E Jean Carroll verdict is in.

Was there any physical evidence of a rape ???
I thought, the actual charge was sexual assault. Did he rape her, also? Or is grabbing women by the P#ussy rape?
A lesson learned is some women, do not want even the great donald to grab them by the p#ssy.

All I can tell you is he did much better paying off, hundreds of thousands of dollar to the two women,, he actually got to hold still for him, even if it did come out about his having a little "mushroom d#ck.

Another less learned is that after being found guilty of sexual assault and defamation, you should not double down, as it will get back to court.

Also, as the trial goes on, you should not continue to attack the woman 22 times on social media, as that gets back to the court also, but live and learn, I guess. He may have thought he was going to be paying for the privledge to talk about her any way he wanted. He's not a bright guy.
Her sluttiness got sluttier.
Sluts, I suppose, can be harmed by someone defaming them--falsely. No?
That's not to say she is this so-called "slut" PleaseQuit references.
But, this ain't just about her. The Stable Genius had a say in this too.
Which, surprise......is why he is on the hook for $83MM. No?
The amount isn't even remotely in relation to damage done to her or her future earnings. Jurors throw around money like it's candy and it hurts everyone, especially America.
Calling someone a liar is worth $83M?
Well, it's like this good poster Shocked......'calling her a liar'.....was worth $5,000,000. the award in the first trial. So that price tag likely ain't all that outrageous....an even I could argue that it is justifiable.
But where the rub occurred, Shocked......is that even after he was told lying cost $5,000,000 and he should quit doing it...well, he didn't.

He continued to lie about her. Even....unbelievably....by posting on his social media outlet inside the courtroom!!
Jury found she was lying., She claimed she was raped. Jury didn't believe her.
Actually, the game was 'defamation'. Not rape. He sexually assaulted her. She said he did. The jury believed her. And the court ruling believed her. But he said she lied. And he said she lied. And he said she lied. In fact, he wouldn't shut up about her lying.

And the court....and good poster Rawley....here is the game's turning point: They believed that he lied about her. And that he continued to lie about her.

Thus we get a $65,000,000 punitive award as a dis-incentive. Or, if you will.....an incentive to shut the fq up about it. Let's see if he learned a lesson.
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That’s frivolous. It will be appealed.

I think her current net worth is only like 2M…they think the damage to her life and career is worth 40 times her total net worth?
No. 80 times more. Hell, 100 times. Fuck that orange bag O' shit. Make him a pauper.
It does apply to the rape.

Trump's defamation is current and ongoing.

I see now it's for the defamation.

The jury found there was no rape. Y'all just keep repeating that, hoping someday it'll stick.
Hey Trumpbots: What if Trump did try to rape her?
Hey radical progressive morons: What if Trump never actually did anything to her?

All y'all going on even more hear say than the courts & Judges heard. And yet, y'all have chosen a side.

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