Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
lol This was Warren's " I am not a crook!" speech.
And it turns out the Republican really was a crook. How hilarious is that?
Well, Warren really was a crook. She sought preferences by falsely claiming she was a native American, but Havard has said they never believed her. Clearly, the woman was neither honest nor a competent crook.

This is one issue she should have just left alone. All she did whs ratchet it up to industrial strength issue now. She's following some bad advice from somebody.

Why should it have been left alone when Trump prodded her with a million dollars to prove her claim? Which she did.
Remember when Trump promised to give millions of dollars to veterans?

And then he said he gave the money to veterans and he didn’t?

And when that was proven to be a lie, he was forced into giving money to veterans.

That must’ve hurt him so much to have to give away all that money. To a bunch of fuking veterans that Republicans care nothing about.

Remember, this is the guy who said I like people who weren’t captured.

If Republicans and Trump could spit on our veterans and get away with it, they would.

Oh wait, they already do, cutting job training and food stamps for veterans. It’s awful all these people lie to our veterans.
Thank God she got preferential treatment because she is 1/512 th Native American.

What she suffered through is unimaginable.
where does it say anywhere by a neutral source she was ever given an "extra benefit" from her claim?

Harvard listed her as a Native American on their staff.

You can claim it didn’t help her get the job, but I think it did.
Harvard says it had nothing to do with hiring her

She is a great professor and it showed
The test shows the following:

She possesses 12 times more Native American blood than a white person from Great Britain, the report found, and 10 times more than a white person from Utah.

So she has Native American DNA in her blood.

Which means she wasn't lying.

You do realize you are trying to convince willfully ignorant fools of something they have no interest in believing because they are willfully ignorant fools right?

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.

All I'm doing is posting truths then watching the conservatives have melt downs, keep lying or come up with stupid excuses.

It's good for comic relief but sad to see so many Americans so full of hate and ignorance.

We saw lots of hate and ignorance during the Kavanaugh hearings. What we didn't see is people who check the box for Advantage without being qualified to do so. It's not the white Americans you have to worry about it will be the Indian Nation who will be standing at every campaign stop she makes with protest signs and now more than ever that she foolishly handed them the proof.

Oh? Why would the Indian Nation protest her now since she now has evidence of Natuve American Indian in her heritage?
lol That was 10 generations back. That's such a stupid claim she should be tested for Neanderthal DNA.

Obviously you have no clue on DNA testing. 23&Me does report on what percentage of Neanderthal one carries. And my research went back in my family history 12 + or - generations to the 1500's.
1/32 black is all black in American way of looking at this, so I guess this excuses Warren for claiming she is indian.

I don't buy it, but if 1/32 black means black....

However, I do feel that she claimed this to get on the affirmative action gravy train. She claimed this when she could profit from it, she was quiet when she could't
all LIES

why don't you actually fact check your claims before mouthing off support for the LIE?

Is that really too much work?
Federal documents indicate Harvard repeatedly reported Elizabeth Warren as Native American

then where did harvard get that idea? i am NOT saying it played a role in her hiring but somewhere along the line it got out she "was" native american.

How Much Percentage of Native American Do You Have To Be To Enroll With a Tribe - PowWows.com - Native American Pow Wows

looks like 25% is needed to claim this and she's nowhere NEAR that in any form of the word.

so - the question remains - where did harvard get this idea and given the legal standard would appear to be 25% (correct me if i'm wrong here) then she never should have been listed as such on the harvard site.
Thank God she got preferential treatment because she is 1/512 th Native American.

What she suffered through is unimaginable.
where does it say anywhere by a neutral source she was ever given an "extra benefit" from her claim?

Harvard listed her as a Native American on their staff.

You can claim it didn’t help her get the job, but I think it did.
what makes you think it did?

What makes you think it didn’t?
Thank God she got preferential treatment because she is 1/512 th Native American.

What she suffered through is unimaginable.
where does it say anywhere by a neutral source she was ever given an "extra benefit" from her claim?

Harvard listed her as a Native American on their staff.

You can claim it didn’t help her get the job, but I think it did.

Prove your claim, post the document you reference.

Oh, and BTW, it matters not what you think, without proof that it did open the door for her it, is a worthless statement.
Thank God she got preferential treatment because she is 1/512 th Native American.

What she suffered through is unimaginable.
where does it say anywhere by a neutral source she was ever given an "extra benefit" from her claim?

Harvard listed her as a Native American on their staff.

You can claim it didn’t help her get the job, but I think it did.
what makes you think it did?
why did harvard list her as native american on their site? if she didn't at any time pass herself off a such, where did harvard get that idea? not trying to be anal but wanting to try and understand how she could have gotten referred to this way on harvards own site if she never said something somewhere along the line.
SNIP>>>>DNA sample showed she had a Native American ancestor in her family dating back six to 10 generations.<<<<<SNIP

Also showed she is part Negro, Hispanis, Asian, Arab, LGTB, Transsexual, and ALIEN!!!!.

