Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

She lied.

deal? he thinks 2/32nd is different than 1/16th.

man has some serious issues no one can really help with at this point.

I think we are on the same side here.

I have a degree in finance and a mathematical minor, I know that 2/32 is equal to 1/16.
i've not studied or worried about math in quite some time and even i still remember basic fractions.

Look at how excited y’all get when I make a mistake.
holy shit - you admitted you were wrong.

"dear diary...

It’s neither the first nor the last. I’m always amused by you righties, even when I gaffe.
deal? he thinks 2/32nd is different than 1/16th.

man has some serious issues no one can really help with at this point.

I think we are on the same side here.

I have a degree in finance and a mathematical minor, I know that 2/32 is equal to 1/16.
i've not studied or worried about math in quite some time and even i still remember basic fractions.

Look at how excited y’all get when I make a mistake.
We are in a constant state of excitement with every post you make. If she’s 1/1,024th, her mom at best is 1/512th.
Wrong as always. 1/512 was her mom’s worst case. Her best is 1/16.

Please stop.

Is this what you guys want heading into the midterms?

Run away from this.
Trump's turn.

Trump said he had more "Indian" blood than warren,. Take the Test.

Trump said he a genius. Take that IQ test.

This ideas that the fatassed orange POS keeps to make statements while demanding others prove theirs only works on the dumbass Trumpette crowd.

he says that stuff to spin you fools up, it works. He makes all you lefties look like spoiled brats, which is what you are.

So you admit Trump lles all the tine & yet you think he is telling you the truth. Wow, How easilt duped can you get?
I think we are on the same side here.

I have a degree in finance and a mathematical minor, I know that 2/32 is equal to 1/16.
i've not studied or worried about math in quite some time and even i still remember basic fractions.

Look at how excited y’all get when I make a mistake.
We are in a constant state of excitement with every post you make. If she’s 1/1,024th, her mom at best is 1/512th.
Wrong as always. 1/512 was her mom’s worst case. Her best is 1/16.
warren herself showed to be no better than 1/64th which would make her mom, and i'll do this your way, 2/64th. you're again missing a generation.
Holyshit. :eusa_doh:

Again, pay attention. We’re talking about her mom. If Elizabeth Warren’s range is 1/32 - 1/1024, what do you think her mom’s range is?

And why do you refuse to answer the question, who told you no Indian blood was used in her DNA test?
Last edited:
I think we are on the same side here.

I have a degree in finance and a mathematical minor, I know that 2/32 is equal to 1/16.
i've not studied or worried about math in quite some time and even i still remember basic fractions.

Look at how excited y’all get when I make a mistake.
We are in a constant state of excitement with every post you make. If she’s 1/1,024th, her mom at best is 1/512th.
Wrong as always. 1/512 was her mom’s worst case. Her best is 1/16.
warren herself showed to be no better than 1/64th which would make her mom, and i'll do this your way, 2/64th. you're again missing a generation.
So which percentage of Trump is...
i've not studied or worried about math in quite some time and even i still remember basic fractions.

Look at how excited y’all get when I make a mistake.
We are in a constant state of excitement with every post you make. If she’s 1/1,024th, her mom at best is 1/512th.
Wrong as always. 1/512 was her mom’s worst case. Her best is 1/16.
warren herself showed to be no better than 1/64th which would make her mom, and i'll do this your way, 2/64th. you're again missing a generation.
Holyshit. :eusa_doh:

Again, pay attention. We’re talking about her mom. If Elizabeth Warren’s range is 1/64 - 1/1024, what do you think her mom’s range is?

And why do you refuse to answer the question, who told you no Indian blood was used in her DNA test?
what is 1/2 of 1/64th again?

hint - it's NOT 1/16th as you say above.

can you please for the love of god stop being so fundamentally stupid about math?
I think we are on the same side here.

I have a degree in finance and a mathematical minor, I know that 2/32 is equal to 1/16.
i've not studied or worried about math in quite some time and even i still remember basic fractions.

Look at how excited y’all get when I make a mistake.
We are in a constant state of excitement with every post you make. If she’s 1/1,024th, her mom at best is 1/512th.
Wrong as always. 1/512 was her mom’s worst case. Her best is 1/16.

Please stop.

Is this what you guys want heading into the midterms?

Run away from this.
You stop. It is Trump that started this He lied & you fuckheads don't care. He lied to ruin the reputation of a well renowned college professor.America & you don;t care.

Again. SO no., we will,. not stop calling you Trumpettes out on voting for this POS. How dare you put America in the hands of this lying con man. He is destroying it.
Dimms just admit it, she lied to get preferential treatment. It’s not the end of the world.
Lying fuck. She received no preferential treatment.

