Eden Garden of the GodS

The spirit is not invisible to the spirit. If the spiritual world was entirely invisible there would not be thousands upon thousands of reports and people trying to understand what they have seen in that spiritual realm.
When you can actually prove something, come back and tell me, I'd be very interested in that.
There is no "prove" to it. You either believe when another person shares what they have seen or you don't. Pretty simple really.
The trick is to figure out if they are nuts or did actually experience something that is really there.
If you see something in the spirit you still have to determine what kind of spirit it was. As an individual you have to decide those things. I was working in K.C. some years ago and happened to meet a son of a guy we knew here. He was the manager of a fairly nice hotel. He asked me where I was from and I told him so he asked if I knew his dad. I knew his dad by his nickname 'coach' but not his given name but when he told me his dad owned the motel I knew who he was talking about. It was about three or four months later I saw his dad one day when I was there at his place at a meeting. His dad said, "My son told me you painted his hotel and stayed there where he is the manager". I told him yes and I thought what a very nice young man his son was. He then asked what color was my hair. I thought it an odd question but I answered. He said his son insisted it was a lady with very long hair but exactly the opposite color that 'coach' thought it was. Evidently they argued about what color my hair was for the several years that I painted for the holiday seasons down there. People do not always see the same things and that is evident when you hear people describe different situations whether those be an accident or just an event.
I understand that people generally see what they want to see, but seeing stuff that's not there? That's called making stuff up because you're so desperate for it to be true. And just because you may have experienced something strange, even unexplainable, doesn't automatically point to a god, especially one that murdered nearly everyone in a flood. That's called crazy.
I am afraid you are too immature to get it even if it is all explained to you. The flood is warned about to those who were seeking righteousness. It is a flood of evil that destroys all that is not holy and it happens in the spirit but you can't seem to get there as you cannot perceive the spirit. the only portion that will remain in each is that portion slated to be made into the perfect image of righteousness. You are too busy accusing to find the spirit.

Matthew 24:37. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be
When you can actually prove something, come back and tell me, I'd be very interested in that.
There is no "prove" to it. You either believe when another person shares what they have seen or you don't. Pretty simple really.
The trick is to figure out if they are nuts or did actually experience something that is really there.
If you see something in the spirit you still have to determine what kind of spirit it was. As an individual you have to decide those things. I was working in K.C. some years ago and happened to meet a son of a guy we knew here. He was the manager of a fairly nice hotel. He asked me where I was from and I told him so he asked if I knew his dad. I knew his dad by his nickname 'coach' but not his given name but when he told me his dad owned the motel I knew who he was talking about. It was about three or four months later I saw his dad one day when I was there at his place at a meeting. His dad said, "My son told me you painted his hotel and stayed there where he is the manager". I told him yes and I thought what a very nice young man his son was. He then asked what color was my hair. I thought it an odd question but I answered. He said his son insisted it was a lady with very long hair but exactly the opposite color that 'coach' thought it was. Evidently they argued about what color my hair was for the several years that I painted for the holiday seasons down there. People do not always see the same things and that is evident when you hear people describe different situations whether those be an accident or just an event.
I understand that people generally see what they want to see, but seeing stuff that's not there? That's called making stuff up because you're so desperate for it to be true. And just because you may have experienced something strange, even unexplainable, doesn't automatically point to a god, especially one that murdered nearly everyone in a flood. That's called crazy.
I am afraid you are too immature to get it even if it is all explained to you. The flood is warned about to those who were seeking righteousness. It is a flood of evil that destroys all that is not holy and it happens in the spirit but you can't seem to get there as you cannot perceive the spirit. the only portion that will remain in each is that portion slated to be made into the perfect image of righteousness. You are too busy accusing to find the spirit.

