Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

You keep posting this bullshit but there is proof. Both the action of Harvard promoting her as Native American and U of Penn listing her as a minority for many years on their EEOC compliance forms.

What EEOC Compliance forms would these be?


C'mon let's see 'em. You've already established yourself as a liar; show us a scan.

University of Pennsylvania also listed Elizabeth Warren as a minority

Click on link to minority equity report

Page 16 lists Warren as a minority.

University of Pennsylvania also listed Elizabeth Warren as a minority

Right there in black and white for you.

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Now you owe me an apology Pogo. I jumped through all your stupid fucking hoops to show you the truth. You called me a liar but I told the complete truth. If you don't apologize then you are every bit the political hack you seem to be.

Call me a liar again. Next time you had better be able to back up your bullshit and your attitude.

I'm done educating you tonight. Anyone else would have to write me a check to gain this level of knowledge. You owe me big time. You can thank me for your free education, fuck Sanders.

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You absolutely *ARE* a liar. Care to revisit Chief Baker?

No, didn't think so.

Already proved the Chief's COB. You are a fucking liar. A fucking loser. Oh and a fucktard little scumbag. You've earned every shitty thing anyone can say about you.

You fucking lose. Completely. I fucked you right up your lying dumb fuck asshole. You'll need to buy a bigger dildo after the ass reaming I gave you tonight.

Done with you tonight you fucktard lib asshat.

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aaaaand right back to the anal fantasies. What a shocker.

Face it, you're a liar. A hack. A moron who can't read the English language. A cretin who tries to set up a strawman and then jumps up and down when you're called on it. A dishonest wanker who can't be bothered to delve any deeper than his phone.

You lose, Danth.

Face the facts. You are a loser on this site just like you are in life. Straw man my cock you pathetic fuck. I posted all the facts and you are just such a liberal hack that you don't accept reality when it comes to a democrat. Typical lib douchebag.

Take your loss and go fuck yourself.

Everyone who reads this in the morning is going to laugh at your dumbass.

Choke on it motherfucker.

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The Cherokee tribe is probably the most well documented tribe in history. It would not be difficult to trace your lineage back 4 or 5 generations if you had to. Between tribal records, birth, marriage, and death certificates you can put together your heritage. If she can't trace her heritage back to 1839 which is only 110 years before her own birth. If it was her great, great, great grandmother then that should easily cover the years between her birth and the Dawes list.

*I* don't CLAIM
to be a member of Cherokee nation, or to vote in their elections, Dumbo. I don't NEED to trace my lineage back; I already have it. Warren doesn't either --- she's not CLAIMING to be a member of Cherokee NATION. Never did.

How the frick stupid are you? You think you can smokescreen your way out of this and no one will notice??

She's lying and is not entitled to the Cherokee claim.

Fine -- PROVE that.

That's been the challenge from the beginning. A thousand-plus posts later --- no one's touched it.
Wrong. She did claim to be a Cherokee.
*I* don't CLAIM to be a member of Cherokee nation, or to vote in their elections, Dumbo. I don't NEED to trace my lineage back; I already have it. Warren doesn't either --- she's not CLAIMING to be a member of Cherokee NATION. Never did.

How the frick stupid are you? You think you can smokescreen your way out of this and no one will notice??

Fine -- PROVE that.

That's been the challenge from the beginning. A thousand-plus posts later --- no one's touched it.

That is easy also. It is called the Blood-Quantum laws. See below

Blood quantum laws - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Warren knew about this requirement to claim heritage. She's a fucking attorney.

See how that works. She is a fake fucking Indian.

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You are beyond simple Moron.

What part of "she never sought membership in the Cherokee Nation is sailing over your tiny little brain here, liar?

You are the moron. It has been explained to you. To be entitled to the claim of Cherokee heritage for any government use you must be in compliance with the requirements of the Cherokee tribe who sets those standards. You are not entitled to make the claim legally otherwise. She did at both Univ of Penn where they listed her on government compliance forms as a minority because of her claim and again at Harvard where they put her up as their first Indian professor.

The fact that she never sought membership says that she was never entitled to make the claim

You have proven the point with your own statement. That is how dense you are about this.

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Guess I have to post in Speciial Engllish for Morons...












No voting in Cherokee elections.
No attempt to register AS a member of the Cherokee Nation.
No "checking the box" on a later form.
No request for preferential treatment -- in fact offered such an avenue, as posted waaaay back in 160, she DECLINED.
As stated in the same link, the box she actually did check was "white".