None. zero. zip preference

Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law - The Boston Globe
The globe? Lol

How about fox news?

Are you going to say fox is lying?

Harvard never considered Elizabeth Warren as Native American in hiring process, report says

Of course Harvard is going to say they didn’t give her preferential treatment,
I get it. Trump is telling the truth but Harvard is lying.
i've not studied or worried about math in quite some time and even i still remember basic fractions.

Look at how excited y’all get when I make a mistake.
We are in a constant state of excitement with every post you make. If she’s 1/1,024th, her mom at best is 1/512th.
Wrong as always. 1/512 was her mom’s worst case. Her best is 1/16.

Please stop.

Is this what you guys want heading into the midterms?

Run away from this.
You stop. It is Trump that started this He lied & you fuckheads don't care. He lied to ruin the reputation of a well renowned college professor.America & you don;t care.

Again. SO no., we will,. not stop calling you Trumpettes out on voting for this POS. How dare you put America in the hands of this lying con man. He is destroying it.
Cultural appropriation, tsk tsk.

Of course Harvard is going to say they didn’t give her preferential treatment,
I get it. Trump is telling the truth but Harvard is lying.
She only lied about being Cherokee to Harvard because there was nothing to gain about her lie.

Look at how excited y’all get when I make a mistake.
We are in a constant state of excitement with every post you make. If she’s 1/1,024th, her mom at best is 1/512th.
Wrong as always. 1/512 was her mom’s worst case. Her best is 1/16.
warren herself showed to be no better than 1/64th which would make her mom, and i'll do this your way, 2/64th. you're again missing a generation.
Holyshit. :eusa_doh:

Again, pay attention. We’re talking about her mom. If Elizabeth Warren’s range is 1/64 - 1/1024, what do you think her mom’s range is?

And why do you refuse to answer the question, who told you no Indian blood was used in her DNA test?
what is 1/2 of 1/64th again?

hint - it's NOT 1/16th as you say above.

can you please for the love of god stop being so fundamentally stupid about math?
No worries. While I possess the character to own up to my mistakes, you apparently don’t. Even after you were shown that Indian blood was used in her DNA test, you can neither find it in yourself to admit you made a mistake by denying any Indian blood was used; nor will you admit from where you heard that nonsense.
We are in a constant state of excitement with every post you make. If she’s 1/1,024th, her mom at best is 1/512th.
Wrong as always. 1/512 was her mom’s worst case. Her best is 1/16.
warren herself showed to be no better than 1/64th which would make her mom, and i'll do this your way, 2/64th. you're again missing a generation.
Holyshit. :eusa_doh:

Again, pay attention. We’re talking about her mom. If Elizabeth Warren’s range is 1/64 - 1/1024, what do you think her mom’s range is?

And why do you refuse to answer the question, who told you no Indian blood was used in her DNA test?
what is 1/2 of 1/64th again?

hint - it's NOT 1/16th as you say above.

can you please for the love of god stop being so fundamentally stupid about math?
No worries. While I possess the character to own up to my mistakes, you apparently don’t. Even after you were shown that Indian blood was used in her DNA test, you can neither find it in yourself to admit you made a mistake by denying any Indian blood was used; nor will you admit from where you heard that nonsense.
i own up to them all the time when i make 'em. but your math is way off.

indian blood as far as i've read can't be used because american indians won't allow it. link provided several times. stop math and go google for a bit.
Wrong as always. 1/512 was her mom’s worst case. Her best is 1/16.
warren herself showed to be no better than 1/64th which would make her mom, and i'll do this your way, 2/64th. you're again missing a generation.
Holyshit. :eusa_doh:

Again, pay attention. We’re talking about her mom. If Elizabeth Warren’s range is 1/64 - 1/1024, what do you think her mom’s range is?

And why do you refuse to answer the question, who told you no Indian blood was used in her DNA test?
what is 1/2 of 1/64th again?

hint - it's NOT 1/16th as you say above.

can you please for the love of god stop being so fundamentally stupid about math?
No worries. While I possess the character to own up to my mistakes, you apparently don’t. Even after you were shown that Indian blood was used in her DNA test, you can neither find it in yourself to admit you made a mistake by denying any Indian blood was used; nor will you admit from where you heard that nonsense.
i own up to them all the time when i make 'em. but your math is way off.

indian blood as far as i've read can't be used because american indians won't allow it. link provided several times. stop math and go google for a bit.

