Dreamers (DACA)

Importing democrat voters...

What, do we need more arguments than that? It can't possibly be bad for the country to have it filled with 3rd worlders who have managed to break everything that can be broken in their own countries.
so why aren't all these genius' we're allowing in, out to help their country they're coming from? What kind of stupid people represent our thoughts or ideas? Look, if these dreamers were so fking smart, they'd help their motherland. Also, i am quite tired of illegal aliens telling me what is what in my country. fk off and get the fk out of my country. Why isn't that our fking stance? where are true US citizens? Or reps that are supposed to, tongue in cheek, representing US voters?

They are way more educated than you mr foul mouth and contributing more to the economy than you sucking off it
Enjoying your socialist SS Medicare benefits?
then why aren't these educated kids helping their country get over poverty and third world shit? You seem to think I give a shit about them. I don't, get them the fk out of my country. they weren't invited.

There's still time to go to college, contribute more like the dreamers.
And get your mouth washed out.
Is this the limit of your intelligence?
Importing democrat voters...

What, do we need more arguments than that? It can't possibly be bad for the country to have it filled with 3rd worlders who have managed to break everything that can be broken in their own countries.
so why aren't all these genius' we're allowing in, out to help their country they're coming from? What kind of stupid people represent our thoughts or ideas? Look, if these dreamers were so fking smart, they'd help their motherland. Also, i am quite tired of illegal aliens telling me what is what in my country. fk off and get the fk out of my country. Why isn't that our fking stance? where are true US citizens? Or reps that are supposed to, tongue in cheek, representing US voters?

They are way more educated than you mr foul mouth and contributing more to the economy than you sucking off it
Enjoying your socialist SS Medicare benefits?
then why aren't these educated kids helping their country get over poverty and third world shit? You seem to think I give a shit about them. I don't, get them the fk out of my country. they weren't invited.

There's still time to go to college, contribute more like the dreamers.
And get your mouth washed out.
Is this the limit of your intelligence?
nah, I'm good with hating illegals who take jobs from US citizens. they can all get the fk out! ungrateful turds.

BTW, you should take advantage of that college thing and learn about the borders of our country and why they exist.
So folks, I'm totally confused by this process of dreamers. I listen to the left claim that these dreamers were brought here as children by their parents and therefore had no say in where they eventually grew up. Ok, I can concede that point. Then I hear that there is a program that allows for family members through chain migration to come in due to the dreamer rule. Then the demolosers says to bring their parents in. WTF? I thought the parents brought them in, ain't they here already? I call bullshit.

From the congressman: "I suppose someone who wants their mother or the father to come in" Can't make this shit up at all. wow. I'm Tucker Carlson, I asked the congressman, well wait, you just said the parents bring the children in and therefore, the children didn't have a choice. Now you're saying they didn't come here with their parents. Which is it. Libturds always talking out both sides of their shit smelling mouth.

Democrats need to stop defending illegals who can't even vote. Legal immigrants don't even give a fuck about these people.

Democrats Agree To Reopen Government Without Protections For Dreamers | HuffPost
Some more dreamers Dem's want to protect

Can we stop calling them "Dreamers" and start calling them a more appropriate nickname?

I propose "nightmares" because having to deal with their illegal asses has been such.

So folks, I'm totally confused by this process of dreamers. I listen to the left claim that these dreamers were brought here as children by their parents and therefore had no say in where they eventually grew up. Ok, I can concede that point. Then I hear that there is a program that allows for family members through chain migration to come in due to the dreamer rule. Then the demolosers says to bring their parents in. WTF? I thought the parents brought them in, ain't they here already? I call bullshit.

From the congressman: "I suppose someone who wants their mother or the father to come in" Can't make this shit up at all. wow. I'm Tucker Carlson, I asked the congressman, well wait, you just said the parents bring the children in and therefore, the children didn't have a choice. Now you're saying they didn't come here with their parents. Which is it. Libturds always talking out both sides of their shit smelling mouth.

Whether you came in with mom and Dad...or you came in in your mothers womb or your daddy's dick...you came in illegally. Maybe you get to stay...but you shouldn't get to vote for another twenty years...until you get the democrats dick out of your ass.
Those parents still have issues because they came in illegally. Just because they have dreamer kids doesn’t change that anymore then kids born in this country.
I don't think the Dreamers should be allowed to essentially back door their parents who came here illegally to have legal status. However, there's absolutely no difference between latinos and my irish/german forefathers/mothers, and Jews, Poles and whomever, who help LEGALLY get their relatives to come here and join in family businesses. Cubans too.
Importing democrat voters...

What, do we need more arguments than that? It can't possibly be bad for the country to have it filled with 3rd worlders who have managed to break everything that can be broken in their own countries.
so why aren't all these genius' we're allowing in, out to help their country they're coming from? What kind of stupid people represent our thoughts or ideas? Look, if these dreamers were so fking smart, they'd help their motherland. Also, i am quite tired of illegal aliens telling me what is what in my country. fk off and get the fk out of my country. Why isn't that our fking stance? where are true US citizens? Or reps that are supposed to, tongue in cheek, representing US voters?

They are way more educated than you mr foul mouth and contributing more to the economy than you sucking off it
Enjoying your socialist SS Medicare benefits?
then why aren't these educated kids helping their country get over poverty and third world shit? You seem to think I give a shit about them. I don't, get them the fk out of my country. they weren't invited.

There's still time to go to college, contribute more like the dreamers.
And get your mouth washed out.
Is this the limit of your intelligence?
let's see your numbers.got any? I doubt it. so you're just going blah, blah, blah. I see.
Democrats Against Children of Americans. DACA.

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