Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy

Hey Strawman -

It didn't take millions.

They targeted 5 areas

Neither side should have been comfortable

It's a thing
I understand that you don't want it to be.
It was way more than five areas.....They had to shave votes all accross the nation for Potatohead to have received the "81 million".
Hey Strawman -

It didn't take millions.

They targeted 5 areas

Neither side should have been comfortable

It's a thing
I understand that you don't want it to be.

How many did it take then? What is your evidence that these 'fake' ballots even existed?

If the election was 'stolen', what was the ACTUAL vote tallies, both popular and Electoral?

Show me. Don't tell me. The burden of proof is ENTIRELY on you.
You don't have to back your silly stories with evidence. You're not even ABLE to back your stories with evidence.
I have not tried

Its enough to know that you can do it

When you do and how much is more than I can say
I have not tried

Its enough to know that you can do it

When you do and how much is more than I can say

I have. The claims didn't hold up. And the conspiracy horseshit is *legion*, laughable and contraditory. It was dominion, no wait, mail in ballots, no wait, suitcases of fake ballots, no wait, it was China hacking us, no wait, it was the CIA with servers in Germany!

All backed by jack shit.

If you want to claim fraud, the burden of proof is on you prove it.

And you've failed utterly.
I obviously said that Constitutional Amendments ARE in the Constitution...what I correctly pointed out is there was not a right to vote written in the Constitution. Are you that bothered by being shown up, Candy? Maybe you should have paid more attention in your Civics class then you would already KNOW this stuff!
If the right to vote is in the 26th amendment, which it is

And the 26th amendment is in the constitution, which it is

The right to vote is in the constitution.

You’re not too bright.

Because the voter by be in a nursing home or otherwise unaware that their identity is being used
Or they could be deployed into a war zone.
You're the clueless one. I talk about NY and their post 2020 voting issues and you as a lightweight come back and scream about "early voting" in Texas. Early VOTING was NEVER THE ISSUE. It was about 3rd party random PARTISAN people getting their grubby hands on the legal docs that ballots are. And having arrogant Billionaires BRIBING local registrars to insert Lefty activist orgs into their voting process. It is about COUNTMANDING the existing laws to identify a legal chain of custody on MAIL BALLOTS and overlooking the ABSENCE OF IDENTIFYING information or SECURITY PROCEDURES.

ALL in the name of a Covid emergency. And the Dems ran this assault on Democracy with finely tuned timing, COURT SHOPPING and MASSIVE activist infiltrations of KEY swing district Registrars offices.

So in the end -- all the lying "dog-face pony soldiers" could come out and SAY -- "the election was legal and EVERY ballot was counted" -- when the facts are that during normal SIMILAR elections you had mail-in ballot rejections in the order of 2 to 4% -- THIS ABNORMAL ELECTION only had mail rejection rates damn near zero. And all these PAID Zuckerbucks ACTIVISTS were given damn near a week to STRETCH OUT the election and FRANTICALLY and PARTISIANLY "CURE" the illegal ballots.
Quite the conspiracy theory you have there.

Maybe if you hold your breath and stomp your feet louder the world will change.

Amazingly, despite the rather hysterical analysis you provided…you fail to tell us how the GOP picked up seats in the House. Let me guess, that was part of the plan too…right?
How many did it take then? What is your evidence that these 'fake' ballots even existed?

If the election was 'stolen', what was the ACTUAL vote tallies, both popular and Electoral?

Show me. Don't tell me. The burden of proof is ENTIRELY on you.
The first three lines are ALL fraudulently cast votes.....And that's only in one county.


Abe Lincoln, a Real Republican said:

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad," he wrote. "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

The MAGA repubs are now bringing destruction of our democracy to our doorstep. Denying elections is a step towards authoritarianism.
Can you remember the days of, "Trump is not my president"?. If you guys on both sides of the fence are gonna have elections, at least accept the results and not blame the other side.

Never read such an ironic op.
Quite the conspiracy theory you have there.

Maybe if you hold your breath and stomp your feet louder the world will change.

Amazingly, despite the rather hysterical analysis you provided…you fail to tell us how the GOP picked up seats in the House. Let me guess, that was part of the plan too…right?

CCorn -- never realized you were this dense. But I blame the media -- not you. Because "why did they pick up House seats" is a talking point that wouldn't BE ALLOWED on other social media because all discussion was generally CENSORED. Not so on USMB and I've posted unimpeachable sources many times about this successful national coup plot.