I showed you the test samples. What a pity you’re ineducable.
i've not studied or worried about math in quite some time and even i still remember basic fractions.

Look at how excited y’all get when I make a mistake.
We are in a constant state of excitement with every post you make. If she’s 1/1,024th, her mom at best is 1/512th.
Wrong as always. 1/512 was her mom’s worst case. Her best is 1/16.

Please stop.

Is this what you guys want heading into the midterms?

Run away from this.
You stop. It is Trump that started this He lied & you fuckheads don't care. He lied to ruin the reputation of a well renowned college professor.America & you don;t care.

Again. SO no., we will,. not stop calling you Trumpettes out on voting for this POS. How dare you put America in the hands of this lying con man. He is destroying it.

How will this DNA test help Warren in her quest to be POTUS?
checking what box on her application for the Harvard job? Did she check a box on her application for the Harvard job or NOT?

I'll answer that for you, Warren DID NOT check any box on her application for the Harvard professor position she applied for....to indicate she should get native American preference.

PLEASE STOP with your bull crap Frankie....
Pocahontas is a fraud she has no credibility
how is she a fraud???

explain this thinking
how about you put I MUST PROVE THIS TRUE aside and just look at the facts around it. how is she native american, how about you prove this thinking also? i'll go first.

White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier
On average, the scientists found, people who identified as African-American had genes that were only 73.2 percent African. European genes accounted for 24 percent of their DNA, while .8 percent came from Native Americans.

Latinos, on the other hand, had genes that were on average 65.1 percent European, 18 percent Native American, and 6.2 percent African. The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.
looks like you can find "native american" in all of us to a very small degree. blacks can be .8%, latinos .18% and warren was a whopping .097%, less than blacks or latinos in generic studies.

so it really proves nothing at all except about what people thought they'd find and now people are going NEENER NEENER TOLD YOU SHE HAD INDIAN HERITAGE w/o even looking to see what the #'s hold and how to interpret them. she has in fact 1/2 the average amount in the standard european.

in short, this does not prove she has indian heritage but is a mutt like the rest of us.
Tell me something Iceberg....


Made anything at all out of Elizabeth Warren believing she had a Native American Grandmother as her family had told her?

WHY have republicans taken what she has said about her own heritage and made a mountain out of a molehill about it?

Why have you harassed her for years on it now?

Why does Trump make fun of her?

Why do you all deride and make fun of her for it?





What is the INFANTILE argument about?

Why did you go after her in the first place?
1) cause warren was using this to gain benefits she didn't deserve. if trump said he was indian and was not, you'd be all over him so let's not pretend you'd not do the same FROM THE LEFT. hell the left would send anti-fa over and mob rules him until he confessed.
2) again - cause she lied about it to gain benefits
3) it's how we get our kicks. why do you and the left bag on trump 24x7? likely for similar reasons yet you'd feel justified cause... TRUMP.
4) trump is like southpark - he makes fun of everyone. for additional details, ask trump.
5) again - cause she lied about it and now she's crowing that having 1/2 the DNA of the average european makes her indian and like she won some bet OF WHICH she didn't go by the stated rules at the time anyway.

for someone who will bitch at trump and all the "trumpkins" you're coming across as so very hypocritical that one side is doing this to warren while the left is on 2 years of RUSSIA without a shread of proof. why does the left do that? politics? hatred?

as for misogyny - get the fuck over it. so tired of the left hiding behind word-shields to try and defend their bullshit actions. maybe - just maybe - people are picking on you cause of your own actions and your gender and race have not a god damn thing to do with it.
Hdere we go againm./ More lues.

Prove she got an advantage because every place has denied that.

What benefits dud she gain. Please I need a good laugh.

You enjoy being duped by Trump. No surprise as feeble minded people are not only easily duped but they seem to enjoy it.

Trump is a fucking cartoon. Yippie the greatest country on Earth has a cartoon instead of a real President.

OMG the Russia investigate has taken over a year & a half. OMG OPMG OPNG. How long did you assfucks investigate Bill Clinton? How long were those Benghazi investigations. You hypocritical piece of shit.

I guess you like assaulting, shaming & puttying women down. Coming from a pantry waisted pretend man , I get it. You can't stand strong, independent, intelligent women.Thiosc from

And finally, evidently there is no bigotry or racism in the world because everyone picks on people based on their character.
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

Funny, the actual Cherokee Nation doesn't seem to agree:

Cherokee Nation Calls Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test 'Inappropriate and Wrong'

Meantime, genetic studies show that when you go back 8 generations, you only share about 0.001% of your DNA with another. That means she is 1/1000th of 1% or only 1 part in 100,000 full blooded Indian. At those levels, if her DNA test is even indeed accurate, any of us could probably make a similar claim.
The Cherokee Nation most likely has less dna showing native American Ancestry than she does.... this is why the Cherokee Indians do not use DNA tests to prove heritage. The Cherokees were the first friendly Indians to Europeans and began mixing and having children with the Europeans almost immediately....

