Ebola: Dallas Texas: Health Care Worker Tests Positive for Ebola: Hospital

According to this shrink, Eboma loves this


An Ebola outbreak is being allowed by President Obama because he “wants America to suffer” along with the rest of the world. This is the charge leveled by Fox News columnist Keith Ablow (pictured above), who is also a psychiatrist.

“I believe the President may literally believe we should suffer along with less fortunate nations. And if he does, that is a very dangerous psychological stance from which to confront Ebola,” Ablow said.

Ebola Outbreak: President Allowing Spread Because He ‘Wants America To Suffer,’ Columnist Says

Read more at Ebola Outbreak President Allowing Spread Because He 8216 Wants America To Suffer 8217 Columnist Says

You really don't know how to place responsibility where it belongs:

"Rest assured, our system is working as it should." Rick Perry, October 6, 2014

Ebola Case Puts Rick Perry In The Hotseat
time to blockade Texas
Folks can laugh now or cry later but I think the facts will soon be clear. Worst case scenario is Obama's martial law is coming. Cities will be quarantined off, and......

Get the FEMA coffins ready

lol bookmarked, dumbfuck
Aaaaand liberals are more concerned about a 5 year old saying "pew pew" with a crayon than people coming into this country with a very contagious highly deadly disease.

No shit! This is what it has come to. PC ruling the day. When will the majority wake up and vote. If the lib's hold on to the senate turn out the lights the low information public will have doomed the U.S. into Kalifornia

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Remember this little jewel from 2010? "...potential passenger privacy rights" trump public safety.

Obama administration scraps quarantine regulations
Posted 4/1/2010 By Alison Young, USA TODAY
Obama administration scraps quarantine regulations - USATODAY.com

The Obama administration has quietly scrapped plans to enact sweeping new federal quarantine regulations that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention touted four years ago as critical to protecting Americans from dangerous diseases spread by travelers.

The regulations, proposed in 2005 during the Bush administration amid fears of avian flu, would have given the federal government additional powers to detain sick airline passengers and those exposed to certain diseases. They also would have expanded requirements for airlines to report ill passengers to the CDC and mandated that airlines collect and maintain contact information for fliers in case they later needed to be traced as part of an investigation into an outbreak.

Airline and civil liberties groups, which had opposed the rules, praised their withdrawal.

The Air Transport Association had decried them as imposing "unprecedented" regulations on airlines at costs they couldn't afford. "We think that the CDC was right to withdraw the proposed rule," association spokeswoman Elizabeth Merida said Thursday.

The American Civil Liberties Union had objected to potential passenger privacy rights violations and the proposal's "provisional quarantine" rule. That rule would have allowed the CDC to detain people involuntarily for three business days if the agency believed they had certain diseases: pandemic flu, infectious tuberculosis, plague, cholera, SARS, smallpox, yellow fever, diphtheria or viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola.

"The fact that they're backing away from this very coercive style of quarantine is good news," said ACLU legislative counsel Christopher Calabrese, who was unaware the proposed rules had been withdrawn.

CDC officials had stressed the rules would only be used in rare circumstances when someone posed a threat and refused to cooperate. The new rules, they noted at the time, added legal protections and appeals for those subject to quarantines.

CDC spokeswoman Christine Pearson said in a statement Thursday that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the CDC's parent agency, withdrew the proposed regulations after discussion across the government made it clear that "further revision and reconsideration is necessary to update the regulations."

HHS and the CDC are crafting new regulations that will incorporate public health lessons learned since 2005, Pearson said in the statement. She did not elaborate and referred questions to HHS. HHS spokeswoman Vicki Rivas-Vazquez said late Thursday the department had no further comment.

Last June, after the H1N1, or swine flu, pandemic emerged, the White House Office of Management and Budget received the final rules for review, records show. HHS withdrew the proposed regulations Jan. 20 — after more than four years of refining them and reviewing public comments.

Jennifer Nuzzo, at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Center for Biosecurity, said the rapid worldwide spread of swine flu showed flaws in the proposed regulations' premise.

"They probably learned during H1N1 that this hope of preventing diseases from entering the country by stationing people at airports is unrealistic," she said.
In 2007, after an Atlanta man with drug-resistant tuberculosis drew international attention to the potential risks posed by infected air travelers, CDC Director Julie Gerberding testified before Congress that the proposed regulations would improve the agency's ability to identify exposed passengers quickly. Gerberding, now president of Merck Vaccines, was unavailable for comment Thursday.

Even in the Bush administration, some were skeptical of the CDC's 2005 proposal, said Stewart Baker, assistant secretary for policy at the Department of Homeland Security from 2005 to 2009. "There were a lot of questions about how plausible it was to treat airports as a place where you could stop and inspect and quarantine people," Baker said Thursday.
Folks can laugh now or cry later but I think the facts will soon be clear. Worst case scenario is Obama's martial law is coming. Cities will be quarantined off, and......

Get the FEMA coffins ready

lol bookmarked, dumbfuck

Cool add this

Folks can laugh now or cry later but I think the facts will soon be clear. Worst case scenario is Obama's martial law is coming. Cities will be quarantined off, and......

Get the FEMA coffins ready

lol bookmarked, dumbfuck

Another prediction from the rough on the 15th hole-



Obama: "The Chances Of An Ebola Outbreak In The United States Is Extremely Low"

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: ...on the agressive steps that we are taking to fight Ebola epidemic. To stop the epidemic at its source in West Africa. Also make sure that we do what we need to do to stop an outbreak here in the United States. As I said from the start of this outbreak, I consider a top national security priority.

