Eden Garden of the GodS

All this nonsense so that you can justify to yourself that an invisible being is real? The foods I enjoy can be scientifically proven to exist, invisible beings cannot.
The spirit is not invisible to the spirit. If the spiritual world was entirely invisible there would not be thousands upon thousands of reports and people trying to understand what they have seen in that spiritual realm.
I'm not saying that it can't exist, so when you can actually prove something, come back and tell me, I'd be very interested in that.
Perhaps. Maybe it wasnt transtlated properly. Maybe you are just the only one in thus thread, and historians who can read their language properly

Radical atheism is just another religion. In the zeal of the atheist religion to discredit the Christians whom they hate, they take some extreme liberties with facts.

The Sumerian texts are fascinating, and the tale of the flood undoubtedly originates in the epic poem, but the creation myth is just intellectual masturbation by atheist zealots determined to force a square peg into a round hole in hopes of discrediting those of the competing religion they hate.
So, let's see if I have this straight. Millions upon millions of people, from all cultures, believe in God and Noah's flood, and the Creation account in Genesis. And YOU think they're all wrong. Got it. Thanks for playing. NEXT!
No, science says they're wrong about the flood...
All this nonsense so that you can justify to yourself that an invisible being is real? The foods I enjoy can be scientifically proven to exist, invisible beings cannot.
The spirit is not invisible to the spirit. If the spiritual world was entirely invisible there would not be thousands upon thousands of reports and people trying to understand what they have seen in that spiritual realm.
When you can actually prove something, come back and tell me, I'd be very interested in that.
There is no "prove" to it. You either believe when another person shares what they have seen or you don't. Pretty simple really.
So, let's see if I have this straight. Millions upon millions of people, from all cultures, believe in God and Noah's flood, and the Creation account in Genesis. And YOU think they're all wrong. Got it. Thanks for playing. NEXT!

Yes, the flood and the creation myth are absurdities that defy reality.
All this nonsense so that you can justify to yourself that an invisible being is real? The foods I enjoy can be scientifically proven to exist, invisible beings cannot.
The spirit is not invisible to the spirit. If the spiritual world was entirely invisible there would not be thousands upon thousands of reports and people trying to understand what they have seen in that spiritual realm.
When you can actually prove something, come back and tell me, I'd be very interested in that.
There is no "prove" to it. You either believe when another person shares what they have seen or you don't. Pretty simple really.
The trick is to figure out if they are nuts or did actually experience something that is really there.
So, let's see if I have this straight. Millions upon millions of people, from all cultures, believe in God and Noah's flood, and the Creation account in Genesis. And YOU think they're all wrong. Got it. Thanks for playing. NEXT!

Yes, the flood and the creation myth are absurdities that defy reality.
That's just your opinion. Why should I believe you?
No, science says they're wrong about the flood...

"Science says" isn't very compelling. First off it tries to substitute science for a religion. Further, science is a method of discovery, science doesn't "say" anything. People can use the scientific method as a logical approach to discovery, but science is a tool, not a person or a god.

The flood is an absurdity because the equilibrium of the would be altered if the continents did not interrupt tidal patterns. The gravitation of the sun and the moon would disrupt the surface mass to the point that the orbit of the planet would be drastically changed.
So, let's see if I have this straight. Millions upon millions of people, from all cultures, believe in God and Noah's flood, and the Creation account in Genesis. And YOU think they're all wrong. Got it. Thanks for playing. NEXT!

Yes, the flood and the creation myth are absurdities that defy reality.
What's the creation myth?
Can you be specific?
No, science says they're wrong about the flood...

"Science says" isn't very compelling. First off it tries to substitute science for a religion. Further, science is a method of discovery, science doesn't "say" anything. People can use the scientific method as a logical approach to discovery, but science is a tool, not a person or a god.

The flood is an absurdity because the equilibrium of the would be altered if the continents did not interrupt tidal patterns. The gravitation of the sun and the moon would disrupt the surface mass to the point that the orbit of the planet would be drastically changed.
The equilibrium of the world was altered.
God says so after clearing away the flood.
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No, science says they're wrong about the flood...

"Science says" isn't very compelling. First off it tries to substitute science for a religion. Further, science is a method of discovery, science doesn't "say" anything. People can use the scientific method as a logical approach to discovery, but science is a tool, not a person or a god.

The flood is an absurdity because the equilibrium of the would be altered if the continents did not interrupt tidal patterns. The gravitation of the sun and the moon would disrupt the surface mass to the point that the orbit of the planet would be drastically changed.
How would the Earth's orbit be changed? According to Scripture, the rain came from the fountains of the deep. Vast underground reservoirs of water that were under extreme pressure. When this water was released, it is estimated that the escape velocity was greater than the speed of sound, This happened along the fault lines where ocean trenches currently exist. Much of those underground reservoirs are still there today, but not under pressure, as they once were. So the Mass of the Earth did not change, and it's orbit was not affected. Look up the hydro plate theory. It explains it all.
That's just your opinion. Why should I believe you?

