Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

Funny, the actual Cherokee Nation doesn't seem to agree:

Cherokee Nation Calls Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test 'Inappropriate and Wrong'

Meantime, genetic studies show that when you go back 8 generations, you only share about 0.001% of your DNA with another. That means she is 1/1000th of 1% or only 1 part in 100,000 full blooded Indian. At those levels, if her DNA test is even indeed accurate, any of us could probably make a similar claim.
The Cherokee Nation most likely has less dna showing native American Ancestry than she does.... this is why the Cherokee Indians do not use DNA tests to prove heritage. The Cherokees were the first friendly Indians to Europeans and began mixing and having children with the Europeans almost immediately....

Your last line is bulloney

I/1000 means exactly what it says...1 in 1000, NOT 1 in 100,000

1/1000 was the high number that you all keep regurgitating, but the results actually gave it the Range from 1/64 to 1/1024...1/64th means her great times 4 grandmother was Native American, which fits the family lore her mother had told her.


What is this ruckus all about....?

Certainly you are not concerned with her heritage and family lore passed down....

And certainly you truly are not concerned with any kind of lie, Since your orange god lies about everything at least 10 times a day and 20 on Sunday, since he took office....

So what's the beef with Republicans going after Elizabeth Warren for years on this?

Lol.....naive sweetie....every New Englander has an Indian heritage.


So now any person born in New England can now claim minority status when going for a job?


TO claim minority status requires you meet certain guidelines. Gert a fucking grip & quit lying to protect your orange butt buddy.

Why did she claim she was Native American and why is she now claiming she is 1/512th Native American?

"Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She's Only Half Lizard Person
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Shortly after Elizabeth Warren released a DNA test that may or may not show that she is 1/1024th Native American, failed presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton showed the results of a recent DNA test that conclusively proved she is only 50% Reptilian.

The test, conducted by a renowned DNA expert, showed that only 50% of her blood comes from reptilian humanoids from space bent on destroying humanity. Many Washington insiders had claimed she was 100% reptile, but these claims are now known to be a hoax.

"I'm happy to announce that I'm only half reptile," she said on an interview Sunday evening. "I hope my critics will think twice before calling me a space reptile now, since that's only half true. I'm only part lizard person, thank you very much."

But she was quick to point out that whether or not she's an earth-conquering reptile is irrelevant, quipping, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She's Only Half Lizard Person
No, it really doesn't. Everything she's said about "grew up hearing there were Indians in her ancestry" was actally debunked by this study. Too bad for your narrative that she was pretty specific about what she "heard growing up".

Leftards are still lying about it.

Wow, you people are so fucking dumb that you don;t even know how dumb you are.

I'll take that as an "I want to believe it, so never mind the facts!"
Well you got that one wrong too.

Nope. Just like I don't have it wrong that YOUR post also means "I really want you to be wrong, so I'll just pretend you are!"

Big Chief Warren is less Native American than virtually every white person in America; you are less intelligent that virtually every poster here.

And neither of you can hide it.

Reality is a bitch, ain't it?
Lol, still in denial I see.

That's right. I absolutely deny that Elizabeth Warren is anything but a liar, and that you are anything but a willfully ignorant shill.
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
She 1/1,024th Native American.


Left wingers are losers.

LOL This morning they thought they had a winner....now not so much.
If you are a brainwashed functional moron. She always said she had Native American ancestry, and this proves she does, brainwashed functional moron.
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
She 1/1,024th Native American.


Left wingers are losers.
That is the lowest possible percentage, super duper, also as high as 1/32 LIKE SHE SAYS AND ALWAYS HAS.

You high on drugs?

The DNA results say it is between 1/64 and 1/1024

Or between 1.5625% and 0.09765625%

It was over 99% Caucasian, therefore she is WHITE

By LAW she is Caucasian and nothing more.

Shes not just white, she's insanely white. Like someone poured bleach on her white. More white than most people white. Makes sour cream look dingy white.
Funny, the actual Cherokee Nation doesn't seem to agree:

Cherokee Nation Calls Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test 'Inappropriate and Wrong'

Meantime, genetic studies show that when you go back 8 generations, you only share about 0.001% of your DNA with another. That means she is 1/1000th of 1% or only 1 part in 100,000 full blooded Indian. At those levels, if her DNA test is even indeed accurate, any of us could probably make a similar claim.
The Cherokee Nation most likely has less dna showing native American Ancestry than she does.... this is why the Cherokee Indians do not use DNA tests to prove heritage. The Cherokees were the first friendly Indians to Europeans and began mixing and having children with the Europeans almost immediately....

Your last line is bulloney

I/1000 means exactly what it says...1 in 1000, NOT 1 in 100,000

1/1000 was the high number that you all keep regurgitating, but the results actually gave it the Range from 1/64 to 1/1024...1/64th means her great times 4 grandmother was Native American, which fits the family lore her mother had told her.


What is this ruckus all about....?

Certainly you are not concerned with her heritage and family lore passed down....

And certainly you truly are not concerned with any kind of lie, Since your orange god lies about everything at least 10 times a day and 20 on Sunday, since he took office....

So what's the beef with Republicans going after Elizabeth Warren for years on this?