Your last line is bulloney

I/1000 means exactly what it says...1 in 1000, NOT 1 in 100,000

1/1000 was the high number that you all keep regurgitating, but the results actually gave it the Range from 1/64 to 1/1024...1/64th means her great times 4 grandmother was Native American, which fits the family lore her mother had told her.


What is this ruckus all about....?

Certainly you are not concerned with her heritage and family lore passed down....

And certainly you truly are not concerned with any kind of lie, Since your orange god lies about everything at least 10 times a day and 20 on Sunday, since he took office....

So what's the beef with Republicans going after Elizabeth Warren for years on this?

She lied. It happens. Deal.
Oh? Where’s the lie? She said there was Indian in her heritage and she posted the results of a DNA test showing there’s Indian in her heritage.

She has about half what anyone else with European ancestry has. She is probably less Indian than you are!
Pocahontas is a fraud she has no credibility
how is she a fraud???

explain this thinking
how about you put I MUST PROVE THIS TRUE aside and just look at the facts around it. how is she native american, how about you prove this thinking also? i'll go first.

White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier
On average, the scientists found, people who identified as African-American had genes that were only 73.2 percent African. European genes accounted for 24 percent of their DNA, while .8 percent came from Native Americans.

Latinos, on the other hand, had genes that were on average 65.1 percent European, 18 percent Native American, and 6.2 percent African. The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.
looks like you can find "native american" in all of us to a very small degree. blacks can be .8%, latinos .18% and warren was a whopping .097%, less than blacks or latinos in generic studies.

so it really proves nothing at all except about what people thought they'd find and now people are going NEENER NEENER TOLD YOU SHE HAD INDIAN HERITAGE w/o even looking to see what the #'s hold and how to interpret them. she has in fact 1/2 the average amount in the standard european.

in short, this does not prove she has indian heritage but is a mutt like the rest of us.
Tell me something Iceberg....


Made anything at all out of Elizabeth Warren believing she had a Native American Grandmother as her family had told her?

WHY have republicans taken what she has said about her own heritage and made a mountain out of a molehill about it?

Why have you harassed her for years on it now?

Why does Trump make fun of her?

Why do you all deride and make fun of her for it?





What is the INFANTILE argument about?

Why did you go after her in the first place?
1) cause warren was using this to gain benefits she didn't deserve. if trump said he was indian and was not, you'd be all over him so let's not pretend you'd not do the same FROM THE LEFT. hell the left would send anti-fa over and mob rules him until he confessed.
2) again - cause she lied about it to gain benefits
3) it's how we get our kicks. why do you and the left bag on trump 24x7? likely for similar reasons yet you'd feel justified cause... TRUMP.
4) trump is like southpark - he makes fun of everyone. for additional details, ask trump.
5) again - cause she lied about it and now she's crowing that having 1/2 the DNA of the average european makes her indian and like she won some bet OF WHICH she didn't go by the stated rules at the time anyway.

for someone who will bitch at trump and all the "trumpkins" you're coming across as so very hypocritical that one side is doing this to warren while the left is on 2 years of RUSSIA without a shread of proof. why does the left do that? politics? hatred?

as for misogyny - get the fuck over it. so tired of the left hiding behind word-shields to try and defend their bullshit actions. maybe - just maybe - people are picking on you cause of your own actions and your gender and race have not a god damn thing to do with it.
Hdere we go againm./ More lues.

Prove she got an advantage because every place has denied that.

What benefits dud she gain. Please I need a good laugh.

You enjoy being duped by Trump. No surprise as feeble minded people are not only easily duped but they seem to enjoy it.

Trump is a fucking cartoon. Yippie the greatest country on Earth has a cartoon instead of a real President.

OMG the Russia investigate has taken over a year & a half. OMG OPMG OPNG. How long did you assfucks investigate Bill Clinton? How long were those Benghazi investigations. You hypocritical piece of shit.

I guess you like assaulting, shaming & puttying women down. Coming from a pantry waisted pretend man , I get it. You can't stand strong, independent, intelligent women.Thiosc from

And finally, evidently there is no bigotry or racism in the world because everyone picks on people based on their character.
trump doesn't have jack shit to do with her lying.

world retarded dumbasses look up to you in faith and hope they hit your level one day.
i've not studied or worried about math in quite some time and even i still remember basic fractions.

