Electoral College

Yyyyeah umm..... I said SIXTY polls. And that's not an exaggeration, it may be more. Sixty-plus over several decades, that all agree with each other. Not a consensus--- unanimous.

And oh yeah also sixty-plus polls that don't contain an answer anybody would be embarrassed to be honest about.

Polls . . . polls . . . I'm checking my list of "Things I Give A Rat's Ass About" . . . Nope, don't see polls on there anywhere.

The point was made that "no one is seriously debating this". If you've got a more effective way than sixty-plus polls unanimously declaring it's what Americans want and what "no one is seriously debating" let's hear it.

A poll is not a debate short bus

Because a polling company does a poll it does not automatically mean anyone really cares.

I'm afraid it does Geezer. You see, if no one cared no one would answer the polls. These got loads of answers. These go up to 11.

Bottom line still being ---- All over this country in literally every state, literally every poll says We the People want it changed.

Fail. You receive a call from a polling company you either answer or not. The polling company just keep calling until they get enough answers. It does not indicate interest in the subject at all.

Grow the fuck up.

Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.
Polls . . . polls . . . I'm checking my list of "Things I Give A Rat's Ass About" . . . Nope, don't see polls on there anywhere.

The point was made that "no one is seriously debating this". If you've got a more effective way than sixty-plus polls unanimously declaring it's what Americans want and what "no one is seriously debating" let's hear it.

A poll is not a debate short bus

Because a polling company does a poll it does not automatically mean anyone really cares.

I'm afraid it does Geezer. You see, if no one cared no one would answer the polls. These got loads of answers. These go up to 11.

Bottom line still being ---- All over this country in literally every state, literally every poll says We the People want it changed.

Fail. You receive a call from a polling company you either answer or not. The polling company just keep calling until they get enough answers. It does not indicate interest in the subject at all.

Grow the fuck up.

Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.

Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.

The point was made that "no one is seriously debating this". If you've got a more effective way than sixty-plus polls unanimously declaring it's what Americans want and what "no one is seriously debating" let's hear it.

A poll is not a debate short bus

Because a polling company does a poll it does not automatically mean anyone really cares.

I'm afraid it does Geezer. You see, if no one cared no one would answer the polls. These got loads of answers. These go up to 11.

Bottom line still being ---- All over this country in literally every state, literally every poll says We the People want it changed.

Fail. You receive a call from a polling company you either answer or not. The polling company just keep calling until they get enough answers. It does not indicate interest in the subject at all.

Grow the fuck up.

Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.

Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.


Course it does. If you don't care about a poll you say "not interested" and hang up.
Whelp ---- these are the results of those who didn't hang up. Get it?

Still too complex?
OK, I have five apples. I offer them to twenty people. Five people are interested and take the apples. Fifteen people starve. Conclusion: you're a murderer.
A poll is not a debate short bus

Because a polling company does a poll it does not automatically mean anyone really cares.

I'm afraid it does Geezer. You see, if no one cared no one would answer the polls. These got loads of answers. These go up to 11.

Bottom line still being ---- All over this country in literally every state, literally every poll says We the People want it changed.

Fail. You receive a call from a polling company you either answer or not. The polling company just keep calling until they get enough answers. It does not indicate interest in the subject at all.

Grow the fuck up.

Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.

Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.


Course it does. If you don't care about a poll you say "not interested" and hang up.
Whelp ---- these are the results of those who didn't hang up. Get it?

Still too complex?
OK, I have five apples. I offer them to twenty people. Five people are interested and take the apples. Fifteen people starve. Conclusion: you're a murderer.

Sounds like the Dems should get started on an amendment. Let us know how it goes.
The point was made that "no one is seriously debating this". If you've got a more effective way than sixty-plus polls unanimously declaring it's what Americans want and what "no one is seriously debating" let's hear it.

A poll is not a debate short bus

Because a polling company does a poll it does not automatically mean anyone really cares.

I'm afraid it does Geezer. You see, if no one cared no one would answer the polls. These got loads of answers. These go up to 11.

Bottom line still being ---- All over this country in literally every state, literally every poll says We the People want it changed.

