Elizabeth Warren: As President I’ll End Israel’s Occupation Of Gaza

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You obviously haven't been paying attention:

2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents - Wikipedia

"The 2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents refers to two incidents that took place during the 2014 Gaza War on 9 and 16 July. In the first incident, Israeli missiles killed 9 youths while they were following the 2014 World Cup series on TV; in the second, 4 boys were killed by Israeli naval fire while playing on a beach.

"According to an Israeli investigation, the second was a 'tragic mistake'.[1]

"The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, reviewing the evidence found strong indications that the IDF had failed in its obligations to adopt all feasible measures to avoid or minimize incidental harm to civilians."

In fact, there was no "tragic mistake."
The IDF terrorists deliberately murdered those children.
Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.

Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.
So why is it Jews are killing thousands civilians while non-Jews kill a fraction of that number? Pretty much the same reason why Israel has been hit with 77 UN Resolutions condemning their occupation while Palestinians have received 1?

List of United Nations resolutions concerning Palestine - Wikipedia
I don't give a FUCK what the UN says. That POS organization is so full of shit, New York needs a weekly bath.


So then ignore what the UN says.
The 1920 Treaty of Sevres gave ALL of Palestine to the Palestinians.
Legally there can be no Israel, and especially not a made up country of illegal immigrants who started committing genocide on Arab villages like Dier Yassin.
If you do not think Zionists started it all, then why did they murder about 100 innocents by blowing up the King David Hotel, assassinate the UN moderator, Count Folke Bernadotte, capture, mutilate, and hang British soldier on vacation at the beach, etc.?
Wait Pollacks created Israel..

In a way, they helped...


By willingly facilitating the Holocaust, the Poles were instrumental in Israel's creation.

So you agree that Nazis made Israel possible?

Including the Zionist - Nazi pact the Haavara Agreement?
Zionist Nazi collaborators like the Stern Gang?
How about Kosher Kapos, Ghetto Police, Group 13, Sonderkonandos?

Even some Nazis were Zionists like Eichmann.

You truly have some Chutzpah blaming anyone else but Germans & Kosher people.
Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.

Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.
So why is it Jews are killing thousands civilians while non-Jews kill a fraction of that number? Pretty much the same reason why Israel has been hit with 77 UN Resolutions condemning their occupation while Palestinians have received 1?

List of United Nations resolutions concerning Palestine - Wikipedia
I don't give a FUCK what the UN says. That POS organization is so full of shit, New York needs a weekly bath.


So then ignore what the UN says.
The 1920 Treaty of Sevres gave ALL of Palestine to the Palestinians.
Legally there can be no Israel, and especially not a made up country of illegal immigrants who started committing genocide on Arab villages like Dier Yassin.
If you do not think Zionists started it all, then why did they murder about 100 innocents by blowing up the King David Hotel, assassinate the UN moderator, Count Folke Bernadotte, capture, mutilate, and hang British soldier on vacation at the beach, etc.?

Ignore what the UN says.

This (below) is how Gaza and the West Bank will be resolved.

Hell, the Israelis are 90% of the way to that goal already.


And, soon enough, the last of the Neanderthal Palestinians will be on the East Bank of the Jordan, where they belong now.

The so-called Palestinian State is a walking corpse that was never alive, nor will it ever be. Time to put the thing to rest.

The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

They should have cut a deal, decades ago, while they still could.

Too late now.

Nature has de-selected them.

No need for Liz to try pumping life into a walking corpse - ain't gonna happen, and much of America will oppose any such attempt.
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You obviously haven't been paying attention:

2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents - Wikipedia

"The 2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents refers to two incidents that took place during the 2014 Gaza War on 9 and 16 July. In the first incident, Israeli missiles killed 9 youths while they were following the 2014 World Cup series on TV; in the second, 4 boys were killed by Israeli naval fire while playing on a beach.

