Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

Yes let's have Mexifornia elect Democratic Presidents for the next 50 years. That is the Liberal wet dream of abolishing the E.C.
Why are you against the rule of the majority ?
We used that method in the Senate, Congress supreme court the X factor you name it.
And btw California is the biggest economy and best state of the union, Alabama, Mississippi, north Dakota, etc....are is less states.

If we had democracy and majority (mob) rule, than why do we need Congress and Senate?

You realize your statement is redundant. The Senate is part of the Congress. Back to high school civics with you!

I do not question your comment, I just find it unnecessary. You know exactly what I meant, but in absence of answer, you chose to be smart ass.

Here is correction: If we had democracy and majority (mob) rule, than why do we need House of Representatives and Senate?

Are you going to answer the question, or remain being an asshole?
There is no reason for Rural America to even vote in a pure popular vote, Over 80% of this country lives in urban America.
Removing the EC would give each of those people the exact same electoral power as anyone else in the country
Right. The EC is setup to prevent that. And for good reason.

Listen, nearly everyone here is approaching this from a purely partisan perspective. Republicans like EC because, currently, it favors their demographics. Democrats don't like it for the same reason. If the table were turned, nearly every partisan twit in this thread would do an immediate 180.

But that has no bearing on the actual merits of the EC. The EC was designed to prevent the "Clinton Archipelago". It pushes parties to maintain a diverse base. The Democrats forgot this and figured they could rely exclusively on the urban centers to keep them in power. They were wrong.
The rest of us are still where we have always been, and we’re still carrying your debt-burdened, fear-driven, hate mongering selves along in spite of your best efforts to immolate the entire Republic.

I don't need to go through that lie filled screed. I'll just point this out

Those debt ridden blue states...are net PROVIDERS to the Federal coffers...while red states are net TAKERS

If you already chose to take the part of my post out of contest to help yourself make a point, tell me, where in this part you quoted you see me referring to the states?
Their votes would mean nothing, Because there is not enough of them to matter

Enough of WHO to matter?

Other Republicans?

No, rural voters. Currently, most of them are Republicans. Democrats let that happen, and they paid the price.

Maybe you can understand it this way. Imagine, instead of "one person, one vote", that elections were run on the principle of "one dollar, one vote". Would the poorer states have ANY incentive to participate in such a system? Or would they, quite rightly, complain that participating in such a system is pointless?
But that has no bearing on the actual merits of the EC. The EC was designed to prevent the "Clinton Archipelago". It pushes parties to maintain a diverse base. The Democrats forgot this and figured they could rely exclusively on the urban centers to keep them in power. They were wrong.

Bullshit. It was designed to entice slave states to join the Union (along with the 3/5ths clause for choosing House representation based on slavery)

As it stands...less populous rural states have an outsized amount of influence over both the Executive and because of that the Judiciary

There's nothing "diverse" about that
What's scary is that you claim to have a masters degree and educate our children.

No. What is really scary is that you are spreading stupid like it was fertilizer. Why can't you man up and admit you fucked up and salvage a little self respect?

Jesus, dumbass. You're so blind drunk with stupidity, you couldn't handle a simple arithmetic problem even after I spelled it out in plain English twice! So damned stupid you can't even read english that my math was ONE HUNDRED FUCKING PERCENT RIGHT that you're still after me to admit I was wrong apparently claiming that 27 + 4 DOESN'T equal 31! Go! Moron, Go! Master fucking degree MY ASS. Master ass picker you are.

Wow! I am impressed! You are working so hard to prove to the rest of the board that you flunked elementary math!

Then to make matters worse, you try to defend the indefensible!

Got any more words of profanity or personal attacks to throw at me, while the rest of board laughs at your sorry excuses?

Sure, jackass! If you are so smart, PROVE IT. Talk is cheap, fuckhead. POST the fucking post where I made the math error including the post number so we can all go back and verify it. SHOW us where I'm wrong. LAY OUT YOUR EVIDENCE. I've already reprinted my statement in question in bold text and STILL you crawl like a dog with lots of talk and smarmy accusations but with no backing. Why is it you're the only one who apparently caught my great math error? So if you're right, if 27+4 doesn't equal 31, prove it. SHOW US the GREAT ERROR I made in math that is so damned important to you as a MASTERS IN EDUCATION that you've made it a big fucking issue for more than ten posts now! I'm waiting, shithead. Bet you any money that you never follow through, because we all know you're a fucking liar. Then I'll test YOUR math. BTW, moron, I used to tutor people in trig and calculus. Hope you're up to it.

