Editorial: Joe Biden would be found guilty of rape under the Title IX standard he supports


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
This is a good read.

Despite evidence supporting charges that he raped a subordinate in 1993, Joe Biden deserves the benefit of the doubt. Or he would deserve it, were he not such a hypocrite as to deny that benefit to others.

In 2011, the Obama administration, in which Biden was a boastfully proud member, released a “Dear Colleague” letter instructing colleges and universities on how to handle sexual assault allegations under Title IX. In practice, this "guidance" threatened to withdraw federal funds from colleges that failed to convict and expel all students accused of sexual assault.

Biden enthusiastically supported the measure. Anyone can make a mistake. But Biden has not learned from his mistake or withdrawn his support even after it is crystal clear that the policy is a disaster. Lives of innocent students have been ruined. Yet Biden is promising to reinstate the guilty-until-proven-innocent standard, which the Trump administration has ended, if he wins the presidency. Under this obscene standard, Biden himself would almost certainly be found guilty of rape.

Title IX does not apply to 30 year old offenses
An investigation is warranted. An investigation would either vindicate Biden or support the victim's contention. Either way, we should have an investigation at least as exhaustive as that conducted in the Cavanaugh case. I want any future president to be thoroughly vetted and cleared of any possible stains on his record.
An investigation is warranted. An investigation would either vindicate Biden or support the victim's contention. Either way, we should have an investigation at least as exhaustive as that conducted in the Cavanaugh case. I want any future president to be thoroughly vetted and cleared of any possible stains on his record.
No, we should not. Investigations are to find and prosecute criminal behavior. This allegation has exactly zero chance of doing so.

These asinine decade old allegations that are thrown at every politician that runs for any office is getting really old really fast. They should, unless the accuser brings significant proof along with it, be ignored. the dems are still whining that Ford did not get a 'proper investigation' all the while demanding that the allegation against Biden should be dismissed. Such solves nothing at all. These are nothing but political games.
FA, I agree with the idea that these investigations are basically politically motivated bs. But, if they were squalling for an anal probe for Cavanaugh, why are they not for Biden. The accusations are similar but they are mum on the Biden case. Gravy for the goose... Or, should we use this hypocrisy the next time they decide to use such specious crap to castigate someone in the "opposition" camp?
This is a good read.

Despite evidence supporting charges that he raped a subordinate in 1993, Joe Biden deserves the benefit of the doubt. Or he would deserve it, were he not such a hypocrite as to deny that benefit to others.

In 2011, the Obama administration, in which Biden was a boastfully proud member, released a “Dear Colleague” letter instructing colleges and universities on how to handle sexual assault allegations under Title IX. In practice, this "guidance" threatened to withdraw federal funds from colleges that failed to convict and expel all students accused of sexual assault.

Biden enthusiastically supported the measure. Anyone can make a mistake. But Biden has not learned from his mistake or withdrawn his support even after it is crystal clear that the policy is a disaster. Lives of innocent students have been ruined. Yet Biden is promising to reinstate the guilty-until-proven-innocent standard, which the Trump administration has ended, if he wins the presidency. Under this obscene standard, Biden himself would almost certainly be found guilty of rape.

so once again the left puts out laws for everyone but them.

and they still sit back and wonder why the fireworks keep going off in their face.
This is a good read.

Despite evidence supporting charges that he raped a subordinate in 1993, Joe Biden deserves the benefit of the doubt. Or he would deserve it, were he not such a hypocrite as to deny that benefit to others.

In 2011, the Obama administration, in which Biden was a boastfully proud member, released a “Dear Colleague” letter instructing colleges and universities on how to handle sexual assault allegations under Title IX. In practice, this "guidance" threatened to withdraw federal funds from colleges that failed to convict and expel all students accused of sexual assault.

Biden enthusiastically supported the measure. Anyone can make a mistake. But Biden has not learned from his mistake or withdrawn his support even after it is crystal clear that the policy is a disaster. Lives of innocent students have been ruined. Yet Biden is promising to reinstate the guilty-until-proven-innocent standard, which the Trump administration has ended, if he wins the presidency. Under this obscene standard, Biden himself would almost certainly be found guilty of rape.

No trial, right?
Fingers Joe...

Leftists are big hypocrites, rules for thee not for me is not the American way.
When Americans learn the full story about Joe Biden’s embarrassing record, the choice for voters will be clear
This will not be a one-sided election. There’ll be a contrast, and once we have that contrast, trump will win
FA, I agree with the idea that these investigations are basically politically motivated bs. But, if they were squalling for an anal probe for Cavanaugh, why are they not for Biden. The accusations are similar but they are mum on the Biden case. Gravy for the goose... Or, should we use this hypocrisy the next time they decide to use such specious crap to castigate someone in the "opposition" camp?
Hence why I would not call for an investigation over this. It is never going to end. Kavanaugh displayed exactly how caustic this bullshit is and to continue the trend is not something that I support. The only entities that should be investigating this crap are the ones that are actually part of a process to actually charge these people with possible crimes. As far as the political hacks go, they need to get out of the business of character assassination.

