Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy

Each mail in ballot is cued to a specific individual.


Bull fucking shit, you lying asshole.

FUCK you dimtards. You have nothing but lies.

LIES LIES LIES. All the fucking time.

Nothing BUT lies, 24/7-365, rinse repeat

Where did the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of 'fake' mail in ballots come from?

We can START with the fake registrations.

Purge EVERY single voter roll and start over.

Let me guess.....another conspiracy you can't possibly back up?
Oh, you mean like Russian collusion?

FUCK you stupid dimtard asswipes. I hope you choke on your own bullshit. And I hope it's very fucking painful.
Your conspiracies aren't 'knowledge'. Nor is any rational person convinced by a story backed by nothing.

Either show us the evidence to back your fraud claims, or acknowledge its just a story you tell yourself, backed by jack shit.

Remember, the evidence contradicting your story is enormous.
There is NO evidence contradicting the hypothesis of election manipulation.

NONE. Zero. Zip. Nada. Squat.

That's the WHOLE POINT, you stupid dumbshit partisan fucking asswipe

There is NOT ONE chain of custody for any ballot cast in 2020.

Ah..nut no one was whining massive voter fraud for two years...or even before the vote was counted.

That is what we are hearing out of people like the nutty Lake in Arizona. Has she lost her mind?
Democrats and Republicans (both as politicians and as the public) should accept the result of an election, irrelevant of what they "nit pick" or "deem" as an acceptable excuse, otherwise, it just makes a mockery of America's democracy.

Everyone has different beliefs, anyone who wants to waste their time believing the election was rigged, or Biden is good at his job, or Hillary hires hitmen, then they're welcome too because it doesn't alter reality.

Threads like these highlights the short memory span of the other side, but I tend to find it's the Left who suffer amnesia the most.
Nope. They are what Cyber Ninja claims are POTENTIALLY impacted ballots. They neither claimed that these votes were fraudulent, nor that all of them where. They said they *could* be. A claim torn to shreds by the Maricopa county elections department

The actual vote tallies that CyberNinjas came up actually added about 300 votes to Biden's total, affirming Biden won. With even Cyber Ninjas confirming that there were no substantial differences in the voting tallies between the official tally and what they found.

Second, Cyber Ninjas has no experience in this kind of auditing effort. They are woefully uninformed on how votes are counted, WHY people might have voted from out of state in the last election, etc.

The Maricopa County Election Department, however, are experts in election law and voting procedures. And Maricopa County utterly eviscerated the Cyber Ninja report, calling out all the blunders, misunderstanding and hapless incompetence that these inexperienced souls managed in their 'review'.

Finding that 76 of 77 claims made by Cyber Ninjas were bullshit.

22 were misleading. The claims lead the reader to assume a conclusion that is not supported by the evidence. 41 were inaccurate. The claims include flawed or misstated analysis. 13 were false. The claims are demonstrably false and can be proven false using materials provided to the Senate.

Cyber Ninjas did such a shit, incompetent job that they have refused to turn over the documents, data details of their analysis to voting officials, being currently under a $50,000 a day fine until they do.

That's not something you do when your analysis holds up. Just ask the 2000 mules people.....who are similarly refusing to let anyone too close to their 'findings'.
Hey, you terminally stupid shit for brains partisans asshole, I happen to be a credentialed security expert with LOTS of field experience, and the bullshit you're spouting is BULLSHIT from top to bottom.

I have been promoting IN THIS FORUM a solution that is 100% secure and will make the whole entire thing PUBLIC, so fuckwads like Hillary and Trump can't operate in the dark anymore.

And YOU partisan dipshits have your heads buried way too far up your butts to see the wisdom in any of it.

As far as I'm concerned you idiots can kill each other off and the rest of us will clean up the mess when you're done
There is NO evidence contradicting the hypothesis of election manipulation.

NONE. Zero. Zip. Nada. Squat.

That's the WHOLE POINT, you stupid dumbshit partisan fucking asswipe

There is NOT ONE chain of custody for any ballot cast in 2020.


Sure there is: the actual election results. Every count, recount, hand count, offcial count, forensic audit, or electoral count has had the same result: Biden won by a landslide.

With Trump's own attorney general confirming that there was no fraud that could have changed the outcome of the election. And Trump's own Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency confirming it was the most secure in history.

