Dregs of Society = Trump Supporters? Or just a small portion?

There is no way that you will ever convince me that just because someone is a Republican or a Democrat that they fall into nice easy boxes.
there are big dumb baby machines, self serving fools, lazy bums, thieves, with a pen as well as a gun. many would not no the truth if it bit them in the ass. and a bunch of them both sides are not working for us, working for those that pay for all the negative adds so they can win with half truths & out right lie's. clean your own house before you talk about mine.
Unfortunately people who listen only to Fox news, Rush Limbaugh Etc live on An imaginary planet of hate and ignorance as far as politics goes..

Yeah, you betcha.....they are hatefilled but not you! No hate in your posts of reason!!:shok::abgg2q.jpg:
I only hate lies not you silly dupes. I love the people around here, 73% Trump. You r a brainwashed functional moron.

LOL! You and " truth" have yet to meet. You have never been able to refute my claims that you say ( sans proof) is wrong or that there is a critical error that puts my contentions into question. It may come to pass that Trump was just a deep state puppet all along.....but so far? I have zero complaints.

You believe in wealth confiscation for the collective "good" while I can never be compelled to participate....and your little commie utopia is dependent on producers that will not "spit the bit" and work so others can sit on their asses. It's not a system that i wish to participate in nor can I be bullied into compliance.

Hope this helps!!
Income tax should be Progressive... Only the new BS GOP in all the world believes in this giveaway to the rich, probably because the dupes are brainwashed, totally misinformed. You are a conspiracy nut job like all GOP voters Fox type. You just specialize in the fed... You are a perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich, ignoramus.
Based on Trump cultists subscribing to this thread, they’re clearly the dregs of society – the ignorant, the frightened, the hateful; those with an unwarranted fear of change and diversity, who incorrectly perceive change and diversity as some sort of ‘threat,’ with Trump their Nietzsche-esque ‘savior.’

Fear of change? Hmmm? That seems to equal embracing "diiiiiiiveeeersity" and peeeerveeeersity" all funded by picking the pockets of others in order to fund programs like GLSEN. I don't consent and nor will the fabian socialists ever be able to count on my participation. Why don't all you commie fucks simply relocate to Califlakia.....dont matter if ya got a job....gubermint god will ( snicker ) "provide" for you???
Yeah the unemployed have it great, super duper duper. LOL I'm in New York and I love it. California's more than full.
Based on Trump cultists subscribing to this thread, they’re clearly the dregs of society – the ignorant, the frightened, the hateful; those with an unwarranted fear of change and diversity, who incorrectly perceive change and diversity as some sort of ‘threat,’ with Trump their Nietzsche-esque ‘savior.’

Fear of change? Hmmm? That seems to equal embracing "diiiiiiiveeeersity" and peeeerveeeersity" all funded by picking the pockets of others in order to fund programs like GLSEN. I don't consent and nor will the fabian socialists ever be able to count on my participation. Why don't all you commie fucks simply relocate to Califlakia.....dont matter if ya got a job....gubermint god will ( snicker ) "provide" for you???
So brainwashed so ignorant so ridiculous...
Based on Trump cultists subscribing to this thread, they’re clearly the dregs of society – the ignorant, the frightened, the hateful; those with an unwarranted fear of change and diversity, who incorrectly perceive change and diversity as some sort of ‘threat,’ with Trump their Nietzsche-esque ‘savior.’

Fear of change? Hmmm? That seems to equal embracing "diiiiiiiveeeersity" and peeeerveeeersity" all funded by picking the pockets of others in order to fund programs like GLSEN. I don't consent and nor will the fabian socialists ever be able to count on my participation. Why don't all you commie fucks simply relocate to Califlakia.....dont matter if ya got a job....gubermint god will ( snicker ) "provide" for you???
In all the world only Republicans will fight to put a rapist on the Supreme Court and elect a pedophile.
Dims are scum who use smears to achieve their agenda. You can't sell your despicable agenda to the voters, so what else can you do?
There is no way that you will ever convince me that just because someone is a Republican or a Democrat that they fall into nice easy boxes.
there are big dumb baby machines, self serving fools, lazy bums, thieves, with a pen as well as a gun. many would not no the truth if it bit them in the ass. and a bunch of them both sides are not working for us, working for those that pay for all the negative adds so they can win with half truths & out right lie's. clean your own house before you talk about mine.
Unfortunately people who listen only to Fox news, Rush Limbaugh Etc live on An imaginary planet of hate and ignorance as far as politics goes..

Yeah, you betcha.....they are hatefilled but not you! No hate in your posts of reason!!:shok::abgg2q.jpg:
I only hate lies not you silly dupes. I love the people around here, 73% Trump. You r a brainwashed functional moron.
You will also notice I don't call anybody stupid faget or other personal insults. Just change the channel and I have no problem. Don't be a brainwashed functional moron and don't take political insults personally.

