Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

Does that mean I can claim minority status for being a princess? Daddy said I was a princess, and there really aren't very many princesses in the world. I'm sure plenty of people are discriminatory against princesses too.
:( Life is so unfair.

Maybe you can... :dunno:

But Warren didn't, as far as anyone has been able to....

what is the word again...

Oh yes -- PROVE.

Yes she did. The proof is in the links.

Funny how you can't quote them then.
That's always the problem with things that don't exist. Ya try to cut and paste, nothin' shows up. :itsok:

I've already done that multiple times throughout the thread, but like Beaky Buzzard, you just keep saying, nope, nope, nope. Lol. :D

See what I mean?

Yes, you should pimp out your services to Liz so she can come up with better lies. Obviously you are good at lying, huh?
Doesn't matter --- they don't need it. YOU do. Your quest is the negative. That's what you need in your hand when you declare something does not exist. Which is the corner you paint yourself into when you go "she lied".

Nope, we aren't required to prove a negative. If Fauxahontas can't domenostrate any Indian heritage, then no one is required to believe she has any.

That much is true. But that's not the issue.
What these clowns keep assertting is "she lied". In order for that to be true it has to be proven that (a) she has no N-Am blood and (b) knows that.

That's exactly what they can't show. Either one. So yes, proving a negative is exactly the task. Because the negative was asserted.
Matter of fact we have that genealogist with the document from 1894 for the former and her siblings recounting the same family history for the latter, so they've both been shot down in flames.

Yet they go on. No one knows why.

It's even been suggested they know because "she doesn't look like one" which recalls the onty Python witch scene and is the reason for that bunch of pictures above.

Yet they plug on. No one knows why.

No wonder you believe in global warming. You have no understanding of logic.

I believe I just demonstrated where the logical chasm is.

Oh and you're welcome to quote these posts of mine on "global warming" speaking of things that don't exist..

It's also obvious by the numerous links that I and others have posted that she is dishonest. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that out. :D

Ah, taking the Dante approach -- speaking in the third person. That's always fun.

"I and others" is not third person. Duh.

"she is dishonest" however -- is. :coffee:
But not Elizabeth. I'll bet all of THOSE people have other such documentation to verify their heritage other than "stories from my mother." :D

Doesn't matter --- they don't need it. YOU do. Your quest is the negative. That's what you need in your hand when you declare something does not exist. Which is the corner you paint yourself into when you go "she lied".

Nope, we aren't required to prove a negative. If Fauxahontas can't domenostrate any Indian heritage, then no one is required to believe she has any.

That much is true. But that's not the issue.
What these clowns keep assertting is "she lied". In order for that to be true it has to be proven that (a) she has no N-Am blood and (b) knows that.

That's exactly what they can't show. Either one. So yes, proving a negative is exactly the task. Because the negative was asserted.
Matter of fact we have that genealogist with the document from 1894 for the former and her siblings recounting the same family history for the latter, so they've both been shot down in flames.

Yet they go on. No one knows why.

It's even been suggested they know because "she doesn't look like one" which recalls the onty Python witch scene and is the reason for that bunch of pictures above.

Yet they plug on. No one knows why.

No wonder you believe in global warming. You have no understanding of logic.

I believe I just demonstrated where the logical chasm is.

Oh and you're welcome to quote these posts of mine on "global warming" speaking of things that don't exist..

Well, she applied as a native American. Therefore, she is either really, really stupid, or she is dishonest. Which one?

And since you have no proof of that whatsoever -- how do you claim to know that?

Pick one. Stupid or dishonest. She is either one or the other. Even I would have known not claim to be a minority based on stories told to me by my family. So, is she just dumb or dishonest? :D
Nope, we aren't required to prove a negative. If Fauxahontas can't domenostrate any Indian heritage, then no one is required to believe she has any.

That much is true. But that's not the issue.
What these clowns keep assertting is "she lied". In order for that to be true it has to be proven that (a) she has no N-Am blood and (b) knows that.

