Drudge: Kids set for nationwide 'climate strike' from school...


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Donald Trump is a fucking worthless piece of shit who ios so fucking stupid that he calls climate change a hoax & his band of dumbass followers believe him.

That Greenpeace co founder has not been with Greenpeace for 30 years.

Anyone who denies AGW is a fucking stupid person.

Your posts are releasing CO2 and killing the planet.


We have to reduce our emissions dumbass. Not eliminate them.

I reduced mine. What have you done?

You're still posting.
Reduce your emissions more, get offline.
Planet killer.

Why should I reduce more when assfucks like you aren't?

You're the whiney assfuck who thinks there is a problem, so fix it.
Hurry up, the planet is dying...….DURR.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Donald Trump is a fucking worthless piece of shit who ios so fucking stupid that he calls climate change a hoax & his band of dumbass followers believe him.

That Greenpeace co founder has not been with Greenpeace for 30 years.

Anyone who denies AGW is a fucking stupid person.

/-----/ Quick send Al Bore more money...

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Donald Trump is a fucking worthless piece of shit who ios so fucking stupid that he calls climate change a hoax & his band of dumbass followers believe him.

That Greenpeace co founder has not been with Greenpeace for 30 years.

Anyone who denies AGW is a fucking stupid person.

give us a link that AGW is a fact.....
I trust that all you fucked up Trumpettes don't have any children for it would be a shame for you to allow your own stupidity to condemn them to a more difficult future.
They have never had a better time to be alive. They are pampered spoiled, and subject to so much propaganda there is no way they are capable of making adult decisions. The fact that they don’t know how blessed they are to be living now, and living in the United States is reason enough to discount juvenile statements.
Today's youth will turn out to be the smartest, hardest working, least complaining, most dedicated work force this nation has ever seen.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Donald Trump is a fucking worthless piece of shit who ios so fucking stupid that he calls climate change a hoax & his band of dumbass followers believe him.

That Greenpeace co founder has not been with Greenpeace for 30 years.

Anyone who denies AGW is a fucking stupid person.

/-----/ Quick send Al Bore more money...
.View attachment 250429

The Globalist are trying to push this climate change agenda to make hundreds of trillions of dollars. They has created GMO sugar cane that produces less greenhouse gases, that they has turn into fuel. They pushes this narrative that the world is going to be destroy, that is if they don't start reducing CO2 levels. But in order to supply the world this fuel. They need to take away the lands from the people that lives in the tropical areas, like Venezuela and so on..Sugar cane grows at its best in warmer climate. Before Pres.Trump. They were going to ship the majority of immigrants to the north pole and leave them there. Or murder them and buried them at the borders. No one will not care. And so, all of this climate hoopla is just away for the rich to get more richer, while the poor becomes organs donors to them.

We are engineering sugarcane, the most productive plant in the world, to produce oil that can be turned into bio-jet fuel. In a recent study, we found that use of this engineered sugarcane could yield more than 2,500 liters of bio-jet fuel per acre of land. In simple terms, this means that a Boeing 747 could fly for 10 hours on bio-jet fuel produced on just 54 acres of land.

Bio-jet fuels derived from oil-rich feedstocks, such as camelina and algae, have been successfully tested in proof of concept flights. The American Society for Testing and Materials has approved a 50:50 blend of petroleum-based jet fuel and hydroprocessed renewable jet fuel for commercial and military flights.

Can Sugarcane Fuel Airplanes? | Innovation | Smithsonian

The plant thrives best in tropical hot sunny areas. The "ideal" climate for production of maximum sugar from sugarcane is characterized as: A long, warm growing season with a high incidence of solar radiation and adequate moisture (rainfall) - the plant uses from 148 to 300g of water to produce 1.0g of dry substance.

Liquefied natural gas - Wikipedia

Come 2019, California diners who want a plastic straw for their beverage will have to specifically ask for one. ... Though California is the first to enact a statewide law restricting the use of plastic straws, Seattle became the first city to ban straws (and otherplastic utensils) back in July.
californis bans plastic straws - Google Search

"This study confirmed that genetically engineered microalgae grown in open ponds will escape and spread into the environment. Once this genie is out of the bottle, there is no way to put it back," said Dana Perls, senior campaigner with Friends of the Earth.
Field Test of GMO Algae Sparks Outrage

At the time this story was published, the FAQ page with the phrase “farting cows” appeared to have been removed from Ocasio-Cortez’s website. Fox News’ John Roberts reported that the language was tweaked to “emissions from cows ” in an update, which also appears to have been deleted.
Does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really want to get rid of 'farting cows'? Not yet, at least

In 2018, the remains of 127 dead migrants were recovered in southern Arizona, the Pima County Medical Examiner's Office said.

The office conducts autopsies on the remains of migrants found in Pima, Cochise and Santa Cruz counties, where the majority of migrants die.

