Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy

LOL... Yeah, blobby looks like he's really working hard.

Who told you that? Trump?

Nobody else had him at his property..partying with him.

That you find it inconvenient, ex mod, makes me happy.

Care to see it again?


The victims lawyers all say you are a lying piece of shit.
It was not a real election. COVID is no excuse. Dragging out the vote count days beyond election night is unprecedented, and this act delegitimized the election. If you look at the numbers compared to past elections and the changing of laws in unprecedented ways, this was a fake election like no other. This is what happens when people in power have no backbone. Trump's the only one with backbone. Unelected-Tyrant Biden will be history in a couple years so we'll be alright, have faith.

Biden was sworn in.
Every state certified their election
Pence counted the votes.

What I enjoy about this is how much "election denialism" gets under their skin. What's wrong? You "won" in 2020? Didn't you "win"? Why so unhappy? Worried about muh polls and the midterms or some shit? Aren't you pleased Tyrant Biden is running the country now? Aren't you happy with the results? What's wrong? You fuckers got you wanted didn't you?
What I enjoy about this is how much "election denialism" gets under their skin. What's wrong? You "won" in 2020? Didn't you "win"? Why so unhappy? Worried about muh polls and the midterms or some shit? Aren't you pleased Tyrant Biden is running the country now? Aren't you happy with the results? What's wrong? You fuckers got you wanted didn't you?
Exactly. Democrats, I mean ALL Democrats are nothing but Communists.
Biden was sworn in.
Every state certified their election
Pence counted the votes.


So go off and enjoy your "win"? Go live in your new democrat utopia. Why keep posting on it here? You got your way, son! Congratulations! "Election Denialism" may as well be like screaming into the wind. Why keep posting on it here and engaging with "deniers"? Almost like you're trying to convince yourself that it was a legitimate election... but deep down you know it wasn't.
We did. In 2020.

Yet you and your Leftist friends have claimed that previous elections have been rigged
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Abe Lincoln, a Real Republican said:

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad," he wrote. "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

The MAGA repubs are now bringing destruction of our democracy to our doorstep. Denying elections is a step towards authoritarianism.
Quit fucking cheating. How bout that?
LOL... Yeah, blobby looks like he's really working hard.

Who told you that? Trump?

Nobody else had him at his property..partying with him.

That you find it inconvenient, ex mod, makes me happy.

Care to see it again?

That you deny that Trump was the ONLY one to testify against Epstein just shows how stupid you are moron.

Debunked your shit and made you look stupid inside of 30 seconds. Cry some more.
Yet you and your Leftist friends have claimed that previous elections have been rigged
Dems even took issue with Dominion voting machines in the past, claiming they were unreliable and switched votes. Now all of a sudden those machines can’t be questioned. About a third of Dems also acknowledge that Biden did not really win fairly.
So go off and enjoy your "win"?
I have. Thanks.
Go live in your new democrat utopia. Why keep posting on it here? You got your way, son! Congratulations! "Election Denialism" may as well be like screaming into the wind. Why keep posting on it here and engaging with "deniers"? Almost like you're trying to convince yourself that it was a legitimate election... but deep down you know it wasn't.

When you keep posting easily dispelled nonsense, don't blame your betters for blowing you out of the water every time you post. You're the human pinata in this scenario.
Yet you and your Leftist friends have claimed that previous elections have been rigged
The 2016 election was influenced by the Russians working with the Trump campaign. Mueller demonstrated the numerous meetings between the two parties. .
That you deny that Trump was the ONLY one to testify against Epstein just shows how stupid you are moron.

Debunked your shit and made you look stupid inside of 30 seconds. Cry some more.
I don't see where any of the links say Trump testified.... another swing and miss there binky.

The only source that says Trump banned epstein is Trump himself. As we all know, he's a congenital liar.
What I enjoy about this is how much "election denialism" gets under their skin. What's wrong? You "won" in 2020? Didn't you "win"? Why so unhappy? Worried about muh polls and the midterms or some shit? Aren't you pleased Tyrant Biden is running the country now? Aren't you happy with the results? What's wrong? You fuckers got you wanted didn't you?
Yet here you are trying desperately, again, to convince us of something that has no evidence.

Pssst...it isn't working.

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