Elderly crossing guard's guns seized under red flag law after vocally worrying about school shooting

If that's true why do you loons want to grab them

You have absolutely no idea wtf you're blabbering about.

I have guns love, permitted to carry, now about having absolutely no idea wtf you're blabbering about .....

You're too focused on "black folk"

Think hard....
Bwa ha ha ha, "too focused on "black folk""?

Have a look at your legal system, your mass incarceration system, "law enforcement", and your own focus love.

The focus on black folk?

Surely you jest.

I know the stats.

I'm not going into racism other than to say you're a racist.

The crossing guard made an off hand comment and the results were his Constionual rights were violated.

If you can't see that there is little hope for you and I sincerely doubt you're a legal gun owner.
Sure, everyone's a racist but you, still, america is not a racist society. And madam, really, I've seen you post about what you "believe" versus question or doubt. It is relevant isn't it, what you choose to believe.

You are a " race victim" because :

and because:

That’s interesting I don’t recall being afraid of anyone. I Locke up all the bad people and didn’t back down to anyone. Black, white, tan, yellow, green, purple or any shade of the day. That’s a typical libtard phrase as you are the ones afraid of blacky. Also showing again you are a racist. You are segregating the blacks not us.

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Well sure, this is america, and we all know how our political system "works"; "your guys are more racist than my guys so there"!!!!! I can be evil, just need to be a hair shaft width less evil than that "other" side.

Then we have all these cases of triggered scared white guys who shoot black folk, often unarmed, now in their own homes, sometimes by cops, sometimes by wannabe cops, and that is indeed the recurring defense.

"I was scared, I get to kill".
Agaon, why would white cops want to serve in black neighborhoods when it when the odds are stacked against them?

Maybe some of them are intimidated by the situation

In the wrong profession ain't they. Well, perhaps maybe some of them. What does law enforcement say again?

The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement

Our system is rife with supremacists of all stripes. Jewish, black, hispanic. Good to hear that white folks are getting into the act.
We invented it and founded a mighty nation upon it.

America, the country so white-supremacist that it's basically illegal to say "it's ok to be white".
Well sure, this is america, and we all know how our political system "works"; "your guys are more racist than my guys so there"!!!!! I can be evil, just need to be a hair shaft width less evil than that "other" side.

Then we have all these cases of triggered scared white guys who shoot black folk, often unarmed, now in their own homes, sometimes by cops, sometimes by wannabe cops, and that is indeed the recurring defense.

"I was scared, I get to kill".
Agaon, why would white cops want to serve in black neighborhoods when it when the odds are stacked against them?

Maybe some of them are intimidated by the situation

In the wrong profession ain't they. Well, perhaps maybe some of them. What does law enforcement say again?

The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement

Our system is rife with supremacists of all stripes. Jewish, black, hispanic. Good to hear that white folks are getting into the act.
We invented it and founded a mighty nation upon it.

America, the country so white-supremacist that it's basically illegal to say "it's ok to be white".

White male fragility on display.
I have guns love, permitted to carry, now about having absolutely no idea wtf you're blabbering about .....

You're too focused on "black folk"

Think hard....
Bwa ha ha ha, "too focused on "black folk""?

Have a look at your legal system, your mass incarceration system, "law enforcement", and your own focus love.

The focus on black folk?

Surely you jest.

I know the stats.

I'm not going into racism other than to say you're a racist.

The crossing guard made an off hand comment and the results were his Constionual rights were violated.

If you can't see that there is little hope for you and I sincerely doubt you're a legal gun owner.
Sure, everyone's a racist but you, still, america is not a racist society. And madam, really, I've seen you post about what you "believe" versus question or doubt. It is relevant isn't it, what you choose to believe.

You are a " race victim" because :

and because:


"You are a " race victim" because I learned to copy and paste, so there."

Yup, I reject your dogma, I think we've made some progress today.
View attachment 284621 Oh yes, why it's just like that, tell everyone you know. You're practically Jewish now.


You are engaging in a very childish game thst both sides can play

No darling, you are, and you're getting what you wanted. I think we all know you people are terrified of black folk, especially males, this is why you support "the law" whenever "the law" is caught murdering black males even as young as 12, for nothing.

That’s interesting I don’t recall being afraid of anyone. I Locke up all the bad people and didn’t back down to anyone. Black, white, tan, yellow, green, purple or any shade of the day. That’s a typical libtard phrase as you are the ones afraid of blacky. Also showing again you are a racist. You are segregating the blacks not us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well sure, this is america, and we all know how our political system "works"; "your guys are more racist than my guys so there"!!!!! I can be evil, just need to be a hair shaft width less evil than that "other" side.

