Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

I already proved the Warren deal. You can complain all you want to but you are convicting Trump before the evidence even comes out.

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Baby Bimbo there is no fraud action against Elizabeth Warren but your Bimbo sure has Court action LOL you a "yuge losah"...you get the "Trump treatment" squealing bug lol

we will see what is in what the Judge ordered released...better start crying and thinking up alibis and excuses

Judge bashed by Trump orders release of company records
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I already proved the Warren deal.
The only thing you have proven is you a "bend over Bimbo for Trump":2up:....you bend over and say "thank you sir and may I please have another"
The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet - The Atlantic

Ok douchebag. Here we go.

Trump may have overcharged people for additional courses at Trump University but these people had already taken the first course and knew what the classes were like. He charged too much and they agreed to pay because they both placed an exorbitantly high value on the Trump name. It isn't like he stole the money as they did get something extra in the second more "intensive" coursework.

In my opinion, the first class wasn't worth it so why would you agree to a more expensive second class.

So ya, maybe it was a stupid thing for him to do. Was it a scam maybe or maybe not. It certainly wasn't ethical to charge such an exorbitant price but he was able to do so because at the time the housing market was driving people with real estate fever and many places including trump were taking advantage of it.

Now he may have scammed a couple thousand people but how many people has Hillary scammed with her pay for play politics?

How many Americans have been screwed over by her policies? How many foreign citizens have lost their lives or homes because of her?

Hard for you to have the moral high ground when you bitch about Trump yet support Hillary.

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You are too funny. You think that even if Trump loses the case that it tells us anything other than what I have already stated.

Now back to Hillary. How many scandals will you give her a pass on? How much money is she allowed to illegally take in while selling America down the road before you have a crisis of conscience?

The joke is on you. We already admit what Trump is and for all his faults he is still miles better than Hillary Clinton.

Don't cry too much baby cakes. You might fucking melt.

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We already admit what Trump is and for all his faults he is still miles better than Hillary Clinton.
Hey Bimbo this is the "we" you belong to..you "weak'....you a "yuge losah"

Keep them coming lefty. Nobody gives two shits about some leftist propaganda. I can find a lot more on Hillary but you don't care to even admit that truth. Too funny.

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Here you go Bimbo you a yuge losah ...weak

No wonder this guy admires Vladimir Putin. He’s no better than a mob thug himself:

SAN DIEGO–In one of his most personal attacks against an apolitical figure since becoming the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump delivered an extended tirade about the federal judge overseeing the civil litigation against his defunct education program.

Trump specifically singled out Federal District Judge Gonzalo Curiel at a campaign rally in San Diego, belittling the Judge’s Mexican ancestry, then threatening to “come back” in his capacity as President to testify in the case. It's clear from the context of his speech that Trump meant this as a threat to the Judge’s authority, and implicitly, his right to oversee any litigation that might impugn the Trump business entity known as Trump University.
I wrote Trump after Cruz dropped out. I told him that I was a Rand Paul supporter that was willing to give him my support but that I needed to see two things for me to be comfortable with that. The first was a very strong defense of our constitution and our bill of rights. The second was to limit the ad hominem attacks to facts that could be proven.

You actually harbored a hope that Donald Rump --- who has already publicly declared unequivocal and unsurpassed CONTEMPT for the Constitution, in at least two different ways --- would mouth the words to you "yes I'll do a 180 to get your vote"?

Wanna buy a bridge?

Maybe you should write Warren as her supporter and tell her that she should either apply for tribal membership or apologize to the Cherokee for illegally appropriating their heritage for her benefit.

Nothing's changed overnight --- it STILL isn't illegal to relate what one's ethnicity is.

Wanna hear mine? I'll get right back to you as soon as I hear back from Ireland, the UK, Flanders and France. They could rush it through in about a year. After all I don't wanna be "illegal".

Dumb shit.
I wrote Trump after Cruz dropped out. I told him that I was a Rand Paul supporter that was willing to give him my support but that I needed to see two things for me to be comfortable with that. The first was a very strong defense of our constitution and our bill of rights. The second was to limit the ad hominem attacks to facts that could be proven.

You actually harbored a hope that Donald Rump --- who has already publicly declared unequivocal and unsurpassed CONTEMPT for the Constitution, in at least two different ways --- would mouth the words to you "yes I'll do a 180 to get your vote"?

Wanna buy a bridge?

Maybe you should write Warren as her supporter and tell her that she should either apply for tribal membership or apologize to the Cherokee for illegally appropriating their heritage for her benefit.

Nothing's changed overnight --- it STILL isn't illegal to relate what one's ethnicity is.

Wanna hear mine? I'll get right back to you as soon as I hear back from Ireland, the UK, Flanders and France. They could rush it through in about a year. After all I don't wanna be "illegal".

Dumb shit.

You are still at it asshat? Too funny.

Claiming Cherokee on government or employment forms grants you certain benefits that being white or of European decent does not.