So yes, we should all point to this asinine hypocrisy the next time a 30 year old allegation arises and ignore it. The one lesson that we should be taking from this is that if someone assaults you it needs to be reported asap. Sexual abusers need to face the music and that can ONLY happen if it is reported at the outset.

I also have a serious problem with trying to punish people for crimes looooong past. Judge a person by who they are now, now who they were 30 years ago. Most people would be very reluctant to be judged on who they were 30 years ago. If they are not then they have seriously wasted that time in the personal growth category.
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This is a good read.

Despite evidence supporting charges that he raped a subordinate in 1993, Joe Biden deserves the benefit of the doubt. Or he would deserve it, were he not such a hypocrite as to deny that benefit to others.

In 2011, the Obama administration, in which Biden was a boastfully proud member, released a “Dear Colleague” letter instructing colleges and universities on how to handle sexual assault allegations under Title IX. In practice, this "guidance" threatened to withdraw federal funds from colleges that failed to convict and expel all students accused of sexual assault.

Biden enthusiastically supported the measure. Anyone can make a mistake. But Biden has not learned from his mistake or withdrawn his support even after it is crystal clear that the policy is a disaster. Lives of innocent students have been ruined. Yet Biden is promising to reinstate the guilty-until-proven-innocent standard, which the Trump administration has ended, if he wins the presidency. Under this obscene standard, Biden himself would almost certainly be found guilty of rape.

No trial, right?
That would be how Title IX works.
This is a good read.

Despite evidence supporting charges that he raped a subordinate in 1993, Joe Biden deserves the benefit of the doubt. Or he would deserve it, were he not such a hypocrite as to deny that benefit to others.

In 2011, the Obama administration, in which Biden was a boastfully proud member, released a “Dear Colleague” letter instructing colleges and universities on how to handle sexual assault allegations under Title IX. In practice, this "guidance" threatened to withdraw federal funds from colleges that failed to convict and expel all students accused of sexual assault.

Biden enthusiastically supported the measure. Anyone can make a mistake. But Biden has not learned from his mistake or withdrawn his support even after it is crystal clear that the policy is a disaster. Lives of innocent students have been ruined. Yet Biden is promising to reinstate the guilty-until-proven-innocent standard, which the Trump administration has ended, if he wins the presidency. Under this obscene standard, Biden himself would almost certainly be found guilty of rape.

So you are saying that Donald Trump would be found guilty of rape under title ix?
An investigation is warranted. An investigation would either vindicate Biden or support the victim's contention. Either way, we should have an investigation at least as exhaustive as that conducted in the Cavanaugh case. I want any future president to be thoroughly vetted and cleared of any possible stains on his record.

Actually the one on Kavanaugh wasn't really an investigation...

But I have agreed all along to Biden been investigated as long as Trump is investigated in the same manner for hi 20+ allegations...

I expect a sworn interview from the accuser and the accused...

In Trump's case 20+ times...
An investigation is warranted. An investigation would either vindicate Biden or support the victim's contention. Either way, we should have an investigation at least as exhaustive as that conducted in the Cavanaugh case. I want any future president to be thoroughly vetted and cleared of any possible stains on his record.

Actually the one on Kavanaugh wasn't really an investigation...

But I have agreed all along to Biden been investigated as long as Trump is investigated in the same manner for hi 20+ allegations...

I expect a sworn interview from the accuser and the accused...

In Trump's case 20+ times...
....as long as....

IOW, not interested in justice, just in political games. Good illustration of my point.
This is a good read.

Despite evidence supporting charges that he raped a subordinate in 1993, Joe Biden deserves the benefit of the doubt. Or he would deserve it, were he not such a hypocrite as to deny that benefit to others.

In 2011, the Obama administration, in which Biden was a boastfully proud member, released a “Dear Colleague” letter instructing colleges and universities on how to handle sexual assault allegations under Title IX. In practice, this "guidance" threatened to withdraw federal funds from colleges that failed to convict and expel all students accused of sexual assault.

Biden enthusiastically supported the measure. Anyone can make a mistake. But Biden has not learned from his mistake or withdrawn his support even after it is crystal clear that the policy is a disaster. Lives of innocent students have been ruined. Yet Biden is promising to reinstate the guilty-until-proven-innocent standard, which the Trump administration has ended, if he wins the presidency. Under this obscene standard, Biden himself would almost certainly be found guilty of rape.

An abomination doesn't suddenly become legit because it ensnares someone we don't like.

Just sayin'.

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