Elizabeth Warren: As President I’ll End Israel’s Occupation Of Gaza

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and heroic IDF snipers regularly murder children protesting their occupation.

I mean, fuck Israel and everything, but don't sit here and make shit up to pass off as fact.


I mean, fuck Israel and everything, but don't sit here and make shit up to pass off as fact.

Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms

One hundred years ago European Jews began a project to turn Palestine into a Jewish majority state. At that time there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there. The ratio had shrunk to 2:1 by the time Israel became a modern state in 1948. Today, there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea.

It seems clear which tribe is doing the best job of killing the other side's children.
Lousy shots then, zero hits.
Lousy shots then, zero hits.
"The Impact of the Conflict on Children...."

Thousands of "hits" on children for the heroic Jews since 2000:

"The majority of these [Palestinian] children were killed and injured while going about normal daily activities, such as going to school, playing, shopping, or simply being in their homes. Sixty-four percent of children killed during the first six months of 2003 died as a result of Israeli air and ground attacks, or from indiscriminate fire from Israeli soldiers.”

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

from your link:
Note: A child is a person aged 17 or younger.

A bunch of teenage boys recruited by their Muslim overlords are attacking AND TRYING TO KILL Jews and getting smoked for it?

Take this shit out of here.

They are not killing innocent children.


I mean, fuck Israel and everything, but don't sit here and make shit up to pass off as fact.


I mean, fuck Israel and everything, but don't sit here and make shit up to pass off as fact.

Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms

One hundred years ago European Jews began a project to turn Palestine into a Jewish majority state. At that time there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there. The ratio had shrunk to 2:1 by the time Israel became a modern state in 1948. Today, there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea.

It seems clear which tribe is doing the best job of killing the other side's children.
Lousy shots then, zero hits.
Lousy shots then, zero hits.
"The Impact of the Conflict on Children...."

Thousands of "hits" on children for the heroic Jews since 2000:

"The majority of these [Palestinian] children were killed and injured while going about normal daily activities, such as going to school, playing, shopping, or simply being in their homes. Sixty-four percent of children killed during the first six months of 2003 died as a result of Israeli air and ground attacks, or from indiscriminate fire from Israeli soldiers.”

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed
You prove morons believe anything on the internet. Even your AntiSemite UN says your full of swastikas.
You prove morons believe anything on the internet. Even your AntiSemite UN says your full of swastikas.
Trump's Bitches know Swastikas
UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and Palestinians

"UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and the Palestinians

Israel is the target of at least 77 UN Resolutions
and the Palestinians are the target of 1."
I’ve been in the West Bank. Have you ever traveled more than 5 miles from your mommy’s basement?

Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms

One hundred years ago European Jews began a project to turn Palestine into a Jewish majority state. At that time there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there. The ratio had shrunk to 2:1 by the time Israel became a modern state in 1948. Today, there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea.

It seems clear which tribe is doing the best job of killing the other side's children.
Lousy shots then, zero hits.
Lousy shots then, zero hits.
"The Impact of the Conflict on Children...."

Thousands of "hits" on children for the heroic Jews since 2000:

"The majority of these [Palestinian] children were killed and injured while going about normal daily activities, such as going to school, playing, shopping, or simply being in their homes. Sixty-four percent of children killed during the first six months of 2003 died as a result of Israeli air and ground attacks, or from indiscriminate fire from Israeli soldiers.”

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed
You prove morons believe anything on the internet. Even your AntiSemite UN says your full of swastikas.
You prove morons believe anything on the internet. Even your AntiSemite UN says your full of swastikas.
Trump's Bitches know Swastikas
UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and Palestinians

"UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and the Palestinians

Israel is the target of at least 77 UN Resolutions
and the Palestinians are the target of 1."
I’ve been in the West Bank. Have you ever traveled more than 5 miles from your mommy’s basement?
I’ve been in the West Bank. Have you ever traveled more than 5 miles from your mommy’s basement?
Which illegal settlement were you visiting, Cheese-dick?
Show me.

Israel's settlements: 50 years of land theft explained

I mean, fuck Israel and everything, but don't sit here and make shit up to pass off as fact.


I mean, fuck Israel and everything, but don't sit here and make shit up to pass off as fact.

Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms

One hundred years ago European Jews began a project to turn Palestine into a Jewish majority state. At that time there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there. The ratio had shrunk to 2:1 by the time Israel became a modern state in 1948. Today, there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea.

