Dump The Drones...

I find it funny that Pauli seems to think that a couple of flying cameras means the police no longer need a warrant for anything.

they don't, in many cases. Flying overhead and spying is legal in the USA. It is done everyday, it was even done to me growing weed.
Everything's for your own good. Well, that's what Big Brother keeps telling the sheep anyway. And now, less & less sheep are straying from the herd. Big Brother's 'Totalitarian' fantasy world is almost a reality.
cops and law enforcement have already decided they can spy on you from above, thank you Bush/Reagan. Getting mad at Obama is not the answer. The elites have and always will spy on the common folk.
Did they? Have something to back it up?

yes, it's called a satelite, also used is infa red for heat signals, night vision used on planes and choppers.
Proof. I've lived it.
Everything's for your own good. Well, that's what Big Brother keeps telling the sheep anyway. And now, less & less sheep are straying from the herd. Big Brother's 'Totalitarian' fantasy world is almost a reality.

Just imagine how much money ONE of these drones could save a state like California from a Police perspective? Hell, they use manned aircraft now and have for years. I don't see why drones all of a sudden cause privacy concerns?
Everything's for your own good. Well, that's what Big Brother keeps telling the sheep anyway. And now, less & less sheep are straying from the herd. Big Brother's 'Totalitarian' fantasy world is almost a reality.

Just imagine how much money ONE of these drones could save a state like California from a Police perspective? Hell, they use manned aircraft now and have for years. I don't see why drones all of a sudden cause privacy concerns?

Some things are more important than money.
And btw, most of the Neocons here cheering this stuff, really should actually read the article. It's not just 'Crazy Paul-Supporters' who are concerned.
cops and law enforcement have already decided they can spy on you from above, thank you Bush/Reagan. Getting mad at Obama is not the answer. The elites have and always will spy on the common folk.
Did they? Have something to back it up?

yes, it's called a satelite, also used is infa red for heat signals, night vision used on planes and choppers.
Proof. I've lived it.

And they used them to do what? Spy on the Soviet threat and bring it down at the time...but that was way before your time.
I find it funny that Pauli seems to think that a couple of flying cameras means the police no longer need a warrant for anything.

they don't, in many cases. Flying overhead and spying is legal in the USA. It is done everyday, it was even done to me growing weed.

Some things they need a warrant for and some they don't. But Pauli is reacting as if there will never be a need for a warrant ever again.

I guarantee, if a drone is following a terrorist suspect and catches you in your back yard smoking pot, you will face zero charges. It will be totally inadmissible in court.
Everything's for your own good. Well, that's what Big Brother keeps telling the sheep anyway. And now, less & less sheep are straying from the herd. Big Brother's 'Totalitarian' fantasy world is almost a reality.

You may be too stupid to understand, but drones can be built by any geek who has a nearby Radio Shack. It has nothing to do with "Totalitarianism". It has more to do with our military (and private sector) not being dumbed down by right wing dweebs.
The Neocon Authority-Worshippers on this thread really are very disappointing. They should try actually reading the article. This is not about 'Crazy Ron Paul-Supporters.' It's much much bigger than that. I suggest they read the article.
The Neocon Authority-Worshippers on this thread really are very disappointing. They should try actually reading the article. This is not about 'Crazy Ron Paul-Supporters.' It's much much bigger than that. I suggest they read the article.

So we should all don tin foil sombreros? Nope, drones are drones. They help us kill our enemies without putting our kids in harms way.

Personally, I don't like the fact that I'm watched. But everyone can go down to Radio Shack and monitor their street, their home, their business.
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Are they? Prove it. Do I give a shit? Nope.

Why don't you and the other tin foil nutjobs hunker down and give me a reason to care.

Prove it but don't show me? Tick? Yer nutz...and yes I can show it.

Show it, and sell it. Most Americans like the idea that we can kill our enemies without putting our kids in harms way.

Most American are like sheep too. It would be nice to know who we are killing!

Some Facts about Drone Assassinations

The US has used drones to kill thousands of people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. But the government routinely refuses to provide any official information on local reports of civilian deaths or the identities of most of those killed.

In Pakistan alone, the New America Foundation reports US forces have launched 297 drone strikes killing at least 1800 people, three to four hundred of whom were not even combatants. Other investigative journalists report four to eight hundred civilians killed by US drone strikes in Pakistan.

Very few of these drone strikes kill high level leaders of terror groups. A recent article in Foreign Affairs estimated “only one out of every seven drone attacks in Pakistan kills a militant leader. The majority of those killed in such strikes are not important insurgent commanders but rather low level fighters, together with a small number of civilians.”

An investigation by the Wall Street Journal in November 2011 revealed that most of the time the US did not even know the identities of the people being killed by drones in Pakistan.

Civilian deaths in drone strikes are regularly reported but more chilling is the practice of firing a second set of drone strikes at the scene once people have come to find out what happened or to give aid. Glenn Greenwald of Salon, a leading critic of the increasing use of drones, recently pointed out that drones routinely kill civilians who are in the vicinity of people thought to be “militants” and are thus “incidental” killings. But also the US also frequently fires drones again at people who show up at the scene of an attack, thus deliberately targeting rescuers and mourners.

Five Reasons Drone Assassinations Are Illegal | The Smirking Chimp

But that not what Libo-Pauli is boo-hoo-ing about today, it's the comercial use of the drone technology in the skies above the US.
The Neocon Authority-Worshippers on this thread really are very disappointing. They should try actually reading the article. This is not about 'Crazy Ron Paul-Supporters.' It's much much bigger than that. I suggest they read the article.

So we should all don tin foil sombreros? Nope, drones are drones. They help us kill our enemies without putting our kids in harms way.

Personally, I don't like the fact that I'm watched. But everyone can go down to Radio Shack and monitor their street, their home, their business.

You obviously have no respect for Charles Krauthammer. And he's not a 'Crazy Ron Paul-Supporter.' But you likely didn't even bother to read the article. I'm not surprised.
The Neocon Authority-Worshippers on this thread really are very disappointing. They should try actually reading the article. This is not about 'Crazy Ron Paul-Supporters.' It's much much bigger than that. I suggest they read the article.

So we should all don tin foil sombreros? Nope, drones are drones. They help us kill our enemies without putting our kids in harms way.

Personally, I don't like the fact that I'm watched. But everyone can go down to Radio Shack and monitor their street, their home, their business.

You obviously have no respect for Charles Krauthammer. And he's not a 'Crazy Ron Paul-Supporter.' But you likely didn't even bother to read the article. I'm not surprised.

Who the fuck is Charles Krauthammer? And why I should I tebow to him?
So we should all don tin foil sombreros? Nope, drones are drones. They help us kill our enemies without putting our kids in harms way.

Personally, I don't like the fact that I'm watched. But everyone can go down to Radio Shack and monitor their street, their home, their business.

You obviously have no respect for Charles Krauthammer. And he's not a 'Crazy Ron Paul-Supporter.' But you likely didn't even bother to read the article. I'm not surprised.

Who the fuck is Charles Krauthammer? And why I should I tebow to him?


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