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Elizabeth Warren schools Paul Ryan on poverty in 80 seconds

17 Million Reasons to Raise the Minimum Wage - ABC News

Who makes minimum wage? | Pew Research Center

I don't usually get this way but I have a visceral dislike for this woman. Anyone who says I or my wife didn't build our businesses needs to say it to our faces and then run like hell.

She lies more than she tells the truth, it is hard to know where to start. Any serious economist says if the banks hadn't gotten bailed out the situation would have gotten worse not better. I didn't like it either, but people like warren never tell you the money was paid back with interest, unlike gm. She doesn't tell you that obamas new Dodd frank regulations are destroying small town banks and just enhancing big banks and she doesn't tell you that the regulations deter big banks from loaning more money to businesses to help the economy. And Paul Ryan wants to get rid of tax breaks for corp and go to a flat type of tax and reform the tax system. And didn't Paul Ryan much against many in his own party create a budget with patty Murray a democrat to move the wheels of govt along.

In trying to educate myself as much as possible in the min wage deal, since it seems to take up so much of USMB threads, I ran across the speech wacky warren made about the min wage and just about threw the iPad across the room. There are somewhere between 2.6 and 3.2 million getting min wage yet warren contends 17 million kids will benefit by an increase in min wage, how does she get away with such brazen bull. And let me give you an example, our waitresses make 4.91 an hour by Florida law but on the weekends they can make 150 to 200 in tips a night which they underreport. They are considered below min wage earners. It has factually been established that if the min wage from the sixties was indexed for inflation it would be in the range of 10.50 an hour. all you democratic diehards that keep talking about not bringing up any facts need to choke on these, cause I got a lot more where these came from.

I can't say it as good as edge, but Elizabeth Warren is an unamerican, unpatriotic, demagoguing, lying, academic, Marxist political whore who is heir apparent in the Democratic Party to Nancy Pelosi?
My question to the loyal Left here is a simple one...

What have YOUR policies done to make life better in the inner city over the past 40 years? I look at Detroit and I see a wasteland. Is that what the rest of America should look forward to?

Why would you blame the "loyal left" for Detroit's situation? The UAW and Good salaries, wages and benefits aren't what killed the auto industry, the primary factor was the auto industry failed to adapt to a world wherein the cost of gasoline exploded. The Japanese and European Car makers adapted, smaller more cost efficient vehicles replaced the 327's, 409's and 426's, thus the big three were left behind.


And that's what turned Detroit into a Third World shithole?

She's spot on. Now, watch the callous conservative attempt to assassinate the character of Sen. Warren and do so simply because they are too stupid, too ignorant or too brainwashed to offer any evidence that her comments were not SPOT ON!

You people are really something,so your praise of Obama and wall street should be filed where?? The last record was broadcasted to the world,as evidence of just how wonderful Obama is,until its a Repub,then well its just different.

No evidenced offered that Sen. Warren's comments were not SPOT ON!

She offered no real support for her comments. Unemployment numbers in regions like that are so stretched it isn't funny. Oh...another reason there are no jobs there....because nobody is opening businesses in places they can't get employees or where they are ripped off all the time.

Lizzy Warren is a 1%er Jackass.
My question to the loyal Left here is a simple one...

What have YOUR policies done to make life better in the inner city over the past 40 years? I look at Detroit and I see a wasteland. Is that what the rest of America should look forward to?

Why would you blame the "loyal left" for Detroit's situation? The UAW and Good salaries, wages and benefits aren't what killed the auto industry, the primary factor was the auto industry failed to adapt to a world wherein the cost of gasoline exploded. The Japanese and European Car makers adapted, smaller more cost efficient vehicles replaced the 327's, 409's and 426's, thus the big three were left behind.

That was an amazing analysis of the history on Mars, ever wonder what happened on Earth, the planet where the government actually passed laws that required auto manufacturers to meet fuel economy standards?
17 Million Reasons to Raise the Minimum Wage - ABC News

Who makes minimum wage? | Pew Research Center

I don't usually get this way but I have a visceral dislike for this woman. Anyone who says I or my wife didn't build our businesses needs to say it to our faces and then run like hell.

She lies more than she tells the truth, it is hard to know where to start. Any serious economist says if the banks hadn't gotten bailed out the situation would have gotten worse not better. I didn't like it either, but people like warren never tell you the money was paid back with interest, unlike gm. She doesn't tell you that obamas new Dodd frank regulations are destroying small town banks and just enhancing big banks and she doesn't tell you that the regulations deter big banks from loaning more money to businesses to help the economy. And Paul Ryan wants to get rid of tax breaks for corp and go to a flat type of tax and reform the tax system. And didn't Paul Ryan much against many in his own party create a budget with patty Murray a democrat to move the wheels of govt along.

