a complete idiot when it comes to the subject of natural immunity for people who have been infected with COVID-19.

Dr. Paul also explains why Becerra is a totalitarian control freak who has no respect for individual freedom.

Video at

Sure I did. I linked the Israeli study he referenced in the OP, Dipshit.

I also linked the NIH document proving Fauci funded gain of function at Wuhan.

Please try to keep up.
The Israeli study was based on 25 hospitalizations.

the study said “COVID-19 related hospitalizations occurred in 4 and 21 of the
reinfection and breakthrough infection groups, respectively.”
Well, this IS the same guy that thinks the globally renowned hero Fauci isn't qualified for his job. Good luck sifting through that pile of crap.
They have to demonize Fauci because he stood up to Trumps lies. Either Trump lied about COVID or Fauci did. And 700,000 dead certainly shows that Fauci got the facts right on how dangerous COVID was / is.
They have to demonize Fauci because he stood up to Trumps lies. Either Trump lied about COVID or Fauci did. And 700,000 dead certainly shows that Fauci got the facts right on how dangerous COVID was / is.
Of course, one would have to accept baseline facts. When they arent talking about China releasing it as an act of war, they are insisting it is just a flu and those numbers are faked.
virus › uda

The 1918 Influenza Pandemic - virus

It infected 28% of all Americans. An estimated 675,000 Americans died of influenza during the pandemic,

Compared to COVID, which Trump said was no worse than the seasonal flu, has exceeded 700,000

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