It seems clear which tribe is doing the best job of killing the other side's children.
Well, SHIT. I believe "The Electronic Intifada". Very credible, non-biased source.


One hundred years ago European Jews began a project to turn Palestine into a Jewish majority state. At that time there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there. The ratio had shrunk to 2:1 by the time Israel became a modern state in 1948. Today, there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea.
That shit has nothing to do with Jews killing children. That is migration and procreation.

Well, SHIT. I believe "The Electronic Intifada". Very credible, non-biased source.
About the book — Against Our Better Judgment

"Soon after WWII, U.S. statesman Dean Acheson warned that creating Israel on land already inhabited by Palestinians would “imperil” both American and all Western interests in the region. Despite warnings such as this one, President Truman supported establishing a Jewish state on land primarily inhabited by Muslims and Christians.

"Few Americans today are aware that U.S. support enabled the creation of modern Israel. Even fewer know that U.S. politicians pushed this policy over the forceful objections of top diplomatic and military experts."

Fuck Israel. Fine.

But, the Jews are NOT killing innocent children. That's bullshit.


Fuck Israel. Fine.

But, the Jews are NOT killing innocent children. That's bullshit.
You obviously haven't been paying attention:

2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents - Wikipedia

"The 2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents refers to two incidents that took place during the 2014 Gaza War on 9 and 16 July. In the first incident, Israeli missiles killed 9 youths while they were following the 2014 World Cup series on TV; in the second, 4 boys were killed by Israeli naval fire while playing on a beach.

"According to an Israeli investigation, the second was a 'tragic mistake'.[1]

"The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, reviewing the evidence found strong indications that the IDF had failed in its obligations to adopt all feasible measures to avoid or minimize incidental harm to civilians."

In fact, there was no "tragic mistake."
The IDF terrorists deliberately murdered those children.
Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.

Has anyone told her yet that she isn't running for Prime Minister of Israel?
Gosh, Pocahontas, if you said....

1. you will re-open the 911 investigation
2. you will re-open the JFK investigation
3. you will re-open the Marines in Lebanon 1983 investigation

and tell us the truth that ISRAEL did all 3, you will get my vote.

The US cannot continue losing $5 trillion every Administration sucking up to the worst terrorists on the planet.

Israel is not a US ally.

Israel is the worst problem the US has ever had.

If any politician running for office promises to expose Israel and put the gun to its head....

PAY US $20 trillion or you get WIPED OUT

You have MY VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fuck Israel. Fine.

But, the Jews are NOT killing innocent children. That's bullshit.


Fuck Israel. Fine.

But, the Jews are NOT killing innocent children. That's bullshit.
You obviously haven't been paying attention:

2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents - Wikipedia

"The 2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents refers to two incidents that took place during the 2014 Gaza War on 9 and 16 July. In the first incident, Israeli missiles killed 9 youths while they were following the 2014 World Cup series on TV; in the second, 4 boys were killed by Israeli naval fire while playing on a beach.

"According to an Israeli investigation, the second was a 'tragic mistake'.[1]

"The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, reviewing the evidence found strong indications that the IDF had failed in its obligations to adopt all feasible measures to avoid or minimize incidental harm to civilians."

In fact, there was no "tragic mistake."
The IDF terrorists deliberately murdered those children.
Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.

Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.
So why is it Jews are killing thousands civilians while non-Jews kill a fraction of that number? Pretty much the same reason why Israel has been hit with 77 UN Resolutions condemning their occupation while Palestinians have received 1?

List of United Nations resolutions concerning Palestine - Wikipedia
I don't give a FUCK what the UN says. That POS organization is so full of shit, New York needs a weekly bath.


Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms

One hundred years ago European Jews began a project to turn Palestine into a Jewish majority state. At that time there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there. The ratio had shrunk to 2:1 by the time Israel became a modern state in 1948. Today, there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea.

It seems clear which tribe is doing the best job of killing the other side's children.
Well, SHIT. I believe "The Electronic Intifada". Very credible, non-biased source.


One hundred years ago European Jews began a project to turn Palestine into a Jewish majority state. At that time there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there. The ratio had shrunk to 2:1 by the time Israel became a modern state in 1948. Today, there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea.
That shit has nothing to do with Jews killing children. That is migration and procreation.

