Drain the Swamp - Liberal phrase stolen by Trump.



House GOP scraps plan to gut ethics watchdog after emergency meeting

House Republicans abruptly withdrew a proposal to weaken an independent ethics watchdog on Tuesday, in a rocky start to the new Congress.

The 115th session hadn't even formally gaveled in before House GOP leaders held an emergency conference meeting to discuss blowback against the party's vote to gut the chamber's independent ethics watchdog.

"We shot ourselves in the foot," Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) told reporters after the conference meeting.

The House established the OCE in 2008 under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in response to a string of ethics scandals ensnaring GOP lawmakers.

Democrats at the time pushed for its creation and other ethics reforms by pledging to "drain the swamp," the very same phrase recently adopted by Trump.


The very first day they are sworn and and they are at it again. When it comes to Republicans, you would think America would learn. Must be the anti education thing.
House GOP scraps plan to gut ethics watchdog after emergency meeting

House Republicans abruptly withdrew a proposal to weaken an independent ethics watchdog on Tuesday, in a rocky start to the new Congress.

The 115th session hadn't even formally gaveled in before House GOP leaders held an emergency conference meeting to discuss blowback against the party's vote to gut the chamber's independent ethics watchdog.

"We shot ourselves in the foot," Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) told reporters after the conference meeting.

The House established the OCE in 2008 under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in response to a string of ethics scandals ensnaring GOP lawmakers.

Democrats at the time pushed for its creation and other ethics reforms by pledging to "drain the swamp," the very same phrase recently adopted by Trump.


The very first day they are sworn and and they are at it again. When it comes to Republicans, you would think America would learn. Must be the anti education thing.

WTF does the thread title have to do with your post?
House GOP scraps plan to gut ethics watchdog after emergency meeting

House Republicans abruptly withdrew a proposal to weaken an independent ethics watchdog on Tuesday, in a rocky start to the new Congress.

The 115th session hadn't even formally gaveled in before House GOP leaders held an emergency conference meeting to discuss blowback against the party's vote to gut the chamber's independent ethics watchdog.

"We shot ourselves in the foot," Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) told reporters after the conference meeting.

The House established the OCE in 2008 under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in response to a string of ethics scandals ensnaring GOP lawmakers.

Democrats at the time pushed for its creation and other ethics reforms by pledging to "drain the swamp," the very same phrase recently adopted by Trump.


The very first day they are sworn and and they are at it again. When it comes to Republicans, you would think America would learn. Must be the anti education thing.
If they drain the swamp, where will celenterates like you live?
House GOP scraps plan to gut ethics watchdog after emergency meeting

House Republicans abruptly withdrew a proposal to weaken an independent ethics watchdog on Tuesday, in a rocky start to the new Congress.

The 115th session hadn't even formally gaveled in before House GOP leaders held an emergency conference meeting to discuss blowback against the party's vote to gut the chamber's independent ethics watchdog.

"We shot ourselves in the foot," Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) told reporters after the conference meeting.

The House established the OCE in 2008 under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in response to a string of ethics scandals ensnaring GOP lawmakers.

Democrats at the time pushed for its creation and other ethics reforms by pledging to "drain the swamp," the very same phrase recently adopted by Trump.


The very first day they are sworn and and they are at it again. When it comes to Republicans, you would think America would learn. Must be the anti education thing.
If they drain the swamp, where will celenterates like you live?
Did you mean "coelenterates"?
House GOP scraps plan to gut ethics watchdog after emergency meeting

House Republicans abruptly withdrew a proposal to weaken an independent ethics watchdog on Tuesday, in a rocky start to the new Congress.

The 115th session hadn't even formally gaveled in before House GOP leaders held an emergency conference meeting to discuss blowback against the party's vote to gut the chamber's independent ethics watchdog.

"We shot ourselves in the foot," Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) told reporters after the conference meeting.

The House established the OCE in 2008 under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in response to a string of ethics scandals ensnaring GOP lawmakers.

Democrats at the time pushed for its creation and other ethics reforms by pledging to "drain the swamp," the very same phrase recently adopted by Trump.


The very first day they are sworn and and they are at it again. When it comes to Republicans, you would think America would learn. Must be the anti education thing.

WTF does the thread title have to do with your post?
What did Trump mean when he stole the phrase "drain the swamp"?
I'm guessing ethics and wrongdoing. What do you think?
House GOP scraps plan to gut ethics watchdog after emergency meeting

House Republicans abruptly withdrew a proposal to weaken an independent ethics watchdog on Tuesday, in a rocky start to the new Congress.

