Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy

After what happened with the 2020 election I have no faith in our elections.

The Democrats are filthy Leftest. Leftest all over the world believe in "any means necessary" to get their Socialist agenda. If the Democrats have to steal an election with fraudulent ballots in order to turn this country into a Socialist shithole so they can get their free stuff then they will damn well do it. We saw it done in 2020.
There is no material difference between the belief that aliens from Zeldor are in our midst and the belief Trump won the election. Both are delusions with no factual basis.
I Tells ya what ... Pally from Outer Zeldor.
Tell us how many things Biden has been truthful about.
Real simple explanation.

All got away with the most brazen election fraud in us history

There is, unfortunately, no logical reason to believe it will not happen again. All of the mechanisms are still in place. Chris Wray is still FBI director.

Polls are beginning to show a fetterman meltdown in PA. A Biden style meltdown like NH and Iowa. They will need a lot of fraud ballots to pull out PA.

The difference this time is that the Republicans who assisted in the fraud because they hated President Trump will not assist the Democrats.
Make sure you keep monitoring...because if you do; you won't be able to bitch about election fraud the next time you guys lose.

When the system has been breached and the people put into power are extremists it does not matter what you say. In the end I hope we stop this infection. And then those involved get their punishments.
A bit off topic but I can see why you'd want to change the subject away from the historic curb-stomping American voters delivered to your cult leader.
You mean these same pathetic candidateses who Refuse to debate
their opponents.Since when is that something to brag about.
This ain't Stalins Russia.For now it's Biden World.
Plus the continued failure to give real numbers as to just how
many Votes Biden won by.I heard 5 states and somewhere around
45,ooo votes.
Keep in mind that Trump WON :
2,497 Counties
18 of 19 Battleground counties.
Won Florida,Ohio and Texas early and decivisely.
PLUS ... In 150 + years no President had lost a Re-election
when they Increased their lead.Trump had more than
3 million votes in 2020 than 2016.
Biden won 477 Counties.
Obama won 873 counties in 2012.
2020 saw 3 times the number of mail-in absentee ballots
and in some states 1/10ths the rejection rate.

Gpd Bless ya'll

Facts have no effect on these people.
They are in a bubble where everyone hates Trump unconditionally and Republicans, conditionally.
They think that their Bubble (and Twitter) is the only honest world and true reality.
I'm not interested in your bullshit deflections.
Failure.Lack of guts.meaning a deceiver.True test of a Leftist.
Not only do they NOT Value Truth they also refuse to debate.
Kinda like Hitler's Stormtroopers.
The difference this time is that the Republicans who assisted in the fraud because they hated President Trump will not assist the Democrats.
That's the biggest difference and the ONLY reason Dems got away with it.

Those Republitards should be removed. ALL of them.

Chaney is already gone. Who is next?

Abe Lincoln, a Real Republican said:

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad," he wrote. "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

The MAGA repubs are now bringing destruction of our democracy to our doorstep. Denying elections is a step towards authoritarianism.
So Gore and Hildabeast, along with Fat Abrams, are the destruction of our democracy??
Exactly. That's what you kuuunts have been doing this whole time because you KNOW nobody wanted your pathetic shit.

Enjoy the next 2 weeks. You're about to get ass fucked.
No call for that rhetoric.Conservatives don't use that kinda
language { veiled threats }. Yer not on the Conservative side.
Steve Bannon would ban you.
No call for that rhetoric.Conservatives don't use that kinda
language { veiled threats }. Yer not on the Conservative side.
Steve Bannon would ban you.
I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be a "conservative." That's a bullshit term manipulated by everybody to where it has no real meaning.
That's the biggest difference and the ONLY reason Dems got away with it.

Those Republitards should be removed. ALL of them.

Chaney is already gone. Who is next?

Once the Republicans slaughter the Democrats in two weeks, Brad Raffensperger and Brian Kemp should be appearing before a Republican Fact-Finding committee In January.
No call for that rhetoric.Conservatives don't use that kinda
language { veiled threats }. Yer not on the Conservative side.
Steve Bannon would ban you.

Conservatives do in fact use that kind of language - so you can step off.
No threat was there though, veiled or otherwise.
Once the Republicans slaughter the Democrats in two weeks, Brad Raffensperger and Brian Kemp should be appearing before a Republican Fact-Finding committee In January.
So then you'd prefer Kemp should Lose.His winning is not goot.
Conservatives do in fact use that kind of language - so you can step off.
No threat was there though, veiled or otherwise.
Go away you proven knucklehead,whose too lazy to even knuckle-drag
around.Find some utter place to spew :
Yer too dirty to spit on.
" Would thou wert clean enough to spit upon. "
There is no material difference between the belief that aliens from Zeldor are in our midst and the belief Trump won the election. Both are delusions with no factual basis.

As far as I know, nobody has captured and published video of aliens from Zeldor. The videos of Ruby Freeman bringing out boxes of fake ballots and running the same fake ballots multiple times through the counting machine were all over the place, for everyone to see, in spite of efforts by the media to suppress and censor them.

The proof is undeniable that a significant amount of cheating took place in 2020. You can argue about whether it was enough to change the outcome, but to deny that it happened is just lying.

And it puts the lie to any claim from your side to care about democracy.

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