Then we have all these cases of triggered scared white guys who shoot black folk, often unarmed, now in their own homes, sometimes by cops, sometimes by wannabe cops, and that is indeed the recurring defense.

"I was scared, I get to kill".
Agaon, why would white cops want to serve in black neighborhoods when it when the odds are stacked against them?

Maybe some of them are intimidated by the situation

In the wrong profession ain't they. Well, perhaps maybe some of them. What does law enforcement say again?

The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement

I guess they havent found anything considering your crying point was from 2017.
You people sat on your asses with your guns while your freedom was wrapped up in the flag, with a bible, and carted off the continent son. All you can do with your guns now is fondle them and dream of being a settler.

If that's true why do you loons want to grab them

You have absolutely no idea wtf you're blabbering about.

I have guns love, permitted to carry, now about having absolutely no idea wtf you're blabbering about .....

You're too focused on "black folk"

Think hard....
You're too focused on "black folk"

The lib headline driving black hysteria is “WHITE cop shoots BLACK woman”

But libs think its whites who are too focused on race
Some of us have seen the society we've constructed, america has always been all about race, still is. And acknowledging that reality is all it takes to tweak some of you beyond measure. Let us be generous and say we all wonder why, hmmmm?

Funny you mention race and "society."
In my society,which is 98% caucasian I can walk the streets at all hours,there's virtually no crime other than that which comes from the hood about 15 miles away.
While we pay Constables to patrol our "society" I rarely see them. In fact I would be willing to bet you see more police in the hood....and I'll make a wild ass guess the local "society" isn't paying them. In fact they most likely wish they'd go away.
They're probably tired of saying "I dinnit see nuffen" on a regular basis.
Wow, seizing from someone who would actually do the job the way that it is supposed to be done. I appreciate the authority people letting us know how far their brain trains do not have the ability to travel.

God bless you and the man always!!!

Agaon, why would white cops want to serve in black neighborhoods when it when the odds are stacked against them?

Maybe some of them are intimidated by the situation

In the wrong profession ain't they. Well, perhaps maybe some of them. What does law enforcement say again?

The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement

Our system is rife with supremacists of all stripes. Jewish, black, hispanic. Good to hear that white folks are getting into the act.
We invented it and founded a mighty nation upon it.

America, the country so white-supremacist that it's basically illegal to say "it's ok to be white".

White male fragility on display.

White male fragility on display

Like the man said, if they really are out to get you it aint paranoid
Red Flag Laws are unconstitutional since there is no due process and the property is seized before there is a trial.

So true. Someone who doesn’t like a neighbor could call the police and say something about that neighbor and they use red flag law for a lie.

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Or to turn a black professor in to the police for entering his own home.
Oh, did they seize his guns?
Red Flag Laws are unconstitutional since there is no due process and the property is seized before there is a trial.

So true. Someone who doesn’t like a neighbor could call the police and say something about that neighbor and they use red flag law for a lie.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Or to turn a black professor in to the police for entering his own home.
Oh, did they seize his guns?

Oh, did they seize his guns?

they took the guns away from the rightful owner
We can all read your posts you know.
Just as we can all read yours, asshole! Stephen Nichols reinstated as crossing guard - The Martha's Vineyard Times

You could have used your time to see if the story was indeed false but you chose instead to investigate the source
and based on that alone you implied the story a lie (it was not!) and by inference, the OP too.

Looks like the real loser here is you. You've turned this issue into a referendum on you and how fucking dumb you are.
We can all read your posts you know.
Just as we can all read yours, asshole! Stephen Nichols reinstated as crossing guard - The Martha's Vineyard Times

You could have used your time to see if the story was indeed false but you chose instead to investigate the source
and based on that alone you implied the story a lie (it was not!) and by inference, the OP too.

Looks like the real loser here is you. You've turned this issue into a referendum on you and how fucking dumb you are.
Actually I dont give a fuck whether the gun was confiscated or not. Still:


The American Mirror is an extreme right news source/blog that does not have an about page or contact information. Their header claims “Kyle Olsen presents.” A google search indicates that Kyle Olsen is the founder of the Education Action Group Foundation, which promotes fighting wasteful spending at public schools. EAG is located in Muskegon, Michigan. According to Whois, the website domain was registered privately in 2014.

Funded by / Ownership

Once again, The American Mirror does not provide any info regarding finances, though there is online advertising on the site and it is presumably owned by Kyle Olsen.

Analysis / Bias

In review, The American Mirror is a personal blog of Kyle Olsen that publishes consistently pro-right and anti-left information. Every article has a sensational headline that cannot be substantiated through evidence, such as this: WHAT’S WRONG WITH NANCY? Face spasms, slurred words mar brief Pelosi speech. Generally, every story on this blog denigrates the left without a single reference to a counterpoint.

