Earth Hour today

I am firing up the extra generators now. They are gas guzzling machines that will provide the power for the dozen 1000 watt circus lights I will be firing up in about 9 minutes. I am planning on running them for a full hour of brilliance!! . I already filled up a 100 gallon gas tank so I won't run out of power.

PS- I will be in the jacuzzi drinking a glass of 2001 Silver Oak, with every light in the house blazing, every window wide open and the HVAC blasting out 50*F cold air, while soaking in the beauty of my personal energy freedom ......All I can say is: screw you environazi's, screw you right in the neck!! :lol:
I am firing up the extra generators now. They are gas guzzling machines that will provide the power for the dozen 1000 watt circus lights I will be firing up in about 9 minutes. I am planning on running them for a full hour of brilliance!! . I already filled up a 100 gallon gas tank so I won't run out of power.

PS- I will be in the jacuzzi drinking a glass of 2001 Silver Oak, with every light in the house blazing, every window wide open and the HVAC blasting out 50*F cold air, while soaking in the beauty of my personal energy freedom ......All I can say is: screw you environazi's, screw you right in the neck!! :lol:



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We have an opportunity to show global warmers what we think tonight at 8:30pm. While they turn out their lights for an hour, we can turn ours on for three. Just a thought. I'm in.

What a ridiculous thing to participate in. What are you protesting? What is being said here- that the moutains that used to be ice capped, somehow magically became ice capped again? Or that the rainforests are not really being depleted? Or maybe that our rivers and lakes are not really withering down to nothing at this point.. Or maybe it is that the big giant hole in the ozone layer is non existent, or possibly even that all that nasty smog that hangs over so many major cities is not really smog, or pollution at all.. it is just a figment of our imagination..

What is the fucking protest for?? When did pollution become some sort of thing people protest?? Fucking insanity, I say it is.
We have an opportunity to show global warmers what we think tonight at 8:30pm. While they turn out their lights for an hour, we can turn ours on for three. Just a thought. I'm in.

What a ridiculous thing to participate in. What are you protesting? What is being said here- that the moutains that used to be ice capped, somehow magically became ice capped again? Or that the rainforests are not really being depleted? Or maybe that our rivers and lakes are not really withering down to nothing at this point.. Or maybe it is that the big giant hole in the ozone layer is non existent, or possibly even that all that nasty smog that hangs over so many major cities is not really smog, or pollution at all.. it is just a figment of our imagination..

What is the fucking protest for?? When did pollution become some sort of thing people protest?? Fucking insanity, I say it is.

Hi there JD. You pointed out some excellent environmental problems that man clearly has a hand in creating and controlling. Smog, rainforest destruction and poor lake management need to be addressed. Think of all the money available to work on these if the fake science of global warming was not supported. The Earth Hour was specific to global warming. We were having a little fun at their expense. Way to be a killjoy.
What a ridiculous thing to participate in. What are you protesting? What is being said here- that the moutains that used to be ice capped, somehow magically became ice capped again? Or that the rainforests are not really being depleted? Or maybe that our rivers and lakes are not really withering down to nothing at this point.. Or maybe it is that the big giant hole in the ozone layer is non existent, or possibly even that all that nasty smog that hangs over so many major cities is not really smog, or pollution at all.. it is just a figment of our imagination..

What is the fucking protest for?? When did pollution become some sort of thing people protest?? Fucking insanity, I say it is.

And it was completely voluntary.

Here's the thing about FREEDOM - much of what other people do seems silly or pointless or just plain wrong to other people. But as it really doesn't affect you, it's none of your business. Nobody harangued or scolded you into participating. On the other hand, some of us have been harangued and scolded into participating in the lights out effort. See the difference?
We have an opportunity to show global warmers what we think tonight at 8:30pm. While they turn out their lights for an hour, we can turn ours on for three. Just a thought. I'm in.

What a ridiculous thing to participate in. What are you protesting? What is being said here- that the moutains that used to be ice capped, somehow magically became ice capped again? Or that the rainforests are not really being depleted? Or maybe that our rivers and lakes are not really withering down to nothing at this point.. Or maybe it is that the big giant hole in the ozone layer is non existent, or possibly even that all that nasty smog that hangs over so many major cities is not really smog, or pollution at all.. it is just a figment of our imagination..

What is the fucking protest for?? When did pollution become some sort of thing people protest?? Fucking insanity, I say it is.
:lol: I still have the right to drive what I want, and use as much electricity as I deem necessary as long as I pay for it. Yes, I know bleeding heart liberals like you want to take away that right, but right now you can't. So why don't you light a candle, grab the latest hand written book (can't be using electricity now!!) brew a cup of fair-trade tea with your solar powered generator, and shut the fuck up? :lol:

Isn't that what liberals really want to tell Conservatives?? "Shut the fuck up! We know what is best for you!" Well guess what? You're dead wrong. I know what is best for me and you know what is best for you. Here's an idea!! You mind your own business, I'll mind mine.

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