DrumpF Admin Sanctions Russians for Election Meddling and Cyberattacks? After they all moved funds

Nice example of a Liberal spin job:

'Trump Administration FINALLY Announces Russia Sanctions' instead of 'Trump Administration Announces Russia Sanctions'....

...compared to how Obama's administration hid Russian crimes and interference regarding Uranium One and the 2016 election. Obama protected the Russians while Trump places sanctions on them..... :p
Not to mention the drug running by Hezbollah that Obama encouraged to get his Iran deal.
Lack of any real political opposition and Kremlin's state run media machine successfully suckers their populace into thinking the world is after them and Putin is their only hope.

Firstly, you underestimate the role of the Internet in Russia. 4/5 of the adult population of the country uses the Internet constantly. And they see here a huge amount of news from Western sources.

Secondly, you overestimate the role of censorship in Russia. We still have a lot of Western media outlets broadcasting directly. I have EuroNews, France 24, BBC World News and others on TV. And, more importantly, 99% of all modern culture in Russia is Western. Cinema, literature, music - all this comes from the West and shapes our attitude to the West.

Thirdly, the tension between the people of our countries is growing much more under the influence of the Western media and the Western Internet. Three years ago I came to the American forums in the hope of finding some kind of mutual understanding. "Educated" by Russian media and the Russian segment of the Internet, I was looking for an honest direct conversation. But during these three years of communication in American forums, I had a very strong anti-Western attitude. So the situation is reversed. While the Russian media are trying to soften relations, Western media are trying to destroy them. And this forum is a very vivid example :)
When Russia stepped out of line Obama acted privately and publicly.

When Russia engaged in bullying, intimidation, extortion, and the buying of US politicians and agency officials - like Hillary ($145 million), Mueller, Barry, and Holder hid their crimes and assisted them to acquire both Uranium One and US uranium.

When Russia began running PsyOps campaigns in the US using social media to successfully organize and march for them, Obama, Comey, and Lynch knew about it...and did nothing because Barry was trying to get Vlad's approval to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria.

When / While Russia was paying liberals groups to spread racist division and violence, Barry again did nothing...but perhaps offer some lip service.

Barry, Comey, and Lynch reached out to the Russians - paid a foreign spy working with Russians - to acquire propaganda Hillary illegally used in a US election and Comey used to illegally acquire FISA warrants to spy on the GOP nominee during an election (Watergate on steroids)....

Obama Knew Russians Were Meddling - And Did Nothing | RealClearPolitics

"During a Rose Garden press conference on Oct. 18, 2016, with the visiting Italian prime minister, Politico reported this about Mr. Obama’s comments, “‘There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they’re so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved,’ Obama said. ‘There’s no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time,’ he continued. ‘And so, I’d advise Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes.’ “

So Barry just torpedoes the Left's argument that the Russians interference caused Hillary to lose. (Funny thing is, it was proven that Democrats rigged their own primaries. :p )

"With everything we now know, these comments take on an even more remarkable importance, and serve as that additional proof that the Democrats, including Mr. Obama, while fully aware of the nature of foreign entities interfering in our nation in a variety of ways, preferred to say and do nothing lest it cast a shadow on Hillary Clinton’s anticipated presidential victory."

At the end of December 2016, in the last weeks of his presidency and with Mr. Trump’s victory, Mr. Obama suddenly decided the Russians were of interest, issued sanctions and expelled 35 Russians for “efforts to interfere with the U.S. presidential election,” according to the Guardian. In retrospect, actions that conveniently shoehorned with what we now know as the Democrats’ now debunked “Trump colluded with the Russians” narrative."
Should he have spoke like this?

The 80's called, they want their foreign policy back.


No dummy, like this:

President Obama Remarks Sanctions Russia, Jul 16 2014 | Video | C-SPAN.org

Face it, you're whining just to whine. Obama was a man of many words but very little substance..

Again dummy you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Obama administration led sanctions against Russia that put a boot up Putin's ass so far that in his butt hurt he decided to meddle in our elections. Those sanctions depressed Russian GDP by 2% and sent it's economy into a recession.