It's not my opinion. Physical reality defies the notion of a 6 day creation. The evidence that is all around us shows a planet over 4 billion years old where life developed to ever more complex forms.

In order for there to be a world wide flood, eight the continental would have had to drop into the mantel, which there is zero evidence to suggest, or the volume of water on earth would have to have increased 10 fold, which is utter nonsense.

Noah's flood is a myth based on floods in the Euphrates area that grew into the current tale. To those in that area at that time,. Babylon was the whole world, but it isn't 3000 BC any longer.
All this nonsense so that you can justify to yourself that an invisible being is real? The foods I enjoy can be scientifically proven to exist, invisible beings cannot.
The spirit is not invisible to the spirit. If the spiritual world was entirely invisible there would not be thousands upon thousands of reports and people trying to understand what they have seen in that spiritual realm.
When you can actually prove something, come back and tell me, I'd be very interested in that.
There is no "prove" to it. You either believe when another person shares what they have seen or you don't. Pretty simple really.
The trick is to figure out if they are nuts or did actually experience something that is really there.
If you see something in the spirit you still have to determine what kind of spirit it was. As an individual you have to decide those things. I was working in K.C. some years ago and happened to meet a son of a guy we knew here. He was the manager of a fairly nice hotel. He asked me where I was from and I told him so he asked if I knew his dad. I knew his dad by his nickname 'coach' but not his given name but when he told me his dad owned the motel I knew who he was talking about. It was about three or four months later I saw his dad one day when I was there at his place at a meeting. His dad said, "My son told me you painted his hotel and stayed there where he is the manager". I told him yes and I thought what a very nice young man his son was. He then asked what color was my hair. I thought it an odd question but I answered. He said his son insisted it was a lady with very long hair but exactly the opposite color that 'coach' thought it was. Evidently they argued about what color my hair was for the several years that I painted for the holiday seasons down there. People do not always see the same things and that is evident when you hear people describe different situations whether those be an accident or just an event.
No, science says they're wrong about the flood...

"Science says" isn't very compelling. First off it tries to substitute science for a religion. Further, science is a method of discovery, science doesn't "say" anything. People can use the scientific method as a logical approach to discovery, but science is a tool, not a person or a god.

The flood is an absurdity because the equilibrium of the would be altered if the continents did not interrupt tidal patterns. The gravitation of the sun and the moon would disrupt the surface mass to the point that the orbit of the planet would be drastically changed.
How would the Earth's orbit be changed? According to Scripture, the rain came from the fountains of the deep. Vast underground reservoirs of water that were under extreme pressure. When this water was released, it is estimated that the escape velocity was greater than the speed of sound, This happened along the fault lines where ocean trenches currently exist. Much of those underground reservoirs are still there today, but not under pressure, as they once were. So the Mass of the Earth did not change, and it's orbit was not affected. Look up the hydro plate theory. It explains it all.

Yet not one hint of evidence exists to support such beliefs.
That's just your opinion. Why should I believe you?

It's not my opinion. Physical reality defies the notion of a 6 day creation. The evidence that is all around us shows a planet over 4 billion years old where life developed to ever more complex forms.

In order for there to be a world wide flood, eight the continental would have had to drop into the mantel, which there is zero evidence to suggest, or the volume of water on earth would have to have increased 10 fold, which is utter nonsense.

Noah's flood is a myth based on floods in the Euphrates area that grew into the current tale. To those in that area at that time,. Babylon was the whole world, but it isn't 3000 BC any longer.
You can believe what you like. I believe God's word, which has never been proven wrong about anything it says.
No, science says they're wrong about the flood...

"Science says" isn't very compelling. First off it tries to substitute science for a religion. Further, science is a method of discovery, science doesn't "say" anything. People can use the scientific method as a logical approach to discovery, but science is a tool, not a person or a god.

The flood is an absurdity because the equilibrium of the would be altered if the continents did not interrupt tidal patterns. The gravitation of the sun and the moon would disrupt the surface mass to the point that the orbit of the planet would be drastically changed.
How would the Earth's orbit be changed? According to Scripture, the rain came from the fountains of the deep. Vast underground reservoirs of water that were under extreme pressure. When this water was released, it is estimated that the escape velocity was greater than the speed of sound, This happened along the fault lines where ocean trenches currently exist. Much of those underground reservoirs are still there today, but not under pressure, as they once were. So the Mass of the Earth did not change, and it's orbit was not affected. Look up the hydro plate theory. It explains it all.

Yet not one hint of evidence exists to support such beliefs.
I just gave you some evidence. The hydroplate theory.

In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood - The Hydroplate Theory: An Overview
No, science says they're wrong about the flood...