You have a silly, stupid little conspiracy that you can't back up. And like every Truther, Flat Earther, Birther and Moon Landing Hoaxer, fall back on the same silly, stupid little mantra:

"Prove my conspiracy wrong."

No, dipshit. You prove your conspiracy right. The burden of proof is on you. Just like it is for all you tinfoil hacks.
Sure there is: the actual election results. Every count, recount, hand count, offcial count, forensic audit, or electoral count has had the same result: Biden won by a landslide.

With Trump's own attorney general confirming that there was no fraud that could have changed the outcome of the election. And Trump's own Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency confirming it was the most secure in history.

You have a silly, stupid little conspiracy that you can't back up. And like every Truther, Flat Earther, Birther and Moon Landing Hoaxer, fall back on the same silly, stupid little mantra:

"Prove my conspiracy wrong."

No, dipshit. You prove your conspiracy right. The burden of proof is on you. Just like it is for all you tinfoil hacks.
How come voters never got to see what they were counting? They refused to release the ballots. Remember the people who watched the recount were 20 to 40 foot away. The first audits in AZ. and GA. were run by Dominion.
Hey, you terminally stupid shit for brains partisans asshole, I happen to be a credentialed security expert with LOTS of field experience, and the bullshit you're spouting is BULLSHIT from top to bottom.

I have been promoting IN THIS FORUM a solution that is 100% secure and will make the whole entire thing PUBLIC, so fuckwads like Hillary and Trump can't operate in the dark anymore.

And YOU partisan dipshits have your heads buried way too far up your butts to see the wisdom in any of it.

As far as I'm concerned you idiots can kill each other off and the rest of us will clean up the mess when you're done

Laughing....of course you are, snowflake.

When you have to cite yourself as your own source, you clearly lack the evidence to carry your argument. Why would I ignore every count, recount, hand count, offcial count, forensic audit, or electoral count has had the same result: Biden's victory?

Because some dipshit on the internet insists that *they* know better?

Why would I ignore Trump's own attorney general AND Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency along with the results of *every* forensic audit to have been conducted?

Because some dipshit on the internet insists that *they* are the expert, and everyone else is wrong?

Laughing.....good luck with that.
How come voters never got to see what they were counting? They refused to release the ballots. Remember the people who watched the recount were 20 to 40 foot away. The first audits in AZ. and GA. were run by Dominion.

You've got jack shit that Dominion had any part in your silly little story. You have a conspiracy about Dominion to support your conspiracy about the vote counters.

All supported, predictably, by nothing.


Oh, and your claims about the observers is predictably nonsense.

"Trump’s focus in Pennsylvania has been on Philadelphia, where a Nov. 5 judge’s order allowed election observers from both parties to view the ballot-counting process from 6 feet away."

But don't stop believing, Tinfoil!

Abe Lincoln, a Real Republican said:

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad," he wrote. "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

The MAGA repubs are now bringing destruction of our democracy to our doorstep. Denying elections is a step towards authoritarianism.

“Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy”​

When you say “election deniers” are you referring to Adam Schiff and the Russian hoax folks?
Sure there is: the actual election results. Every count, recount, hand count, offcial count, forensic audit, or electoral count has had the same result: Biden won by a landslide.

With Trump's own attorney general confirming that there was no fraud that could have changed the outcome of the election. And Trump's own Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency confirming it was the most secure in history.

You have a silly, stupid little conspiracy that you can't back up. And like every Truther, Flat Earther, Birther and Moon Landing Hoaxer, fall back on the same silly, stupid little mantra:

"Prove my conspiracy wrong."

No, dipshit. You prove your conspiracy right. The burden of proof is on you. Just like it is for all you tinfoil hacks.

SEE ??? ^^^

THIS dumb fucking asshole is talking about "proof".

THIS dumb shit for brains partisan fucktard ^^^ wants "proof".

What did I just tell you, brainless fucktard?

THERE IS NO PROOF. It doesn't exist. One way or the other.


Because the PROCESS is fundamentally insecure from the git-go.

You're talking about proof of an OUTCOME, and the only people thinking in those terms are ignorant partisans who don't know the first fucking thing about security.

SEE ??? ^^^

THIS dumb fucking asshole is talking about "proof".

THIS dumb shit for brains partisan fucktard ^^^ wants "proof".

What did I just tell you, brainless fucktard?

THERE IS NO PROOF. It doesn't exist. One way or the other.


Because the PROCESS is fundamentally insecure from the git-go.

