Dude! Are we going to get a Harris President?

ok so if she does than she either sinks or swims....only she can fuck that up.....

She will be just fine.

I mean Biden signs what he is told to sign, says what he is told to say and goes where he is told to go. There is no actual presidential leadership. The current president is told everything to say and do. They will do the same with kamaltoe harriss.

If anyone thinks anything will change just because Biden is out is short sighted and dumb.
Our vice president is sleeping with George Soros! That is how Harris rolls..
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It's looking that way. Granted Traitor Biden was never legitimately elected, we still have to deal with her as President.
What new masturbation fantasy is this?

You know you are supposed to provide a link in your OP, right?
I hate the word ''dude.''

Generally, if someone calls me dude, I politely say don't call me dude, please.

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