Perhaps your problem is you're reading your own strawmen.

Your argument has been smoke checked already. You don't get listed as a minority on the university government report without filling out an employment document as such. Harvard isn't going to put you up as such without you making the same claim.

Maybe the problem is the grey matter between your ears.

Everything these guys on this site accuse you of is true. You really are the ultimate liberal party hack. You have no reality and no ethics to you.

You are just like Warren, a fucking fraud.

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Pogo is a special kind of stupid. No matter how many different ways you explain your point, she just keeps repeating her already discredited argument.
Did you hear that Elizabeth Warren had to sleep in the hotel lobby because she didn't have a reservation...

We'll be here all week.....don't forget to tip your waitress
You keep posting this bullshit but there is proof. Both the action of Harvard promoting her as Native American and U of Penn listing her as a minority for many years on their EEOC compliance forms.

What EEOC Compliance forms would these be?


C'mon let's see 'em. You've already established yourself as a liar; show us a scan.

University of Pennsylvania also listed Elizabeth Warren as a minority

Click on long to minority equity report

Page 16 lists Warren as a minority.

University of Pennsylvania also listed Elizabeth Warren as a minority

Right there in black and white for you.

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Fine. So the fair thing to do for Warren supporters would be to treat her dishonesty exactly the way Trump supporters treat his.

Fair enough?
WARNING : If you vote for Trump "you will develop eyeball scabs and pray for the sweet release of death."...a Public Service announcement
You keep posting this bullshit but there is proof. Both the action of Harvard promoting her as Native American and U of Penn listing her as a minority for many years on their EEOC compliance forms.

What EEOC Compliance forms would these be?


C'mon let's see 'em. You've already established yourself as a liar; show us a scan.

University of Pennsylvania also listed Elizabeth Warren as a minority

Click on long to minority equity report

Page 16 lists Warren as a minority.

University of Pennsylvania also listed Elizabeth Warren as a minority

Right there in black and white for you.

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Fine. So the fair thing to do for Warren supporters would be to treat her dishonesty exactly the way Trump supporters treat his.

Fair enough?

Have you ever written a politician to tell them how you felt? Have you ever actually gone to their office to give them a piece of your mind?

I wrote Trump after Cruz dropped out. I told him that I was a Rand Paul supporter that was willing to give him my support but that I needed to see two things for me to be comfortable with that. The first was a very strong defense of our constitution and our bill of rights. The second was to limit the ad hominem attacks to facts that could be proven.

His New York style personal attacks are not shocking to me as I grew up in the city. But I can see where some other parts of the country might not understand it as well.

As for myself, I am on the record in my city fighting the local politicians who were protecting a huge national company with a franchise agreement against a small mom and pop Hispanic business. I not only wrote letters but showed up at the council meeting and confronted the corrupt politician. He was able to shut the small company down because the fix was in but he was forced to retire over it and similar protests within 8 months of the issue.

Maybe you should write Warren as her supporter and tell her that she should either apply for tribal membership or apologize to the Cherokee for illegally appropriating their heritage for her benefit.

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Donald Trump needs to apologize to the people he ripped off with the Trump University scam..
Last edited:
You keep posting this bullshit but there is proof. Both the action of Harvard promoting her as Native American and U of Penn listing her as a minority for many years on their EEOC compliance forms.

What EEOC Compliance forms would these be?


C'mon let's see 'em. You've already established yourself as a liar; show us a scan.

University of Pennsylvania also listed Elizabeth Warren as a minority

Click on long to minority equity report

Page 16 lists Warren as a minority.

University of Pennsylvania also listed Elizabeth Warren as a minority

Right there in black and white for you.

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Fine. So the fair thing to do for Warren supporters would be to treat her dishonesty exactly the way Trump supporters treat his.

Fair enough?

Have you ever written a politician to tell them how you felt? Have you ever actually gone to their office to give them a piece of your mind?

I wrote Trump after Cruz dropped out. I told him that I was a Rand Paul supporter that was willing to give him my support but that I needed to see two things for me to be comfortable with that. The first was a very strong defense of our constitution and our bill of rights. The second was to limit the ad hominem attacks to facts that could be proven.

His New York style personal attacks are not shocking to me as I grew up in the city. But I can see where some other parts of the country might not understand it as well.

