Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy

Nah, I just use the actual election results as a better indicator of the election tally than the word of some random internet dipshit that insists they're a 'security expert'.

I know you do. It's quite obvious even to the dimmest bulb.

As would any rational person.


RATIONAL people would stop with the stupid.

RATIONAL people would realize they know very little to nothing about SECURITY, election or otherwise -

And RATIONAL people would open their ears and start listening, to fill the vacuum of knowledge that exists between them.

But you're not rational. You're partisan. There's a difference

When you have evidence of your silly little conspiracy, feel free to find me, tinfoil.

What conspiracy?

You're still talking about OUTCOMES, shit for brains.

What did I just tell you TWICE now?

It's not about the outcomes, it's about the process.

The 2020 election is untraceable, therefore, no one should care about it. It's done, it's over with, there's nothing anyone can do about it one way or the other. I don't care about 2020, Trump, or any of that other horseshit.

I care about the => process <=

Cause see, here's what happens if you don't fix the process:

2020 repeats itself.

Only next time, it'll be the Pubs stealing the election and the Dems crying foul
I know you do. It's quite obvious even to the dimmest bulb.


RATIONAL people would stop with the stupid.

RATIONAL people would realize they know very little to nothing about SECURITY, election or otherwise -

And RATIONAL people would open their ears and start listening, to fill the vacuum of knowledge that exists between them.

But you're not rational. You're partisan. There's a difference

What conspiracy?

You're still talking about OUTCOMES, shit for brains.

What did I just tell you TWICE now?

It's not about the outcomes, it's about the process.

The 2020 election is untraceable, therefore, no one should care about it. It's done, it's over with, there's nothing anyone can do about it one way or the other. I don't care about 2020, Trump, or any of that other horseshit.

I care about the => process <=

Cause see, here's what happens if you don't fix the process:

2020 repeats itself.

Only next time, it'll be the Pubs stealing the election and the Dems crying foul

When you have evidence to support your silly little conspiracy.....I'll be around.

Until then, every count, recount, hand count, forensic audit, official tally, and electoral count vs you has the same winner every time.

Biden. By a landslide.
When you have evidence to support your silly little conspiracy.....I'll be around.

Until then, every count, recount, hand count, forensic audit, official tally, and electoral count vs you has the same winner every time.

Biden. By a landslide.
See? ^^^


Shit for brains.

Either doesn't get it, or has an agenda.

Or both.


You've all been brainwashed.

(No offense, but if the shoe fits...)

Laughing....and if I wasn't 'brainwashed', I'd just believe you and ignore all the election results, huh?

Sorry, my precious little snowflake. But the election results are *far* better at indicating the election tally than you pretending you're an expert.

Keep running. Its obvious you can't back your stupid, silly little conspiracy.
Oh, Trump's own people....including Roger Stone and Steve Bannon already confirmed that regardless of the outcome of the election, they were going to claim victory.

As Bill Barr pointed out, Trump claimed fraud before it was even possible for evidence of fraud to have been collected.

And in the years since, the Big Liars' story has got jack shit to back it up. Just like the Truthers, just like the Birthers, just like the Flat Earthers. And exactly like all the sniveling conspiracy theorists, the lack of evidence to back their silly, stupid little story is met with the same mantra:

"Prove our conspiracy wrong!"

No, dipshits. Prove your conspiracy right.

As Bill Barr pointed out, Trump claimed fraud before it was even possible for evidence of fraud to have been collected.

Kinda like this?

How so? Remember, you have nothing to demonstrate that Dominion did anything wrong. Its a story you tell yourself.

Sorry, Mender....but your imagination doesn't create anyone's 'conflict of interest'.

Is this really it? Just you hapless souls citing yourselves as security experts and offering your imagination as evidence?
It sure as Hell does. Didn't one of your famous judges recuse himself from a Trump case because he admitted to hating Trump? Then turn around and sign a search warrant. Conflict of interest. They do not want to lose Dominions business.
Laughing....and if I wasn't 'brainwashed', I'd just believe you and ignore all the election results, huh?

Sorry, my precious little snowflake. But the election results are *far* better at indicating the election tally than you pretending you're an expert.

Keep running. Its obvious you can't back your stupid, silly little conspiracy.
The results are fraudulent.
Pro V&V and SLI Compliance did the audits and work almost exclusively with Dominion and Dominion staff were present at the audits. That is a severe conflict of interest. I posted the proof quite awhile ago. Another fact you idiots ignore.