Matthew 24:37. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be
I hope I'm gone before that happens. I like my chances. I've already had one heart attack. I'm guessing that's how I'll kick the bucket. I hope so. When I had my heart attack, actually it was arrhythmia, I didn't feel a thing. I simply passed out and woke up in the hospital. I don't even remember passing out. I walked into a mini mart and asked them to call 911 because something just didn't feel right. I passed out before he could pick up the phone. That's how I want to go.
I am afraid you are too immature to get it even if it is all explained to you.
Yes, funny how this always works this way. Anybody who doesn't make sense of religious dogma is always the one at fault for not making sense of it. It is NEVER an inherent problem of the religious dogma. Well, unless it's from a different religion than that of the person speaking....naturally.
No, science says they're wrong about the flood...

"Science says" isn't very compelling. First off it tries to substitute science for a religion. Further, science is a method of discovery, science doesn't "say" anything. People can use the scientific method as a logical approach to discovery, but science is a tool, not a person or a god.

The flood is an absurdity because the equilibrium of the would be altered if the continents did not interrupt tidal patterns. The gravitation of the sun and the moon would disrupt the surface mass to the point that the orbit of the planet would be drastically changed.
How would the Earth's orbit be changed? According to Scripture, the rain came from the fountains of the deep. Vast underground reservoirs of water that were under extreme pressure. When this water was released, it is estimated that the escape velocity was greater than the speed of sound, This happened along the fault lines where ocean trenches currently exist. Much of those underground reservoirs are still there today, but not under pressure, as they once were. So the Mass of the Earth did not change, and it's orbit was not affected. Look up the hydro plate theory. It explains it all.

Yet not one hint of evidence exists to support such beliefs.
I just gave you some evidence. The hydroplate theory.

In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood - The Hydroplate Theory: An Overview

I'm sorry, but creation science has lied too many times to have any credibility left. Like Snopes and Algore, they've lied to me one too many times.

An example from your link is the nonsense about the Grand Canyon, which even other Christians call them to task for;

The volume of rock displaced by the Burlingame Canyon is nearly five million cubic feet, and the Grand Canyon volume of rock displaced is roughly 448 trillion cubic feet1, or 89,702,431 times the volume of the Burlingame Canyon (in case you didn't get it, that's a ratio of 89 million to 1). I fail to see the relation between these two canyons. Because you can create a tiny canyon in six days doesn't prove anything, unless you can repeat it on the scale of the Grand Canyon. And, if the Grand Canyon eroded at the same rate as Burlingame, you would still need 1.5 million years for the Grand Canyon to form.2

This is a perfect example of a trick the young earth creation scientist uses to convince the uninformed person. The argument is that if you can demonstrate something on a small scale, then all you have to do is increase the scale to create a larger effect. It sounds logical but proves nothing.

Another trick evident in this article, from the first paragraph, is the statement that in recent years, scientists had disproved the idea of slow canyon formation, and instead were leaning now on a large volume of water rushing through the canyon at a high rate of speed. Scientists have NOT disproved this idea of slow canyon formation...only "creation scientists" have, which represent less than 1/10th of 1 percent of scientists. The "scientist" claim is quite misleading. For a statement to be considered "disproved," it must be examined by other scientists and found to be untrue, which is not the case at all concerning the Grand Canyon. I can assure you that scientists still believe in a millions of years old canyon.}

Creation Science Rebuttals, Institute for Creation Research, Dr. John's Q&A #156
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I can have faith in my seat belt working tomorrow and I there is evidence for that, right?
Nah, that's not faith. That's an evidence based determination. Gun to your head, would you say you are 100% certain your seat belt will always work? Of course not. You faithy types ALWAYS have a hard time either grasping this distinction, or admitting that you do grasp it (because it undermines your rhetoric).
I can have faith in my seat belt working tomorrow and I there is evidence for that, right?
Nah, that's not faith. That's an evidence based determination. Gun to your head, would you say you are 100% certain your seat belt will always work? Of course not. You faithy types ALWAYS have a hard time either grasping this distinction, or admitting that you do grasp it (because it undermines your rhetoric).
It's faith. Just like it is faith that the cars will stop at the crosswalk.