Well, SHIT. I believe "The Electronic Intifada". Very credible, non-biased source.
About the book — Against Our Better Judgment

"Soon after WWII, U.S. statesman Dean Acheson warned that creating Israel on land already inhabited by Palestinians would “imperil” both American and all Western interests in the region. Despite warnings such as this one, President Truman supported establishing a Jewish state on land primarily inhabited by Muslims and Christians.

"Few Americans today are aware that U.S. support enabled the creation of modern Israel. Even fewer know that U.S. politicians pushed this policy over the forceful objections of top diplomatic and military experts."

Fuck Israel. Fine.

But, the Jews are NOT killing innocent children. That's bullshit.


Fuck Israel. Fine.

But, the Jews are NOT killing innocent children. That's bullshit.
You obviously haven't been paying attention:

2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents - Wikipedia

"The 2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents refers to two incidents that took place during the 2014 Gaza War on 9 and 16 July. In the first incident, Israeli missiles killed 9 youths while they were following the 2014 World Cup series on TV; in the second, 4 boys were killed by Israeli naval fire while playing on a beach.

"According to an Israeli investigation, the second was a 'tragic mistake'.[1]

"The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, reviewing the evidence found strong indications that the IDF had failed in its obligations to adopt all feasible measures to avoid or minimize incidental harm to civilians."

In fact, there was no "tragic mistake."
The IDF terrorists deliberately murdered those children.
Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.


The IDF snipers can see full well they are deliberately targeting children.
Several times the Israelis laid in an artillery barrage at children on the beach in Gaza, which is no where near to where any rocket launches could have come from.

And no, there are no innocent civilian Israelis because they ALL know they are illegally occupying stolen homes.
About the book — Against Our Better Judgment

"Soon after WWII, U.S. statesman Dean Acheson warned that creating Israel on land already inhabited by Palestinians would “imperil” both American and all Western interests in the region. Despite warnings such as this one, President Truman supported establishing a Jewish state on land primarily inhabited by Muslims and Christians.

"Few Americans today are aware that U.S. support enabled the creation of modern Israel. Even fewer know that U.S. politicians pushed this policy over the forceful objections of top diplomatic and military experts."

Fuck Israel. Fine.

But, the Jews are NOT killing innocent children. That's bullshit.


Fuck Israel. Fine.

But, the Jews are NOT killing innocent children. That's bullshit.
You obviously haven't been paying attention:

2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents - Wikipedia

"The 2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents refers to two incidents that took place during the 2014 Gaza War on 9 and 16 July. In the first incident, Israeli missiles killed 9 youths while they were following the 2014 World Cup series on TV; in the second, 4 boys were killed by Israeli naval fire while playing on a beach.

"According to an Israeli investigation, the second was a 'tragic mistake'.[1]

"The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, reviewing the evidence found strong indications that the IDF had failed in its obligations to adopt all feasible measures to avoid or minimize incidental harm to civilians."

In fact, there was no "tragic mistake."
The IDF terrorists deliberately murdered those children.
Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.

Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.
So why is it Jews are killing thousands civilians while non-Jews kill a fraction of that number? Pretty much the same reason why Israel has been hit with 77 UN Resolutions condemning their occupation while Palestinians have received 1?
What did the UN say about 2,000 rockets aimed at civilians this year?

Oh yeah, nothing. It’s ok to target civilians if they’re Jews, Nazi girl.

In 20 years of rockets, only 18 people have been killed by them.
The rockets are only fired in retaliation after many Palestinians have been murdered.
There are no innocent civilian Israelis because they all know they are occupying stolen homes.

Fuck Israel. Fine.

But, the Jews are NOT killing innocent children. That's bullshit.


Fuck Israel. Fine.

But, the Jews are NOT killing innocent children. That's bullshit.
You obviously haven't been paying attention:

2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents - Wikipedia

"The 2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents refers to two incidents that took place during the 2014 Gaza War on 9 and 16 July. In the first incident, Israeli missiles killed 9 youths while they were following the 2014 World Cup series on TV; in the second, 4 boys were killed by Israeli naval fire while playing on a beach.

"According to an Israeli investigation, the second was a 'tragic mistake'.[1]

"The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, reviewing the evidence found strong indications that the IDF had failed in its obligations to adopt all feasible measures to avoid or minimize incidental harm to civilians."