That's exactly what they can't show. Either one. So yes, proving a negative is exactly the task. Because the negative was asserted.
Matter of fact we have that genealogist with the document from 1894 for the former and her siblings recounting the same family history for the latter, so they've both been shot down in flames.

Yet they go on. No one knows why.

It's even been suggested they know because "she doesn't look like one" which recalls the onty Python witch scene and is the reason for that bunch of pictures above.

Yet they plug on. No one knows why.

No wonder you believe in global warming. You have no understanding of logic.

I believe I just demonstrated where the logical chasm is.

Oh and you're welcome to quote these posts of mine on "global warming" speaking of things that don't exist..

It's also obvious by the numerous links that I and others have posted that she is dishonest. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that out. :D

Ah, taking the Dante approach -- speaking in the third person. That's always fun.

"I and others" is not third person. Duh.

"she is dishonest" however -- is. :coffee:

That was pathetic.
Maybe you can... :dunno:

But Warren didn't, as far as anyone has been able to....

what is the word again...

Oh yes -- PROVE.

Yes she did. The proof is in the links.

Funny how you can't quote them then.
That's always the problem with things that don't exist. Ya try to cut and paste, nothin' shows up. :itsok:

I've already done that multiple times throughout the thread, but like Beaky Buzzard, you just keep saying, nope, nope, nope. Lol. :D

See what I mean?

Yes, you should pimp out your services to Liz so she can come up with better lies. Obviously you are good at lying, huh?

I suck at lying.

Can I get lessons? Far as I understand you just lay it out and then go :lalala: when it's disproven, is that it?

Seems easy -- but how do you sleep?
Yes she did. The proof is in the links.

Funny how you can't quote them then.
That's always the problem with things that don't exist. Ya try to cut and paste, nothin' shows up. :itsok:

I've already done that multiple times throughout the thread, but like Beaky Buzzard, you just keep saying, nope, nope, nope. Lol. :D

See what I mean?

Yes, you should pimp out your services to Liz so she can come up with better lies. Obviously you are good at lying, huh?

I suck at lying.

Can I get lessons? Far as I understand you just lay it out and then go :lalala: when it's disproven, is that it?

Seems easy -- but how do you sleep?
No, you've been at here for a while now making up lies on behalf of Fauxcahontas. Lol.
That much is true. But that's not the issue.
What these clowns keep assertting is "she lied". In order for that to be true it has to be proven that (a) she has no N-Am blood and (b) knows that.

That's exactly what they can't show. Either one. So yes, proving a negative is exactly the task. Because the negative was asserted.
Matter of fact we have that genealogist with the document from 1894 for the former and her siblings recounting the same family history for the latter, so they've both been shot down in flames.

Yet they go on. No one knows why.

It's even been suggested they know because "she doesn't look like one" which recalls the onty Python witch scene and is the reason for that bunch of pictures above.

Yet they plug on. No one knows why.

I believe I just demonstrated where the logical chasm is.

Oh and you're welcome to quote these posts of mine on "global warming" speaking of things that don't exist..

It's also obvious by the numerous links that I and others have posted that she is dishonest. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that out. :D

Ah, taking the Dante approach -- speaking in the third person. That's always fun.

"I and others" is not third person. Duh.

"she is dishonest" however -- is. :coffee:

That was pathetic.

No, that was the basic laws of grammar.
It's also obvious by the numerous links that I and others have posted that she is dishonest. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that out. :D

Ah, taking the Dante approach -- speaking in the third person. That's always fun.

"I and others" is not third person. Duh.

"she is dishonest" however -- is. :coffee:

That was pathetic.

No, that was the basic laws of grammar.

No, that is you being stupid, like Elizabeth Warren. Lol. ;)
Doesn't matter --- they don't need it. YOU do. Your quest is the negative. That's what you need in your hand when you declare something does not exist. Which is the corner you paint yourself into when you go "she lied".