And now dummy laughs. Good talk.

Russia is a wild dog. NOTHING Obama did will change their behavior. Trumps impact will be negligible as well.

But you keep on keeping on dumbass
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Lack of any real political opposition and Kremlin's state run media machine successfully suckers their populace into thinking the world is after them and Putin is their only hope.

Firstly, you underestimate the role of the Internet in Russia. 4/5 of the adult population of the country uses the Internet constantly. And they see here a huge amount of news from Western sources.

Secondly, you overestimate the role of censorship in Russia. We still have a lot of Western media outlets broadcasting directly. I have EuroNews, France 24, BBC World News and others on TV. And, more importantly, 99% of all modern culture in Russia is Western. Cinema, literature, music - all this comes from the West and shapes our attitude to the West.

Thirdly, the tension between the people of our countries is growing much more under the influence of the Western media and the Western Internet. Three years ago I came to the American forums in the hope of finding some kind of mutual understanding. "Educated" by Russian media and the Russian segment of the Internet, I was looking for an honest direct conversation. But during these three years of communication in American forums, I had a very strong anti-Western attitude. So the situation is reversed. While the Russian media are trying to soften relations, Western media are trying to destroy them. And this forum is a very vivid example :)

Firstly you underestimate how much control of media Putin has...he SHOULD have NONE.

Secondly Russians speak and read RUSSIAN, they could be on the internet but they do not understand most of it.

Thirdly there is no real opposition to Putin regime in Russia, no one to call his economy a total fucking disaster that it is on the daily basis.
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Lack of any real political opposition and Kremlin's state run media machine successfully suckers their populace into thinking the world is after them and Putin is their only hope.

Firstly, you underestimate the role of the Internet in Russia. 4/5 of the adult population of the country uses the Internet constantly. And they see here a huge amount of news from Western sources.

Secondly, you overestimate the role of censorship in Russia. We still have a lot of Western media outlets broadcasting directly. I have EuroNews, France 24, BBC World News and others on TV. And, more importantly, 99% of all modern culture in Russia is Western. Cinema, literature, music - all this comes from the West and shapes our attitude to the West.

Thirdly, the tension between the people of our countries is growing much more under the influence of the Western media and the Western Internet. Three years ago I came to the American forums in the hope of finding some kind of mutual understanding. "Educated" by Russian media and the Russian segment of the Internet, I was looking for an honest direct conversation. But during these three years of communication in American forums, I had a very strong anti-Western attitude. So the situation is reversed. While the Russian media are trying to soften relations, Western media are trying to destroy them. And this forum is a very vivid example :)
The left in our nation will goto virtually any length to hurt their opposition. They and the media are frothing at the mouth over the opportunity to hurt the Trump administration even if it means helping Putin sow distrust in our system.
Lack of any real political opposition and Kremlin's state run media machine successfully suckers their populace into thinking the world is after them and Putin is their only hope.

Firstly, you underestimate the role of the Internet in Russia. 4/5 of the adult population of the country uses the Internet constantly. And they see here a huge amount of news from Western sources.

Secondly, you overestimate the role of censorship in Russia. We still have a lot of Western media outlets broadcasting directly. I have EuroNews, France 24, BBC World News and others on TV. And, more importantly, 99% of all modern culture in Russia is Western. Cinema, literature, music - all this comes from the West and shapes our attitude to the West.

Thirdly, the tension between the people of our countries is growing much more under the influence of the Western media and the Western Internet. Three years ago I came to the American forums in the hope of finding some kind of mutual understanding. "Educated" by Russian media and the Russian segment of the Internet, I was looking for an honest direct conversation. But during these three years of communication in American forums, I had a very strong anti-Western attitude. So the situation is reversed. While the Russian media are trying to soften relations, Western media are trying to destroy them. And this forum is a very vivid example :)
The left in our nation will goto virtually any length to hurt their opposition. They and the media are frothing at the mouth over the opportunity to hurt the Trump administration even if it means helping Putin sow distrust in our system.