I already posted it once. If you can't find it, you are either drunk, high, or just incredibly stupid. I'm going with the latter.

What did I just say? "Bet you any money that you never follow through, because we all know you're a fucking liar." Do I know my fucking turkeys or not. Bag of hot air like all armchair liberals. What's you lame excuse now, that I can't find my own post? You're a pathetic twat. I knew if I dared you to produce the evidence to back up your big mouth claims you'd fold.
It was set up for a number of reasons. One being that the voter couldn't be trusted. They were trying to prevent a demagogue like Trump from getting elected thinking that the Electors could over ride something that stupid.
Yep. And that part was as dismal failure. If THAT's what you were trying to fix, I'd be right there with ya.

So there's that. Republicans want to counter "the tyranny of the majority" with the "tyranny of the MINORITY"

I'll have neither, thanks.
But that has no bearing on the actual merits of the EC. The EC was designed to prevent the "Clinton Archipelago". It pushes parties to maintain a diverse base. The Democrats forgot this and figured they could rely exclusively on the urban centers to keep them in power. They were wrong.

Bullshit. It was designed to entice slave states to join the Union (along with the 3/5ths clause for choosing House representation based on slavery)

As it stands...less populous rural states have an outsized amount of influence over both the Executive and because of that the Judiciary

There's nothing "diverse" about that

Deny, divert, dismiss. Repeat.
But that has no bearing on the actual merits of the EC. The EC was designed to prevent the "Clinton Archipelago". It pushes parties to maintain a diverse base. The Democrats forgot this and figured they could rely exclusively on the urban centers to keep them in power. They were wrong.

Bullshit. It was designed to entice slave states to join the Union (along with the 3/5ths clause for choosing House representation based on slavery)

As it stands...less populous rural states have an outsized amount of influence over both the Executive and because of that the Judiciary

There's nothing "diverse" about that

It was designed to entice slave states to join the Union

It was designed to entice small states to join the Union.
I want to protect all in the vote, the rural voter and the suburban voter, both have different needs and all needs need to be accounted for. That is why we are a republic. If we started to eliminate the minority voice it would be regressing back to the 1800's. I'm for keeping the Republic and all voices heard and acknowledged. With a country as big as the United States is, different areas need different needs and the needs will contrast vastly. With both parties giving increasing power to the Executive Office, we need to make sure all are heard and all have a voice. A popular vote would not allow for the small voice to be acknowledged, let alone be heard.

Right now, the "small voice" carries more weight than it should. I want it to be equal. No one's vote should count more than anyone elses.

Great, how about starting with states that have all electoral votes going to a single candidate.

Agreed, it should be divided up based upon the population and how they vote. Not a winner take all.
Just as soon as California agrees not to count the MILLIONS of illegals as their population.

Illegals can't vote.

And Heroin is illegal...but people still buy it and illegals still seem to influence our elections.
But that has no bearing on the actual merits of the EC. The EC was designed to prevent the "Clinton Archipelago". It pushes parties to maintain a diverse base. The Democrats forgot this and figured they could rely exclusively on the urban centers to keep them in power. They were wrong.

Bullshit. It was designed to entice slave states to join the Union (along with the 3/5ths clause for choosing House representation based on slavery)

As it stands...less populous rural states have an outsized amount of influence over both the Executive and because of that the Judiciary

There's nothing "diverse" about that

It was designed to entice slave states to join the Union

It was designed to entice small states to join the Union.

The usual equivocation. It was both.
It was designed to entice small states to join the Union.

Wrong. Vermont and New Hampshire and Rhode Island were small states. It was designed to entice Virginia and Georgia etc. (NOT small states but rather states in which slave labor made up large parts of their populations) into joining the Union
It was designed to entice small states to join the Union.

Wrong. Vermont and New Hampshire and Rhode Island were small states. It was designed to entice Virginia and Georgia etc. (NOT small states but rather states in which slave labor made up large parts of their populations) into joining the Union

Uh.. which meant they had lower voting populations. Your race baiting will have to wait for another thread.

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