elderly Americans homeless rate highest since the great depression .

They weren't prepared for The Democrat Regime.
This is 40 years of not building enough low income housing or housing at all because of GOP giveaway tax rates to the rich, brainwashed functional moron. The fact we have the crummiest GOP jobs in the modern world by far etc etc. Poor America.
They could secede from the union, declare war on the United States and live off foreign aid. With Thief in Chief Biden that might work.
Tax the rich again DUHHHHH.....This is GOP America DUHHH....Change the channel.
My mother has been in the hospital and rehab for around 5 weeks after a illness and will return home Wednesday.....The perishables at her house I long tossed away.

Of course she will need groceries so we made a list today.....I added it up (mostly basic stuff) and discounting what I have at my house already to fill what's on the list it's looking like it going to run at least $150.00.

I'll suck up the cost because I can but damn, I can see how it would be hard on a oldster with nobody to help out.....I bet those that rent are really having to pinch their pennies due to Bidenomics..
Your moms rehab is costing tax payers $1,000 per hour. You entitled leeches need to suck it up at home. Stop living off the government.
Biden and his Globalist Treacherous Gang are total POS!

They hate Americans

GEE.....What's new

Between 1990 and 2003 the amount of elderly homeless grew from 11% to 37% yet somehow it is Biden's fault!

I love you mindless drones, you are so much fun
Your moms rehab is costing tax payers $1,000 per hour. You entitled leeches need to suck it up at home. Stop living off the government.
Imagine how many millions of dollars per hour illegal alien health care is costing US tax payers. And in case you don't know, illegal aliens pay very little in US taxes.
Imagine how many millions of dollars per hour illegal alien health care is costing US tax payers. And in case you don't know, illegal aliens pay very little in US taxes.

A new study from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) found that undocumented immigrants in the United States pay roughly $11.6 billion in taxes every year
This is 40 years of not building enough low income housing or housing at all because of GOP giveaway tax rates to the rich, brainwashed functional moron. The fact we have the crummiest GOP jobs in the modern world by far etc etc. Poor America.
Every low income housing project built by the govt turned into a cesspool of drugs, violence and despair.
Every low income housing project built by the govt turned into a cesspool of drugs, violence and despair.
That's why now they build separate homes for people etc, NOT THAT and it works great thank you very much. Try a news channel someday. Tax the rich again and invest in America and Americans again instead of having a giant giveaway to the rich and big oil big Pharma big health etcetera. This is GOP crap life in America, brainwashed functional moron.
The usual trite B.S. from Yahoo. Of course they don't factor in the millions of homeless illegal aliens that flood the country.
Baby boomers were the architects of the most imbalanced wealth distribution this country has ever experienced. Welcome to the bed you made… or allowed to be made. Another mess the younger generations are left to clean up. Thanks. Signed GenX, GenY, GenZ
Baby boomers were the architects of the most imbalanced wealth distribution this country has ever experienced. Welcome to the bed you made… or allowed to be made. Another mess the younger generations are left to clean up. Thanks. Signed GenX, GenY, GenZ
REPUBLICAN baby boomers, super duper.
Once renter protection ended after Covid apartment prices soared here in the Phoenix area. How it was affecting lives was a main story back 18 months ago, it hasn't gotten much attention lately.

As for feelings on what role the government should play, I'd limit it to low interest loans for those providing affordable housing. But then what time does our government have on domestic problems when there's a whole world out there with problems that only those in Washington can solve with our tax money.
Of course, lack of GOP support and aid over the years ruined them too.
Democrats do everything they can to make people dependent upon the government, especially among the poorer population when Democrats pit their racism of lowered expectations on full display
Democrats do everything they can to make people dependent upon the government, especially among the poorer population when Democrats pit their racism of lowered expectations on full display
And the Democrats are fighting for cheap college and training and great infrastructure to help people out of poverty. Your love and admiration for the greedy lying mega rich is touching, dupe.

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