Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy

So I'm watching the news yesterday and the lead was that there was "voter intimidation" going on! The story relates how someone dropping off a ballot at a ballot drop off location noticed that several people were sitting in lawn chairs about 70 yards away video taping them and apparently taking down their license plate numbers...something that they felt was "intimidating"!

So ask yourself WHY that would be intimidating to anyone? The reason that those people are sitting in those lawn chairs is to make sure multiple ballots aren't being dumped in that drop off location by the same person or persons. They are there with the stated goal to protect the validity of the election...to prevent election fraud from taking place. Now you might think that they're wasting their time...especially if you don't think election fraud took place in the last election...but why would anyone be upset that they're sitting there making sure it DOESN'T occur this time? The only answer I can think of is that there is someone who would LIKE to dump a bunch of ballots but now can't because the ballot drop boxes are being monitored!
Make sure you keep monitoring...because if you do; you won't be able to bitch about election fraud the next time you guys lose.

So I'm watching the news yesterday and the lead was that there was "voter intimidation" going on! The story relates how someone dropping off a ballot at a ballot drop off location noticed that several people were sitting in lawn chairs about 70 yards away video taping them and apparently taking down their license plate numbers...something that they felt was "intimidating"!

So ask yourself WHY that would be intimidating to anyone? The reason that those people are sitting in those lawn chairs is to make sure multiple ballots aren't being dumped in that drop off location by the same person or persons. They are there with the stated goal to protect the validity of the election...to prevent election fraud from taking place. Now you might think that they're wasting their time...especially if you don't think election fraud took place in the last election...but why would anyone be upset that they're sitting there making sure it DOESN'T occur this time? The only answer I can think of is that there is someone who would LIKE to dump a bunch of ballots but now can't because the ballot drop boxes are being monitored!
Expect a lot more of this kind of crap.That Americans doing the right
thing and keeping their eyes peeled for election irregularities is now
no different than being some Unamerican thugs.Where we know who
the Unamerican thugs are.The same bunch who spent an entire
Summer of Love .... Rioting,car bombing,tossing malatov cocktails
and Killing cops.Based on a False and intentional Black Lives Matter
meme { narrative }.Where we learned in 2021 { Febuary} where TIME
magazine let the cat out the bag.BLM was used to help demonize the
popularity of Trump and his huge following.Plus the RNC made a big deal
at their August Convention over all the Violence associated with that
Summer of Love crapola.Where the DNC at their august 2020 Convention
never mentioned Violence.
Don't Get Stooged!
I wonder how Repubs would feel if a Dem candidate for governor had survived the party's primary and was leading the Repub in the polls by espousing a belief in, and was getting support from people who believe that, aliens from the planet Zeldor are in our midst?
Where were you during 2020 election night?

Did you put out the press release in Atlanta of a water main leak?

Did you supervise the "removal" of GOP observers in DET?

Or were you convincing Tucker Carlson to accept the Steal?
None of these fuckers watched any of that, and they are being told lies by the media, and telling us that we're wrong. Even though we witnessed it live.

I'm not even paying attention to this shit anymore. We know good and goddamn well, as they do, that it was a big fat fraud bunch of cheating shit. 81 million bullshit. That is statistically insane, impossible.

It's OK. This time it'll all be under the microscope. If there's any funny business we will go to war.
I wonder how Repubs would feel if a Dem candidate for governor had survived the party's primary and was leading the Repub in the polls by espousing a belief in, and was getting support from people who believe that, aliens from the planet Zeldor are in our midst?

When any candidate expresses such a belief, and by doing so, is demonstrated to be gaining significant public support because of that belief, then get back to us and ask that question again.

Until then, it's just meaningless bullshit.
None of these fuckers watched any of that, and they are being told lies by the media, and telling us that we're wrong. Even though we witnessed it live.

I'm not even paying attention to this shit anymore. We know good and goddamn well, as they do, that it was a big fat fraud bunch of cheating shit. 81 million bullshit. That is statistically insane, impossible.