There are no guarantees. You take it on faith.
I can have faith in my seat belt working tomorrow and I there is evidence for that, right?
Nah, that's not faith. That's an evidence based determination. Gun to your head, would you say you are 100% certain your seat belt will always work? Of course not. You faithy types ALWAYS have a hard time either grasping this distinction, or admitting that you do grasp it (because it undermines your rhetoric).
It's faith. Just like it is faith that the cars will stop at the crosswalk.

There are no guarantees. You take it on faith.
It is not faith. I do not take it on faith, I take it on evidence...I.e., precisely the opposite of takimg ot on faith. I am not certain my seat belt will work. But I proceed as if it will, else I get a new seat belt. No faith required, sorry. You are wrong, and you need to go take some time with this very important distinction, because you are really not grasping it.
I can have faith in my seat belt working tomorrow and I there is evidence for that, right?
Nah, that's not faith. That's an evidence based determination. Gun to your head, would you say you are 100% certain your seat belt will always work? Of course not. You faithy types ALWAYS have a hard time either grasping this distinction, or admitting that you do grasp it (because it undermines your rhetoric).
It's faith. Just like it is faith that the cars will stop at the crosswalk.

There are no guarantees. You take it on faith.
It is not faith. I do not take it on faith, I take it on evidence...I.e., precisely the opposite of takimg ot on faith. I am not certain my seat belt will work. But I proceed as if it will, else I get a new seat belt. No faith required, sorry. You are wrong, and you need to go take some time with this very important distinction, because you are really not grasping it.
So you get a pull test done on your seat belts before you drive it?

You have some magical powers that make cars magically stop when the driver doesn't stop at the crosswalk and rammed your legs into your chest?

You take it on faith that they do what they are supposed to do and I could down the list all day long.
When you can actually prove something, come back and tell me, I'd be very interested in that.
There is no "prove" to it. You either believe when another person shares what they have seen or you don't. Pretty simple really.
The trick is to figure out if they are nuts or did actually experience something that is really there.
If you see something in the spirit you still have to determine what kind of spirit it was. As an individual you have to decide those things. I was working in K.C. some years ago and happened to meet a son of a guy we knew here. He was the manager of a fairly nice hotel. He asked me where I was from and I told him so he asked if I knew his dad. I knew his dad by his nickname 'coach' but not his given name but when he told me his dad owned the motel I knew who he was talking about. It was about three or four months later I saw his dad one day when I was there at his place at a meeting. His dad said, "My son told me you painted his hotel and stayed there where he is the manager". I told him yes and I thought what a very nice young man his son was. He then asked what color was my hair. I thought it an odd question but I answered. He said his son insisted it was a lady with very long hair but exactly the opposite color that 'coach' thought it was. Evidently they argued about what color my hair was for the several years that I painted for the holiday seasons down there. People do not always see the same things and that is evident when you hear people describe different situations whether those be an accident or just an event.
I understand that people generally see what they want to see, but seeing stuff that's not there? That's called making stuff up because you're so desperate for it to be true. And just because you may have experienced something strange, even unexplainable, doesn't automatically point to a god, especially one that murdered nearly everyone in a flood. That's called crazy.
I am afraid you are too immature to get it even if it is all explained to you. The flood is warned about to those who were seeking righteousness. It is a flood of evil that destroys all that is not holy and it happens in the spirit but you can't seem to get there as you cannot perceive the spirit. the only portion that will remain in each is that portion slated to be made into the perfect image of righteousness. You are too busy accusing to find the spirit.

Matthew 24:37. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be
You’re too busy with your nose stuck in a book of fiction to know where a god might be. But thanks for trying.
I have faith in things that I have good reason to believe.
But that reason is NOT ever "evidence". Thus, faith.
Who says? I can have faith in my seat belt working tomorrow and I there is evidence for that, right?