Fail. You receive a call from a polling company you either answer or not. The polling company just keep calling until they get enough answers. It does not indicate interest in the subject at all.

Grow the fuck up.

Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.

Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.


A poll is not a debate short bus

Because a polling company does a poll it does not automatically mean anyone really cares.

I'm afraid it does Geezer. You see, if no one cared no one would answer the polls. These got loads of answers. These go up to 11.

Bottom line still being ---- All over this country in literally every state, literally every poll says We the People want it changed.

Fail. You receive a call from a polling company you either answer or not. The polling company just keep calling until they get enough answers. It does not indicate interest in the subject at all.

Grow the fuck up.

Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.

Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.


Course it does. If you don't care about a poll you say "not interested" and hang up.
Whelp ---- these are the results of those who didn't hang up. Get it?

Still too complex?
OK, I have five apples. I offer them to twenty people. Five people are interested and take the apples. Fifteen people starve. Conclusion: you're a murderer.

I'm afraid it does Geezer. You see, if no one cared no one would answer the polls. These got loads of answers. These go up to 11.

Bottom line still being ---- All over this country in literally every state, literally every poll says We the People want it changed.

Fail. You receive a call from a polling company you either answer or not. The polling company just keep calling until they get enough answers. It does not indicate interest in the subject at all.

Grow the fuck up.

Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.

Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.


Course it does. If you don't care about a poll you say "not interested" and hang up.
Whelp ---- these are the results of those who didn't hang up. Get it?

Still too complex?
OK, I have five apples. I offer them to twenty people. Five people are interested and take the apples. Fifteen people starve. Conclusion: you're a murderer.

Sounds like the Dems should get started on an amendment. Let us know how it goes.

These threads are so ridiculous!

QUESTION---------> When gay marriage, shared bathrooms, and giving illegal immigrants free healthcare was put on the ballots in several states, how did the people OVERWHELMINGLY vote in every case?!?!!?!?!?! Did the leftists ACCEPT IT, or did they take it to court, and over turn the will of the MAJORITY of people in the states that voted?!?!?!

And so, they are phony........let me spell that for ya P-H-O-N-Y! They are just moving the goalposts under where they kicked the football constantly, so they can claim they won. If you buy even arguing with them, they have already won! They know they have no leg to stand on, they are just pooping in their hands, throwing it against the wall, and seeing what will stick and stink the most.

Folks, they are SNOWFLAKES, lol. If you seen these people out in public, you would wonder why in the hell you even argue with them. I mean, come on! Just tell them to stick it! Just like illegal immigration..........they want them to stay and have sanc cities, then lets get a petition for them to sign with their REAL NAMES, and get their LEFTY politicians to sign it too! See if they do it, because we all know what will happen to ANY politician who tries that one outside of Illinois, California, Massachusetts, or New York, and that is besides the fact, Trump is probably going to have a few of the FREAKIN ARRESTED!
pogo still believes in polls :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You all need to get over losing badly and try to regroup for 2020, you're going to need it. Life under Trump will last a GOOD (literally) 8 years...believe me

Yyyyeah umm..... I said SIXTY polls. And that's not an exaggeration, it may be more. Sixty-plus over several decades, that all agree with each other. Not a consensus--- unanimous.

And oh yeah also sixty-plus polls that don't contain an answer anybody would be embarrassed to be honest about.

Polls . . . polls . . . I'm checking my list of "Things I Give A Rat's Ass About" . . . Nope, don't see polls on there anywhere.

The point was made that "no one is seriously debating this". If you've got a more effective way than sixty-plus polls unanimously declaring it's what Americans want and what "no one is seriously debating" let's hear it.

Has the amendment made it to the senate floor yet ?

This time of year Doodles, not much makes it to the Senate floor other than a broom.

Welcome to America btw.

I am sure they have it all laid out and ready to go.

Let me know when it hits.
I'm afraid it does Geezer. You see, if no one cared no one would answer the polls. These got loads of answers. These go up to 11.

Bottom line still being ---- All over this country in literally every state, literally every poll says We the People want it changed.

Fail. You receive a call from a polling company you either answer or not. The polling company just keep calling until they get enough answers. It does not indicate interest in the subject at all.

Grow the fuck up.

Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.

Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.