Nope, we aren't required to prove a negative. If Fauxahontas can't domenostrate any Indian heritage, then no one is required to believe she has any.

That much is true. But that's not the issue.
What these clowns keep assertting is "she lied". In order for that to be true it has to be proven that (a) she has no N-Am blood and (b) knows that.

That's exactly what they can't show. Either one. So yes, proving a negative is exactly the task. Because the negative was asserted.
Matter of fact we have that genealogist with the document from 1894 for the former and her siblings recounting the same family history for the latter, so they've both been shot down in flames.

Yet they go on. No one knows why.

It's even been suggested they know because "she doesn't look like one" which recalls the onty Python witch scene and is the reason for that bunch of pictures above.

Yet they plug on. No one knows why.

No wonder you believe in global warming. You have no understanding of logic.

I believe I just demonstrated where the logical chasm is.

Oh and you're welcome to quote these posts of mine on "global warming" speaking of things that don't exist..

Well, she applied as a native American. Therefore, she is either really, really stupid, or she is dishonest. Which one?

And since you have no proof of that whatsoever -- how do you claim to know that?

Pick one. Stupid or dishonest. She is either one or the other. Even I would have known not claim to be a minority based on stories told to me by my family. So, is she just dumb or dishonest? :D

Pick one huh? This is like reading a restaurant menu. Let's see the choices again?


I just can't decide. Which one do you think "looks more Cherokee"?

The funny part about a possible Warren candidacy is the fact that there are elements in both "major" parties who are against "too big to fail" and over-the-top corporate influence.

They're afraid to talk to each other, of course, which could make for some delightfully awkward situations in 2016.

Nope, we aren't required to prove a negative. If Fauxahontas can't domenostrate any Indian heritage, then no one is required to believe she has any.

That much is true. But that's not the issue.
What these clowns keep assertting is "she lied". In order for that to be true it has to be proven that (a) she has no N-Am blood and (b) knows that.

That's exactly what they can't show. Either one. So yes, proving a negative is exactly the task. Because the negative was asserted.
Matter of fact we have that genealogist with the document from 1894 for the former and her siblings recounting the same family history for the latter, so they've both been shot down in flames.

Yet they go on. No one knows why.

It's even been suggested they know because "she doesn't look like one" which recalls the onty Python witch scene and is the reason for that bunch of pictures above.

Yet they plug on. No one knows why.

No wonder you believe in global warming. You have no understanding of logic.

I believe I just demonstrated where the logical chasm is.

Oh and you're welcome to quote these posts of mine on "global warming" speaking of things that don't exist..

Well, she applied as a native American. Therefore, she is either really, really stupid, or she is dishonest. Which one?

And since you have no proof of that whatsoever -- how do you claim to know that?

Pick one. Stupid or dishonest. She is either one or the other. Even I would have known not claim to be a minority based on stories told to me by my family. So, is she just dumb or dishonest? :D

Pick one huh? This is like reading a restaurant menu. Let's see the choices again?


I just can't decide. Which one do you think "looks more Cherokee"?

The one thing accurate that Elizabeth and the above straw men have in common though is no brain. :D Lol. Oh, if she only had a brain, she wouldn't have done something SO stupid.
Ah, taking the Dante approach -- speaking in the third person. That's always fun.

"I and others" is not third person. Duh.

"she is dishonest" however -- is. :coffee:

That was pathetic.

No, that was the basic laws of grammar.

No, that is you being stupid, like Elizabeth Warren. Lol. ;)

Yuh huh.

So let's recap... things we "know" based on nothing:

  • Elizabeth Warren is not Native American
  • Elizabeth Warren is not female
  • "She" is not a third person pronoun

DO go on....
That much is true. But that's not the issue.
What these clowns keep assertting is "she lied". In order for that to be true it has to be proven that (a) she has no N-Am blood and (b) knows that.

That's exactly what they can't show. Either one. So yes, proving a negative is exactly the task. Because the negative was asserted.
Matter of fact we have that genealogist with the document from 1894 for the former and her siblings recounting the same family history for the latter, so they've both been shot down in flames.

