Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

Swiiiiing and a miss. That's 0-for-5 now. And it speaks volumes about your source for whatever cockamamie bullshit that link goes to.

So you didn't scroll down...

Didn't need to. I asked YOU. And you failed.

So did the hack writer, claiming in his sublink "she lied" -- also without backing it up. Which he doesn't do because he can't, which is because it's a myth for the gullible.

Nice planet, where you can just write your own realities based on nothing.
I won't be visiting. I like solid ground.

I really can't help it that you are such a dumb bitch, that you wouldn't KNOW to scroll down!!! But hell when you have fought over

1. The KKK wasn't formed by Democrats
2. Declared Boko Harem wasn't about religion when they forced the girls to convert
3. Had no idea the Hillary LIED about being named after Sir E. Hillary
4. Fought that Fracking only produced natural gas!
5.Said I commited fraud when I stated 19 people had Thanked me for a post
6. And who did you bet $1 million dollars and welched on the deal?

Seems you're 0 for 6 but I do have 2-3 more if you need them! Fucking OCD girl!

Not an answer, is it?
Wassamatta? Caught in a myth and can't get out? :smiliehug:

I gave you the answer twice, and now you're back again, and STILL don't understand....Besides, I enjoyed showing what a fucking :ahole-1: you are, especially when you TRY to make others look bad, when you are worse! Perhaps I won't do that next time, I'll simply

So....... still nothing then huh?
So you didn't scroll down...

Didn't need to. I asked YOU. And you failed.

So did the hack writer, claiming in his sublink "she lied" -- also without backing it up. Which he doesn't do because he can't, which is because it's a myth for the gullible.

Nice planet, where you can just write your own realities based on nothing.
I won't be visiting. I like solid ground.

I really can't help it that you are such a dumb bitch, that you wouldn't KNOW to scroll down!!! But hell when you have fought over

1. The KKK wasn't formed by Democrats
2. Declared Boko Harem wasn't about religion when they forced the girls to convert
3. Had no idea the Hillary LIED about being named after Sir E. Hillary
4. Fought that Fracking only produced natural gas!
5.Said I commited fraud when I stated 19 people had Thanked me for a post
6. And who did you bet $1 million dollars and welched on the deal?

Seems you're 0 for 6 but I do have 2-3 more if you need them! Fucking OCD girl!

Not an answer, is it?
Wassamatta? Caught in a myth and can't get out? :smiliehug:

I gave you the answer twice, and now you're back again, and STILL don't understand....Besides, I enjoyed showing what a fucking :ahole-1: you are, especially when you TRY to make others look bad, when you are worse! Perhaps I won't do that next time, I'll simply

So....... still nothing then huh?

I thought you had OVERCOME your OCD!!! Apparently, being butt fucked has knocked the shit out of whatever you had left as a brain... But this is the 4th post on my BITCH SLAP of you, perhaps I will bookmark this one with another 2-3 posts on this! Can make this #9 of your CRAZIES!!!
Poor Pissyante. Paints self into corner with bogus myth, gets exposed, can't admit own gullibility, proceeds to melt down like a soggy tuna sandwich.

And only rich people use them, right? That's why Warren wants to make them pay more taxes.

"You didn't build that" applies to everyone, not just rich people. EVERYONE uses roads and bridges, so EVERYONE should be paying more for them, not just rich people.
Wouldn't you agree that rich people benefit most from the society that everyone has created?

Society and government are two separate things. Why is government entitled to anything because of benefits that society provides?
OK, we've parsed this one before but I'll repeat it.
According to the Lib Doctrine: no one got wealthy on their own. Society made them wealthy. Therefore their money isnt really theirs. It belongs to society. They just happened to be i the right place at the right time. Like winning the lottery.
So government really has a duty to take as much of that wealth as voters want and redistribute it to the people, whose money it is anyway.
Seriously, they actually believe this.

I know all that, but I wanted some lame-assed liberal to respond with some pathetic attempt to justify government looting the earnings of the productive members of society so I could tear him apart.

Our richest taxpayers have the lowest effective tax rate in history
That is why they fear Elizabeth Warren. She stirs up the masses

They pay the vast bulk of taxes. Furthermore, your desire to loot them couldn't be more obvious. Why else would you attempt to villify them with every other sentence?
Society and government are two separate things. Why is government entitled to anything because of benefits that society provides?
OK, we've parsed this one before but I'll repeat it.
According to the Lib Doctrine: no one got wealthy on their own. Society made them wealthy. Therefore their money isnt really theirs. It belongs to society. They just happened to be i the right place at the right time. Like winning the lottery.
So government really has a duty to take as much of that wealth as voters want and redistribute it to the people, whose money it is anyway.
Seriously, they actually believe this.

I know all that, but I wanted some lame-assed liberal to respond with some pathetic attempt to justify government looting the earnings of the productive members of society so I could tear him apart.

