Dr. Rand Paul vs lawyer Xavier Becerra, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, who does not have a degree in medicine or science

Of course, one would have to accept baseline facts. When they arent talking about China releasing it as an act of war, they are insisting it is just a flu and those numbers are faked.
I looked up the CDC numbers for how many died annually, and by what cause, since they claim the COVID deaths are actually from other reasons, and just shifted into the COVID column.

Amazingly the top two causes of death in America, heart disease and cancer, remained virtually unchanged between 2019 and 2020. The change in the total number of mortalities (simple body count) went up by approximately the same, as the number of reported COVID fatalities.

Historians a hundred years from now, need only to read the dates on headstones, to figure out something devastating happened in 2020 and 2021.
The Israeli study was based on 25 hospitalizations.

the study said “COVID-19 related hospitalizations occurred in 4 and 21 of the
reinfection and breakthrough infection groups, respectively.”
No, it studied thousands of those with natural immunity.
You say it's bad to put a lawyer in charge of ONE government agency, while over half the time, America put a lawyer in charge of the entire government.
Hey Gene, we are $30 Trillion in debt.

My choice would be to ban lawyers from all government, especially positions making health decisions.
Really, Paul said that natural immunity was over 99.99% effective.
It is. You have a better immune system after getting COVID than the vaccine can provide. Nobody is saying not to get the vaccine. But if you’ve had it there’s no reason to mandate you get the shot. If you’ve had COVID naturally the vaccine is of no use to you. Your immune system is better than the shot so why do it?
*actually based on the recommendations of experts


Haha, so Rand Paul has magical, prescient powers to predict what the evidence will show, before it comes in?

listen to yourself. I don't think you realize how badly you just told on yourself.
He uses current science for his stances. I would think someone like you that claims to love the shit out of science and has science fuck you in the ass before you can sleep at night, sciencing the fuck out of everything. Maybe you should listen to him and not a fucking lawyer who’s entire job has nothing to do with science or medicine. His job is to make you do what the politician he works for wants you to.

You claim Paul is unqualified while following the orders of a lawyer. Like that’s a trustworthy profession.
If not for Fauci the original estimates of 2.5 million would have died.

Do the math.
Really? If not for him? WRF man. He lies and changes his positions daily. When are you idiots going to realize he just likes being on tv and when this shit is over so is his stardom. He didn’t save a single fucking life. He has made 300 million miserable.
Really? If not for him? WRF man. He lies and changes his positions daily. When are you idiots going to realize he just likes being on tv and when this shit is over so is his stardom. He didn’t save a single fucking life. He has made 300 million miserable.
Fauci was a global hero before you ever heard of him. Just because you would sell out for a jelly donut doesn't mean everyone would. And that's what your position is, really: Just you telling on yourself and your own, ethical character.
Um...dude...do you not realize that repeating a claim is not support for that claim? Bizzare.

I ask you again: how do you and the Lasik Cowboy know a previously infected person is 99.99% immune?
Scientific studies. They are out there if you can find one allowed to be online. You won’t find it on Facebook. It’s blocked. Which should make you question why. But it won’t.

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