The reason for having complete trust for something can be almost anything that makes sense and is reasonable.
Like an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension, and which no one has ever seen, but they are sure that said invisible being murdered nearly all of mankind in a flood? :lol:
I have faith in things that I have good reason to believe.
But that reason is NOT ever "evidence". Thus, faith.
Who says? I can have faith in my seat belt working tomorrow and I there is evidence for that, right?

The reason for having complete trust for something can be almost anything that makes sense and is reasonable.
Like an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension, and which no one has ever seen, but they are sure that said invisible being murdered nearly all of mankind in a flood? :lol:
That's how you see it, Taz.

Nothing new there.
I have faith in things that I have good reason to believe.
But that reason is NOT ever "evidence". Thus, faith.
Who says? I can have faith in my seat belt working tomorrow and I there is evidence for that, right?

The reason for having complete trust for something can be almost anything that makes sense and is reasonable.
Like an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension, and which no one has ever seen, but they are sure that said invisible being murdered nearly all of mankind in a flood? :lol:
What if 99% of the generation that was killed by the flood was threatening to murder Noach and his family when they were building the ark?
I think you are confused between a decree of death vs murder.
Another angle is that is you are angry at God for killing His creations, you are also questioning the God that created those people with free will.
Which means you believe that free will, including your own free will, is not a good thing.
I have faith in things that I have good reason to believe.
But that reason is NOT ever "evidence". Thus, faith.
Who says? I can have faith in my seat belt working tomorrow and I there is evidence for that, right?

The reason for having complete trust for something can be almost anything that makes sense and is reasonable.
Like an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension, and which no one has ever seen, but they are sure that said invisible being murdered nearly all of mankind in a flood? :lol:
What if 99% of the generation that was killed by the flood was threatening to murder Noach and his family when they were building the ark?
I think you are confused between a decree of death vs murder.
Another angle is that is you are angry at God for killing His creations, you are also questioning the God that created those people with free will.
Which means you believe that free will, including your own free will, is not a good thing.
99% of the world's population didn't know squat about Noah, there was no internet back then. :biggrin:

Death is a naturally occurring event, murder is when someone purposely drowns nearly everyone. Did I get that right?

If someone gifts me something, they can't attach conditions on the gift, that's so gauche. If god didn't want me to have free will, I'm guessing that it wouldn't have given me something that it didn't want me to have. What you're trying to do is to find a scapegoat for god's murders so that your fantasy world doesn't collapse on top of you. Not going to well, is it?
There is no "prove" to it. You either believe when another person shares what they have seen or you don't. Pretty simple really.
The trick is to figure out if they are nuts or did actually experience something that is really there.
If you see something in the spirit you still have to determine what kind of spirit it was. As an individual you have to decide those things. I was working in K.C. some years ago and happened to meet a son of a guy we knew here. He was the manager of a fairly nice hotel. He asked me where I was from and I told him so he asked if I knew his dad. I knew his dad by his nickname 'coach' but not his given name but when he told me his dad owned the motel I knew who he was talking about. It was about three or four months later I saw his dad one day when I was there at his place at a meeting. His dad said, "My son told me you painted his hotel and stayed there where he is the manager". I told him yes and I thought what a very nice young man his son was. He then asked what color was my hair. I thought it an odd question but I answered. He said his son insisted it was a lady with very long hair but exactly the opposite color that 'coach' thought it was. Evidently they argued about what color my hair was for the several years that I painted for the holiday seasons down there. People do not always see the same things and that is evident when you hear people describe different situations whether those be an accident or just an event.
I understand that people generally see what they want to see, but seeing stuff that's not there? That's called making stuff up because you're so desperate for it to be true. And just because you may have experienced something strange, even unexplainable, doesn't automatically point to a god, especially one that murdered nearly everyone in a flood. That's called crazy.
I am afraid you are too immature to get it even if it is all explained to you. The flood is warned about to those who were seeking righteousness. It is a flood of evil that destroys all that is not holy and it happens in the spirit but you can't seem to get there as you cannot perceive the spirit. the only portion that will remain in each is that portion slated to be made into the perfect image of righteousness. You are too busy accusing to find the spirit.