Course it does. If you don't care about a poll you say "not interested" and hang up.
Whelp ---- these are the results of those who didn't hang up. Get it?

Still too complex?
OK, I have five apples. I offer them to twenty people. Five people are interested and take the apples. Fifteen people starve. Conclusion: you're a murderer.

Sounds like the Dems should get started on an amendment. Let us know how it goes.

Dems are good talkers

Not so good at getting the job done
A poll is not a debate short bus

Because a polling company does a poll it does not automatically mean anyone really cares.

I'm afraid it does Geezer. You see, if no one cared no one would answer the polls. These got loads of answers. These go up to 11.

Bottom line still being ---- All over this country in literally every state, literally every poll says We the People want it changed.

Fail. You receive a call from a polling company you either answer or not. The polling company just keep calling until they get enough answers. It does not indicate interest in the subject at all.

Grow the fuck up.

Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.

Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.


I'm afraid it does Geezer. You see, if no one cared no one would answer the polls. These got loads of answers. These go up to 11.

Bottom line still being ---- All over this country in literally every state, literally every poll says We the People want it changed.

Fail. You receive a call from a polling company you either answer or not. The polling company just keep calling until they get enough answers. It does not indicate interest in the subject at all.

Grow the fuck up.

Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.

Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.


Course it does. If you don't care about a poll you say "not interested" and hang up.
Whelp ---- these are the results of those who didn't hang up. Get it?

Still too complex?
OK, I have five apples. I offer them to twenty people. Five people are interested and take the apples. Fifteen people starve. Conclusion: you're a murderer.

Fail. You receive a call from a polling company you either answer or not. The polling company just keep calling until they get enough answers. It does not indicate interest in the subject at all.

Grow the fuck up.

Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.

Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.


Course it does. If you don't care about a poll you say "not interested" and hang up.
Whelp ---- these are the results of those who didn't hang up. Get it?

Still too complex?
OK, I have five apples. I offer them to twenty people. Five people are interested and take the apples. Fifteen people starve. Conclusion: you're a murderer.

Sounds like the Dems should get started on an amendment. Let us know how it goes.

These threads are so ridiculous!

QUESTION---------> When gay marriage, shared bathrooms, and giving illegal immigrants free healthcare was put on the ballots in several states, how did the people OVERWHELMINGLY vote in every case?!?!!?!?!?! Did the leftists ACCEPT IT, or did they take it to court, and over turn the will of the MAJORITY of people in the states that voted?!?!?!

And so, they are phony........let me spell that for ya P-H-O-N-Y! They are just moving the goalposts under where they kicked the football constantly, so they can claim they won. If you buy even arguing with them, they have already won! They know they have no leg to stand on, they are just pooping in their hands, throwing it against the wall, and seeing what will stick and stink the most.

Folks, they are SNOWFLAKES, lol. If you seen these people out in public, you would wonder why in the hell you even argue with them. I mean, come on! Just tell them to stick it! Just like illegal immigration..........they want them to stay and have sanc cities, then lets get a petition for them to sign with their REAL NAMES, and get their LEFTY politicians to sign it too! See if they do it, because we all know what will happen to ANY politician who tries that one outside of Illinois, California, Massachusetts, or New York, and that is besides the fact, Trump is probably going to have a few of the FREAKIN ARRESTED!

They do love a good democracy

Until they don't.

Good post
All blue states should practice what they preach and have their electors vote in the percentages that the people voted.
I'm afraid it does Geezer. You see, if no one cared no one would answer the polls. These got loads of answers. These go up to 11.

Bottom line still being ---- All over this country in literally every state, literally every poll says We the People want it changed.

Fail. You receive a call from a polling company you either answer or not. The polling company just keep calling until they get enough answers. It does not indicate interest in the subject at all.

Grow the fuck up.

Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.

Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.


Course it does. If you don't care about a poll you say "not interested" and hang up.
Whelp ---- these are the results of those who didn't hang up. Get it?

Still too complex?
OK, I have five apples. I offer them to twenty people. Five people are interested and take the apples. Fifteen people starve. Conclusion: you're a murderer.

Sounds like the Dems should get started on an amendment. Let us know how it goes.