Yet they go on. No one knows why.

It's even been suggested they know because "she doesn't look like one" which recalls the onty Python witch scene and is the reason for that bunch of pictures above.

Yet they plug on. No one knows why.

I believe I just demonstrated where the logical chasm is.

Oh and you're welcome to quote these posts of mine on "global warming" speaking of things that don't exist..

Well, she applied as a native American. Therefore, she is either really, really stupid, or she is dishonest. Which one?

And since you have no proof of that whatsoever -- how do you claim to know that?

Pick one. Stupid or dishonest. She is either one or the other. Even I would have known not claim to be a minority based on stories told to me by my family. So, is she just dumb or dishonest? :D

Pick one huh? This is like reading a restaurant menu. Let's see the choices again?


I just can't decide. Which one do you think "looks more Cherokee"?

The one thing accurate that Elizabeth and the above straw men have in common though is no brain. :D Lol. Oh, if she only had a brain, she wouldn't have done something SO stupid.

"So stupid" as to.... be born in Oklahoma? Or to have indigenous blood?
You think she -- what, had a transfusion?
I know that I was passed over for at least two jobs in favor of women. They told me straight out, "you were the most qualified but we had to hire a woman". That real enough?

You were trying to get a job in a waxing salon....we know you haven't seen any pussy in years, but could you blame them?

Broadcasting actually. I knew both of the applicants hired. We're all part of the same business community.

How's the skirt?
Is this the face of a U.S. president or an irate old shrew who found her morning newspaper in the bushes? :eek-52:

Didn't she claim, like Ward Churchill, that she's an injun? :alcoholic:
IMG]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ylPFLz0rDt0/T5tMyGhwGFI/AAAAAAAAFXk/T42DXhupzeE/s400/Warren Counsils Tribes Chief.png[/IMG]

Has she always been a lunatic....I guess so...here she is at a "sock hop" back in the 50's...


And finally...how crazy is she? Compared to who? :uhoh3:

could you be a little bit more coherent? what are you trying to say -- in words?
It’s important to note that entrance and advancement in the law school profession is governed by the Association of American Law Schools, which requires registrants interested in teaching at law schools to fill out a questionnaire detailing their education, experience, bar passage and, yes, ethnicity. This information is then disseminated to law schools around the country that, as Warren surely knew, are always on the lookout to add to the diversity of their faculty.

^^ STILL posting links to "Page Not Found".

That about sums it up, donut?

Apparently YOU don't have the IQ to Click on the link that was provided TWICE before, you dumb CU*T! Here it is for the last time...I clicked and KNOW it works!:ahole-1:

Elizabeth Warren Glosses Over Native American Controversy in New Book - US News
It’s important to note that entrance and advancement in the law school profession is governed by the Association of American Law Schools, which requires registrants interested in teaching at law schools to fill out a questionnaire detailing their education, experience, bar passage and, yes, ethnicity. This information is then disseminated to law schools around the country that, as Warren surely knew, are always on the lookout to add to the diversity of their faculty.

^^ STILL posting links to "Page Not Found".

That about sums it up, donut?

Apparently YOU don't have the IQ to Click on the link that was provided TWICE before, you dumb CU*T! Here it is for the last time...I clicked and KNOW it works!:ahole-1:

Elizabeth Warren Glosses Over Native American Controversy in New Book - US News

Do you or do you not see the words "fill out a questionnaire" in bold red as a link, poster boy??
Well that link DOES NOT WORK. It goes to "Page Not Found" --which is the same place it has gone every time you posted it, Dumbass.

Now then on to your present link, which you kept quoting without linking, Dumbass, an opinion piece written by a self-described Republican operative who never makes a case either...

>>“Everyone on our mother’s side — aunts, uncles, and grandparents — talked openly about their Native American ancestry. My brothers and I grew up on stories about our grandfather building one-room schoolhouses and about our grandparents’ courtship and their early lives together in Indian Territory.”

