E Jean Carroll verdict is in.

The amount isn't even remotely in relation to damage done to her or her future earnings. Jurors throw around money like it's candy and it hurts everyone, especially America.

Calling someone a liar is worth $83M? This is some Soviet-style vengence.
It about dissuading him from continuing to defame her. He'll also face possible jail time if he continues to defame her as well as more law suits.
It is all political.

Weaponized justice system.
This is why there is legislation in Congress to rein-in scumbag dimocrap persecutors. Yeah, I know it was a civil trial but they're all related. All lawyers.

Shit, Loverboy McSchlong in Atlanta was a fucking divorce lawyer. Never tried a felony case in his life.

This doesn't hurt Trump. It helps him. Whatever the money is, is a drop in the bucket for him. He'll get that back in donations by Midnight tonight.

And a bonus of an extra 50,000 votes. Everybody hates lawyers. Even lawyers hate lawyers.

Keep on keepin' on dimocrap scum. Your day is coming
It wasn’t ever supposed to be like this. It’s disgraceful.

But it will be coming to an end soon.

And we need to prepare. Build those mental institutions and prisons. Plenty of work for the homeless to do, after we have deported all the illegals.

Do you realize how stupid you are?

Better go look up who Juanita Broaddrick is... :laughing0301:
We all know who she is. And we don't care.

Clinton ain't running for president.
SCOTUS wouldn't touch this case with a ten foot pole.

How many times have we heard that, "It will be overturned on appeal?" So far that ain't happened.
The amount isn't even remotely in relation to damage done to her or her future earnings. Jurors throw around money like it's candy and it hurts everyone, especially America.

Calling someone a liar is worth $83M? This is some Soviet-style vengence.

No, but you brain dead MAGA MAGGOTS see anything that does not go well for P01135809 as communist.

FYI, you people hero worship a Communist by the name of Vladimir Putin.
All “wealthy men” need to do is stop doing the thing that a court finds them liable of doing to the tune of millions of dollars.

Very few wealthy men are as stupid as Trump to need this obvious advice though.

Any woman can now claim anything and sue for damages, only based on her word, zero evidence needed.

A lot of women are watching this unfold and are making plans. Clinton should be shaking in his shoes.
Trump was liable for $83.8mm, MAGA.

That's the only truth that matters.
Nah. What matters is the reduction of the absurd “damages” figure. And also what matters is the appeals process.

In the meanwhile, I’d live to know how she was legally “injured” by having her nut job crazy claim denied by the person she accused.

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