Elizabeth Warren Said Father Was A Janitor...Death Certificate Says Army Flight Instructor

If I die tomorrow, my obit will read "Project manager"

It will more than likely leave out

Fork lift driver

Truck loader

Warehouse worker

Truck driver.

But I did all those jobs and more...

You people are fukkin stupid

We all know the op and ilk followers are liars they just follow their leader.

The only cult members are dims.

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What's weird about her comment is that she disregards her fathers military career as a flight instructor by summing his lives work up as a janitor.
that's all you need to know about warren my friends! :04:


She's also now claiming she was canned for being knocked up but they've got her captured on tape telling a far different story much earlier on.
Maybe she spent too much time around the Clintons and picked up a communical lying disorder.

She needs a new name....
Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia

Warren was born Elizabeth Ann Herring in Oklahoma City on June 22, 1949,[3][4][5][6] the fourth child of middle-class parents Pauline (née Reed, 1912–1995) and Donald Jones Herring (1911–1997). Warren has described her family as teetering "on the ragged edge of the middle class" and "kind of hanging on at the edges by our fingernails".[7][8] She had three older brothers and was raised Methodist.[9][10] Warren lived in Norman, Oklahoma, until she was 11 years old, when her family moved back to Oklahoma City.[8] When she was 12, her father, a salesman at Montgomery Ward,[8] had a heart attack, which led to many medical bills as well as a pay cut because he could not do his previous work.[5] He later worked as a custodian for an apartment building.[11] Eventually, the family's car was repossessed because they failed to make loanpayments. To help the family finances, her mother found work in the catalog order department at Sears.[5]When she was 13, Warren started waiting tables at her aunt's restaurant

Who writes the narratives for Wikipedia?
I do not believe that Elizabeth Warren views what she does as lying.

She has been doing it so long, in order to accomplish her goals, it is second nature.


Yes, businessman Donald J. Trump exaggerates, pulls figures that mean nothing but he did not build his reputation and who he is on a lie. He's a tough, battle-hardened, successful businessman in one of the most brutal, toughest markets in the world.
Army flight instructors don't become janitors. Nor do they start as such.

Actually, her dad did.

I had a pilot in my FA18 squadron that was a dish washer before becoming a fighter pilot. People do all sorts of things prior to other jobs

if you ever get out of Wendy's you will find that out

Yeah, no. Your F18 pilot could have been a dishwasher as a kid in high school. That is possible. But after that there is zero chance of it.

She is not a liar, but either way, you should be real use to lies, your cult leader lies continuously.
More she lies her polls grow lol, it’s like democrats love liars haha

She didn't lie but aren't you use to lies, after all your cult leader lies continuously.
She's a lying sack of shit, proven repeatedly. But any liberal/progressive/Democrat might have a difficult time distinguishing truth from fantasy/fiction.

She is not a liar. My parents told me what my nationality was.
that's all you need to know about warren my friends! :04:


She is not a liar, but tramp lies whenever his mouth is open. Do you have birth papers, does it say what your nationality is, mine do not say anything but my parents told me I was French and a little part of British.

Many veterans are homeless now.

The Draft and WWII
On September 16, 1940, the United States instituted the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, which required all men between the ages of 21 and 45 to register for the draft. This was the first peacetime draft in United States' history.
Research Starters: The Draft and World War II | The National ...

https://www.nationalww2museum.org › students-teachers › student-resources
Army flight instructors don't become janitors. Nor do they start as such.

Actually, her dad did.

I had a pilot in my FA18 squadron that was a dish washer before becoming a fighter pilot. People do all sorts of things prior to other jobs

if you ever get out of Wendy's you will find that out

Yeah, no. Your F18 pilot could have been a dishwasher as a kid in high school. That is possible. But after that there is zero chance of it.

Actually it was in college, but you said a few post up that a flight instructor could not start out that way yet you say a pilot can...not real consistent.
In the 1920s, my daddy had big dreams. He wanted to fly airplanes.