In trying to educate myself as much as possible in the min wage deal, since it seems to take up so much of USMB threads, I ran across the speech wacky warren made about the min wage and just about threw the iPad across the room. There are somewhere between 2.6 and 3.2 million getting min wage yet warren contends 17 million kids will benefit by an increase in min wage, how does she get away with such brazen bull. And let me give you an example, our waitresses make 4.91 an hour by Florida law but on the weekends they can make 150 to 200 in tips a night which they underreport. They are considered below min wage earners. It has factually been established that if the min wage from the sixties was indexed for inflation it would be in the range of 10.50 an hour. all you democratic diehards that keep talking about not bringing up any facts need to choke on these, cause I got a lot more where these came from.

I can't say it as good as edge, but Elizabeth Warren is an unamerican, unpatriotic, demagoguing, lying, academic, Marxist political whore who is heir apparent in the Democratic Party to Nancy Pelosi?

I have a 1000 word argument to refute Warren.

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Ryan is a career Washington-Insider. He's never held a job in the private sector.

Why do you feel the need to relay false information?

He worked as a salesman, a waiter, a fitness trainer and other job.

I don't see the advantage of lying, however to each his own.
If you think there is a work ethic in the inner city, meet my clients. Healthier than I am yet on disability or social security.

I do have to say that the work ethic problem has spread from the inner city. The Rising generation has severe problems with learning to work hard.

Do you ever wonder why learning to work hard - if that is true - is a problem for some?

Because you are lazy.
My question to the loyal Left here is a simple one...

What have YOUR policies done to make life better in the inner city over the past 40 years? I look at Detroit and I see a wasteland. Is that what the rest of America should look forward to?

Detroit is what happened when capitalism failed.

My point, Random...is that Detroit has been a bastion of progressive politics for decades and it now resembles Chernobyl after the meltdown. It's obvious that progressive policies have NOT been a boon to the residents of that inner city. With that in mind why would any OTHER city or State want to go down the same road with the same progressive policies as Detroit?

As for capitalism failing in Detroit? It's amusing to blame capitalism for not overcoming the double whammy of out of control unions and "leaders" like Kwame Kilpatrick. Capitalism has created more wealth for more people than anything else in the history of mankind but even something as powerful as it is can be brought down by abject stupidity.
What evidence do you have that she is spot on?

Why do you assassinate the character of conservatives, instead of inviting debate?

Sounds a little hypocritical.


The deregulated Wall Street, deregulated by Bush and the majority Republicans, bought up houses and sold them to anyone who would take out a loan, bundled them and sold them overseas as "securities". Insured those securities and collected money from people overseas who bought shitty securities and collected money from insurance companies when the house loans defaulted. It's why insurance companies went bankrupt. Duh! They're called derivatives and has been linked to and explained a million times on this board. It's easy to look up. Easy to find out. There has been books written about it.

Then you have the millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008 and the tens of thousands of factories closed and that has been linked to many, many times.

Then you have the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts, the two unpaid for wars, the trillions thrown away on Iraq, the tens of thousands young Americans maimed in Iraq costing trillions more into the future.

And Republicans blame it all on Democrats for not stopping them. Even though Republicans had so much power they used reconciliation three times under Bush and I bet 99% of Republicans don't even know what for. You can't reason with these people. They don't even know the most recent of history.

Those loans were graded AAA by Fannie and Freddie

Fannie and Freddie had nothing to do with Wall Street Loans. That's why you don't have a link. Unless you find something at Heritage of Breitbart.
I especially like this part...

Warren: “Paul Ryan says don’t blame Wall Street: the guys who made billions of dollars cheating American families. Don’t blame decades of deregulation that took the cops off the beat while the big banks looted the American economy. Don’t blame the Republican Secretary of the Treasury, and the Republican president who set in motion a no-strings-attached bailout for the biggest banks – Nope. Paul Ryan says keep the monies flowing to the powerful corporations, keep their huge tax breaks, keep the special deals for the too-big-to-fail banks and put the blame on hardworking, play-by-the-rules Americans who lost their jobs.”

"Decades of deregulation?" She has obviously never heard of Sarbanes-Oxley. She blames Republicans for the housing crisis created by both the GOP and Pres. Clinton in the 1990s. She also obviously doesn't know that the current President supported Bush's financial bailout.

Obama Asks Bush to Seek TARP Funds From Congress (Update3) - Bloomberg

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

I'm not sure what inner cities she works in but I spend a few days a month in Tampa and Orlando in Medicaid enrollment centers. Those inner cities aren't suffering from a lack of jobs, they are suffering from a lack of will to work.

Well yea. You can't just let the entire world economy crash and burn because of ignorant and greedy Republicans.

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