The 115th session hadn't even formally gaveled in before House GOP leaders held an emergency conference meeting to discuss blowback against the party's vote to gut the chamber's independent ethics watchdog.

"We shot ourselves in the foot," Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) told reporters after the conference meeting.

The House established the OCE in 2008 under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in response to a string of ethics scandals ensnaring GOP lawmakers.

Democrats at the time pushed for its creation and other ethics reforms by pledging to "drain the swamp," the very same phrase recently adopted by Trump.


The very first day they are sworn and and they are at it again. When it comes to Republicans, you would think America would learn. Must be the anti education thing.
If they drain the swamp, where will celenterates like you live?
Did you mean "coelenterates"?

spelling counts?
House GOP scraps plan to gut ethics watchdog after emergency meeting

House Republicans abruptly withdrew a proposal to weaken an independent ethics watchdog on Tuesday, in a rocky start to the new Congress.

The 115th session hadn't even formally gaveled in before House GOP leaders held an emergency conference meeting to discuss blowback against the party's vote to gut the chamber's independent ethics watchdog.

"We shot ourselves in the foot," Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) told reporters after the conference meeting.

The House established the OCE in 2008 under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in response to a string of ethics scandals ensnaring GOP lawmakers.

Democrats at the time pushed for its creation and other ethics reforms by pledging to "drain the swamp," the very same phrase recently adopted by Trump.


The very first day they are sworn and and they are at it again. When it comes to Republicans, you would think America would learn. Must be the anti education thing.

WTF does the thread title have to do with your post?
What did Trump mean when he stole the phrase "drain the swamp"?
I'm guessing ethics and wrongdoing. What do you think?
Get rid of people like you....
House GOP scraps plan to gut ethics watchdog after emergency meeting

House Republicans abruptly withdrew a proposal to weaken an independent ethics watchdog on Tuesday, in a rocky start to the new Congress.

The 115th session hadn't even formally gaveled in before House GOP leaders held an emergency conference meeting to discuss blowback against the party's vote to gut the chamber's independent ethics watchdog.

"We shot ourselves in the foot," Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) told reporters after the conference meeting.

The House established the OCE in 2008 under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in response to a string of ethics scandals ensnaring GOP lawmakers.

Democrats at the time pushed for its creation and other ethics reforms by pledging to "drain the swamp," the very same phrase recently adopted by Trump.


The very first day they are sworn and and they are at it again. When it comes to Republicans, you would think America would learn. Must be the anti education thing.

WTF does the thread title have to do with your post?
What did Trump mean when he stole the phrase "drain the swamp"?
I'm guessing ethics and wrongdoing. What do you think?

brackish waters
House GOP scraps plan to gut ethics watchdog after emergency meeting

House Republicans abruptly withdrew a proposal to weaken an independent ethics watchdog on Tuesday, in a rocky start to the new Congress.

The 115th session hadn't even formally gaveled in before House GOP leaders held an emergency conference meeting to discuss blowback against the party's vote to gut the chamber's independent ethics watchdog.

"We shot ourselves in the foot," Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) told reporters after the conference meeting.

The House established the OCE in 2008 under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in response to a string of ethics scandals ensnaring GOP lawmakers.

Democrats at the time pushed for its creation and other ethics reforms by pledging to "drain the swamp," the very same phrase recently adopted by Trump.


The very first day they are sworn and and they are at it again. When it comes to Republicans, you would think America would learn. Must be the anti education thing.

WTF does the thread title have to do with your post?
What did Trump mean when he stole the phrase "drain the swamp"?
I'm guessing ethics and wrongdoing. What do you think?

I didnt see that anywhere in that article that described how Trump did the right thing and put Republicans in line.
It sounds like it was a bad move on the House's part as the first order of business. But it does sound like it needs an overhaul.

But more importantly, how can you steal something from thieves?
I don't care who first coined the phrase. I care that there is nothing about the notion of draining the swamp of insiders that corresponds to putting a swarm of the richest people (many you never heard of) in charge of the agencies and departments of the U.S. government, two of whom are former Goldman execs. Anyone who thinks that people with that kind of wealth and connections aren't insiders is deluding themselves.
House GOP scraps plan to gut ethics watchdog after emergency meeting

House Republicans abruptly withdrew a proposal to weaken an independent ethics watchdog on Tuesday, in a rocky start to the new Congress.

The 115th session hadn't even formally gaveled in before House GOP leaders held an emergency conference meeting to discuss blowback against the party's vote to gut the chamber's independent ethics watchdog.

"We shot ourselves in the foot," Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) told reporters after the conference meeting.

The House established the OCE in 2008 under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in response to a string of ethics scandals ensnaring GOP lawmakers.