Sounds like the People should get started on something. And you won't need me to let you know.

Now I'm sure some of those polls out of curiosity parsed out levels of support from "Dems" and "Reps" and "Libts" and "Indies" and everything else. But however they parsed down, they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

Which it is --- it's indefensible.
Fail. You receive a call from a polling company you either answer or not. The polling company just keep calling until they get enough answers. It does not indicate interest in the subject at all.

Grow the fuck up.

Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.

Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.


Course it does. If you don't care about a poll you say "not interested" and hang up.
Whelp ---- these are the results of those who didn't hang up. Get it?

Still too complex?
OK, I have five apples. I offer them to twenty people. Five people are interested and take the apples. Fifteen people starve. Conclusion: you're a murderer.

Sounds like the Dems should get started on an amendment. Let us know how it goes.

Sounds like the People should get started on something. And you won't need me to let you know.

Now I'm sure some of those polls out of curiosity parsed out levels of support from "Dems" and "Reps" and "Libts" and "Indies" and everything else. But however they parsed down, they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

Which it is --- it's indefensible.

Sounds like the People should get started on something.

Only the people who feel it needs to change.
Liberals should probably lead by example, and make their states award EC votes proportionally.

they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

True, but enough about Obama and the Clintons.
If you want improvement, support term limits.
And eliminate government pensions.
If 401Ks are good enough for taxpayers, they're good enough for "public servants".
According to the U.S. Constitution, the President is to be selected by the States, not the general public. The Electoral College was simply the means of apportioning this voting power between large and small states, and certifying these votes to the national government.

The Founders were well aware of how the rabble could be roused. That is why they limited direct popular elections to the House of Representatives. The ill-conceived 17th Amendment (1913), which extended this procedure to the election of U.S. Senators, has unfortunately caused these elections to now be dominated by out-of-state money and special interests (especially in smaller states).

Direct popular election of the President would be the final step in converting our representative form of government into a mobocracy.

:lol: Like the rest of the world that elects their heads of state have?

Oh wait, not all of them. Besides us there's ................... Pakistan.

America is not the rest of the world, but its true, the Democrats have been working overtime to make us like the rest of the world.
Number one "fail" is a verb. They might cover this when you get to fourth grade.

Number one-A, the polling companies DID keep calling and DID get enough answers, over sixty times in all fifty-seven states, and the results all say the same thing. And there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Except of course stomp your feet and hold your breath, but I see you have that covered.

Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.


Course it does. If you don't care about a poll you say "not interested" and hang up.
Whelp ---- these are the results of those who didn't hang up. Get it?

Still too complex?
OK, I have five apples. I offer them to twenty people. Five people are interested and take the apples. Fifteen people starve. Conclusion: you're a murderer.

Sounds like the Dems should get started on an amendment. Let us know how it goes.

Sounds like the People should get started on something. And you won't need me to let you know.

Now I'm sure some of those polls out of curiosity parsed out levels of support from "Dems" and "Reps" and "Libts" and "Indies" and everything else. But however they parsed down, they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

Which it is --- it's indefensible.

Sounds like the People should get started on something.

Only the people who feel it needs to change.
Liberals should probably lead by example, and make their states award EC votes proportionally.

they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

True, but enough about Obama and the Clintons.
If you want improvement, support term limits.
And eliminate government pensions.
If 401Ks are good enough for taxpayers, they're good enough for "public servants".

Non multisequitur. Nice. Always handy to multitask.

Sounds like the People should get started on something.

Only the people who feel it needs to change.

Which is ------ again ----- everybody.

Liberals should probably lead by example, and make their states award EC votes proportionally.

--- While the "Red" states go on with the charade that their state's voters spoke unanimously?

Always instructive to find out who's in favor of "rigged" elections.
Do you even listen to yourself kid?

What a nimrod. Because a poll is taken does NOT mean people actually care about the poll.


Course it does. If you don't care about a poll you say "not interested" and hang up.
Whelp ---- these are the results of those who didn't hang up. Get it?

Still too complex?
OK, I have five apples. I offer them to twenty people. Five people are interested and take the apples. Fifteen people starve. Conclusion: you're a murderer.