A factual search reveals The American Mirror has some misleading and false claims.

Overall, we rate the American Mirror Questionable based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of misleading propaganda. (9/21/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 11/28/2018)
The American Mirror - Media Bias/Fact Check

If they were able to wind you up, they're going to have to settle for that I suppose.
Red Flag Seizures are gaining momentum.
Once it's begun and accepted socially (no one protests), it moves on to more comprehensive steps and broader groups of people.
You do NOT have to even be accused of a crime.
This is the incremental dismantling of the 2nd amendment that was foreseen by wise men long ago.

People always said "from my cold dead hands"......but it was just talk....and the grabbers mean business.

They will eventually get your guns. Only because "all that was required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"
The "time" to do something started 50 years ago. Peaceful protests. Mass demonstrations of an unwillingness for Constitutional Rights to be infringed.
But with each small step, no one says a word.....and so it becomes enforced.

It may be too late now. Momentum is on the side of the tyrants now.
But they really haven't cared if you're armed or not for some time now. You're losing your rights. The Constitution is being incrementally discarded.
If they were able to wind you up, they're going to have to settle for that I suppose.
Why are you doubling down on stupid? Regardless of what you think of the American Mirror the story as reported is absolutely accurate, as I demonstrated by posting a local Martha's Vineyard account of the crossing guard's reinstatement.

It's one thing to act stupidly. It's another to go back and do the same thing after being corrected.

You have to be extra special stupid.
If they were able to wind you up, they're going to have to settle for that I suppose.
Why are you doubling down on stupid? Regardless of what you think of the American Mirror the story as reported is absolutely accurate, as I demonstrated by posting a local Martha's Vineyard account of the crossing guard's reinstatement.

It's one thing to act stupidly. It's another to go back and do the same thing after being corrected.

You have to be extra special stupid.
Great, it's accurate, anything else? And where in the thread did I say this story was incorrect again? Calm down, emotional diarrhea is not discussion.
Great, it's accurate, anything else? And where in the thread did I say this story was incorrect again? Calm down, emotional diarrhea is not discussion.
You implied the shit out of it by slamming the source. Not too difficult to figure this out, is it?
Impugning the source is the number one way of impugning the post.
Red Flag Seizures are gaining momentum.
Once it's begun and accepted socially (no one protests), it moves on to more comprehensive steps and broader groups of people.
You do NOT have to even be accused of a crime.
This is the incremental dismantling of the 2nd amendment that was foreseen by wise men long ago.

People always said "from my cold dead hands"......but it was just talk....and the grabbers mean business.

They will eventually get your guns. Only because "all that was required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"
The "time" to do something started 50 years ago. Peaceful protests. Mass demonstrations of an unwillingness for Constitutional Rights to be infringed.
But with each small step, no one says a word.....and so it becomes enforced.

It may be too late now. Momentum is on the side of the tyrants now.
But they really haven't cared if you're armed or not for some time now. You're losing your rights. The Constitution is being incrementally discarded.

Oh please. The american public has already sat on its collective ass and done nothing but bitch, moan, whine and snowflake out all along the way while:

- the constitution was discarded long ago, see your endless constitutionally non-sanctioned wars across the globe
- your corporate state police were militarized
- a president ordered the deaths of american citizens without due process
- we made a practice of torture and placed a dominatrix torturess as CIA head
- we turned an entire economic system over to plunderers, then rewarded them further with socialism on top of that
- we turned our once free press media machine over to a handfull of oligarchs via deregulation and monopolization
- we returned to detention centers and concentration camps, for profit, meaning capital sees an ongoing "business opportunity"
- we allowed the entire population to be placed under constant corporate state surveillance in partnership with Israeli intelligence technology

All as we fondled our guns which have become nothing but fetish symbols for the fweedumbs we watched slip away sans a peep. Perhaps this is what happens when we watch others fweedumbs encroached upon silently until it's our own personal fweedumb. If we sit and watch kids caged into concentration camps, what good is your guns anyway?
Great, it's accurate, anything else? And where in the thread did I say this story was incorrect again? Calm down, emotional diarrhea is not discussion.
You implied the shit out of it by slamming the source. Not too difficult to figure this out, is it?
Impugning the source is the number one way of impugning the post.
Gee I'm sorry, I just don't pay any attention to your implying something I implied.
Gee I'm sorry, I just don't pay any attention to your implying something I implied.
I would bail out in an act of cowardly non responsibility too if I were in your shoes.

And btw, I am not implying anything about what you did...I am coming right out and plainly
saying what you did was bullshit.

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