You were in those threads. If you THOUGHT MORE and posted less -- you're probably smart enough to answer it yourself.

Those court cases that VIOLATED state laws and/or Constitutions were focused in only about 6 states. And the ZuckerBucks and drop boxes and ballot "curing" was really ONLY FOCUSED on about 40 districts out of the 435 districts that SEND representatives to the House.

Those would the HUGELY partisan "big blue" districts in the LARGE cities in those states; like Philly, Atlanta, Madison, Detroit, -- you get the "set-up". So -- out of 1/2 of the house seats up for grabs, ONLY A MINOR FRACTION were ATTACKED in this manner and THOSE were never competitive ANYWAYS.

I know you were in my threads and others where I gave the details and YOU COULD HAVE spared yourself the embarrassment of ASKING that question.

And you would have found out that this coup was so brilliantly designed that the CREATORS of this insurrection INCLUDED a number of "podunk" rural districts (largely red) in the Zuckerbucks -- rabid partisan bribe scheme, THIS was to give them "an excuse" to play for the media that "those actions also occurred in SOME red districts" -- but the POPULATION size affected was TRIVIAL to the effect of TARGETING dense blue hell holes to MINE BLUE VOTES -- and there weren't sufficiently plausible "blue votes" to MINE FOR in those red districts to make even a small diff..
Hmm…. The states you say cheated all used paper ballots, dope.
That’s how they were able to re-count them by hand and show that the machine count was accurate. :uhoh3:
They cannot be convinced. If they do not win...then there must have been cheating. That mentality could serve a death warrant on out democratic republic.

And some of these people will be in charge of their election. They will be in position to steal the vote.
Can you remember the days of, "Trump is not my president"?. If you guys on both sides of the fence are gonna have elections, at least accept the results and not blame the other side.

Never read such an ironic op.
Ah..nut no one was whining massive voter fraud for two years...or even before the vote was counted.

That is what we are hearing out of people like the nutty Lake in Arizona. Has she lost her mind?
The first three lines are ALL fraudulently cast votes.....And that's only in one county.

View attachment 715433

Nope. They are what Cyber Ninja claims are POTENTIALLY impacted ballots. They neither claimed that these votes were fraudulent, nor that all of them where. They said they *could* be. A claim torn to shreds by the Maricopa county elections department

The actual vote tallies that CyberNinjas came up actually added about 300 votes to Biden's total, affirming Biden won. With even Cyber Ninjas confirming that there were no substantial differences in the voting tallies between the official tally and what they found.

Second, Cyber Ninjas has no experience in this kind of auditing effort. They are woefully uninformed on how votes are counted, WHY people might have voted from out of state in the last election, etc.

The Maricopa County Election Department, however, are experts in election law and voting procedures. And Maricopa County utterly eviscerated the Cyber Ninja report, calling out all the blunders, misunderstanding and hapless incompetence that these inexperienced souls managed in their 'review'.

Finding that 76 of 77 claims made by Cyber Ninjas were bullshit.

22 were misleading. The claims lead the reader to assume a conclusion that is not supported by the evidence. 41 were inaccurate. The claims include flawed or misstated analysis. 13 were false. The claims are demonstrably false and can be proven false using materials provided to the Senate.

Cyber Ninjas did such a shit, incompetent job that they have refused to turn over the documents, data details of their analysis to voting officials, being currently under a $50,000 a day fine until they do.

That's not something you do when your analysis holds up. Just ask the 2000 mules people.....who are similarly refusing to let anyone too close to their 'findings'.
Nope. They are what Cyber Ninja claims are POTENTIALLY impacted ballots. They neither claimed that these votes were fraudulent, nor that all of them where. They said they *could* be. A claim torn to shreds by the Maricopa county elections department

The actual vote tallies that CyberNinjas came up actually added about 300 votes to Biden's total, affirming Biden won. With even Cyber Ninjas confirming that there were no substantial differences in the voting tallies between the official tally and what they found.

Second, Cyber Ninjas has no experience in this kind of auditing effort. They are woefully uninformed on how votes are counted, WHY people might have voted from out of state in the last election, etc.

The Maricopa County Election Department, however, are experts in election law and voting procedures. And Maricopa County utterly eviscerated the Cyber Ninja report, calling out all the blunders, misunderstanding and hapless incompetence that these inexperienced souls managed in their 'review'.

