Elizabeth Warren: As President I’ll End Israel’s Occupation Of Gaza

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In a way, they helped...


By willingly facilitating the Holocaust, the Poles were instrumental in Israel's creation.

That is sort of true, but then it is Poland that should have given up land for a Jewish homeland, not the innocent Palestinians, who were there long before any Hebrew invasion.
I agree.


Germany too.

Texas...Because it seems to be the most pro-Israel & pro-Jewish place besides Israel.
We're definitely pro-Jewish. What's wrong with Jews? Texas Jews is good news.

We're not the people who fucked over the Jews and tried to exterminate them. You Pollack bastards share in the blame.

Poland should be declared The State of Israel, along with parts of Germany.



Because people down South are a bunch of clueless Zionists.

First off. PolishJews spoke Yiddish a German dialect.

They never were Polish & never will be.

They actually are refugees Poland took in since the Rhineland Massacres by Germany.

Poland shouldn't be punished for it's generosity.

Poland was an Allied power & first to fight Nazi Germany
& the first victims of Auschwitz were Polish Catholics.

Poland doesn't owe Jews anything.
Jews if anything owe Poles for Zegota & taking in their Refugees.
Then make Germany give up land.

Texas has nothing to do with it.

Guess she wants a war with Israel.

And BTW, Israel withdrew years ago.

Warren says she'll push to end Israel's 'occupation'

This could be a good move for her, and get her in position to lead among the Anti-Semite Wing of the Democrat Party.

Although I really hope the Dems don't nominate her. Her voice is really grating

The word "Semitic" means of an Arab language group.
Those who speak Hebrew as a native language are Semitic then, but Ashkenazi like Netanyahu are not because their native language is Yiddish, and of Germanic origins.
So try to use words correctly.
Semitic does not mean Jewish at all.
That is sort of true, but then it is Poland that should have given up land for a Jewish homeland, not the innocent Palestinians, who were there long before any Hebrew invasion.
I agree.


Germany too.

Texas...Because it seems to be the most pro-Israel & pro-Jewish place besides Israel.
We're definitely pro-Jewish. What's wrong with Jews? Texas Jews is good news.

We're not the people who fucked over the Jews and tried to exterminate them. You Pollack bastards share in the blame.

Poland should be declared The State of Israel, along with parts of Germany.



Because people down South are a bunch of clueless Zionists.

First off. PolishJews spoke Yiddish a German dialect.

They never were Polish & never will be.

They actually are refugees Poland took in since the Rhineland Massacres by Germany.

Poland shouldn't be punished for it's generosity.

Poland was an Allied power & first to fight Nazi Germany
& the first victims of Auschwitz were Polish Catholics.

Poland doesn't owe Jews anything.
Jews if anything owe Poles for Zegota & taking in their Refugees.
Then make Germany give up land.

Texas has nothing to do with it.


Texas loves Jews so much.
Then put your money where your mouth is & donate part of Texas for a new Jewish homeland.

Absolutely most of the biggest Zionisrts here on the Forum are from Texas.
Guess she wants a war with Israel.

And BTW, Israel withdrew years ago.

Warren says she'll push to end Israel's 'occupation'

This could be a good move for her, and get her in position to lead among the Anti-Semite Wing of the Democrat Party.

Although I really hope the Dems don't nominate her. Her voice is really grating

The word "Semitic" means of an Arab language group.
Those who speak Hebrew as a native language are Semitic then, but Ashkenazi like Netanyahu are not because their native language is Yiddish, and of Germanic origins.
So try to use words correctly.
Semitic does not mean Jewish at all.
Doesn't make the slightest bit of difference.

In common parlance, "anti-semitic" is understood to mean "anti-Jewish", ethnological distinctions notwithstanding.
Guess she wants a war with Israel.

And BTW, Israel withdrew years ago.

Warren says she'll push to end Israel's 'occupation'

This could be a good move for her, and get her in position to lead among the Anti-Semite Wing of the Democrat Party.

Although I really hope the Dems don't nominate her. Her voice is really grating

The word "Semitic" means of an Arab language group.
Those who speak Hebrew as a native language are Semitic then, but Ashkenazi like Netanyahu are not because their native language is Yiddish, and of Germanic origins.
So try to use words correctly.
Semitic does not mean Jewish at all.