ROTFLMFAO....Did I miss any minority voting group?
Yep, It also shows that she was a conservative white male just 2 generations ago!
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage
which an expert said shows “strong evidence’’ :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

They never ever stop lying.

The test shows the following:

She possesses 12 times more Native American blood than a white person from Great Britain, the report found, and 10 times more than a white person from Utah.

So she has Native American DNA in her blood.

Which means she wasn't lying.
The tester lied. Like all dims. You see, I don't care what "proof" you have. Dims have been caught lying so many times that I will not believe a goddam thing they say. Ever. I don't care what it is.

You support a party that lies, lies and lies some more, so I already know you don't care about proof. You're a bunch of stupid opportunists with no moral compass. You just want to 'win'. Pathetic.
I already told you that I don't give a damn what you criminals say or think. You should all be rounded up and sentenced.
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
No, she claimed to be at least 1/16th Indian.
Turns out she is more likely 1/1000th.

Assuming she is telling the truth about the test.

With her history of lying and her unorthodox method of testing I have questions

I question everything Democrats say these days. Being honest isn't in their DNA.
Trump will never be man enough to admit his slander of Sen. Warren. He will never be man enough because he is an immature spoiled brat and baby. He has never come close to being a real man.
This is one issue she should have just left alone. All she did whs ratchet it up to industrial strength issue now. She's following some bad advice from somebody.

Why should it have been left alone when Trump prodded her with a million dollars to prove her claim? Which she did.
Only she didn't have enough confidence to take him up on his challenge, which shows she was lying to get a teaching gig at Harvard.

Her DNA test reveals she did take him up on his challenge. He just showing he’s not man enough to keep his word.
No. Taking a public test, not a private one from a friend trying to help her out, would be taking him up on his challenge.

What a pity you’re not the arbitrator of such tests, huh?
What a pity you're so dishonest.
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
No, she claimed to be at least 1/16th Indian.
Turns out she is more likely 1/1000th.

Assuming she is telling the truth about the test.

With her history of lying and her unorthodox method of testing I have questions

I question everything Democrats say these days. Being honest isn't in their DNA.

indian isn't really either these days.
Democrats will defend her as a Native American if she has 1/18900% Native blood, yet will castigate and convict an innocent man of attempted rape charges from 35 years ago without any corroborating witnesses.
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!

She has the same chance of being part Native American as any other White American......

Elizabeth Warren Releases Results Of DNA Test, Just Ends Up Raising More Questions

In a correction posted at the bottom of the piece, the Globe notes that its 1/512th Native American calculation was actually too generous: "Due to a math error, a story about Elizabeth Warren misstated the ancestry percentage of a potential 10th generation relative. It should be 1/1,024."
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage
which an expert said shows “strong evidence’’ :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

They never ever stop lying.

The test shows the following:

She possesses 12 times more Native American blood than a white person from Great Britain, the report found, and 10 times more than a white person from Utah.

So she has Native American DNA in her blood.

Which means she wasn't lying.
The tester lied. Like all dims. You see, I don't care what "proof" you have. Dims have been caught lying so many times that I will not believe a goddam thing they say. Ever. I don't care what it is.

You support a party that lies, lies and lies some more, so I already know you don't care about proof. You're a bunch of stupid opportunists with no moral compass. You just want to 'win'. Pathetic.
I already told you that I don't give a damn what you criminals say or think. You should all be rounded up and sentenced.

Come get me, pussy boy.
Thank God she got preferential treatment because she is 1/512 th Native American.

What she suffered through is unimaginable.
where does it say anywhere by a neutral source she was ever given an "extra benefit" from her claim?

Harvard listed her as a Native American on their staff.

You can claim it didn’t help her get the job, but I think it did.
i have no idea. harvard says no, but hey - they do turn around and like you say - list her as such. if *she* didn't say it or check a box, then where did that come from for harvard to do that?

legit question.

Federal documents indicate Harvard repeatedly reported Elizabeth Warren as Native American

Harvard now rejects qualified Asians strictly on the basis that the are Asian. They have admitted it.

If you think Liz did not get preferential treatment by claiming she was Native American, I can’t help you.

She didn’t say she was 1/512th Native American. She said she was Native American.

I am 99.9% chimpanzee, but I don’t go around saying I am a chimpanzee.
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what makes you think it did?

Well, we all know universities are bastions of Liberal/Progressive thought, so they LOVE to promote their "diversity, and multi culturalism", and want all the Identity Politics boxes checked including American Indian.
Thank God she got preferential treatment because she is 1/512 th Native American.

What she suffered through is unimaginable.
where does it say anywhere by a neutral source she was ever given an "extra benefit" from her claim?

Harvard listed her as a Native American on their staff.

You can claim it didn’t help her get the job, but I think it did.

Prove your claim, post the document you reference.

Oh, and BTW, it matters not what you think, without proof that it did open the door for her it, is a worthless statement.



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