Did you catch my proposal for an adversarial certification process?

We have the best hackers in the world, our DoD has a Department of Offensive Cybersecurity that's second to none. It's right up there with the Israelis, much better than the Russians or Chinese. And it's undoubtedly assisted by spooks and feebs and the like.

If we can't hack something, it can't be hacked. Or let's say, by Democrats or Republicans in a few-month time frame.
Laughing....and if I wasn't 'brainwashed', I'd just believe you and ignore all the election results, huh?

Keep running. Its obvious you can't back your stupid, silly little conspiracy.

Okay then, partisan with an agenda

I can accept that.

You should accept this: you've been exposed. Your partisan lies have been exposed.

So now you have two choices:

You can either keep peddling the lies in which case everyone starts laughing at you (at first - eventually they just shake their heads and walk away) - OR -

You can stop with the stupid and get with the program.

Your call, man. I can't control your decision making process.
According to new statistics, Republicans are 74% of those who earn less than $100,000. In other words you're all a bunch of stupid ignorant rural chumps of lying greedy idiot rich lol
love you guys but seriously... where I live is 72% trump and they are lovely people but absolute brainwashed functional morons politically just like you. Just like adolf's greatest supporters lol...

Democratic Party Won't Admit It's Become the Party of …

View attachment 715491
Jul 15, 2021 · Some 65% of the Americans making more than $500,000 a year are Democrats, and 74% of those who earn less than $100,000 a year are Republicans, according to IRS statistics. ... 2021 Tribune Content ...
So what you're basically admitting is that the Democratic Party is now the party of rich elites and the GOP is the party of average Americans? Thanks for the honesty, Franco! LOL
So what you're basically admitting is that the Democratic Party is now the party of rich elites and the GOP is the party of average Americans? Thanks for the honesty, Franco! LOL
no, the GOP is NOW the party oF greedy idiot rich liars and rural and ignorant rubes who believe terrible propaganda period like you.
Okay then, partisan with an agenda

I can accept that.

You should accept this: you've been exposed. Your partisan lies have been exposed.

So now you have two choices:

You can either keep peddling the lies in which case everyone starts laughing at you (at first - eventually they just shake their heads and walk away) - OR -

You can stop with the stupid and get with the program.

Your call, man. I can't control your decision making process.
Just don't try that baloney outside your tiny GOP bubble
Well, in addition to being a 'research scientist' as the good poster 'scruffy' has previously informed us.....he is also this:

"I happen to be a credentialed security expert..."

And not just any old amateur 'security expert'....poster scruffy is a professional:
"...in case you haven't heard, the pros are in the game now.."

Which, you gotta admit is a bit daunting to us lurkers and dilettantes.
And we are right to be, umm, 'daunted'........after all, we may all start talking the way these professional security research scientists talk. Or rather, post the way they post on a social media site using fake names.
Talking that way is their SOP* for those of you who are not scientists or security experts.
*(that means Standard Operating Procedure, in scientific security-speak)

Here, let me show you how those professional scientists speak when using their security research jargon:

  • You dumb fucktard
  • BULLSHIT......Bull fucking shit, you lying asshole.....FUCK you dimtards......LIES LIES. All the fucking time.
  • FUCK you stupid dimtard asswipes. I hope you choke on your own bullshit.
  • you stupid dumbshit partisan fucking asswipe
  • you terminally stupid shit for brains partisans asshole
  • YOU partisan dipshits have your heads buried way too far up your butts
  • THIS dumb fucking asshole
  • THIS dumb shit for brains partisan fucktard
  • you, brainless fucktard?
  • Shit for brains.
Yeah, I know. Some research professionals talk like that.
And yes, Science-Speak in the manner poster 'scruffy' speaks it is a bit noteworthy.

But then, some here may just say:
'Well, that's the way they teach Security Science at Trump University. And Public Discourse too. Not to mention 'Practical Research for Chatrooms'.

Or so it seems.

The MAGA academic world, MAGA Science world, and MAGA Security world ......has gotta be proud of their scientific security research experts like poster 'scruffy'.

They are lucky he is on the MAGA side.
Some may say.
I proved that there are obviously Democrats who are not millionaires. I wasn't the one who said that everyone in the government is corrupt.
When did you prove that? I asked you to show me a Democratic politician who had been in Washington for ten years who wasn't a millionaire and you showed me a list (two of which weren't even Democrats!) and what their net worth was back in 2012!

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