Hilarious considering what the right has been busy with while Obama was in office.

AND THAT'S THE WAY IT SHOULD BE. Opposition parties keep each other in check.

Putin's regime has no check, no one to hold him and his oligarchs accountable and that's why Russia is doomed to remain the shithole it is. Their political system is married to status-quo.
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Firstly you underestimate how much control of media Putin has...he SHOULD have NONE.

Apparently, the electronic translator does not translate my thoughts very well. I will specify. Even with Putin's 100% control of the Russian media, everything I wrote above remains true. I never once said that Russian media are free from state influence :)

Secondly Russians speak and read RUSSIAN, they could be on the internet but they do not understand most of it.

And yet you really underestimate how much in Russia, since the times of the USSR, do not trust the media. Therefore, what is said in the media has little effect on the mood of the people. On the contrary, in the West I see a blind faith in what officials and the media say. It's even funny to watch what kind of chaos you are having against the backdrop of the Trump vs Fake New conflicts. In Russia, this is impossible, because people do not trust the media or the government in advance :) But in the USA, as soon as the conflict between the media and the government arose, it was almost a virtual civil war :)
And yet you really underestimate how much in Russia, since the times of the USSR, do not trust the media. Therefore, what is said in the media has little effect on the mood of the people.

Thats ok, Putin will tell them the truth. :113:
Lack of any real political opposition and Kremlin's state run media machine successfully suckers their populace into thinking the world is after them and Putin is their only hope.

Firstly, you underestimate the role of the Internet in Russia. 4/5 of the adult population of the country uses the Internet constantly. And they see here a huge amount of news from Western sources.

Secondly, you overestimate the role of censorship in Russia. We still have a lot of Western media outlets broadcasting directly. I have EuroNews, France 24, BBC World News and others on TV. And, more importantly, 99% of all modern culture in Russia is Western. Cinema, literature, music - all this comes from the West and shapes our attitude to the West.

Thirdly, the tension between the people of our countries is growing much more under the influence of the Western media and the Western Internet. Three years ago I came to the American forums in the hope of finding some kind of mutual understanding. "Educated" by Russian media and the Russian segment of the Internet, I was looking for an honest direct conversation. But during these three years of communication in American forums, I had a very strong anti-Western attitude. So the situation is reversed. While the Russian media are trying to soften relations, Western media are trying to destroy them. And this forum is a very vivid example :)
The left in our nation will goto virtually any length to hurt their opposition. They and the media are frothing at the mouth over the opportunity to hurt the Trump administration even if it means helping Putin sow distrust in our system.

Hilarious considering what the right has been busy with while Obama was in office.

AND THAT'S THE WAY IT SHOULD BE. Opposition parties keep each other in check.

Putin's regime has no check, no one to hold him and his oligarchs accountable.
The right opposed Obama's policies.
The left oppose TRUMP.

Big difference
Hilarious considering what the right has been busy with while Obama was in office.
Obama spent 8 years aiding, abetting, and helping terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, Hezbollah, Iran, Russia, etc.....On his last day on office he tried to give millions to terrorists.....
Putin's regime has no check, no one to hold him accountable.

The West is now doing everything possible to maximally strengthen Putin's power :) The more sanctions against Russia, the more people are concentrated around a strong leader. The more unsubstantiated accusations against Russia, the higher in Russia hatred of the West. You greatly underestimate the newly acquired sense of national identity in Russia. On the contrary, now the Kremlin's positions are becoming more shaky, as the people demand a very tough answer to all these humiliations with the Olympics, Ukraine, accusations of poisoning in Salisbury, and the like ...
Change the fucking title mods.

I don't use those childish names and I don't need people on this site thinking I talk like that.
Hilarious considering what the right has been busy with while Obama was in office.
Obama spent 8 years aiding, abetting, and helping terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, Hezbollah, Iran, Russia, etc.....On his last day on office he tried to give millions to terrorists.....