I grew up hearing about how he was barely out of high school when he rebuilt a two-passenger, open-cockpit airplane and taught himself to fly above the prairies of eastern Oklahoma. I always pictured him landing and taking off in vast wheat fields, a tiny plane in an immense blue sky.

The days he was flying were happy days for my daddy. But like many other people who endured the double blows of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression, he didn’t get the chance to follow his dream. Decades later, both my parents still talked of bank failures and families who lost their farms during some of the toughest times for our country.

By the time World War II came along, my mother and daddy already had three young boys. Daddy tried to enlist to be a fighter pilot in the war, but the Army Air Forces (as it was known then) said he was too old, or at least that’s the explanation I heard.

When the war finally ended, Daddy desperately wanted a job flying the new passenger planes for one of the fast-growing airlines like TWA or American. But that didn’t work out either. My mother told me that those jobs also went to younger men.

So Daddy moved from one job to another: he was a salesman, he fixed cars, he was a janitor. He liked working with his hands, doing repairs around the house. And like a zillion other families, we got by.

When I was a senior in high school, I started thinking about college. I wanted to be a teacher, and that meant I needed a college diploma. But my mother said it was out of the question. She pointed out that we couldn’t afford college, that she and Daddy just didn’t make enough money. Besides, my daddy had had a heart attack, and now it took both of my parents’ paychecks to manage.

I knew how much my parents sacrificed for my future and for my brothers’ future, but I wanted to teach. It was my dream, and I wouldn’t give up.

My mother kept saying no, and we argued back and forth. Then Daddy surprised both of us, saying: “Let her try, Polly.” And I was off and running.

There were lots of bumps and wrong turns along the way. I got married at 19 (it didn’t work out). I moved. I dropped out of school. But eventually, I made it.

Whatever I did, my Daddy believed in me. He would say, “That’s my Betsy."

In truth, I think he found it pretty miraculous that his baby girl had ended up a teacher. He nearly busted his buttons the first time I was quoted in the newspaper.

I would not be here had it not been for my daddy pushing open a door so that I could have a chance. That is how this daughter of a janitor ended up as a public school teacher, a college professor, and a U.S. Senator. And I’m not the only one. Parents all across our country are working hard to give their children the opportunities they themselves never had.

That kind of sacrifice – a sacrifice fueled by love – is why I’m in this fight all the way: for access to healthcare, for a living wage, for affordable education, for keeping families together. All of our children deserve a chance to succeed. And all of our parents deserve the peace of mind knowing their hard work created a better future for their children and grandchildren. That is the promise of America, and I’m fighting to make sure we keep that promise.

My daddy is gone, but I want to wish him a Happy Father’s Day. And Happy Father’s Day to all the daddies who are trying their hardest to give their children a strong future – and who set the example every day of what it means to care for the people you love.

Happy Father’s Day!

Elizabeth Warren’s Parents: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
If I die tomorrow, my obit will read "Project manager"

It will more than likely leave out

Fork lift driver

Truck loader

Warehouse worker

Truck driver.

But I did all those jobs and more...

You people are fukkin stupid
Obits are usually submitted with a consensus of the family. The departed's most prideful occupation will often be listed and lesser occupations held during life left out. It is certainly reasonable to assume a family would be proud and want to highlight the deceased's service during WWII. That said, there is no evidence provided indicating Elizabeth Warren was even responsible for writing or submitting her father's obituary and in any case, the fact her father worked as a janitor when she was a child makes her statement truthful.
that's all you need to know about warren my friends! :04:


She is not a liar, but tramp lies whenever his mouth is open. Do you have birth papers, does it say what your nationality is, mine do not say anything but my parents told me I was French and a little part of British.

Many veterans are homeless now.

The Draft and WWII
On September 16, 1940, the United States instituted the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, which required all men between the ages of 21 and 45 to register for the draft. This was the first peacetime draft in United States' history.
Research Starters: The Draft and World War II | The National ...

https://www.nationalww2museum.org › students-teachers › student-resources
Yes, many vets are homeless.
Too bad Democrats take care of illegals instead of American vets.

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