It's OK. This time it'll all be under the microscope. If there's any funny business we will go to war.


All got away with the most brazen election fraud in us history

There is, unfortunately, no logical reason to believe it will not happen again. All of the mechanisms are still in place. Chris Wray is still FBI director.

Polls are beginning to show a fetterman meltdown in PA. A Biden style meltdown like NH and Iowa. They will need a lot of fraud ballots to pull out PA.

Abe Lincoln, a Real Republican said:

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad," he wrote. "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

The MAGA repubs are now bringing destruction of our democracy to our doorstep. Denying elections is a step towards authoritarianism.

It's questioning the coup and not the coup itself?

I don't think so.
Nice story…tell it to Readers Digest….
How abouts ... Bleeders Digest
In case anyone done forgot about how The Knockout Game,
Polar Bear Hunting and the book :
- White Girl Bleed a Lot - The Return of Racial Violence
to America and How the Media Ignore It -
{ 2012 }
where Black Intellectual Thomas Sowell praised the book in
National Review.
Saviors you mean. Without us you would no longer live in a free country.

Did you puff up your chest and beat on it with your fists when you said that, Mike???

Americans have far fewer "freedoms" that any other first world nation, and every year, you are more under the yoke than ever before. 40% of Americans don't make enough money to provide a living for their families.

But keep telling us how you're "free" and our freedom is because of YOU. Our freedom is because we elect governments with preserve our freedoms for ALL people, and not just for some.

Abe Lincoln, a Real Republican said:

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad," he wrote. "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

The MAGA repubs are now bringing destruction of our democracy to our doorstep. Denying elections is a step towards authoritarianism.
Our Democracy died in 2020 when the goddamn Democrats used the scam of fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots (not to mention the pre filled out ballots) to steal the election in Democrat controlled swing districts.

You can quote Lincoln but in this case a quote by Stalin is more more appropriate:

Our Democracy died in 2020 when the goddamn Democrats used the scam of fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots (not to mention the pre filled out ballots) to steal the election in Democrat controlled swing districts.

You can quote Lincoln but in this case a quote by Stalin is more more appropriate:

View attachment 714800
The vote counters (several GOP elected officials) counted the votes. Trump lost
None of these fuckers watched any of that, and they are being told lies by the media, and telling us that we're wrong. Even though we witnessed it live.

I'm not even paying attention to this shit anymore. We know good and goddamn well, as they do, that it was a big fat fraud bunch of cheating shit. 81 million bullshit. That is statistically insane, impossible.

It's OK. This time it'll all be under the microscope. If there's any funny business we will go to war.

When any candidate expresses such a belief, and by doing so, is demonstrated to be gaining significant public support because of that belief, then get back to us and ask that question again.

Until then, it's just meaningless bullshit.
There is no material difference between the belief that aliens from Zeldor are in our midst and the belief Trump won the election. Both are delusions with no factual basis.

All got away with the most brazen election fraud in us history

There is, unfortunately, no logical reason to believe it will not happen again. All of the mechanisms are still in place. Chris Wray is still FBI director.

Polls are beginning to show a fetterman meltdown in PA. A Biden style meltdown like NH and Iowa. They will need a lot of fraud ballots to pull out PA.
Plus the continued failure to give real numbers as to just how
many Votes Biden won by.I heard 5 states and somewhere around
45,ooo votes.
Keep in mind that Trump WON :
2,497 Counties
18 of 19 Battleground counties.
Won Florida,Ohio and Texas early and decivisely.
PLUS ... In 150 + years no President had lost a Re-election
when they Increased their lead.Trump had more than
3 million votes in 2020 than 2016.
Biden won 477 Counties.
Obama won 873 counties in 2012.
2020 saw 3 times the number of mail-in absentee ballots
and in some states 1/10ths the rejection rate.

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