Anti-semitism is defined in the dictionary as
"discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews."

Nothing to do with Arab language groups.

BTW, I am proud to be partially Ashkenazi Jewish, DNA tests have verified I am 0.2% Ashkenazi Jewish.
So why is it Jews are killing thousands civilians while non-Jews kill a fraction of that number? Pretty much the same reason why Israel has been hit with 77 UN Resolutions condemning their occupation while Palestinians have received 1?

List of United Nations resolutions concerning Palestine - Wikipedia
I don't give a FUCK what the UN says. That POS organization is so full of shit, New York needs a weekly bath.


So then ignore what the UN says.
The 1920 Treaty of Sevres gave ALL of Palestine to the Palestinians.
Legally there can be no Israel, and especially not a made up country of illegal immigrants who started committing genocide on Arab villages like Dier Yassin.
If you do not think Zionists started it all, then why did they murder about 100 innocents by blowing up the King David Hotel, assassinate the UN moderator, Count Folke Bernadotte, capture, mutilate, and hang British soldier on vacation at the beach, etc.?

Ignore what the UN says.

This (below) is how Gaza and the West Bank will be resolved.

Hell, the Israelis are 90% of the way to that goal already.


And, soon enough, the last of the Neanderthal Palestinians will be on the East Bank of the Jordan, where they belong now.

The so-called Palestinian State is a walking corpse that was never alive, nor will it ever be. Time to put the thing to rest.

The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

They should have cut a deal, decades ago, while they still could.

Too late now.

Nature has de-selected them.

No need for Liz to try pumping life into a walking corpse - ain't gonna happen, and much of America will oppose any such attempt.

Palestine legally was given independence in 1920 by the Treaty of Sevres.
There is no such thing as Jewish Palestine.
The Balfour Declaration was clear that while the British supported a Jewish homeland in Palestine, the British had absolutely no authority to make one, and that it would be illegal for emigrating Jews to have any role in government or sovereignty.

Read the Chuchill Whitepaper of 1922 that explains that in great detail.
British White Paper of June 1922
The Secretary of State for the Colonies has given renewed consideration to the existing political situation in Palestine, with a very earnest desire to arrive at a settlement of the outstanding questions which have given rise to uncertainty and unrest among certain sections of the population. After consultation with the High Commissioner for Palestine [Sir Herbert Samuel] the following statement has been drawn up. It summarizes the essential parts of the correspondence that has already taken place between the Secretary of State and a delegation from the Moslem Christian Society of Palestine, which has been for some time in England, and it states the further conclusions which have since been reached.

The tension which has prevailed from time to time in Palestine is mainly due to apprehensions, which are entertained both by sections of the Arab and by sections of the Jewish population. These apprehensions, so far as the Arabs are concerned are partly based upon exaggerated interpretations of the meaning of the [Balfour] Declaration favouring the establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, made on behalf of His Majesty's Government on 2nd November, 1917.

Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become "as Jewish as England is English." His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab deegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded `in Palestine.' In this connection it has been observed with satisfaction that at a meeting of the Zionist Congress, the supreme governing body of the Zionist Organization, held at Carlsbad in September, 1921, a resolution was passed expressing as the official statement of Zionist aims "the determination of the Jewish people to live with the Arab people on terms of unity and mutual respect, and together with them to make the common home into a flourishing community, the upbuilding of which may assure to each of its peoples an undisturbed national development."

It is also necessary to point out that the Zionist Commission in Palestine, now termed the Palestine Zionist Executive, has not desired to possess, and does not possess, any share in the general administration of the country. Nor does the special position assigned to the Zionist Organization in Article IV of the Draft Mandate for Palestine imply any such functions. That special position relates to the measures to be taken in Palestine affecting the Jewish population, and contemplates that the organization may assist in the general development of the country, but does not entitle it to share in any degree in its government.