As for myself, I am on the record in my city fighting the local politicians who were protecting a huge national company with a franchise agreement against a small mom and pop Hispanic business. I not only wrote letters but showed up at the council meeting and confronted the corrupt politician. He was able to shut the small company down because the fix was in but he was forced to retire over it and similar protests within 8 months of the issue.

Maybe you should write Warren as her supporter and tell her that she should either apply for tribal membership or apologize to the Cherokee for illegally appropriating their heritage for her benefit.

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You're preaching to us about ad hominem attacks? lol, good one.
You're preaching to us about ad hominem attacks? lol, good one.

Odd they love it when Trump calls women bimbos and dogs ..

WARNING : If you vote for Trump "you will develop eyeball scabs and pray for the sweet release of death."...a Public Service announcement
Donald Trump needs to apologize to the people he ripped off with the Trump University scam..

Maybe he does and maybe he doesn't. The truth will come out.

It is only a scam if you don't get what you paid for.

It is like going to an event and paying big money to attend along with an additional fee for a signed picture of the famous person. Just because you have buyers remorse after paying $5,000 extra for a single picture doesn't mean you were scammed.

We will have to see what was promised and what they actually received for the additional money.

There are a lot of "educational" facilities out there today including many traditional colleges that are charging big money for degrees that are essentially useless when it comes to earning a living.

I'll wait to see the actual evidence and even though I think the place probably hyped the upside potential of the education, that doesn't mean that they didn't deliver a shitty curriculum that satisfied the contract.

Who the hell pays $30k of more for a real estate course in the first place? I think they scammed themselves into thinking that they would get rich quick.

It will be funny to see the outcome and it is probably one of the few real things that the Dems have on Trump.

I wonder if you will hold Hillary to the same standards?

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You keep posting this bullshit but there is proof. Both the action of Harvard promoting her as Native American and U of Penn listing her as a minority for many years on their EEOC compliance forms.

What EEOC Compliance forms would these be?


C'mon let's see 'em. You've already established yourself as a liar; show us a scan.

University of Pennsylvania also listed Elizabeth Warren as a minority

Click on long to minority equity report

Page 16 lists Warren as a minority.

University of Pennsylvania also listed Elizabeth Warren as a minority

Right there in black and white for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Fine. So the fair thing to do for Warren supporters would be to treat her dishonesty exactly the way Trump supporters treat his.

Fair enough?

Have you ever written a politician to tell them how you felt? Have you ever actually gone to their office to give them a piece of your mind?

I wrote Trump after Cruz dropped out. I told him that I was a Rand Paul supporter that was willing to give him my support but that I needed to see two things for me to be comfortable with that. The first was a very strong defense of our constitution and our bill of rights. The second was to limit the ad hominem attacks to facts that could be proven.

His New York style personal attacks are not shocking to me as I grew up in the city. But I can see where some other parts of the country might not understand it as well.

As for myself, I am on the record in my city fighting the local politicians who were protecting a huge national company with a franchise agreement against a small mom and pop Hispanic business. I not only wrote letters but showed up at the council meeting and confronted the corrupt politician. He was able to shut the small company down because the fix was in but he was forced to retire over it and similar protests within 8 months of the issue.

Maybe you should write Warren as her supporter and tell her that she should either apply for tribal membership or apologize to the Cherokee for illegally appropriating their heritage for her benefit.

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You're preaching to us about ad hominem attacks? lol, good one.

I like using them. I would never run for political office. I would be to one with the bullhorn calling them a lying fucking cocksucker.

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Donald Trump needs to apologize to the people he ripped off with the Trump University scam..

Maybe he does and maybe he doesn't. The truth will come out.
Hey Bimbo, did you know schools were competing to get Elizabeth Warren ...recruiting her ..

You are a Trump strumpet...you convicted Elizabeth Warren but not Trump...aint nobody suing Elizabeth Warren shit for brains ...do not start whining Bimbo..."you a yuge losah" ..moron boy

I am giving you the "Trump treatment" ....:2up: you like ...LOL
Donald Trump needs to apologize to the people he ripped off with the Trump University scam..

Maybe he does and maybe he doesn't. The truth will come out.

You are a Trump strumpet...youy convicted Elizabeth Warren but not Trump...aint nobody suing Elizabeth Warren shit for brains ...do not start whining Bimbo

I already proved the Warren deal. You can complain all you want to but you are convicting Trump before the evidence even comes out.

At least I admit that he could be guilty at the end of it. You leftist will look at conclusive evidence and disagree if it is a Democrat.

Are you ready to debate about all of Clinton's nasty failures or does she also get a pass?

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