Our richest taxpayers have the lowest effective tax rate in history
That is why they fear Elizabeth Warren. She stirs up the masses
What's the tax rate for the bottom 40% of earners?
Oh, yeah.
What should it be on the portion of the population that has 4 tenths of a percent of our nations wealth?

The same rate as everyone else pays. Whatever happened to the liberal idea that everyone should "have some skin in the game?"
Liz Warren is now claiming that she's also related to Napoleon.

Oh, wait. She's saying she is Napoleon!
She was a lonely, nutty housewife, going nowhere when she decided to tell the Big Lie and check the "American Indian" box.

You, Frank, were the only poster to even attempt an answer (yesterday), which as I pointed out the same day, utterly fails as it does nothing but pose questions without answering any.

So if we count this post that's 0-for-7.

She has no Cherokee ancestors.


We've show you repeatedly her ancestors actually murdered Cherokees

What do you have besides her cheekbones?
Swiiiiing and a miss. That's 0-for-5 now. And it speaks volumes about your source for whatever cockamamie bullshit that link goes to.

Our sources > Liz Warren's High Cheekbones

Make it 0-for-6.

Basically you believe anything she says

Actually burden of proof is yours. The contention is "she lied". The evidence? I'm hearing crickets.

You're hearing cheekbones
Warren was qualified to teach at Harvard and Penn...but she did have the Liberal proclivity for claiming noble victim status, she did list herself as Minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty...she admitted that.
She was a lonely, nutty housewife, going nowhere when she decided to tell the Big Lie and check the "American Indian" box.

You, Frank, were the only poster to even attempt an answer (yesterday), which as I pointed out the same day, utterly fails as it does nothing but pose questions without answering any.

So if we count this post that's 0-for-7.

She has no Cherokee ancestors.


And your proof is.......... oh that's right, it never showed up.

We've show you repeatedly her ancestors actually murdered Cherokees

I didn't really look at that so I don't know if you did (and considering your track record of veracity so far I have serious doubts) but even if true, how does that support your mythology? Is it impossible for one Cherokee to murder another? Is it impossible for both oppressor and oppressed castes to be members of the same family over time? Do tell.

What do you have besides her cheekbones?

This record, from 2½ years ago...
The fact that she's from freaking Oklahoma...
>> "I'm not exaggerating at all when I say the majority of white people in Oklahoma -- a real majority -- will say, I'm Cherokee.' It's an interesting state in that way," Tallbear said. "To me, this whole story says a lot more about being an Oklahoman than anything else." -- The Myth of Native American Blood <<
Couple of Pinnocchios awarded Scott Brown here for trying to float this thing...
The video of Scott Brown trying to back away from the whole thing (top of first link)...
And the complete dearth of evidence to the contrary.

What do you have? Oh yes, cheekbones.
She lied and didn't it have something to do with getting a scholarship?

Just like Obama's college stating he was Kenyan and later his publisher claiming the same. Of course, typos both times, according to the left. Did Obama benefit from lying that he was from Kenya?

absolutely, positively, and most emphatically ......, YES !!

She lied and didn't it have something to do with getting a scholarship?

Just like Obama's college stating he was Kenyan and later his publisher claiming the same. Of course, typos both times, according to the left. Did Obama benefit from lying that he was from Kenya?

absolutely, positively, and most emphatically ......, YES !!

And here we go again....
Where did O'bama claim to be from Kenya?
She was a lonely, nutty housewife, going nowhere when she decided to tell the Big Lie and check the "American Indian" box.

You, Frank, were the only poster to even attempt an answer (yesterday), which as I pointed out the same day, utterly fails as it does nothing but pose questions without answering any.

So if we count this post that's 0-for-7.

She has no Cherokee ancestors.


And your proof is.......... oh that's right, it never showed up.

We've show you repeatedly her ancestors actually murdered Cherokees

I didn't really look at that so I don't know if you did (and considering your track record of veracity so far I have serious doubts) but even if true, how does that support your mythology? Is it impossible for one Cherokee to murder another? Is it impossible for both oppressor and oppressed castes to be members of the same family over time? Do tell.

What do you have besides her cheekbones?

This record, from 2½ years ago...
The fact that she's from freaking Oklahoma...
>> "I'm not exaggerating at all when I say the majority of white people in Oklahoma -- a real majority -- will say, I'm Cherokee.' It's an interesting state in that way," Tallbear said. "To me, this whole story says a lot more about being an Oklahoman than anything else." -- The Myth of Native American Blood <<
Couple of Pinnocchios awarded Scott Brown here for trying to float this thing...
The video of Scott Brown trying to back away from the whole thing (top of first link)...
And the complete dearth of evidence to the contrary.

What do you have? Oh yes, cheekbones.