The remains of 127 dead migrants were recovered in southern Arizona in 2018

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Donald Trump is a fucking worthless piece of shit who ios so fucking stupid that he calls climate change a hoax & his band of dumbass followers believe him.

That Greenpeace co founder has not been with Greenpeace for 30 years.

Anyone who denies AGW is a fucking stupid person.

/-----/ Quick send Al Bore more money...
.View attachment 250429

The Globalist are trying to push this climate change agenda to make hundreds of trillions of dollars. They has created GMO sugar cane that produces less greenhouse gases, that they has turn into fuel. They pushes this narrative that the world is going to be destroy, that is if they don't start reducing CO2 levels. But in order to supply the world this fuel. They need to take away the lands from the people that lives in the tropical areas, like Venezuela and so on..Sugar cane grows at its best in warmer climate. Before Pres.Trump. They were going to ship the majority of immigrants to the north pole and leave them there. Or murder them and buried them at the borders. No one will not care. And so, all of this climate hoopla is just away for the rich to get more richer, while the poor becomes organs donors to them.

We are engineering sugarcane, the most productive plant in the world, to produce oil that can be turned into bio-jet fuel. In a recent study, we found that use of this engineered sugarcane could yield more than 2,500 liters of bio-jet fuel per acre of land. In simple terms, this means that a Boeing 747 could fly for 10 hours on bio-jet fuel produced on just 54 acres of land.

Bio-jet fuels derived from oil-rich feedstocks, such as camelina and algae, have been successfully tested in proof of concept flights. The American Society for Testing and Materials has approved a 50:50 blend of petroleum-based jet fuel and hydroprocessed renewable jet fuel for commercial and military flights.

Can Sugarcane Fuel Airplanes? | Innovation | Smithsonian

The plant thrives best in tropical hot sunny areas. The "ideal" climate for production of maximum sugar from sugarcane is characterized as: A long, warm growing season with a high incidence of solar radiation and adequate moisture (rainfall) - the plant uses from 148 to 300g of water to produce 1.0g of dry substance.

Liquefied natural gas - Wikipedia

Come 2019, California diners who want a plastic straw for their beverage will have to specifically ask for one. ... Though California is the first to enact a statewide law restricting the use of plastic straws, Seattle became the first city to ban straws (and otherplastic utensils) back in July.
californis bans plastic straws - Google Search

"This study confirmed that genetically engineered microalgae grown in open ponds will escape and spread into the environment. Once this genie is out of the bottle, there is no way to put it back," said Dana Perls, senior campaigner with Friends of the Earth.
Field Test of GMO Algae Sparks Outrage

At the time this story was published, the FAQ page with the phrase “farting cows” appeared to have been removed from Ocasio-Cortez’s website. Fox News’ John Roberts reported that the language was tweaked to “emissions from cows ” in an update, which also appears to have been deleted.
Does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really want to get rid of 'farting cows'? Not yet, at least

In 2018, the remains of 127 dead migrants were recovered in southern Arizona, the Pima County Medical Examiner's Office said.

The office conducts autopsies on the remains of migrants found in Pima, Cochise and Santa Cruz counties, where the majority of migrants die.

The remains of 127 dead migrants were recovered in southern Arizona in 2018

We are engineering sugarcane, the most productive plant in the world, to produce oil that can be turned into bio-jet fuel.

Why bother when the bio-fuel is more than twice as expensive as jet fuel?

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Donald Trump is a fucking worthless piece of shit who ios so fucking stupid that he calls climate change a hoax & his band of dumbass followers believe him.

That Greenpeace co founder has not been with Greenpeace for 30 years.

Anyone who denies AGW is a fucking stupid person.

/-----/ Quick send Al Bore more money...
.View attachment 250429

The Globalist are trying to push this climate change agenda to make hundreds of trillions of dollars. They has created GMO sugar cane that produces less greenhouse gases, that they has turn into fuel. They pushes this narrative that the world is going to be destroy, that is if they don't start reducing CO2 levels. But in order to supply the world this fuel. They need to take away the lands from the people that lives in the tropical areas, like Venezuela and so on..Sugar cane grows at its best in warmer climate. Before Pres.Trump. They were going to ship the majority of immigrants to the north pole and leave them there. Or murder them and buried them at the borders. No one will not care. And so, all of this climate hoopla is just away for the rich to get more richer, while the poor becomes organs donors to them.

We are engineering sugarcane, the most productive plant in the world, to produce oil that can be turned into bio-jet fuel. In a recent study, we found that use of this engineered sugarcane could yield more than 2,500 liters of bio-jet fuel per acre of land. In simple terms, this means that a Boeing 747 could fly for 10 hours on bio-jet fuel produced on just 54 acres of land.

Bio-jet fuels derived from oil-rich feedstocks, such as camelina and algae, have been successfully tested in proof of concept flights. The American Society for Testing and Materials has approved a 50:50 blend of petroleum-based jet fuel and hydroprocessed renewable jet fuel for commercial and military flights.

