Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

When this is over, you will learn that the court will not find Trump guilty for several reasons. And many attorneys agree with me on that. They call it a trial for a reason. To find out if a party is guilty. So we must conclude a trial and any appeals then we can call it a crime.

I don't expect a court can find him guilty. All it takes is one Trump supporter to get on a jury and no matter what evidence prosecutors prove is fact inside the courtroom, Trump supporters on those juries will reject. No matter how guilty he is exposed in court, Trump supporters won't care. The truest thing Trump ever said...

I have the most loyal people. Did you see that? Where I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any voters.

Let me try this on you for size. Then I want to mention Trump.
You marry a female and several months later she enters a store and steals from the store.
Do you expect to be prosecuted for what she did?

Trump did not lead anybody into the Capitol. He was several miles away. And he had no system to control those at the Capitol. Even so, he issued, and we have video proving he did, a heartfelt request for the protestors to not commit violence, do no damage, do not break laws, yet the Democrats fully intend to prosecute him as would the law in the case of your criminal wife. Bet you would fight for your wife.
That's democrats. They twist words, lie and deceive. All in the name of "saving democracy".
I don't expect a court can find him guilty. All it takes is one Trump supporter to get on a jury and no matter what evidence prosecutors prove is fact inside the courtroom, Trump supporters on those juries will reject. No matter how guilty he is exposed in court, Trump supporters won't care. The truest thing Trump ever said...

I have the most loyal people. Did you see that? Where I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any voters.


You have no evidence. President Trump never once called for violence.
I don't expect a court can find him guilty. All it takes is one Trump supporter to get on a jury and no matter what evidence prosecutors prove is fact inside the courtroom, Trump supporters on those juries will reject. No matter how guilty he is exposed in court, Trump supporters won't care. The truest thing Trump ever said...

I have the most loyal people. Did you see that? Where I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any voters.


You want to understand why Juries are that way? You seem befuddled as to why the law created the jury system that requires 100 percent approval to allege a party is guilty.
It is to prevent mistakes. It would be a horrible mistake were Trump to be convicted.

Even though the Senate has far more relaxed rules to convict, there they could not convict Trump. This is a witch hunt and to the Democrats Donald is the witch.
Indeed. Attempting to remove a duly elected president and replace him with one that was not by inciting an insurrection is most egregiously unconstitutional. :rolleyes:
There was no insurrection, and it was - and still is - questionable that the current occupier of the WH was duly elected.

Thus, Trump is not an insurrectionist, and the SCOTUS will righty put a stop to this nonsense.
I’m posting about what we all saw on TV.

His J6 insurrection to overthrow the 2020 election that he lost.
What you are admitting to is Trump and his followers were upset that the election was handled wrongly by democrats. Insurrections are against a current Government. Trump did not want to overthrow his own government.

You should reply to my questions when you want me or others to reply to what you claim.

What you saw on TV is a case of you were not basing your views on legal laws.
Now we are getting somewhere. So you agree all the board Dimlibs who have claimed they tried to overthrow the government are lying sacks of shit.
No. Yours is a pretend argument. An attempt at rhetorical victory rather than real debate and in effect doing to the extreme what you accuse the left of doing. What we've been doing is speaking generally and imprecisely. You should expect this Court, being the Supreme Court of Colorado, to be more precise in their legal reasonings than you would typically find on a message board. If they conclude, with citation and good reason, that the actions of the people on Jan 6th constitute an insurrection, rather than a rebellion, which is the difference between trying to usurp legal authority and changing to an entirely new political system, then I'm certainly not going to argue with them. And I love to argue. If I had a superior argument I'd share it with you.
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Insurrection is not the appropriate redress for a contested election. :rolleyes:
And there wasn’t an insurrection. There was a demand that unprecedented anomalies be investigated further before certifying the election, and 0000000.1% of Trump voters took it too far.

it was a short-lived riot, causing a fraction of the damage to life and property as did the BLM riots that went on all summer long, at dozens of cities.
Why are Democrats so nonchalant when it comes to defending this country against foreign invaders? At the least they should be charged for insurrection.

You with me lisa?
Absolutely. Biden is guilty of treason in more ways than one. Allowing an invasion - worse, clearing the path for it - is just one.
No. Yours is a pretend argument. An attempt at rhetorical victory rather than real debate and in effect doing to the extreme what you accuse the left of doing. What we've been doing is speaking generally and imprecisely. You should expect this Court, being the Supreme Court of Colorado, to be more precise their legal reasonings than you would typically find on a message board. If they conclude, with citation and good reason, that the actions of the people on Jan 6th constitute an insurrection, rather than a rebellion, which is the difference between trying to usurp legal authority and changing to an entirely new political system, then I'm certainly not going to argue with them. And I love to argue. If I had a superior argument I'd share it with you.
I have seen the Supreme court for 8.5 decades do things lower courts did not do. Rectify wrongs. And I totally am persuaded this Supreme court will rectify this wrong. And they will rule there was no insurrection, nor a revolt, but there was a peaceful protest. That the cops caused the problems and not the crowds. That cops took protestors on a tour of the capitol proving it was an open building. And as it belongs not to Democrats, but the people as Abe said when he spoke on the public vs the Feds, they entered their own property. Cops tossed behind the crowd what they call grenades. Those frightened the crowd as they were intended and the crowd not able to flee, headed into the Capitol.
I expect the Supreme Court to correctly handle this issue.
And there wasn’t an insurrection. There was a demand that unprecedented anomalies be investigated further before certifying the election, and 0000000.1% of Trump voters took it too far.

it was a short-lived riot, causing a fraction of the damage to life and property as did the BLM riots that went on all summer long, at dozens of cities.
That argument failed. Their coordinated effort to disrupt the certification of the election to install the loser of that election with violent action fit the very definition of an insurrection. "Not Uh" is a shitty defense. Trump better hope his legal team fashions a better argument than that.
If I have said it once, I have said it a hundred times - the only thing the site leftists know about the entire world is what team they are on

This thread is a perfect example.
I have seen the Supreme court for 8.5 decades do things lower courts did not do. Rectify wrongs. And I totally am persuaded this Supreme court will rectify this wrong. And they will rule there was no insurrection, nor a revolt, but there was a peaceful protest.

Roberts isn't going to call Jan 6th a "peaceful protest". I don't know how this Court will decide but that sure as shit aint going to happen. As the Colorado Supreme Court stated, we all watched it with our own eyes.
That the cops caused the problems and not the crowds. That cops took protestors on a tour of the capitol proving it was an open building. And as it belongs not to Democrats, but the people as Abe said when he spoke on the public vs the Feds, they entered their own property. Cops tossed behind the crowd what they call grenades. Those frightened the crowd as they were intended and the crowd not able to flee, headed into the Capitol.
I expect the Supreme Court to correctly handle this issue.
That argument failed. Their coordinated effort to disrupt the certification of the election to install the loser of that election with violent action fit the very definition of an insurrection. "Not Uh" is a shitty defense. Trump better hope his legal team fashions a better argument than that.
You keep incorrectly saying install. That happened on January 20 and not earlier.

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