Sounds like the Dems should get started on an amendment. Let us know how it goes.

Sounds like the People should get started on something. And you won't need me to let you know.

Now I'm sure some of those polls out of curiosity parsed out levels of support from "Dems" and "Reps" and "Libts" and "Indies" and everything else. But however they parsed down, they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

Which it is --- it's indefensible.

Sounds like the People should get started on something.

Only the people who feel it needs to change.
Liberals should probably lead by example, and make their states award EC votes proportionally.

they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

True, but enough about Obama and the Clintons.
If you want improvement, support term limits.
And eliminate government pensions.
If 401Ks are good enough for taxpayers, they're good enough for "public servants".

Non multisequitur. Nice. Always handy to multitask.

I see you aren't interested in solutions.
Course it does. If you don't care about a poll you say "not interested" and hang up.
Whelp ---- these are the results of those who didn't hang up. Get it?

Still too complex?
OK, I have five apples. I offer them to twenty people. Five people are interested and take the apples. Fifteen people starve. Conclusion: you're a murderer.

Sounds like the Dems should get started on an amendment. Let us know how it goes.

Sounds like the People should get started on something. And you won't need me to let you know.

Now I'm sure some of those polls out of curiosity parsed out levels of support from "Dems" and "Reps" and "Libts" and "Indies" and everything else. But however they parsed down, they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

Which it is --- it's indefensible.

Sounds like the People should get started on something.

Only the people who feel it needs to change.
Liberals should probably lead by example, and make their states award EC votes proportionally.

they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

True, but enough about Obama and the Clintons.
If you want improvement, support term limits.
And eliminate government pensions.
If 401Ks are good enough for taxpayers, they're good enough for "public servants".

Non multisequitur. Nice. Always handy to multitask.

Sounds like the People should get started on something.

Only the people who feel it needs to change.

Which is ------ again ----- everybody.

Liberals should probably lead by example, and make their states award EC votes proportionally.

--- While the "Red" states go on with the charade that their state's voters spoke unanimously?

Always instructive to find out who's in favor of "rigged" elections.

I see you aren't interested in solutions.

I see you aren't interested in acknowledging your own hypocrisy. Even going so far as to delete the part of the post that pointed to it.

Not to worry --- I restored it.
The debate has started again as to whether the US Constitution should be amended in order to change the presidential election process. Some promote
eliminating the Electoral College in favor of a direct popular vote for president while others believe the Electoral College should remain unchanged. Just as compromise solved the initial problems of the framers so it is that compromise can solve this problem. The solution is to change the electoral votes to electoral points and reward each candidate a percentage of points based on the percentage of popular votes received in each state.

This would eliminate the "winner take all" system thus allowing for all the votes to count. A voter is more apt to believe their vote counted when a percentage of popular votes are taken into account rather than the "all or nothing" system currently in existence. Further, this new system would integrate the desire for a popular vote for president with the need for the individual states to determine who actually gets elected.

As for political primaries the number of delegates awarded in each state should be determined by the percentage of votes won by each candidate.

For 2016 multiplying the percentage of votes each candidate received {in each state} times the number of electoral votes {in each state} results in the following: Clinton 256.985 and Trump 253.482.

Why change something that isn't broke? It works exactly the way the founders of this nation intended. People tend to forget, especially when things don't go their way, that the United States is a Representative Republic, not a Democracy. While I am not especially excited about a President Donald Trump, I am even less excited about the idea that California and New York would dictate how this country is governed...
Sounds like the Dems should get started on an amendment. Let us know how it goes.

Sounds like the People should get started on something. And you won't need me to let you know.

Now I'm sure some of those polls out of curiosity parsed out levels of support from "Dems" and "Reps" and "Libts" and "Indies" and everything else. But however they parsed down, they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

Which it is --- it's indefensible.

Sounds like the People should get started on something.

Only the people who feel it needs to change.
Liberals should probably lead by example, and make their states award EC votes proportionally.

they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

True, but enough about Obama and the Clintons.
If you want improvement, support term limits.
And eliminate government pensions.
If 401Ks are good enough for taxpayers, they're good enough for "public servants".

Non multisequitur. Nice. Always handy to multitask.

Sounds like the People should get started on something.