Can Sugarcane Fuel Airplanes? | Innovation | Smithsonian

The plant thrives best in tropical hot sunny areas. The "ideal" climate for production of maximum sugar from sugarcane is characterized as: A long, warm growing season with a high incidence of solar radiation and adequate moisture (rainfall) - the plant uses from 148 to 300g of water to produce 1.0g of dry substance.

Liquefied natural gas - Wikipedia

Come 2019, California diners who want a plastic straw for their beverage will have to specifically ask for one. ... Though California is the first to enact a statewide law restricting the use of plastic straws, Seattle became the first city to ban straws (and otherplastic utensils) back in July.
californis bans plastic straws - Google Search

"This study confirmed that genetically engineered microalgae grown in open ponds will escape and spread into the environment. Once this genie is out of the bottle, there is no way to put it back," said Dana Perls, senior campaigner with Friends of the Earth.
Field Test of GMO Algae Sparks Outrage

At the time this story was published, the FAQ page with the phrase “farting cows” appeared to have been removed from Ocasio-Cortez’s website. Fox News’ John Roberts reported that the language was tweaked to “emissions from cows ” in an update, which also appears to have been deleted.
Does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really want to get rid of 'farting cows'? Not yet, at least

In 2018, the remains of 127 dead migrants were recovered in southern Arizona, the Pima County Medical Examiner's Office said.

The office conducts autopsies on the remains of migrants found in Pima, Cochise and Santa Cruz counties, where the majority of migrants die.

The remains of 127 dead migrants were recovered in southern Arizona in 2018

We are engineering sugarcane, the most productive plant in the world, to produce oil that can be turned into bio-jet fuel.

Why bother when the bio-fuel is more than twice as expensive as jet fuel?

Pretty soon, jet fuel will cost a lot more than their bio-fuel, after they has slapped their heavy carbon taxes on jet fuel, to save the world. That it will make their fuel cheaper than jet fuel.

As our history has shown, Morher Nature ALWAYS RENEWS THE WORLD THE WAY GOD PLANNED IT TO BE, "WITH OR WITHOUT HUMANS" so you crybaby liberals do with it.
We had a "climate strike" in our school district--actually, 11 days of them, a record in the 20+ years I've been teaching there. But none of them in March, all in January and Feb, for snow, ice and record cold. Huh. "Global Warming Strikes" you might call them, when the great Global Warming gods shook the planet and delivered....snow, ice, and a polar vortex.

And to think my college-age kids were never supposed to see snow. Huh
from GreenPeace:

Last August, instead of going back to school at the start of the new academic year, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg took a backpack, some snacks, and a sign she'd made that read "School Strike for Climate" and settled in on the sidewalk outside the parliament building in Stockholm. At the end of a summer of record-breaking heat and increasingly alarming news from the scientific community, she was there to protest her government's lack of action on climate. ⁣

She eventually went back to her classes, but still goes on strike every Friday—and she's not alone anymore. ⁣

What began as one young woman's protest has become a global movement. Last Friday, young people in every corner of the globe—South Africa, Japan, India, the United States—demanded a livable future for their generation. ⁣

“Change is on the horizon," Thunberg has said. "But to see that change we also have to change ourselves.” She's right. Let's get to it

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Donald Trump is a fucking worthless piece of shit who ios so fucking stupid that he calls climate change a hoax & his band of dumbass followers believe him.

That Greenpeace co founder has not been with Greenpeace for 30 years.

Anyone who denies AGW is a fucking stupid person.

Tell all the people who are pushing climate change to live it. Otherwise it is bull.

Good. I want to join them.

I'm not a child but I totally support them and their effort.

Something needs to be done to combat climate change.

Unlike some, this adult cares about the future and those who come after me.

We can't keep poisoning our Mother Earth. She gives us life and if we don't wake up soon, she will either die or stop sustaining our lives.

We can't keep cutting down whole mountains. Trees and plants provide the air we love to breathe. The watersheds clean our water naturally. We can't keep killing them.

Water sustains our lives in so many ways. If we don't have enough clean water we don't have food. All of what humans consume for sustenance require clean water to be created.

People don't understand the domino effect that his happening.
You cant combat climate change. You sure you aint a kid?

Good. I want to join them.

I'm not a child but I totally support them and their effort.

Something needs to be done to combat climate change.

Unlike some, this adult cares about the future and those who come after me.

We can't keep poisoning our Mother Earth. She gives us life and if we don't wake up soon, she will either die or stop sustaining our lives.

We can't keep cutting down whole mountains. Trees and plants provide the air we love to breathe. The watersheds clean our water naturally. We can't keep killing them.

Water sustains our lives in so many ways. If we don't have enough clean water we don't have food. All of what humans consume for sustenance require clean water to be created.

People don't understand the domino effect that his happening.
/—-/ The climate has been changing for 6 billion years. What exactly will you do?
Kick the dirt! Throw a rock into a headlock!

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