Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

Does Trump OWE Senator Warren A MILLION dollars for her taking the DNA test? :dunno:

me thinks he might owe her that money.... put your money where your mouth is, president trump

She took him up on his challenge and proved a native American heritage. All this debate is merely him and his supporters being deadbeats and cheaters.
I could only read a few pages of responses here; it’s deeply depressing to realize how incredibly ignorant so many of the posters here are about basic genealogy, genetics and American history. The allegations that 1/32 American Indian DNA is common are ludicrous, and anybody really with any common sense about American history and population demographics over time as this country developed would know that full well.

She has 12x the American Indian DNA of the most predominant ethnic heritage among American citizens, who are predominantly of Anglo Saxon European origin. She has American Indian heritage to the extent that she has always represented, a distant grandparent she never met. She has never used that status for any advantage in academia or her professional life.

And still you guys can’t shut up about her. The only thing wrong with Elizabeth Warren is that she’s a strong, intelligent and ambitious woman who makes sad little boys feel emasculated.
Trump's a jerk, and Warren never sought to profit from her heritage. Some of us thought it was "odd" that she thought her heritage was of any importance, or interest. However, a lot of us who feel that way think Mexicans and others don't share our heritage.

Personally, I think heritage is just a wedge issue that detracts from the fact that incomes for most of us are going to continue falling in real terms, or worst gives us somebody to blame other than the 1% who are reaping the profits.
"Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren isn't backing down from her claim of Native American ancestry, despite the apparent lack of primary documents proving that she's 1/32nd Cherokee."

Minority Rules: Who Gets To Claim Status As A Person Of Color?

Lizzy just gave us proof she had no business checking the box.

Thank you!
checking what box on her application for the Harvard job? Did she check a box on her application for the Harvard job or NOT?

I'll answer that for you, Warren DID NOT check any box on her application for the Harvard professor position she applied for....to indicate she should get native American preference.

PLEASE STOP with your bull crap Frankie....
Pocahontas is a fraud she has no credibility
how is she a fraud???

explain this thinking

if only the rethuglican MOB cared even 1/64th as much about all the FRAUD in teflon don's orbit, huh?

chief warren did nothing fraudulent yet the MOB has been in hysterics over this for years...

team teflon should APOLOGIZE for all the INSULTS to Native American citizens and unwarranted ATTACKS AND BULLYING of VERY FINE PEOPLE.

Insulting Warren is not an insult to native Americans.

Trying to pass yourself off as Native American to get special benefits is.

"Trying to pass yourself off as Native American to get special benefits"

this is a parroted lie.. God frowns upon bearing false witness. :eusa_clap:

I agree. Which is why Senator warren and her defenders need to repent
Does Trump OWE Senator Warren A MILLION dollars for her taking the DNA test? :dunno:

me thinks he might owe her that money.... put your money where your mouth is, president trump

Perhaps around $1000 as she is 1/1024 of one...Lolol@
Does Trump OWE Senator Warren A MILLION dollars for her taking the DNA test? :dunno:

me thinks he might owe her that money.... put your money where your mouth is, president trump

She took him up on his challenge and proved a native American heritage. All this debate is merely him and his supporters being deadbeats and cheaters.
1/1024 will never be American Indian
Does Trump OWE Senator Warren A MILLION dollars for her taking the DNA test? :dunno:

me thinks he might owe her that money.... put your money where your mouth is, president trump

i see you never read trumps quote. he said he's bring a DNA test and they could do it during the debate.

yet you wanna go bag on others for LYING and ignoring FACTS while you go do it yourself.
no, i didnt read what he said about it.... do you have a link?

I was just repeating what I heard a congress critter say while being interviewed on the news...
Does Trump OWE Senator Warren A MILLION dollars for her taking the DNA test? :dunno:

me thinks he might owe her that money.... put your money where your mouth is, president trump

1/1024 is in no way American Indian
No. She paid some Stanford liberal to find she may be 1.56% Indian. LOL! What a FRAUD!