This is ironic because, until the Boston Herald first broke the news in April 2012 that Harvard Law School had repeatedly promoted Warren as a Native American faculty member, Warren never once mentioned these stories of her upbringing in a single press interview, speech, class lecture or testimony at any point, ever, in her decades-long career. What's more, Warren was not listed as a minority on her transcript from George Washington University where she began her undergraduate education, nor did she list herself as a minority when applying to Rutgers University Law School in 1973. <<
-- trying to sway the gullible apparently (that's you Dumbass) that the fact that she didn't bring it up means it did not (at that time) exist. Which doesn't work, since absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

We move on:
>> In fact, it was not until she was in her 30s and focused on climbing the highly competitive ladder of law school academia that Warren apparently rediscovered her Native American heritage. It’s important to note that entrance and advancement in the law school profession is governed by the Association of American Law Schools, which requires registrants interested in teaching at law schools to fill out a questionnaire detailing their education, experience, bar passage and, yes, ethnicity. This information is then disseminated to law schools around the country that, as Warren surely knew, are always on the lookout to add to the diversity of their faculty.

A copy of Warren's questionnaire currently resides in the Association of American Law Schools archives at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. However, only Warren herself has the authority to release the complete copy of her questionnaire and to date, she has refused to do so.<<​

"In fact", these are, again, the two links that go nowhere. Thus no evidence is offered, no point made. Speculation is not a point.

Moving on...

>> Her opposition to such transparency can perhaps be understood in the documented fact that in the years thereafter, starting in 1986, Warren began self-reporting herself as a "minority professor" in the Association of American Law Schools staff directory that lists all law school professors around the country. As the former association chairman told the Boston Herald, the directory once served a tip sheet for law school administrators, in the pre-Internet days, who were looking to identify and recruit minority professors.

Remarkably, Warren's explanation to the Boston Herald was that she listed herself as a minority in the hopes that she would be invited to a luncheon so she could meet "people who are like I am" and she stopped checking the box when that didn't happen. Perhaps it "didn't happen" because at no point, at any of the schools she attended or worked at, is there any evidence that Warren ever joined any Native American organizations on campus or in any way interacted with anyone in the Native American community. <<​

More speculation, still no facts. See the phrase "can perhaps be understood"? Weasel words for, again, Gullible's Travels. If the writer had evidence he wouldn't need to fall back on suggestive weasel words that have no proof. He goes on to commit a classic Fallacy of Composition: IF this list was used (among other uses) for recruiting, and IF subject listed herself thusly, THEN she must have done so for that reason.

Uh-uh. Does not follow; non sequitur. Can't get there from here.

>> That did not however, stop Warren from continuing to self-report as a Native American minority. The New York Times reported in May 2012 that Warren was listed as a minority recipient of a teaching award years earlier at the University of Pennsylvania where she had advanced after teaching at several non-Ivy League law schools. Notably, Penn declined to explain to the Times why Warren was listed as a minority.

[ Check out our editorial cartoons on President Obama.]

From Penn, Warren moved on to Harvard Law School, where her Native American heritage was touted in multiple articles, including a Fordham Law Review piece that lauded her as Harvard Law's " first woman of color." Even as recently as 2011, it appears Warren was listed as the lone Native American faculty member on the school's 2011 "diversity report," though like Penn, Harvard also refused to comment. <<
Again, these would be questions for Penn, Harvard and Fordham. Interesting that among his "multiple articles" he can cite a total of one, the link to which makes clear Fordham did it, not Warren. Very likely some university bureaucrat working with thirdhand info. You know, like the one that printed the brochure saying O'bama was born in Kenya.

Ever worked in an institutional bureaucracy, Dumbass? I have, in fact one of the universities cited here. There's a hell of a lot of accuracy that can fall through the cracks before it gets committed to paper. And a hell of a lot of levels, sub-levels and sub-sub levels to filter through.