So "hater dupe" is a term of endearment?
Imagine the outrage if Trump said some Hillary supporters were the dregs of society. The media and the left would immediately assume he was singling out "minorities".
There is no way that you will ever convince me that just because someone is a Republican or a Democrat that they fall into nice easy boxes.
there are big dumb baby machines, self serving fools, lazy bums, thieves, with a pen as well as a gun. many would not no the truth if it bit them in the ass. and a bunch of them both sides are not working for us, working for those that pay for all the negative adds so they can win with half truths & out right lie's. clean your own house before you talk about mine.
Unfortunately people who listen only to Fox news, Rush Limbaugh Etc live on An imaginary planet of hate and ignorance as far as politics goes..

Yeah, you betcha.....they are hatefilled but not you! No hate in your posts of reason!!:shok::abgg2q.jpg:
I only hate lies not you silly dupes. I love the people around here, 73% Trump. You r a brainwashed functional moron.

LOL! You and " truth" have yet to meet. You have never been able to refute my claims that you say ( sans proof) is wrong or that there is a critical error that puts my contentions into question. It may come to pass that Trump was just a deep state puppet all along.....but so far? I have zero complaints.

You believe in wealth confiscation for the collective "good" while I can never be compelled to participate....and your little commie utopia is dependent on producers that will not "spit the bit" and work so others can sit on their asses. It's not a system that i wish to participate in nor can I be bullied into compliance.

Hope this helps!!
Income tax should be Progressive... Only the new BS GOP in all the world believes in this giveaway to the rich, probably because the dupes are brainwashed, totally misinformed. You are a conspiracy nut job like all GOP voters Fox type. You just specialize in the fed... You are a perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich, ignoramus.

So, are you willing to say ( on the record ) that "gubermint" is entitled to 15 to 40 percent of the sweat equity of a U.S citizen that bartered his skill set in exchange fir paper scrip notes of debt?? That the labor of others should be confiscated by threat of imprisonment and accosted by armed agents of " da gubermint" should they not acquiesce? Is that how you feel, "comrade"??

Sure sounds like extortion to anyone that has critical thinking skills and that leaves you out.

The federal " gubermint" has been an unmitigated joke and travesty since at least 1868. I know more than you.....like by a factor of ten thousand. Watching you flail away is like coming across a dog licking its nut-sac....repulses anyone that comes across this scene and the only one enjoying it is the dog...
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Former Vice President Joe Biden echoed Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” moment during a Saturday evening speech at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual dinner in Washington, DC, calling President Donald Trump’s supporters “virulent people” and “dregs of society.”


Before that I only questioned whether all this was 100% projection. Now I know for sure.
There is no way that you will ever convince me that just because someone is a Republican or a Democrat that they fall into nice easy boxes.
there are big dumb baby machines, self serving fools, lazy bums, thieves, with a pen as well as a gun. many would not no the truth if it bit them in the ass. and a bunch of them both sides are not working for us, working for those that pay for all the negative adds so they can win with half truths & out right lie's. clean your own house before you talk about mine.
Unfortunately people who listen only to Fox news, Rush Limbaugh Etc live on An imaginary planet of hate and ignorance as far as politics goes..

As opposed to those who listen to Rachel Maddow or any of the other numerous Trump-hating MSM anchors?

View attachment 217069
They have reasons and evidence as opposed to your bought off High School grad ex Coke head DJs, brainwashed functional moron.

I’m assuming you watch a lot of Fox News and listen to Rush every day? Otherwise how would you know they don’t present facts? The only reason you believe lefty “journalists” present facts is bc they are “facts” you want to hear, which is a severely misguided way of viewing things.

For the record, I don’t watch Fox News.
Lots of people elected to serve us do a very poor job, why do WE put so many unqualified people in office ? party over principals? or its just to hard to research with an open mind?
Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters 'Virulent People,' The 'Dregs Of Society'


It can only be that he’s preparing to run in 2020!

Biden did his old act, starting off soft and avuncular before booming through his power points, punching the air and flailing about.

"Despite losing in the courts, and in the court of opinion, these forces of intolerance remain determined to undermine and roll back the progress you all have made," he said. "This time they — not you — have an ally in the White House. This time they have an ally. They're a small percentage of the American people — virulent people, some of them the dregs of society."

"And instead of using the full might of the executive branch to secure justice, dignity, safety for all, the president uses the White House as the literal — literal — bully pulpit, callously — callously — exerting his power over those who have little or none."

More @ Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters 'Virulent People,' The 'Dregs Of Society'
The unfortunate thing about capitalism is that some of the wealthiest are the dregs of society!
Water is wet and fire is hot as well.
...and your people still have the lowest IQs on earth.
Not what science has found at all...

Since when do biology deniers care about science, Frances?
What are you babbling about?
You know damned well, you idiots deny basic biology of males and females.
And you deny the basic psychology of males and females LOL. They don't choose to be gay or whatever.

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