"Science says" isn't very compelling. First off it tries to substitute science for a religion. Further, science is a method of discovery, science doesn't "say" anything. People can use the scientific method as a logical approach to discovery, but science is a tool, not a person or a god.

The flood is an absurdity because the equilibrium of the would be altered if the continents did not interrupt tidal patterns. The gravitation of the sun and the moon would disrupt the surface mass to the point that the orbit of the planet would be drastically changed.
As science says. :biggrin:
No, science says they're wrong about the flood...

"Science says" isn't very compelling. First off it tries to substitute science for a religion. Further, science is a method of discovery, science doesn't "say" anything. People can use the scientific method as a logical approach to discovery, but science is a tool, not a person or a god.

The flood is an absurdity because the equilibrium of the would be altered if the continents did not interrupt tidal patterns. The gravitation of the sun and the moon would disrupt the surface mass to the point that the orbit of the planet would be drastically changed.
The equilibrium of the world was altered.
God says so after clearing away the flood.
No, but seriously, you seem like a pretty intelligent guy. You actually believe that your invisible friend did the flood and murdered nearly everyone in it? What are you going on?
No, science says they're wrong about the flood...

"Science says" isn't very compelling. First off it tries to substitute science for a religion. Further, science is a method of discovery, science doesn't "say" anything. People can use the scientific method as a logical approach to discovery, but science is a tool, not a person or a god.

The flood is an absurdity because the equilibrium of the would be altered if the continents did not interrupt tidal patterns. The gravitation of the sun and the moon would disrupt the surface mass to the point that the orbit of the planet would be drastically changed.
How would the Earth's orbit be changed? According to Scripture, the rain came from the fountains of the deep. Vast underground reservoirs of water that were under extreme pressure. When this water was released, it is estimated that the escape velocity was greater than the speed of sound, This happened along the fault lines where ocean trenches currently exist. Much of those underground reservoirs are still there today, but not under pressure, as they once were. So the Mass of the Earth did not change, and it's orbit was not affected. Look up the hydro plate theory. It explains it all.
Do you even care that no scientific data backs up your claim?
All this nonsense so that you can justify to yourself that an invisible being is real? The foods I enjoy can be scientifically proven to exist, invisible beings cannot.
The spirit is not invisible to the spirit. If the spiritual world was entirely invisible there would not be thousands upon thousands of reports and people trying to understand what they have seen in that spiritual realm.
When you can actually prove something, come back and tell me, I'd be very interested in that.
There is no "prove" to it. You either believe when another person shares what they have seen or you don't. Pretty simple really.
The trick is to figure out if they are nuts or did actually experience something that is really there.
If you see something in the spirit you still have to determine what kind of spirit it was. As an individual you have to decide those things. I was working in K.C. some years ago and happened to meet a son of a guy we knew here. He was the manager of a fairly nice hotel. He asked me where I was from and I told him so he asked if I knew his dad. I knew his dad by his nickname 'coach' but not his given name but when he told me his dad owned the motel I knew who he was talking about. It was about three or four months later I saw his dad one day when I was there at his place at a meeting. His dad said, "My son told me you painted his hotel and stayed there where he is the manager". I told him yes and I thought what a very nice young man his son was. He then asked what color was my hair. I thought it an odd question but I answered. He said his son insisted it was a lady with very long hair but exactly the opposite color that 'coach' thought it was. Evidently they argued about what color my hair was for the several years that I painted for the holiday seasons down there. People do not always see the same things and that is evident when you hear people describe different situations whether those be an accident or just an event.
I understand that people generally see what they want to see, but seeing stuff that's not there? That's called making stuff up because you're so desperate for it to be true. And just because you may have experienced something strange, even unexplainable, doesn't automatically point to a god, especially one that murdered nearly everyone in a flood. That's called crazy.
No, science says they're wrong about the flood...

"Science says" isn't very compelling. First off it tries to substitute science for a religion. Further, science is a method of discovery, science doesn't "say" anything. People can use the scientific method as a logical approach to discovery, but science is a tool, not a person or a god.

The flood is an absurdity because the equilibrium of the would be altered if the continents did not interrupt tidal patterns. The gravitation of the sun and the moon would disrupt the surface mass to the point that the orbit of the planet would be drastically changed.
The equilibrium of the world was altered.
God says so after clearing away the flood.
No, but seriously, you seem like a pretty intelligent guy. You actually believe that your invisible friend did the flood and murdered nearly everyone in it? What are you going on?
It's kind of funny how scientific sites pop up on a Google search saying the Flood is possible.
The comet theory is actually in the Talmud.
And I'm not a bleeding heart that would allow a "civilization" such as the Roman Empire to continue to thrive.
In fact, I would be so presumptuous as to say that Noah's descendants have murdered many times the number of people God's flood wiped out.
So in the end God is far more merciful that the humans in which you have such faith and mercy.

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