Matthew 24:37. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be
You’re too busy with your nose stuck in a book of fiction to know where a god might be. But thanks for trying.
God is a spirit that spirit is not contained in a book but the book does provide confirmation for many when they seek to understand the things that they have seen in the spirit.
The trick is to figure out if they are nuts or did actually experience something that is really there.
If you see something in the spirit you still have to determine what kind of spirit it was. As an individual you have to decide those things. I was working in K.C. some years ago and happened to meet a son of a guy we knew here. He was the manager of a fairly nice hotel. He asked me where I was from and I told him so he asked if I knew his dad. I knew his dad by his nickname 'coach' but not his given name but when he told me his dad owned the motel I knew who he was talking about. It was about three or four months later I saw his dad one day when I was there at his place at a meeting. His dad said, "My son told me you painted his hotel and stayed there where he is the manager". I told him yes and I thought what a very nice young man his son was. He then asked what color was my hair. I thought it an odd question but I answered. He said his son insisted it was a lady with very long hair but exactly the opposite color that 'coach' thought it was. Evidently they argued about what color my hair was for the several years that I painted for the holiday seasons down there. People do not always see the same things and that is evident when you hear people describe different situations whether those be an accident or just an event.
I understand that people generally see what they want to see, but seeing stuff that's not there? That's called making stuff up because you're so desperate for it to be true. And just because you may have experienced something strange, even unexplainable, doesn't automatically point to a god, especially one that murdered nearly everyone in a flood. That's called crazy.
I am afraid you are too immature to get it even if it is all explained to you. The flood is warned about to those who were seeking righteousness. It is a flood of evil that destroys all that is not holy and it happens in the spirit but you can't seem to get there as you cannot perceive the spirit. the only portion that will remain in each is that portion slated to be made into the perfect image of righteousness. You are too busy accusing to find the spirit.

Matthew 24:37. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be
You’re too busy with your nose stuck in a book of fiction to know where a god might be. But thanks for trying.
God is a spirit that spirit is not contained in a book but the book does provide confirmation for many when they seek to understand the things that they have seen in the spirit.
Confirmation from the bible that its central character, god, is a mass murderer and rapist? Like the time that God tells Pharaoh to let his people go, but Pharaoh says no. To show Pharaoh that he means business, God retaliates by killing thousands of first born children...
I have faith in things that I have good reason to believe.
But that reason is NOT ever "evidence". Thus, faith.
Who says? I can have faith in my seat belt working tomorrow and I there is evidence for that, right?

The reason for having complete trust for something can be almost anything that makes sense and is reasonable.
Like an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension, and which no one has ever seen, but they are sure that said invisible being murdered nearly all of mankind in a flood? :lol:
What if 99% of the generation that was killed by the flood was threatening to murder Noach and his family when they were building the ark?
I think you are confused between a decree of death vs murder.
Another angle is that is you are angry at God for killing His creations, you are also questioning the God that created those people with free will.
Which means you believe that free will, including your own free will, is not a good thing.
99% of the world's population didn't know squat about Noah, there was no internet back then. :biggrin:

Death is a naturally occurring event, murder is when someone purposely drowns nearly everyone. Did I get that right?