The test result page does say that the person working on the sample did not know the identity of the sample donor at the time the work was done. Absent any proof otherwise, I will give them the benefit of the doubt.

However, if you read all the way down to the bottom of the report, you find this interesting segment: "For Native American references, we used sample within the 1000 Genomes project of Native American ancestry; these samples come from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia. (It is not possible to use Native American reference sequences from inside the United States, since Native American groups within the US have not chosen to participate to participate in recent population genetics studies.)"

So she had her DNA tested to prove her tale of Native American ancestry - which has always focused on US Native Americans - by a group whose reference samples don't actually include any US Native Americans.

And at that, her claim to "Native American" is actually about half what your average white American can claim. Hell, I'M more Native American than she is, and you don't see ME going to around claiming to be one. You certainly don't hear me telling tall tales about how "my parents had to elope to escape racism because my mother was Native American" or asking my employers to list me as Native American ethnicity.
that's gonna leave a mark.
Yep, The test proves that she is even less of the ratio that most Caucasians in this country are...
But she has high cheekbones
Proves her original story as written in her book about having a distant Grandmother who was native American is credible due to scienrific evidence.
Most Caucasians in this country have a higher ratio then she has, the Loopy kunt has no credibility
You are a liar and sore loser. Stop whining and crying on a public forum. You lost, be a man and accept it.
"Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren isn't backing down from her claim of Native American ancestry, despite the apparent lack of primary documents proving that she's 1/32nd Cherokee."

Minority Rules: Who Gets To Claim Status As A Person Of Color?

Lizzy just gave us proof she had no business checking the box.

Thank you!
checking what box on her application for the Harvard job? Did she check a box on her application for the Harvard job or NOT?

I'll answer that for you, Warren DID NOT check any box on her application for the Harvard professor position she applied for....to indicate she should get native American preference.

PLEASE STOP with your bull crap Frankie....
Pocahontas is a fraud she has no credibility
how is she a fraud???

explain this thinking

if only the rethuglican MOB cared even 1/64th as much about all the FRAUD in teflon don's orbit, huh?

chief warren did nothing fraudulent yet the MOB has been in hysterics over this for years...

team teflon should APOLOGIZE for all the INSULTS to Native American citizens and unwarranted ATTACKS AND BULLYING of VERY FINE PEOPLE.
1/1024 is not American Indian
She insults all American Indians

You insult the idea ogf honesty.

Warren never said what percent she was. Quit lying.
"So basically, Elizabeth Warren has the same percentage of Indian blood as Custer."
1/1024 is most likely less...

According to the NYT, it is less:

The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.

White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier
Ergo, I am black.

Plus....I am huge in the pants. Isn't it obvious.

I prefer y'all call me black, not "African-America." Thank you.

Does this mean she is FINALLY accepted by the Cherokee nation as a member?


Meanwhile her DNA doesn't really help her claim anyway:

Elizabeth Warren Has Statistically Less Native American Blood Than Average White American, According To Study

and this from a real CHEROKEE Indian woman who dug through Warrens baloney with hard evidence that Warren is NOT an Indian:

Elizabeth Warren's Ancestry - Part 1

The Cherokee Nation doesn't accept Warrens claim either.
It does not matter because if a ten ton fact hit you dumbass Trumpette in the head, you would deny it.
"So basically, Elizabeth Warren has the same percentage of Indian blood as Custer."
1/1024 is most likely less...

According to the NYT, it is less:

The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.

White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier
Ergo, I am black.

Plus....I am huge in the pants. Isn't it obvious.

I prefer y'all call me black, not "African-America." Thank you.


Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

Sorry to burst your bubble but if we go 6 to 10 Generations back nearly half of The Americans on this continent will come up with the same results.

She actually did herself more harm than good with this test.

Where did you get that "statistic" from? I don't actually believe it. I've seen lots of those results and Native American is not as common as European and Asian.


Most people whose families have been in North America any length of time contain traces of a variety of races and ethnicities. Your average American who claims European descent actually is about .18% Native American, although that obviously fluctuates according to where the family is from. Melting pot, remember?
The test result page does say that the person working on the sample did not know the identity of the sample donor at the time the work was done. Absent any proof otherwise, I will give them the benefit of the doubt.