She is a fake fucking Indian and I've already beaten the shit out of your stupid fucking retarded rhetoric already.

But keep it up. Show everyone how fucking dense you really are. Lib asshats are the lowest form of life in the world today.

Call back when you get a brain you asshat.

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Elizabet Warren...on the Warpath?

1. 'Elizabeth Warren's 'Native American' claims: if she was a Republican, the media would call her a racist

2. Imagine if a Republican candidate claimed, confidently, that she was part Native American. Imagine if she had actually used that identity to have herself listed as a minority at Harvard, qualifying her for special treatment and celebration as proof of how diverse and progressive her department is. Imagine if, many years later, it turned out that her claims to Native heritage were dubious and, when pressed for proof, she offered her “high cheekbones.” Oh, and she once contributed a recipe to a Native American cookbook called “Pow Wow Chow” (that may even have been plagiarised).

3. ...not only has she been given a pass by her party, which normally treats race with the respect it deserves, but also by the mainstream media. Last night she was chatting with Chris Matthews on MSNBC and Matthews failed to mention the scandal once.

4. Race shapes a lot of the way that Democrats think about economics and social justice – and within that narrative, Native Americans were the very first minority that the Europeans oppressed on American soil. It thus ought to be not just odd but immoral that Warren would try to borrow their heritage of suffering in order to advance her political career.

5. Worse still, the Harvard Law Journal described her as a “woman of color,” as if it was translating her claimed identity into proof that it was reaching out to African-Americans. A lot of liberals invested a lot of emotional effort into sustaining this myth. This sort of thing is just as inappropriate as Mitt Romney suddenly claiming to be the descendent of slaves.

6. ...the liberal media has tried to smooth the story over. ... headlines have been massaged, innuendoes have gone unreported, and only one local paper has pursued Warren with the righteousness that the issue deserves. Articles have been written expressing sympathy along the lines of “Well, we’re probably all a little bit Native American.” The Matthews softball interview is only a representative pass.

7. The takeaway from all of this is that racial insensitivity only matters if it’s done by a Republican.

8. But Democrats can have records of racist activity (the former Senate Majority Leader, Robert Byrd, was a member of the KKK in his youth), express racist sentiments towards Asians (step forward, Marion Barry) and appropriate the racial heritage of others – and no one seems to mind.

9. When it comes to racism, the Democratic credo is “Do as I say, not as I do.” '
Elizabeth Warren's 'Native American' claims: if she was a Republican, the media would call her a racist – Telegraph Blogs
I wrote Trump after Cruz dropped out. I told him that I was a Rand Paul supporter that was willing to give him my support but that I needed to see two things for me to be comfortable with that. The first was a very strong defense of our constitution and our bill of rights. The second was to limit the ad hominem attacks to facts that could be proven.

You actually harbored a hope that Donald Rump --- who has already publicly declared unequivocal and unsurpassed CONTEMPT for the Constitution, in at least two different ways --- would mouth the words to you "yes I'll do a 180 to get your vote"?

Wanna buy a bridge?

Maybe you should write Warren as her supporter and tell her that she should either apply for tribal membership or apologize to the Cherokee for illegally appropriating their heritage for her benefit.

Nothing's changed overnight --- it STILL isn't illegal to relate what one's ethnicity is.

Wanna hear mine? I'll get right back to you as soon as I hear back from Ireland, the UK, Flanders and France. They could rush it through in about a year. After all I don't wanna be "illegal".

Dumb shit.

You are still at it asshat? Too funny.

Claiming Cherokee on government or employment forms grants you certain benefits that being white or of European decent does not.

She is a fake fucking Indian and I've already beaten the shit out of your stupid fucking retarded rhetoric already.

But keep it up. Show everyone how fucking dense you really are. Lib asshats are the lowest form of life in the world today.

Call back when you get a brain you asshat.

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Yes Donald does want to change the constitution to further protect American by ending birthright citizenship to children born of two illegal parents. No other country does this and it is a great idea as it will remove a huge loophole in our immigration policy.

Your bitch Hillary also wants to change the constitution. But hers is bad in that she wants to limit free speech against her critics. She would specifically name areas such as radio talk shows and limit right wing donors from their free speech.
Funny how she has no desire to limit donations from foreign entities into her "charitable" foundation.

You know that bridge you were talking about. Go jump off it asshat.

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How many lies do you think I could post for Hillary? I think I could easily hit 100 of these little nuggets.

Keep thinking that you degenerates have any moral ground left under you feet while you supporting Hillary. I will continue to laugh at you.

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I think I could easily hit 100 of these little nuggets.
Trump’s bogus claim that he never said ‘some of the things’ claimed by Megyn Kelly
Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Donald Trump a pointed question about his verbal treatment of women. On the Sunday shows, Trump refused to apologize — and further asserted that Kelly lists things he did not say. But there is ample evidence for each of the slurs against women uttered or tweeted by Trump. He had a small point that he attacks once he is provoked, but there is little doubt that the over-the-top language cited by Kelly was correct.


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