In fact, there was no "tragic mistake."
The IDF terrorists deliberately murdered those children.
Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.

Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.
So why is it Jews are killing thousands civilians while non-Jews kill a fraction of that number? Pretty much the same reason why Israel has been hit with 77 UN Resolutions condemning their occupation while Palestinians have received 1?
What did the UN say about 2,000 rockets aimed at civilians this year?

Oh yeah, nothing. It’s ok to target civilians if they’re Jews, Nazi girl.

In 20 years of rockets, only 18 people have been killed by them.
The rockets are only fired in retaliation after many Palestinians have been murdered.
There are no innocent civilian Israelis because they all know they are occupying stolen homes.


Fuck Israel. Fine.

But, the Jews are NOT killing innocent children. That's bullshit.


Fuck Israel. Fine.

But, the Jews are NOT killing innocent children. That's bullshit.
You obviously haven't been paying attention:

2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents - Wikipedia

"The 2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents refers to two incidents that took place during the 2014 Gaza War on 9 and 16 July. In the first incident, Israeli missiles killed 9 youths while they were following the 2014 World Cup series on TV; in the second, 4 boys were killed by Israeli naval fire while playing on a beach.

"According to an Israeli investigation, the second was a 'tragic mistake'.[1]

"The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, reviewing the evidence found strong indications that the IDF had failed in its obligations to adopt all feasible measures to avoid or minimize incidental harm to civilians."

In fact, there was no "tragic mistake."
The IDF terrorists deliberately murdered those children.
Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.

Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.
So why is it Jews are killing thousands civilians while non-Jews kill a fraction of that number? Pretty much the same reason why Israel has been hit with 77 UN Resolutions condemning their occupation while Palestinians have received 1?


Israel not only admits they kill 10 to 1, but are proud of it.
Problem is they started it.
They could have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, or dozens of other places that invited them.
Instead they insisted on illegally sneaking into Palestine, with the illegal intend of murdering natives to take over.
Base on your word alone?

You obviously haven't been paying attention:

2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents - Wikipedia

"The 2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents refers to two incidents that took place during the 2014 Gaza War on 9 and 16 July. In the first incident, Israeli missiles killed 9 youths while they were following the 2014 World Cup series on TV; in the second, 4 boys were killed by Israeli naval fire while playing on a beach.

"According to an Israeli investigation, the second was a 'tragic mistake'.[1]

"The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, reviewing the evidence found strong indications that the IDF had failed in its obligations to adopt all feasible measures to avoid or minimize incidental harm to civilians."

In fact, there was no "tragic mistake."
The IDF terrorists deliberately murdered those children.
Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.

Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.
So why is it Jews are killing thousands civilians while non-Jews kill a fraction of that number? Pretty much the same reason why Israel has been hit with 77 UN Resolutions condemning their occupation while Palestinians have received 1?
What did the UN say about 2,000 rockets aimed at civilians this year?

Oh yeah, nothing. It’s ok to target civilians if they’re Jews, Nazi girl.
What did the UN say about 2,000 rockets aimed at civilians this year?

Oh yeah, nothing. It’s ok to target civilians if they’re Jews, Nazi girl.
How many racist Jews died in that onslaught of 2,000 bottle rockets, Kosher slut?
Don't get mad because Palestinian thugs are ineffective killers, despite trying their best.


The Palestinians are not trained soldiers and only fight because they are forced to by Zionist thugs murdering and stealing.
They never started any of the violence, and have a right to retaliate far more than they have.
Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.

Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.
So why is it Jews are killing thousands civilians while non-Jews kill a fraction of that number? Pretty much the same reason why Israel has been hit with 77 UN Resolutions condemning their occupation while Palestinians have received 1?
What did the UN say about 2,000 rockets aimed at civilians this year?

Oh yeah, nothing. It’s ok to target civilians if they’re Jews, Nazi girl.
What did the UN say about 2,000 rockets aimed at civilians this year?

Oh yeah, nothing. It’s ok to target civilians if they’re Jews, Nazi girl.
How many racist Jews died in that onslaught of 2,000 bottle rockets, Kosher slut?
Don't get mad because Palestinian thugs are ineffective killers, despite trying their best.


The Palestinians are not trained soldiers and only fight because they are forced to by Zionist thugs murdering and stealing.
They never started any of the violence, and have a right to retaliate far more than they have.
Fine. Let them.

I was just calling out the bullshit.

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