You're talking about proof of an OUTCOME, and the only people thinking in those terms are ignorant partisans who don't know the first fucking thing about security.

Laughing.....the *actual* election results aren't proof of the election? This is the best you've got?

Every count, recount, hand count, official count, forensic audit, or electoral count having the same result......none of it can be trusted, because some dipshit on the internet insists he's an 'expert' and knows better than everyone.

Better than all the election officials, better than Maricopa County Election Department, better than the Secretary of State of Georgia, Trump's own attorney general and the director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency?

Snowflake.... why would I ignore all of them and instead believe you, citing yourself?
And yet election deniers are on the ballot in every state, whether as congressional candidates or other elected officials. The fat man named trump started this whole mess when he could not admit he lost to the old man from Delaware. Well, I stand to be corrected. He started this mess EVEN before the first vote was cast. He has damaged our country more than any one person has before. Yet, he is the odds on favorite to win the repub nomination for the presidency in 2024. AMAZING!

Oh, Trump's own people....including Roger Stone and Steve Bannon already confirmed that regardless of the outcome of the election, they were going to claim victory.

As Bill Barr pointed out, Trump claimed fraud before it was even possible for evidence of fraud to have been collected.

And in the years since, the Big Liars' story has got jack shit to back it up. Just like the Truthers, just like the Birthers, just like the Flat Earthers. And exactly like all the sniveling conspiracy theorists, the lack of evidence to back their silly, stupid little story is met with the same mantra:

"Prove our conspiracy wrong!"

No, dipshits. Prove your conspiracy right.
Laughing.....the *actual* election results aren't proof of the election? This is the best you've got?

See? You're might ignorant.

Is the malicious code deposited after a hack proof of the hack?

Every count, recount, hand count, official count, forensic audit, or electoral count having the same result......none of it can be trusted, because some dipshit on the internet insists he's an 'expert' and knows better than everyone.

See? You have no idea WTF you're talking about. You should crack a book before flapping your yap.

Better than all the election officials, better than Maricopa County Election Department, better than the Secretary of State of Georgia, Trump's own attorney general and the director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency?

You're still not bending the ear of anyone who knows anything about security.

Mister, in case you haven't heard, the pros are in the game now and we're going to tear you apart.

All your lies are going straight to the corner of Front and Main. Right in the middle of the intersection under the goddamn stoplight. It'll be ENOUGH illumination.

Snowflake.... why would I ignore all of them and instead believe you, citing yourself?
I don't care what you believe. Your beliefs are none of my business, and none of my concern. I only care about your behavior. Your actions.
See? You're might ignorant.

Is the malicious code deposited after a hack proof of the hack?

See? You have no idea WTF you're talking about. You should crack a book before flapping your yap.

You're still not bending the ear of anyone who knows anything about security.

Mister, in case you haven't heard, the pros are in the game now and we're going to tear you apart.

All your lies are going straight to the corner of Front and Main. Right in the middle of the intersection under the goddamn stoplight. It'll be ENOUGH illumination.

I don't care what you believe. Your beliefs are none of my business, and none of my concern. I only care about your behavior. Your actions.

Nah, I just use the actual election results as a better indicator of the election tally than the word of some random internet dipshit that insists they're a 'security expert'.

As would any rational person.

When you have evidence of your silly little conspiracy, feel free to find me, tinfoil.
Pro V&V and SLI Compliance did the audits and work almost exclusively with Dominion and Dominion staff were present at the audits. That is a severe conflict of interest. I posted the proof quite awhile ago. Another fact you idiots ignore.

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Pro V&V and SLI Compliance work almost exclusively with Dominion and Dominion staff were present at the audits. That is a severe conflict of interest. I posted the proof quite awhile ago. Another fact you idiots ignore.

How so? Remember, you have nothing to demonstrate that Dominion did anything wrong. Its a story you tell yourself.

Sorry, Mender....but your imagination doesn't create anyone's 'conflict of interest'.

Is this really it? Just you hapless souls citing yourselves as security experts and offering your imagination as evidence?
How so? Remember, you have nothing to demonstrate that Dominion did anything wrong. Its a story you tell yourself.

Sorry, Mender....but your imagination doesn't create anyone's 'conflict of interest'.

Is this really it? Just you hapless souls citing yourselves as security experts and offering your imagination as evidence?
You cannot convince half wits of facts that have been proven over and over.

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