"According to an Israeli investigation, the second was a 'tragic mistake'.[1]

"The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, reviewing the evidence found strong indications that the IDF had failed in its obligations to adopt all feasible measures to avoid or minimize incidental harm to civilians."

In fact, there was no "tragic mistake."
The IDF terrorists deliberately murdered those children.
Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.

Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.
So why is it Jews are killing thousands civilians while non-Jews kill a fraction of that number? Pretty much the same reason why Israel has been hit with 77 UN Resolutions condemning their occupation while Palestinians have received 1?
What did the UN say about 2,000 rockets aimed at civilians this year?

Oh yeah, nothing. It’s ok to target civilians if they’re Jews, Nazi girl.

In 20 years of rockets, only 18 people have been killed by them.
The rockets are only fired in retaliation after many Palestinians have been murdered.
There are no innocent civilian Israelis because they all know they are occupying stolen homes.
Wait Pollacks created Israel..

No, Truman created Israel, all pretty much by himself.
There really was no legal basis for taking half of Palestine and giving it to illegal Jewish immigrants.
Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.

Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.
So why is it Jews are killing thousands civilians while non-Jews kill a fraction of that number? Pretty much the same reason why Israel has been hit with 77 UN Resolutions condemning their occupation while Palestinians have received 1?
What did the UN say about 2,000 rockets aimed at civilians this year?

Oh yeah, nothing. It’s ok to target civilians if they’re Jews, Nazi girl.

In 20 years of rockets, only 18 people have been killed by them.
The rockets are only fired in retaliation after many Palestinians have been murdered.
There are no innocent civilian Israelis because they all know they are occupying stolen homes.
Wait Pollacks created Israel..

No, Truman created Israel, all pretty much by himself.
There really was no legal basis for taking half of Palestine and giving it to illegal Jewish immigrants.
No argument here.

They should have a war over it.

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Wait Pollacks created Israel..

In a way, they helped...


By willingly facilitating the Holocaust, the Poles were instrumental in Israel's creation.

That is sort of true, but then it is Poland that should have given up land for a Jewish homeland, not the innocent Palestinians, who were there long before any Hebrew invasion.
I agree.


Germany too.

Texas...Because it seems to be the most pro-Israel & pro-Jewish place besides Israel.
You obviously haven't been paying attention:

2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents - Wikipedia

"The 2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents refers to two incidents that took place during the 2014 Gaza War on 9 and 16 July. In the first incident, Israeli missiles killed 9 youths while they were following the 2014 World Cup series on TV; in the second, 4 boys were killed by Israeli naval fire while playing on a beach.

"According to an Israeli investigation, the second was a 'tragic mistake'.[1]

"The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, reviewing the evidence found strong indications that the IDF had failed in its obligations to adopt all feasible measures to avoid or minimize incidental harm to civilians."

In fact, there was no "tragic mistake."
The IDF terrorists deliberately murdered those children.
Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.

Sorry, where does it say snipers were deliberately targeting innocent children? That was nothing more than collateral damage, which is what happens in war.

You are way too one-sided here, pal.

The motherfuckers blowing up Jews ARE targeting civilians, admittedly.
So why is it Jews are killing thousands civilians while non-Jews kill a fraction of that number? Pretty much the same reason why Israel has been hit with 77 UN Resolutions condemning their occupation while Palestinians have received 1?


Israel not only admits they kill 10 to 1, but are proud of it.
Problem is they started it.
They could have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, or dozens of other places that invited them.
Instead they insisted on illegally sneaking into Palestine, with the illegal intend of murdering natives to take over.
Base on your word alone?


Try reading some Moshe Dyan quotes some time.

Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you, because these geography books no longer exist; not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahalal arose in the place of Mahalul, Gevat - in the place of Jibta, Sarid - in the place of Haneifs and Kefar Yehoshua - in the place of Tell Shaman. There is no one place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.

Moshe Dayan ...}

Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.

Moshe Dayan ...}

What cause have we to complain about their fierce hatred to us? For eight years now, they sit in their refugee camps in Gaza, and before their eyes we turn into our homestead the land and villages in which they and their forefathers have lived.