>> Yet, when the Herald first broke the story in April 2012, Warren claimed she "had no idea" that Harvard had touted her Native American status and claimed she did not "recall" ever citing her Native American heritage when applying for a job. In the months afterward, Warren ducked, dodged and stonewalled subsequent questions, eventually wearing-out the press, and succeeded in winning an election without ever releasing any records that might substantiate those claims. <<​

Translation from Weasel: "we couldn't find anything".
No shit, Sherlock.

>> Whether Warren falsely claimed to be a minority in order to game the system and advance her career is a question that goes to the heart of her honesty and integrity. It's also a question that will confront her if she ever seeks higher office. <<
-- and a question that still lacks any evidence to the positive, though we do have statements on the record from those who hired her saying the contrary. Just as we have her siblings recounting the same stories and the geneaological record from 1894, but let's continue to sweep those under the rug. It's worth noting however that something else that also "goes to the heart of honesty and integrity" is pressing on and on with a conspiracy theory that has already been shown to be absent a basis other than wispy speculation.

Which is all you have here, poster-boy: speculation in an opinion piece, using weasel words and suggestions, from an admitted operative for the opposite political party.

Which falls juuuuuuust a wee bit short of "proof" of anything beyond that you're willing to swallow whatever bubbilicious babble fits your fairy tale, while continuing to ignore the inconvenient bits that tend to shoot it out of the sky.
Last edited:
It’s important to note that entrance and advancement in the law school profession is governed by the Association of American Law Schools, which requires registrants interested in teaching at law schools to fill out a questionnaire detailing their education, experience, bar passage and, yes, ethnicity. This information is then disseminated to law schools around the country that, as Warren surely knew, are always on the lookout to add to the diversity of their faculty.

^^ STILL posting links to "Page Not Found".

That about sums it up, donut?

Apparently YOU don't have the IQ to Click on the link that was provided TWICE before, you dumb CU*T! Here it is for the last time...I clicked and KNOW it works!:ahole-1:

Elizabeth Warren Glosses Over Native American Controversy in New Book - US News

Do you or do you not see the words "fill out a questionnaire" in bold red as a link, poster boy??
Well that link DOES NOT WORK. It goes to "Page Not Found" --which is the same place it has gone every time you posted it, Dumbass.

Now then on to your present link, which you kept quoting without linking, Dumbass, an opinion piece written by a self-described Republican operative who never makes a case either...

>>“Everyone on our mother’s side — aunts, uncles, and grandparents — talked openly about their Native American ancestry. My brothers and I grew up on stories about our grandfather building one-room schoolhouses and about our grandparents’ courtship and their early lives together in Indian Territory.”

This is ironic because, until the Boston Herald first broke the news in April 2012 that Harvard Law School had repeatedly promoted Warren as a Native American faculty member, Warren never once mentioned these stories of her upbringing in a single press interview, speech, class lecture or testimony at any point, ever, in her decades-long career. What's more, Warren was not listed as a minority on her transcript from George Washington University where she began her undergraduate education, nor did she list herself as a minority when applying to Rutgers University Law School in 1973. <<
-- trying to sway the gullible apparently (that's you Dumbass) that the fact that she didn't bring it up means it did not (at that time) exist. Which doesn't work, since absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

We move on:
>> In fact, it was not until she was in her 30s and focused on climbing the highly competitive ladder of law school academia that Warren apparently rediscovered her Native American heritage. It’s important to note that entrance and advancement in the law school profession is governed by the Association of American Law Schools, which requires registrants interested in teaching at law schools to fill out a questionnaire detailing their education, experience, bar passage and, yes, ethnicity. This information is then disseminated to law schools around the country that, as Warren surely knew, are always on the lookout to add to the diversity of their faculty.

A copy of Warren's questionnaire currently resides in the Association of American Law Schools archives at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. However, only Warren herself has the authority to release the complete copy of her questionnaire and to date, she has refused to do so.<<​

"In fact", these are, again, the two links that go nowhere. Thus no evidence is offered, no point made. Speculation is not a point.

