Elizabeth Warren Said Father Was A Janitor...Death Certificate Says Army Flight Instructor

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Instructer at 20 ? Wow

Don't tell me the site. I might throw up.
People change through life darlin

No one was a US military flight instructor at the age of 20. The man was born in 1911. He was 20 in 1931.

Elizabeth was born when her dad was 38 years old.

I tried to find when flight instruction started in our military but was only able to find a law about the education going through colleges and universities. It was a law passed in 1938. Which would have made her dad 27.

None of the claims that are made on that site are true. It's the gateway pundit for heaven's sake.
Doesn't matter. The rube herd around here bleevs what they are told to bleev.
I guess Trump will be asking the Ukraine to investigate Warren for him now.

You can always tell who the Trump rube herd is most afraid of at the moment.
I was going to say this topic is funny, but it really isn't funny any more.

It is not funny how Trump supporters, with no sense of irony at all, got themselves all in a tizzy over a POSSIBLE lie told by Warren about her dad being a janitor.

This is some kind of new mental illness.
Army flight instructors don't become janitors. Nor do they start as such.

Actually, her dad did.

I had a pilot in my FA18 squadron that was a dish washer before becoming a fighter pilot. People do all sorts of things prior to other jobs

if you ever get out of Wendy's you will find that out

She is not a liar, but either way, you should be real use to lies, your cult leader lies continuously.
More she lies her polls grow lol, it’s like democrats love liars haha

She didn't lie but aren't you use to lies, after all your cult leader lies continuously.
She's a lying sack of shit, proven repeatedly. But any liberal/progressive/Democrat might have a difficult time distinguishing truth from fantasy/fiction.

You are the one is lying.

Donald Jones Herring (1911-1997) - Find A Grave...
He was a flight instructor for the U.S Army during WW II and was a self-employed business man.

Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia
Warren lived in Norman, Oklahoma, until she was 11 years old, when her family moved back to Oklahoma City.[8] When she was 12, her father, a salesman at Montgomery Ward,[8] had a heart attack, which led to many medical bills as well as a pay cut because he could not do his previous work.[5] He later worked as a custodian for an apartment building.[11]Eventually, the family's car was repossessed because they failed to make loanpayments. To help the family finances, her mother found work in the catalog order department at Sears.[5] When she was 13, Warren started waiting tables at her aunt's restaurant.[12][13]
Instructer at 20 ? Wow

Don't tell me the site. I might throw up.
People change through life darlin

No one was a US military flight instructor at the age of 20. The man was born in 1911. He was 20 in 1931.

Elizabeth was born when her dad was 38 years old.

I tried to find when flight instruction started in our military but was only able to find a law about the education going through colleges and universities. It was a law passed in 1938. Which would have made her dad 27.

None of the claims that are made on that site are true. It's the gateway pundit for heaven's sake.
Doesn't matter. The rube herd around here bleevs what they are told to bleev.
That pertains to both rube tribes.
Pocahontas demonstrated that she is a liar when she marked the 100% American Indian block on the TX bar form. Not only did she demonstrate that she is a liar when she decided to exploit the minority race, she also demonstrated that she is a racist.

Regardless of what merit the opening post idea has, Pocahontas is indeed a liar.


What a POS.

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