If someone gifts me something, they can't attach conditions on the gift, that's so gauche. If god didn't want me to have free will, I'm guessing that it wouldn't have given me something that it didn't want me to have. What you're trying to do is to find a scapegoat for god's murders so that your fantasy world doesn't collapse on top of you. Not going to well, is it?
Noah spent 120 years building the ark and everyone was asking him what he was doing and why.
They mocked him.
They knew.
I take it you would not execute a murderer since you would consider that to be murder.
If you see something in the spirit you still have to determine what kind of spirit it was. As an individual you have to decide those things. I was working in K.C. some years ago and happened to meet a son of a guy we knew here. He was the manager of a fairly nice hotel. He asked me where I was from and I told him so he asked if I knew his dad. I knew his dad by his nickname 'coach' but not his given name but when he told me his dad owned the motel I knew who he was talking about. It was about three or four months later I saw his dad one day when I was there at his place at a meeting. His dad said, "My son told me you painted his hotel and stayed there where he is the manager". I told him yes and I thought what a very nice young man his son was. He then asked what color was my hair. I thought it an odd question but I answered. He said his son insisted it was a lady with very long hair but exactly the opposite color that 'coach' thought it was. Evidently they argued about what color my hair was for the several years that I painted for the holiday seasons down there. People do not always see the same things and that is evident when you hear people describe different situations whether those be an accident or just an event.
I understand that people generally see what they want to see, but seeing stuff that's not there? That's called making stuff up because you're so desperate for it to be true. And just because you may have experienced something strange, even unexplainable, doesn't automatically point to a god, especially one that murdered nearly everyone in a flood. That's called crazy.
I am afraid you are too immature to get it even if it is all explained to you. The flood is warned about to those who were seeking righteousness. It is a flood of evil that destroys all that is not holy and it happens in the spirit but you can't seem to get there as you cannot perceive the spirit. the only portion that will remain in each is that portion slated to be made into the perfect image of righteousness. You are too busy accusing to find the spirit.

Matthew 24:37. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be
You’re too busy with your nose stuck in a book of fiction to know where a god might be. But thanks for trying.
God is a spirit that spirit is not contained in a book but the book does provide confirmation for many when they seek to understand the things that they have seen in the spirit.
Confirmation from the bible that its central character, god, is a mass murderer and rapist? Like the time that God tells Pharaoh to let his people go, but Pharaoh says no. To show Pharaoh that he means business, God retaliates by killing thousands of first born children...
What doe the word pharaoh mean?
If you see something in the spirit you still have to determine what kind of spirit it was. As an individual you have to decide those things. I was working in K.C. some years ago and happened to meet a son of a guy we knew here. He was the manager of a fairly nice hotel. He asked me where I was from and I told him so he asked if I knew his dad. I knew his dad by his nickname 'coach' but not his given name but when he told me his dad owned the motel I knew who he was talking about. It was about three or four months later I saw his dad one day when I was there at his place at a meeting. His dad said, "My son told me you painted his hotel and stayed there where he is the manager". I told him yes and I thought what a very nice young man his son was. He then asked what color was my hair. I thought it an odd question but I answered. He said his son insisted it was a lady with very long hair but exactly the opposite color that 'coach' thought it was. Evidently they argued about what color my hair was for the several years that I painted for the holiday seasons down there. People do not always see the same things and that is evident when you hear people describe different situations whether those be an accident or just an event.
I understand that people generally see what they want to see, but seeing stuff that's not there? That's called making stuff up because you're so desperate for it to be true. And just because you may have experienced something strange, even unexplainable, doesn't automatically point to a god, especially one that murdered nearly everyone in a flood. That's called crazy.
I am afraid you are too immature to get it even if it is all explained to you. The flood is warned about to those who were seeking righteousness. It is a flood of evil that destroys all that is not holy and it happens in the spirit but you can't seem to get there as you cannot perceive the spirit. the only portion that will remain in each is that portion slated to be made into the perfect image of righteousness. You are too busy accusing to find the spirit.

Matthew 24:37. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be
You’re too busy with your nose stuck in a book of fiction to know where a god might be. But thanks for trying.
God is a spirit that spirit is not contained in a book but the book does provide confirmation for many when they seek to understand the things that they have seen in the spirit.
Confirmation from the bible that its central character, god, is a mass murderer and rapist? Like the time that God tells Pharaoh to let his people go, but Pharaoh says no. To show Pharaoh that he means business, God retaliates by killing thousands of first born children...
The fact that Pharoah had the Jewish children murdered was, of course, A-OK.

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