Look at how excited y’all get when I make a mistake.
We are in a constant state of excitement with every post you make. If she’s 1/1,024th, her mom at best is 1/512th.
Wrong as always. 1/512 was her mom’s worst case. Her best is 1/16.
warren herself showed to be no better than 1/64th which would make her mom, and i'll do this your way, 2/64th. you're again missing a generation.
Holyshit. :eusa_doh:

Again, pay attention. We’re talking about her mom. If Elizabeth Warren’s range is 1/32 - 1/1024, what do you think her mom’s range is?

And why do you refuse to answer the question, who told you no Indian blood was used in her DNA test?
I’m not going to do remedial math lessons, so let’s use your claim. A person 1/16 of any race is not going to oppressed for that race, not enough shows.

My wife is 1/16 Cherokee. Slight facial features but blue eyed blonde says white to any stranger. Warren is blonde, I bet her mom is too.
Pocahontas is a fraud she has no credibility
how is she a fraud???

explain this thinking
how about you put I MUST PROVE THIS TRUE aside and just look at the facts around it. how is she native american, how about you prove this thinking also? i'll go first.

White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier
On average, the scientists found, people who identified as African-American had genes that were only 73.2 percent African. European genes accounted for 24 percent of their DNA, while .8 percent came from Native Americans.

Latinos, on the other hand, had genes that were on average 65.1 percent European, 18 percent Native American, and 6.2 percent African. The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.
looks like you can find "native american" in all of us to a very small degree. blacks can be .8%, latinos .18% and warren was a whopping .097%, less than blacks or latinos in generic studies.

so it really proves nothing at all except about what people thought they'd find and now people are going NEENER NEENER TOLD YOU SHE HAD INDIAN HERITAGE w/o even looking to see what the #'s hold and how to interpret them. she has in fact 1/2 the average amount in the standard european.

in short, this does not prove she has indian heritage but is a mutt like the rest of us.
Tell me something Iceberg....


Made anything at all out of Elizabeth Warren believing she had a Native American Grandmother as her family had told her?

WHY have republicans taken what she has said about her own heritage and made a mountain out of a molehill about it?

Why have you harassed her for years on it now?

Why does Trump make fun of her?

Why do you all deride and make fun of her for it?





What is the INFANTILE argument about?

Why did you go after her in the first place?
1) cause warren was using this to gain benefits she didn't deserve. if trump said he was indian and was not, you'd be all over him so let's not pretend you'd not do the same FROM THE LEFT. hell the left would send anti-fa over and mob rules him until he confessed.
2) again - cause she lied about it to gain benefits
3) it's how we get our kicks. why do you and the left bag on trump 24x7? likely for similar reasons yet you'd feel justified cause... TRUMP.
4) trump is like southpark - he makes fun of everyone. for additional details, ask trump.
5) again - cause she lied about it and now she's crowing that having 1/2 the DNA of the average european makes her indian and like she won some bet OF WHICH she didn't go by the stated rules at the time anyway.

for someone who will bitch at trump and all the "trumpkins" you're coming across as so very hypocritical that one side is doing this to warren while the left is on 2 years of RUSSIA without a shread of proof. why does the left do that? politics? hatred?

as for misogyny - get the fuck over it. so tired of the left hiding behind word-shields to try and defend their bullshit actions. maybe - just maybe - people are picking on you cause of your own actions and your gender and race have not a god damn thing to do with it.
Hdere we go againm./ More lues.

Prove she got an advantage because every place has denied that.

What benefits dud she gain. Please I need a good laugh.

You enjoy being duped by Trump. No surprise as feeble minded people are not only easily duped but they seem to enjoy it.

Trump is a fucking cartoon. Yippie the greatest country on Earth has a cartoon instead of a real President.

OMG the Russia investigate has taken over a year & a half. OMG OPMG OPNG. How long did you assfucks investigate Bill Clinton? How long were those Benghazi investigations. You hypocritical piece of shit.

I guess you like assaulting, shaming & puttying women down. Coming from a pantry waisted pretend man , I get it. You can't stand strong, independent, intelligent women.Thiosc from

And finally, evidently there is no bigotry or racism in the world because everyone picks on people based on their character.
Colleges never promote favoritism to minorities.

Oh wait, they do. In fact a huge case against Harvard just started. Harvard discriminated based upon race.

Harvard admissions discrimination case could go to trial this summer - CNNPolitics

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