To the contrary of what? The article states that Warren claimed minority status in some documents with no evidence to back that up...the reason they gave Brown a couple of Pinocchios was because he went to far in accusing her of using an undocumented claim to get a position...he could not prove that specific claim because it appears she was qualified...

and so Warren is an Oklahoman not a Cherokee
She was a lonely, nutty housewife, going nowhere when she decided to tell the Big Lie and check the "American Indian" box.

You, Frank, were the only poster to even attempt an answer (yesterday), which as I pointed out the same day, utterly fails as it does nothing but pose questions without answering any.

So if we count this post that's 0-for-7.

She has no Cherokee ancestors.


And your proof is.......... oh that's right, it never showed up.

We've show you repeatedly her ancestors actually murdered Cherokees

I didn't really look at that so I don't know if you did (and considering your track record of veracity so far I have serious doubts) but even if true, how does that support your mythology? Is it impossible for one Cherokee to murder another? Is it impossible for both oppressor and oppressed castes to be members of the same family over time? Do tell.

What do you have besides her cheekbones?

This record, from 2½ years ago...
The fact that she's from freaking Oklahoma...
>> "I'm not exaggerating at all when I say the majority of white people in Oklahoma -- a real majority -- will say, I'm Cherokee.' It's an interesting state in that way," Tallbear said. "To me, this whole story says a lot more about being an Oklahoman than anything else." -- The Myth of Native American Blood <<
Couple of Pinnocchios awarded Scott Brown here for trying to float this thing...
The video of Scott Brown trying to back away from the whole thing (top of first link)...
And the complete dearth of evidence to the contrary.

What do you have? Oh yes, cheekbones.

To the contrary of what? The article states that Warren claimed minority status in some documents with no evidence to back that up...the reason they gave Brown a couple of Pinocchios was because he went to far in accusing her of using an undocumented claim to get a position...he could not prove that specific claim because it appears she was qualified...

and so Warren is an Oklahoman not a Cherokee

"To the contrary" means it's these wags' burden of proof to show that she "lied" -- which requires them to prove that she has no Cherokee/Delaware blood -- which they can't do. Not that she said there is and they don't believe it, but that it does not exist.

That they can't prove that negative is not the point of interest here -- we all know they can't . What's interesting is that they'lll never admit to being unable to prove that, or that they've been running on mythology and empty ipse dixit the whole time. Another day or two they'll be right back to the same myth all over again as if all of this never happened. Just like Birferism.

I just find that kind of partisan-hack denialism psychologically fascinating.
She was a lonely, nutty housewife, going nowhere when she decided to tell the Big Lie and check the "American Indian" box.

You, Frank, were the only poster to even attempt an answer (yesterday), which as I pointed out the same day, utterly fails as it does nothing but pose questions without answering any.

So if we count this post that's 0-for-7.

She has no Cherokee ancestors.


And your proof is.......... oh that's right, it never showed up.

We've show you repeatedly her ancestors actually murdered Cherokees

I didn't really look at that so I don't know if you did (and considering your track record of veracity so far I have serious doubts) but even if true, how does that support your mythology? Is it impossible for one Cherokee to murder another? Is it impossible for both oppressor and oppressed castes to be members of the same family over time? Do tell.

What do you have besides her cheekbones?

This record, from 2½ years ago...
The fact that she's from freaking Oklahoma...
>> "I'm not exaggerating at all when I say the majority of white people in Oklahoma -- a real majority -- will say, I'm Cherokee.' It's an interesting state in that way," Tallbear said. "To me, this whole story says a lot more about being an Oklahoman than anything else." -- The Myth of Native American Blood <<
Couple of Pinnocchios awarded Scott Brown here for trying to float this thing...
The video of Scott Brown trying to back away from the whole thing (top of first link)...
And the complete dearth of evidence to the contrary.

What do you have? Oh yes, cheekbones.

To the contrary of what? The article states that Warren claimed minority status in some documents with no evidence to back that up...the reason they gave Brown a couple of Pinocchios was because he went to far in accusing her of using an undocumented claim to get a position...he could not prove that specific claim because it appears she was qualified...

and so Warren is an Oklahoman not a Cherokee

"To the contrary" means it's these wags' burden of proof to show that she "lied" -- which requires them to prove that she has no Cherokee/Delaware blood -- which they can't do. Not that she said there is and they don't believe it.

That they can't prove that negative is not the point of interest here -- we all know they can't . What's interesting is that they'lll never admit to being unable to prove that, or that they've been running on fumes the whole time. Another day or two they'll be right back to it as if all of this never happened.

I just find that kind of partisan-hack denialism psychologically fascinating.

Nope...it's something she has claimed time and again, a claim she cannot document, when she made the claim on the Directory of Law Professors she should have met the Cherokee or Deleware tribe requirements, she doesn't, in reality she embellished or lied....and if you read your own link you will come to understand that Tallbear is explaining why a claim of Native American has to be backed by documentation....

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