Thank you for making my point.

You see that Balancer?

This is what committed, persistent, unyielding opposition looks like.
Trump Administration Sanctions Russians for Election Meddling and Cyberattacks
President Trump’s administration imposed sanctions on a series of Russian organizations and individuals on Thursday in retaliation for interference in the 2016 presidential elections and other “malicious” cyberattacks. It was the most significant action taken against Moscow since Mr. Trump took office.
In addition to the election meddling, the attacks cited by the Treasury Department included the NotPetya cyberattack that caused billions of dollars in damage in the United States, Europe and Asia in what the department called “the most destructive and costly cyberattack in history

SO Asshole Traitor Great Orange Douche...:spank::1peleas:
Still, letting them move their money and equipment to new entities before applying these new sanctions. Did you get the right money laundering deals to help the Russian MOB?

Ah! So the reason for delay was to allow those sanctioned and Oligarchs to move their money to safe zones....Gotcha

Must be the back channel communications that they were working to go are in place.
Putin's regime has no check, no one to hold him accountable.

The West is now doing everything possible to maximally strengthen Putin's power :) The more sanctions against Russia, the more people are concentrated around a strong leader.

That's ok, at this point whipping will continue until morale improves.

Bush tried to play nice with Putin
Obama tried to play nice with Putin
Trump...lol lets not even go there

But Putin does what he does and at this point the options are down to economic and diplomatic isolation of Russia.

You like being isolated in the world? Keep supporting Putin's policy that brought you here.
Lack of any real political opposition and Kremlin's state run media machine successfully suckers their populace into thinking the world is after them and Putin is their only hope.

Firstly, you underestimate the role of the Internet in Russia. 4/5 of the adult population of the country uses the Internet constantly. And they see here a huge amount of news from Western sources.

Secondly, you overestimate the role of censorship in Russia. We still have a lot of Western media outlets broadcasting directly. I have EuroNews, France 24, BBC World News and others on TV. And, more importantly, 99% of all modern culture in Russia is Western. Cinema, literature, music - all this comes from the West and shapes our attitude to the West.

Thirdly, the tension between the people of our countries is growing much more under the influence of the Western media and the Western Internet. Three years ago I came to the American forums in the hope of finding some kind of mutual understanding. "Educated" by Russian media and the Russian segment of the Internet, I was looking for an honest direct conversation. But during these three years of communication in American forums, I had a very strong anti-Western attitude. So the situation is reversed. While the Russian media are trying to soften relations, Western media are trying to destroy them. And this forum is a very vivid example :)

Firstly you underestimate how much control of media Putin has...he SHOULD have NONE.

Secondly Russians speak and read RUSSIAN, they could be on the internet but they do not understand most of it.

Thirdly there is no real opposition to Putin regime in Russia, no one to call his economy a total fucking disaster that it is on the daily basis.

Christ sake...sure hope you're not one of those bright liberals.
10 facts about the Russian Internet
Thirdly there is no real opposition to Putin regime in Russia, no one to call his economy a total fucking disaster that it is on the daily basis.

By the way, do you know why there is no strong opposition in Russia? Because the West does not need a strong Russia. And any Wester-backed Russian opposition claims in the end anti-Russian goals. It does not need to be suppressed in any way, under conditions of such pressure against Russia, such an opposition has no chance.

The same people who really can do something, understand that the split in Russia will now harm her and, therefore, either take a neutral position, or directly support the government.


I was in strong opposition to the Kremlin somewhere until 2010 :) True, on the other hand - I was angry at the collapse of the Soviet Union and the ensuing devastation, looting and impoverishment of the country. Somewhere by 2010, I could no longer turn a blind eye to the continued growth of prosperity and the rule of law in the country and recognized that Russia caught up with the Soviet Union in terms of living standards and began to develop further :) Because of what began to treat the Russian government neutrally. And somewhere in 2012. 2013 I began to assess the processes happening in the country more and more positively, so now you can consider me an honest supporter of the current Russian government :)

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