However, if you read all the way down to the bottom of the report, you find this interesting segment: "For Native American references, we used sample within the 1000 Genomes project of Native American ancestry; these samples come from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia. (It is not possible to use Native American reference sequences from inside the United States, since Native American groups within the US have not chosen to participate to participate in recent population genetics studies.)"

So she had her DNA tested to prove her tale of Native American ancestry - which has always focused on US Native Americans - by a group whose reference samples don't actually include any US Native Americans.

And at that, her claim to "Native American" is actually about half what your average white American can claim. Hell, I'M more Native American than she is, and you don't see ME going to around claiming to be one. You certainly don't hear me telling tall tales about how "my parents had to elope to escape racism because my mother was Native American" or asking my employers to list me as Native American ethnicity.
that's gonna leave a mark.
Yep, The test proves that she is even less of the ratio that most Caucasians in this country are...
But she has high cheekbones
Proves her original story as written in her book about having a distant Grandmother who was native American is credible due to scienrific evidence.
Most Caucasians in this country have a higher ratio then she has, the Loopy kunt has no credibility
You are a liar and sore loser. Stop whining and crying on a public forum. You lost, be a man and accept it.
1/1024 is in no way American Indian, Going by the Pocahontas standard most Caucasians in this country have a better ratio so are they Indians?
End of story
Does Trump OWE Senator Warren A MILLION dollars for her taking the DNA test? :dunno:

me thinks he might owe her that money.... put your money where your mouth is, president trump

i see you never read trumps quote. he said he's bring a DNA test and they could do it during the debate.

yet you wanna go bag on others for LYING and ignoring FACTS while you go do it yourself.
no, i didnt read what he said about it.... do you have a link?

I was just repeating what I heard a congress critter say while being interviewed on the news...
heh, lord knows i can do that also. i just have learned to dig for myself.

Trump challenges 'Pocahontas' Warren to DNA test to prove she's Native American

Reviving his "Pocahontas" nickname for the Massachusetts Democrat, Trump asked his audience to imagine him on a debate stage challenging Warren to submit to genetic testing to prove that she has Native American ancestors.

"I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test and it shows you're an Indian," he said. "I have a feeling she will say no."
now it can also depend on how you read this, but as others have said in here, there is *no* native american to test for because they never opted into those genetics. also, the total amount shown for her is .097, which is 1/2 of what an average african american can also test for when it comes to NORTH AMERICAN (mexico, peru, and so forth) indian testing.

to me i read it as take the test during the debate and let's end it.
checking what box on her application for the Harvard job? Did she check a box on her application for the Harvard job or NOT?

I'll answer that for you, Warren DID NOT check any box on her application for the Harvard professor position she applied for....to indicate she should get native American preference.

PLEASE STOP with your bull crap Frankie....
Pocahontas is a fraud she has no credibility
how is she a fraud???

explain this thinking

if only the rethuglican MOB cared even 1/64th as much about all the FRAUD in teflon don's orbit, huh?

chief warren did nothing fraudulent yet the MOB has been in hysterics over this for years...

team teflon should APOLOGIZE for all the INSULTS to Native American citizens and unwarranted ATTACKS AND BULLYING of VERY FINE PEOPLE.
1/1024 is not American Indian
She insults all American Indians

You insult the idea ogf honesty.

Warren never said what percent she was. Quit lying.
She is not American Indian that’s just the facts
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

Sorry to burst your bubble but if we go 6 to 10 Generations back nearly half of The Americans on this continent will come up with the same results.

She actually did herself more harm than good with this test.

Where did you get that "statistic" from? I don't actually believe it. I've seen lots of those results and Native American is not as common as European and Asian.


Most people whose families have been in North America any length of time contain traces of a variety of races and ethnicities. Your average American who claims European descent actually is about .18% Native American, although that obviously fluctuates according to where the family is from. Melting pot, remember?

Indeed. That's why this identity politics b'loney is such...b'loney.

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