Drug lord colluders


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I've come to the conclusion that those who do not want to secure the border are nothing more than colluders with drug lords abroad.

That's right, collusion, and the GOP is involved. After all, they had two long years to build and did nothing.

I know in Mexico, if you are a politician or in law enforcement, if you rub drug lords the wrong way you die. I often wonder if politicians in the US have the same fear, or if their pockets are merely greased to help feed the drug habit of about 200 people over dosing in the US every day.

Naturally, those who oppose the wall continue to claim those that do are racist, when in reality, the wall is not about immigration policy. No, the wall makes immigration policy relevant, otherwise you can make all the immigration laws you want but there will be no way to enforce them.

Until the wall is built, the US has no country.

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