Moving on...

>> Her opposition to such transparency can perhaps be understood in the documented fact that in the years thereafter, starting in 1986, Warren began self-reporting herself as a "minority professor" in the Association of American Law Schools staff directory that lists all law school professors around the country. As the former association chairman told the Boston Herald, the directory once served a tip sheet for law school administrators, in the pre-Internet days, who were looking to identify and recruit minority professors.

Remarkably, Warren's explanation to the Boston Herald was that she listed herself as a minority in the hopes that she would be invited to a luncheon so she could meet "people who are like I am" and she stopped checking the box when that didn't happen. Perhaps it "didn't happen" because at no point, at any of the schools she attended or worked at, is there any evidence that Warren ever joined any Native American organizations on campus or in any way interacted with anyone in the Native American community. <<​

More speculation, still no facts. See the phrase "can perhaps be understood"? Weasel words for, again, Gullible's Travels. If the writer had evidence he wouldn't need to fall back on suggestive weasel words that have no proof. He goes on to commit a classic Fallacy of Composition: IF this list was used (among other uses) for recruiting, and IF subject listed herself thusly, THEN she must have done so for that reason.

Uh-uh. Does not follow; non sequitur. Can't get there from here.

>> That did not however, stop Warren from continuing to self-report as a Native American minority. The New York Times reported in May 2012 that Warren was listed as a minority recipient of a teaching award years earlier at the University of Pennsylvania where she had advanced after teaching at several non-Ivy League law schools. Notably, Penn declined to explain to the Times why Warren was listed as a minority.

[ Check out our editorial cartoons on President Obama.]

From Penn, Warren moved on to Harvard Law School, where her Native American heritage was touted in multiple articles, including a Fordham Law Review piece that lauded her as Harvard Law's " first woman of color." Even as recently as 2011, it appears Warren was listed as the lone Native American faculty member on the school's 2011 "diversity report," though like Penn, Harvard also refused to comment. <<
Again, these would be questions for Penn, Harvard and Fordham. Interesting that among his "multiple articles" he can cite a total of one, the link to which makes clear Fordham did it, not Warren. Very likely some university bureaucrat working with thirdhand info. You know, like the one that printed the brochure saying O'bama was born in Kenya.

>> Yet, when the Herald first broke the story in April 2012, Warren claimed she "had no idea" that Harvard had touted her Native American status and claimed she did not "recall" ever citing her Native American heritage when applying for a job. In the months afterward, Warren ducked, dodged and stonewalled subsequent questions, eventually wearing-out the press, and succeeded in winning an election without ever releasing any records that might substantiate those claims. <<​

Translation from Weasel: "we couldn't find anything".
No shit, Sherlock.

>> Whether Warren falsely claimed to be a minority in order to game the system and advance her career is a question that goes to the heart of her honesty and integrity. It's also a question that will confront her if she ever seeks higher office. <<
-- and a question that still lacks any evidence to the positive, though we do have statements on the record from those who hired her saying the contrary. Just as we have her siblings recounting the same stories and the geneaological record from 1894, but let's continue to sweep those under the rug. It's worth noting however that something else that also "goes to the heart of honesty and integrity" is pressing on and on with a conspiracy theory that has already been shown to be absent a basis other than wispy speculation.

Which is all you have here, poster-boy: speculation in an opinion piece, using weasel words and suggestions, from an admitted operative for the opposite political party.

Which falls juuuuuuust a wee bit short of "proof" of anything beyond that you're willing to swallow whatever bubbilicious babble fits your fairy tale, while continuing to ignore the inconvenient bits that tend to shoot it out of the sky.

Sounds like PROOF to those that are able to read and understand that she applied to ANY COLLEGE with her ethnicity made out as an INDIAN..oh, NATIVE AMERICAN!

I do like the BS that you posted, irrelevant but We'll just let you simmer in your own juices, you dumb SLUT!


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