Moshe Dayan ...}

We could not guard every water pipeline from being blown up and every tree from being uprooted. We could not prevent every murder of a worker in an orchard or a family in their beds. But it was in our power to set high price for our blood, a price too high for the Arab community, the Arab army, or the Arab governments to think it worth paying... It was in our power to cause the Arab governments to renounce 'the policy of strength' toward Israel by turning it into a demonstration of weakness.

Moshe Dayan ...}

The method of collective punishment so far has proved effective.

Moshe Dayan ...}

I could go on and find a 10 to 1 statement or the ones about "break bones", but this should be enough.
Wait Pollacks created Israel..

In a way, they helped...


By willingly facilitating the Holocaust, the Poles were instrumental in Israel's creation.

That is sort of true, but then it is Poland that should have given up land for a Jewish homeland, not the innocent Palestinians, who were there long before any Hebrew invasion.
I agree.


Germany too.

Texas...Because it seems to be the most pro-Israel & pro-Jewish place besides Israel.
We're definitely pro-Jewish. What's wrong with Jews? Texas Jews is good news.

We're not the people who fucked over the Jews and tried to exterminate them. You Pollack bastards share in the blame.

Poland should be declared The State of Israel, along with parts of Germany.


Wait Pollacks created Israel..

In a way, they helped...


By willingly facilitating the Holocaust, the Poles were instrumental in Israel's creation.

That is sort of true, but then it is Poland that should have given up land for a Jewish homeland, not the innocent Palestinians, who were there long before any Hebrew invasion.
I agree.


Germany too.

Texas...Because it seems to be the most pro-Israel & pro-Jewish place besides Israel.
We're definitely pro-Jewish. What's wrong with Jews? Texas Jews is good news.

We're not the people who fucked over the Jews and tried to exterminate them. You Pollack bastards share in the blame.

Poland should be declared The State of Israel, along with parts of Germany.



Because people down South are a bunch of clueless Zionists.

If you love them so much you should be forced to give up your homes for a new Israel...instead of insisting others do.

First off. PolishJews spoke Yiddish a German dialect.

They never were Polish & never will be.

They actually are refugees Poland took in since the Rhineland Massacres by Germany.

Poland shouldn't be punished for it's generosity.

Poland was an Allied power & first to fight Nazi Germany
& the first victims of Auschwitz were Polish Catholics.

Poland doesn't owe Jews anything.
Jews if anything owe Poles for Zegota & taking in their Refugees.
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So why is it Jews are killing thousands civilians while non-Jews kill a fraction of that number? Pretty much the same reason why Israel has been hit with 77 UN Resolutions condemning their occupation while Palestinians have received 1?
What did the UN say about 2,000 rockets aimed at civilians this year?

Oh yeah, nothing. It’s ok to target civilians if they’re Jews, Nazi girl.
What did the UN say about 2,000 rockets aimed at civilians this year?

Oh yeah, nothing. It’s ok to target civilians if they’re Jews, Nazi girl.
How many racist Jews died in that onslaught of 2,000 bottle rockets, Kosher slut?
Don't get mad because Palestinian thugs are ineffective killers, despite trying their best.


The Palestinians are not trained soldiers and only fight because they are forced to by Zionist thugs murdering and stealing.
They never started any of the violence, and have a right to retaliate far more than they have.
Fine. Let them.

I was just calling out the bullshit.


The bullshit is anyone claiming Israel has any legal, historic, ethical, or religious excuse for existing.
It it the worst case of attempted might makes right that has ever been committed.
Notice that Netanyahu admits to being an athiest? That is because when the Jews lost the rebellion against the Romans in 160 AD, the Jewish religious leaders declared that no Jews should live in the Land of Canaan until the coming of the Messiah. What Jews are supposed to be doing now is atonement for the sins of arrogance and pride, (when they massacred Canaanite women and children at Jericho around 1000 BC).
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