Only the people who feel it needs to change.

Which is ------ again ----- everybody.

Liberals should probably lead by example, and make their states award EC votes proportionally.

--- While the "Red" states go on with the charade that their state's voters spoke unanimously?

Always instructive to find out who's in favor of "rigged" elections.

I see you aren't interested in solutions.

I see you aren't interested in acknowledging your own hypocrisy. Even going so far as to delete the part of the post that pointed to it.

Not to worry --- I restored it.

Didn't delete any of your silliness.
hy change something that isn't broke? It works exactly the way the founders of this nation intended.

Clearly it isn't. They never intended to create artificial walls of "red" and "blue" states. Or to restrict candidates to so-called "battleground" states --- all three of which are artificial bullshit terms created solely by the inane "winner take all" systems, without which those artificial barriers would not exist at all. Nor was that the system in the beginning when the Founders were still with us, and when it became the system, James Madison among others, who was one of the designers of the EC, specifically denounced it and called for its abolition.

So ................ no. Not at all.

While I am not especially excited about a President Donald Trump, I am even less excited about the idea that California and New York would dictate how this country is governed...

A parroted myth which makes no sense and has never been explained --- because it can't be.

The fact is the six million or so voters IN California and New York who voted for Rump had their votes tossed in the garbage heap by the system noted above. Without that indefensible inanity going on ---- that wouldn't happen.
Sounds like the Dems should get started on an amendment. Let us know how it goes.

Sounds like the People should get started on something. And you won't need me to let you know.

Now I'm sure some of those polls out of curiosity parsed out levels of support from "Dems" and "Reps" and "Libts" and "Indies" and everything else. But however they parsed down, they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

Which it is --- it's indefensible.

Sounds like the People should get started on something.

Only the people who feel it needs to change.
Liberals should probably lead by example, and make their states award EC votes proportionally.

they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

True, but enough about Obama and the Clintons.
If you want improvement, support term limits.
And eliminate government pensions.
If 401Ks are good enough for taxpayers, they're good enough for "public servants".

Non multisequitur. Nice. Always handy to multitask.

Sounds like the People should get started on something.

Only the people who feel it needs to change.

Which is ------ again ----- everybody.

Liberals should probably lead by example, and make their states award EC votes proportionally.

--- While the "Red" states go on with the charade that their state's voters spoke unanimously?

Always instructive to find out who's in favor of "rigged" elections.

I see you aren't interested in solutions.

I see you aren't interested in acknowledging your own hypocrisy. Even going so far as to delete the part of the post that pointed to it.

Not to worry --- I restored it.

Which is ------ again ----- everybody.

I don't feel it needs to change.
You have a poll that shows 100% support? DERP!

--- While the "Red" states go on with the charade that their state's voters spoke unanimously?

--- While the "Red" states go on with their Constitutional right to appoint electors as they wish!
Sounds like the People should get started on something. And you won't need me to let you know.

Now I'm sure some of those polls out of curiosity parsed out levels of support from "Dems" and "Reps" and "Libts" and "Indies" and everything else. But however they parsed down, they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

Which it is --- it's indefensible.

Sounds like the People should get started on something.

Only the people who feel it needs to change.
Liberals should probably lead by example, and make their states award EC votes proportionally.

they all agreed as a whole that the system is fucked up.

True, but enough about Obama and the Clintons.
If you want improvement, support term limits.
And eliminate government pensions.
If 401Ks are good enough for taxpayers, they're good enough for "public servants".

Non multisequitur. Nice. Always handy to multitask.

Sounds like the People should get started on something.

Only the people who feel it needs to change.

Which is ------ again ----- everybody.

Liberals should probably lead by example, and make their states award EC votes proportionally.

--- While the "Red" states go on with the charade that their state's voters spoke unanimously?

Always instructive to find out who's in favor of "rigged" elections.

I see you aren't interested in solutions.

I see you aren't interested in acknowledging your own hypocrisy. Even going so far as to delete the part of the post that pointed to it.

Not to worry --- I restored it.

Didn't delete any of your silliness.

Correct. Because there wasn't any "silliness" to delete.
But oh how inconvenient was the missing part.

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