Further, it is contemplated that the status of all citizens of Palestine in the eyes of the law shall be Palestinian, and it has never been intended that they, or any section of them, should possess any other juridical status. So far as the Jewish population of Palestine are concerned it appears that some among them are apprehensive that His Majesty's Government may depart from the policy embodied in the Declaration of 1917. It is necessary, therefore, once more to affirm that these fears are unfounded, and that that Declaration, re affirmed by the Conference of the Principle Allied Powers at San Remo and again in the Treaty of Sevres, is not susceptible of change. ...}

And by the way, anyone claiming the Palestinians were ever offered any sort of real deal at all, are just lying.
Not once did Israel allow any Palestinian to return to their home, stop stealing more home, stop building more illegal settlements, stop the military occupation of all of Palestine, etc.
Guess she wants a war with Israel.

And BTW, Israel withdrew years ago.

Warren says she'll push to end Israel's 'occupation'

This could be a good move for her, and get her in position to lead among the Anti-Semite Wing of the Democrat Party.

Although I really hope the Dems don't nominate her. Her voice is really grating

The word "Semitic" means of an Arab language group.
Those who speak Hebrew as a native language are Semitic then, but Ashkenazi like Netanyahu are not because their native language is Yiddish, and of Germanic origins.
So try to use words correctly.
Semitic does not mean Jewish at all.

Anti-semitism is defined in the dictionary as
"discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews."

Nothing to do with Arab language groups.

BTW, I am proud to be partially Ashkenazi Jewish, DNA tests have verified I am 0.2% Ashkenazi Jewish.
Whoa! 0.2% Jewish, by Liz Warren standards you are a purebred!
Texas loves Jews so much.
Then put your money where your mouth is & donate part of Texas for a new Jewish homeland.
We like Texan Jews. Everybody else can fuck off.


If Jews declared an Israel on Texas soil you'd react with glee?

If Texas were responsible for killing a bunch of Jews, I could understand the reasoning.

Germany needs to give up some land. Nobody else.

Texas is irrelevant to the discussion.

Texas loves Jews so much.
Then put your money where your mouth is & donate part of Texas for a new Jewish homeland.
We like Texan Jews. Everybody else can fuck off.


If Jews declared an Israel on Texas soil you'd react with glee?

If Texas were responsible for killing a bunch of Jews, I could understand the reasoning.

Germany needs to give up some land. Nobody else.

Texas is irrelevant to the discussion.


A.) How?
If they kill them. So much.. They are a risk & a liability to Jews

B.) Why discuss anything other than Stalin's Jewish homeland?

Russia donated it.

Russia has lots of land.

Russia had millions of Jews.

Russia could use Jews at This Jewish Oblast as an anti-China buffer.
If they kill them. So much.. They are a risk & a liability to Jews
You're right. A country bordering Germany (which shall remain nameless, but rhymes with Hoe Land) should become Israel.

Why discuss anything other than Stalin's Jewish homeland?

Russia donated it.

Russia has lots of land.

Russia had millions of Jews.

Russia could use Jews at This Jewish Oblast as an anti-China buffer.
I am fine with that too.

If any people can make a place like Siberia livable, it would be Jews. Look what great things they have done to that shitty piece of wasteland in the ME.

If they kill them. So much.. They are a risk & a liability to Jews
You're right. A country bordering Germany (which shall remain nameless, but rhymes with Hoe Land) should become Israel.

Why discuss anything other than Stalin's Jewish homeland?

Russia donated it.

Russia has lots of land.

Russia had millions of Jews.

Russia could use Jews at This Jewish Oblast as an anti-China buffer.
I am fine with that too.

If any people can make a place like Siberia livable, it would be Jews. Look what great things they have done to that shitty piece of wasteland in the ME.


Poles don't like Jews & your Texas loves them.

Texas makes more sense as a Jewish homeland for that reason.
Guess she wants a war with Israel.

And BTW, Israel withdrew years ago.

Warren says she'll push to end Israel's 'occupation'

This could be a good move for her, and get her in position to lead among the Anti-Semite Wing of the Democrat Party.

Although I really hope the Dems don't nominate her. Her voice is really grating

The word "Semitic" means of an Arab language group.
Those who speak Hebrew as a native language are Semitic then, but Ashkenazi like Netanyahu are not because their native language is Yiddish, and of Germanic origins.
So try to use words correctly.
Semitic does not mean Jewish at all.

Anti-semitism is defined in the dictionary as
"discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews."

Nothing to do with Arab language groups.