Finding that 76 of 77 claims made by Cyber Ninjas were bullshit.

22 were misleading. The claims lead the reader to assume a conclusion that is not supported by the evidence. 41 were inaccurate. The claims include flawed or misstated analysis. 13 were false. The claims are demonstrably false and can be proven false using materials provided to the Senate.

Cyber Ninjas did such a shit, incompetent job that they have refused to turn over the documents, data details of their analysis to voting officials, being currently under a $50,000 a day fine until they do.

That's not something you do when your analysis holds up. Just ask the 2000 mules people.....who are similarly refusing to let anyone too close to their 'findings'.
Maricopa Elections Board is corrupt as fuck and has refused umerous lawful orders for information from the state Senate.

NBC news?!?!?!....BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!....Holy fuck!......nbc news.......chortleguffawsnicker.......

You clowns fucking cheated an the whole world knows it.
CCorn -- never realized you were this dense. But I blame the media -- not you.
You couldn't possibly blame your orange god for the FACT he lost. That would displease your master.
Because "why did they pick up House seats" is a talking point that wouldn't BE ALLOWED on other social media because all discussion was generally CENSORED. Not so on USMB and I've posted unimpeachable sources many times about this successful national coup plot.
No fuck face; you've posted conspiracy theories which have no hope of ever having been proven remotely true.

You were in those threads. If you THOUGHT MORE and posted less -- you're probably smart enough to answer it yourself.
Maybe you were running an experiment and I didn't want to take part.
Those court cases that VIOLATED state laws and/or Constitutions were focused in only about 6 states. And the ZuckerBucks and drop boxes and ballot "curing" was really ONLY FOCUSED on about 40 districts out of the 435 districts that SEND representatives to the House.
Yes..the billionaire could only focus on 40 districts... Suddenly it was a shortage of resources in today's version of Conspiracy Times.
Those would the HUGELY partisan "big blue" districts in the LARGE cities in those states; like Philly, Atlanta, Madison, Detroit, -- you get the "set-up". So -- out of 1/2 of the house seats up for grabs, ONLY A MINOR FRACTION were ATTACKED in this manner and THOSE were never competitive ANYWAYS.
Meanwhile back in reality, Michigan sent 7 Republicans and 7 Democrats to the House. You'd think--well YOU won't think because it hurts you and you'd have to put your anger aside for a moment--that the plotters in this "brilliant designed" dastardly deed mixed with the alleged billionaire funding it could have slanted the race more for the Democrats.
I know you were in my threads and others where I gave the details and YOU COULD HAVE spared yourself the embarrassment of ASKING that question.
I'm not embarrassed to mention data points that blow you out of the water.
And you would have found out that this coup was so brilliantly designed that the CREATORS of this insurrection INCLUDED a number of "podunk" rural districts (largely red) in the Zuckerbucks -- rabid partisan bribe scheme, THIS was to give them "an excuse" to play for the media that "those actions also occurred in SOME red districts" -- but the POPULATION size affected was TRIVIAL to the effect of TARGETING dense blue hell holes to MINE BLUE VOTES -- and there weren't sufficiently plausible "blue votes" to MINE FOR in those red districts to make even a small diff..
Too much silliness there to even comment on.

So I'll just put the challenge to you; take your "proof" to court. What are you waiting for?
All the Republicans in Congress are millionaires and have guilty consciences like all Republicans with a brain... liberals don't much believe in charity because of the ridiculous overhead corruption and the fact that they dry up when really needed..... I said the democratic rich care about people and the country, not that they're crazy.... Getting rich Republicans to pay their fair share is a lot of the solution and feels great for a change
So basically what you're inferring is that Democrats in Congress are millionaires but DON'T have guilty consciences? Liberals believe in charity if they're giving away someone else's money...not so much if it's their own!
If the right to vote is in the 26th amendment, which it is

And the 26th amendment is in the constitution, which it is

The right to vote is in the constitution.

You’re not too bright.

Or they could be deployed into a war zone.
The right to vote isn't IN the 26th amendment or anywhere else in the Constitution, Candy! Show me where the right to vote is granted in that document! All the 26th amendment does is prohibit States from barring 18 year olds from voting. You're not going to win this argument. You don't know your Constitution. I do.
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