Elizabeth Warren Stumped When Asked Why Americans Say They Miss Trump’s Economy (VIDEO)

Biden inherited a recession and Covid-19 mess.

Under his leadership America managed to dig out better than just about anyone else in the world.
TRUMP! inherited a growing economy and kicked it into high gear. That's how things work.
TRUMP! inherited a growing economy and kicked it into high gear. That's how things work.

High gear? He couldn’t even crack 3% in annual gdp growth. Trump economy looked a lot like extension of Obama economy until recession hit.

Right wingers just liked it more because (R) was in the WH.
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And Congrats. You're an idiot. :)
Tiger laughing.jpg

It is hard to explain how the Maga crowd can believe that Trump had a good economy when it was nearly the worst of any president.... the numbers don't lie. It's the cult mentality of avoiding facts, dismissing sources that provide info contrary to their belief and just complete faith in the cult leader.

I will be the first to admit that Biden is partially to blame for the inflation but how can any knowledgeable person not realize that Trump created part of it. Conservatives have been saying for decades the debt spending will cause inflation and Trump set the record for debt spending (8 trillion in 4 years). Economist have always know that inflation causing policies have an 18 month to 2 year delay before they show up in the numbers.
What Are Long and Variable Lags in Monetary Policy?
The misery index was just about perfect under Trump. 6.6 it was a good economy until covid. Trump knew what he was doing.
This Indian poser is out of touch. Everyone who fills up their gas tank, who goes grocery shopping, who pays rent, utilities and taxes see it's all going up all while their salary stays the same. The economy under Trump was fabulous
Under Biden it's horrendous

Facts don't support this stupid post.

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