BTW, I am proud to be partially Ashkenazi Jewish, DNA tests have verified I am 0.2% Ashkenazi Jewish.

The dictionary is deliberately wrong, and at best is catering to popular misuse.
Instead of looking up "anti-Semtic", look up the root, "Semitic".

{... The Semitic languages are a branch of the Afroasiatic language family originating in the Middle East[2] that are spoken by more than 330 million people across much of Western Asia, North Africa and the Horn of Africa,[3] as well as in often large immigrant and expatriate communities in North America, Europe and Australia.[4][5] The terminology was first used in the 1780s by members of the Göttingen School of History,[6] who derived the name from Shem, one of the three sons of Noah in the Book of Genesis.

The most widely spoken Semitic languages today are (numbers given are for native speakers only) Arabic (300 million),[7] Amharic (22 million),[8] Tigrinya (7 million),[9] Hebrew (~5 million native/L1 speakers),[10] Tigre (~1.05 million), Aramaic (575,000 to 1 million largely Assyrian fluent speakers)[11][12][13] and Maltese (483,000 speakers).[14]

Semitic languages occur in written form from a very early historical date, with East Semitic Akkadian and Eblaitetexts (written in a script adapted from Sumerian cuneiform) appearing from the 30th century BCE and the 25th century BCE in Mesopotamia and the northern Levant respectively. The only earlier attested languages are Sumerian, Elamite (2800 BCE to 550 BCE) (both language isolates), Egyptian and unclassified Lullubi from the 30th century BCE.

Most scripts used to write Semitic languages are abjads – a type of alphabetic script that omits some or all of the vowels, which is feasible for these languages because the consonants in the Semitic languages are the primary carriers of meaning. Among them are the Ugaritic, Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic, and South Arabian alphabets. The Ge'ez script, used for writing the Semitic languages of Ethiopia and Eritrea, is technically an abugida – a modified abjad in which vowels are notated using diacritic marks added to the consonants at all times, in contrast with other Semitic languages which indicate diacritics based on need or for introductory purposes. Maltese is the only Semitic language written in the Latin script and the only Semitic language to be an official language of the European Union. ...}

Semitic languages - Wikipedia
Poles don't like Jews & your Texas loves them.
That's why you motherfucking racist POS should be kicked the fuck out and Poland should become Israel.

You fuckers deserve to pay for your part in Jew killing.


You Texans love Jews & demand everyone else must be uprooted for the Jewish homeland except Texas.

Exactly why Texas deserves the Jewish homeland.

The USA has also killed Jews.

I can nitpick every little sh1t massacre too.
Guess she wants a war with Israel.

And BTW, Israel withdrew years ago.

Warren says she'll push to end Israel's 'occupation'

This could be a good move for her, and get her in position to lead among the Anti-Semite Wing of the Democrat Party.

Although I really hope the Dems don't nominate her. Her voice is really grating

The word "Semitic" means of an Arab language group.
Those who speak Hebrew as a native language are Semitic then, but Ashkenazi like Netanyahu are not because their native language is Yiddish, and of Germanic origins.
So try to use words correctly.
Semitic does not mean Jewish at all.

Anti-semitism is defined in the dictionary as
"discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews."

Nothing to do with Arab language groups.

BTW, I am proud to be partially Ashkenazi Jewish, DNA tests have verified I am 0.2% Ashkenazi Jewish.

And by the way, I am at least 50% Ashkenaxi Jewish.
There is nothing wrong or reason to be proud of to be of Jewish ancestry.
But being Zionist would be a choice and is pure evil.
Poles don't like Jews & your Texas loves them.
That's why you motherfucking racist POS should be kicked the fuck out and Poland should become Israel.

You fuckers deserve to pay for your part in Jew killing.


You Texans love Jews & demand everyone else must be uprooted for the Jewish homeland except Texas.

The USA has also killed Jews.

I can nitpick every little sh1t massacre too.
But, Texas has not.

We have more guns than Jews or Palestenians will ever have people, or Pollocks for that matter, so any motherfucker who wants to try occupying Texas can give it their best shot. We'll be happy to blow their motherfucking heads off.

Now, kiss my ass and take your Jew hating elsewhere, Adolf.

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