Democrats at the time pushed for its creation and other ethics reforms by pledging to "drain the swamp," the very same phrase recently adopted by Trump.


The very first day they are sworn and and they are at it again. When it comes to Republicans, you would think America would learn. Must be the anti education thing.
If they drain the swamp, where will celenterates like you live?
Did you mean "coelenterates"?

spelling counts?
It does when you are trying to insult someone.
Rdean you tard several members of the Ethics Commission were imprisoned for corruption and bribery.
Come on, Trump pals around with convicted murderer Don King and racketeer Joey "no socks" Cinque. And he strongly admires thug/murderer Vladimir Putin. He stiffed his workers and ran an illegal foundation he used for paying bribes and lawsuits.
Oh, yea, have we got a new president or what? If we ever needed an Ethics Office, it's now.

Funny, it was started under Obama. And Republicans right here on the USMB called Obama corrupt.

Trump and the GOP are going to show the world the meaning of the word "corrupt". And they've started off with a bang.
Day late loser. BTW, the new "thing" with this ethics ordeal is the dems did it in 2010.
Start a thread on that
And Obama let a convicted felon help him buy his Chicago mansion...where was your "outrage" about that, R-Derp? You get your panties in a bunch because Trump KNOWS people who are convicted felons? Congrats...your title of "Biggest Hypocrite On The Board" is still intact!
It sounds like it was a bad move on the House's part as the first order of business. But it does sound like it needs an overhaul.

But more importantly, how can you steal something from thieves?

I don't care who first coined the phrase. I care that there is nothing about the notion of draining the swamp of insiders that corresponds to putting a swarm of the richest people (many you never heard of) in charge of the agencies and departments of the U.S. government, two of whom are former Goldman execs. Anyone who thinks that people with that kind of wealth and connections aren't insiders is deluding themselves.

Rdean you tard several members of the Ethics Commission were imprisoned for corruption and bribery.
Come on, Trump pals around with convicted murderer Don King and racketeer Joey "no socks" Cinque. And he strongly admires thug/murderer Vladimir Putin. He stiffed his workers and ran an illegal foundation he used for paying bribes and lawsuits.
Oh, yea, have we got a new president or what? If we ever needed an Ethics Office, it's now.

Funny, it was started under Obama. And Republicans right here on the USMB called Obama corrupt.

Trump and the GOP are going to show the world the meaning of the word "corrupt". And they've started off with a bang.

What Xelor said may be true, but here is a reality check on Trump------------>

Who thinks that a man almost 70 years old worth at the very least, 1.5 billion dollars..........is going to spend a ton of his own money to run for President, to get elected and spend 4 years to make himself more money? He is stepping down in residential digs, that is for sure............and then the greedy dude turns around and takes a 1 dollar salary. Yeah, sounds to me like someone who is all about doing it for money.

And let me see........what is on his agenda for the 1st 100 days? Oh yeah, it seems he is changing everything so Wall Street can make more cash. NOT! He is doing what he said he would do, what he ran on, what a novel concept! Hell, even a large % of the Democrats want him to renegotiate our trade deals for American workers.

Besides trying to repeal Ocare, I really do not see why there is so much leftist angst with Trump on policies. Opening up jobs is not a good thing? Redoing the tax code that favors the wealthy who can afford lobbyists is not a good thing? The stockmarket is sending you signals how good they think some of this stuff is for the economy, and you claim it is going to sink us? With the rise in the fed rate, it should have started going down, instead it is going up!

Seriously, I do not trust ANY politician to do the right thing because of greed. But, unless you people are going to demand that congress and the President change how they do things, you probably have one of the few guys in office that doesn't need money. If nothing else, that is certainly a start!
And Obama let a convicted felon help him buy his Chicago mansion...where was your "outrage" about that, R-Derp? You get your panties in a bunch because Trump KNOWS people who are convicted felons? Congrats...your title of "Biggest Hypocrite On The Board" is still intact!
I was waiting for that. I knew someone would bring up that old and untrue GOP conspiracy. I live in Chicago. That was investigated for two years with a microscope. It never happened.
And Obama let a convicted felon help him buy his Chicago mansion...where was your "outrage" about that, R-Derp? You get your panties in a bunch because Trump KNOWS people who are convicted felons? Congrats...your title of "Biggest Hypocrite On The Board" is still intact!
I was waiting for that. I knew someone would bring up that old and untrue GOP conspiracy. I live in Chicago. That was investigated for two years with a microscope. It never happened.

Tony Rezko never helped Obama buy his mansion? Then why did Obama admit he never should have let it happen? Your "microscope" is a joke, R-Derp!

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