Obama The Chances Of An Ebola Outbreak In The United States Is Extremely Low Video RealClearPolitics
According to this shrink, Eboma loves this


An Ebola outbreak is being allowed by President Obama because he “wants America to suffer” along with the rest of the world. This is the charge leveled by Fox News columnist Keith Ablow (pictured above), who is also a psychiatrist.

“I believe the President may literally believe we should suffer along with less fortunate nations. And if he does, that is a very dangerous psychological stance from which to confront Ebola,” Ablow said.

Ebola Outbreak: President Allowing Spread Because He ‘Wants America To Suffer,’ Columnist Says

Read more at Ebola Outbreak President Allowing Spread Because He 8216 Wants America To Suffer 8217 Columnist Says

You really don't know how to place responsibility where it belongs:

"Rest assured, our system is working as it should." Rick Perry, October 6, 2014

Ebola Case Puts Rick Perry In The Hotseat
I know, Obama is the Scapegoat for the failings of Liberalism and Democrat policies
we riot in the streets over some thug shot by a cop and it is all over every channel non stop for weeks, our POTHUS tells us Ebola is not an issue and a slim chance it would get here, and our hospitals are more than equipped and then this........
Man with Ebola-like symptoms taken to Boston Hospital
Patriot Ledger ^

A man with Ebola-like symptoms is being taken by ambulance to a Boston hospital. Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, 11 Grossman Drive, was reportedly being evacuated while doctors assessed a possible case of Ebola, according to fire and police radio transmissions from the scene. A man who recently traveled to West Africa was being isolated outside the center inside an ambulance, according to fire department officials. He is now being escorted by police to a Boston hospital. The driver of the ambulance is wearing a mask and haz mat suit. The Braintree police and fire departments, Department of Public Health and...
such a slim chance.... nothing to see here Ferguson is the place to be, I think another thug got pulled over for a tail light
Yes, she did and cannot think of any way protocal was broken. I heard someone else state possibly thru intubation or dialysis, maybe contact could have occurred.

This rests with the hospital, the cdc and the Dallas judge and their health dept. This person was not even considered a contact as they call it, by the cdc, even though she had treated him.

According to this shrink, Eboma loves this


An Ebola outbreak is being allowed by President Obama because he “wants America to suffer” along with the rest of the world. This is the charge leveled by Fox News columnist Keith Ablow (pictured above), who is also a psychiatrist.

“I believe the President may literally believe we should suffer along with less fortunate nations. And if he does, that is a very dangerous psychological stance from which to confront Ebola,” Ablow said.

Ebola Outbreak: President Allowing Spread Because He ‘Wants America To Suffer,’ Columnist Says

Read more at Ebola Outbreak President Allowing Spread Because He 8216 Wants America To Suffer 8217 Columnist Says

You really don't know how to place responsibility where it belongs:

"Rest assured, our system is working as it should." Rick Perry, October 6, 2014

Ebola Case Puts Rick Perry In The Hotseat

My concern is that the way she was exposed may not be disclosed honestly by either state or federal authorities. Widespread panic is bad for everyone everywhere.

from what i have read she wore protective gear

do not know if that is accurate or not

but that is what i have read

true maybe some step or steps was not followed through on

many years ago through my home health care

when aids first became a problem

we brought a fellow home to die with his family

it was believed at the time that it was a blood born pathogen

however when we did a risk assessment on bringing him home

the state and federal centers for disease control

stated that an x amount of health care workers contracted the disease

even though universal precautions had been taken

which caused a bit of a stir in regards to providing the service

we provided the service anyhow

studies later on discovered that the healthcare workers had one or more of the following

broke protocol and came in contact with body fluids and did not report it at the time

intravenous drug users

had at risk sexual practices

recipients of blood transfusions

which had nothing to do with the aids patient
Texas Health Care Worker Tests Positive for Ebola: Hospital

A health care worker at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, where an Ebola patient died last week, has tested positive for the virus after a preliminary test, the hospital said early Sunday in a statement.

Texas Health Care Worker Tests Positive for Ebola Hospital - NBC News

I hope they did not pass it on or they were quarantined early. My thought with them and their family.

oddly both her and the health care worker from Spain wore protective gear

Gee thats amazing, I thought we were told by everyone its sooo hard to catch, and nothing to be concerned about. Actually the worst thing
I could see happening at this point is it somehow spreading to Latin America where it would take offlike wildfire. Then very easily spill back into US
boarders in greater numbers

Gee thats amazing, I thought we were told by everyone its sooo hard to catch,

i believe it is easy to catch if the virus is lying around in human or animal

fluids or in the spray of a cough or sneeze

the centers for disease control indicate

that you can catch the virus off the body of a victim

that has assumed room temp

which also means the virus can remain alive

in small amounts of bodily fluids left behind on counter tops

toilet seats door knobs money and so on

also from what i have read is that the virus

is very susceptible to even very small amounts of chlorine

They're terrified of "global warming" causing the end of the world SOMEday off in the misty future.

....because the government told them to be...

...but a disease that is spreading into europe and the u.s. that they aren't sure how it is being spread and that there is no cure for, isn't a problem.

....because the government said it wasn't.

..LMAO...silly partisans...

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