Lol.....naive sweetie....every New Englander has an Indian heritage.


So now any person born in New England can now claim minority status when going for a job?


TO claim minority status requires you meet certain guidelines. Gert a fucking grip & quit lying to protect your orange butt buddy.

Why did she claim she was Native American and why is she now claiming she is 1/512th Native American?

"Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She's Only Half Lizard Person
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Shortly after Elizabeth Warren released a DNA test that may or may not show that she is 1/1024th Native American, failed presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton showed the results of a recent DNA test that conclusively proved she is only 50% Reptilian.

The test, conducted by a renowned DNA expert, showed that only 50% of her blood comes from reptilian humanoids from space bent on destroying humanity. Many Washington insiders had claimed she was 100% reptile, but these claims are now known to be a hoax.

"I'm happy to announce that I'm only half reptile," she said on an interview Sunday evening. "I hope my critics will think twice before calling me a space reptile now, since that's only half true. I'm only part lizard person, thank you very much."

But she was quick to point out that whether or not she's an earth-conquering reptile is irrelevant, quipping, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She's Only Half Lizard Person

Good stuff
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

Funny, the actual Cherokee Nation doesn't seem to agree:

Cherokee Nation Calls Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test 'Inappropriate and Wrong'

Meantime, genetic studies show that when you go back 8 generations, you only share about 0.001% of your DNA with another. That means she is 1/1000th of 1% or only 1 part in 100,000 full blooded Indian. At those levels, if her DNA test is even indeed accurate, any of us could probably make a similar claim.
The Cherokee Nation most likely has less dna showing native American Ancestry than she does.... this is why the Cherokee Indians do not use DNA tests to prove heritage. The Cherokees were the first friendly Indians to Europeans and began mixing and having children with the Europeans almost immediately....

Your last line is bulloney

I/1000 means exactly what it says...1 in 1000, NOT 1 in 100,000

1/1000 was the high number that you all keep regurgitating, but the results actually gave it the Range from 1/64 to 1/1024...1/64th means her great times 4 grandmother was Native American, which fits the family lore her mother had told her.


What is this ruckus all about....?

Certainly you are not concerned with her heritage and family lore passed down....

And certainly you truly are not concerned with any kind of lie, Since your orange god lies about everything at least 10 times a day and 20 on Sunday, since he took office....

So what's the beef with Republicans going after Elizabeth Warren for years on this?

Lol.....naive sweetie....every New Englander has an Indian heritage.


So now any person born in New England can now claim minority status when going for a job?


TO claim minority status requires you meet certain guidelines. Gert a fucking grip & quit lying to protect your orange butt buddy.

Why did she claim she was Native American and why is she now claiming she is 1/512th Native American?

Gee, 1/500th Native American. That's the highest figure I've yet seen! Does that mean if I get a metal sliver in my finger I can claim to be an iron bar? :D
Why is this an issue at all?

Why did she claim to be Native American?

That seems to be the real issue.
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
She 1/1,024th Native American.


Left wingers are losers.

LOL This morning they thought they had a winner....now not so much.
If you are a brainwashed functional moron. She always said she had Native American ancestry, and this proves she does, brainwashed functional moron.
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
She 1/1,024th Native American.


Left wingers are losers.
That is the lowest possible percentage, super duper, also as high as 1/32 LIKE SHE SAYS AND ALWAYS HAS.

You high on drugs?

The DNA results say it is between 1/64 and 1/1024

Or between 1.5625% and 0.09765625%

It was over 99% Caucasian, therefore she is WHITE

By LAW she is Caucasian and nothing more.
Uh, no, the results said between 6-10 generations ... that ranges between 1/32 - 1/1024. Which is not wholly inconsistent with her claims of hearing family stories of there being a Native American blood in her heritage.

Uh, 6 to 10 generations would be well over a century. It is wholly fucking inconsistent with what she said all those years, which was NOT just "family stories of Native American blood in her heritage", no matter HOW much liars like you want to preted that's all it was. Hate to break it to you, ass kisser, but the Internet is not your friend in rewriting this history.
She 1/1,024th Native American.


Left wingers are losers.

LOL This morning they thought they had a winner....now not so much.
If you are a brainwashed functional moron. She always said she had Native American ancestry, and this proves she does, brainwashed functional moron.
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
She 1/1,024th Native American.


Left wingers are losers.
That is the lowest possible percentage, super duper, also as high as 1/32 LIKE SHE SAYS AND ALWAYS HAS.

You high on drugs?

The DNA results say it is between 1/64 and 1/1024

Or between 1.5625% and 0.09765625%

It was over 99% Caucasian, therefore she is WHITE

By LAW she is Caucasian and nothing more.
Uh, no, the results said between 6-10 generations ... that ranges between 1/32 - 1/1024. Which is not wholly inconsistent with her claims of hearing family stories of there being a Native American blood in her heritage.

Uh, 6 to 10 generations would be well over a century. It is wholly fucking inconsistent with what she said all those years, which was NOT just "family stories of Native American blood in her heritage", no matter HOW much liars like you want to preted that's all it was. Hate to break it to you, ass kisser, but the Internet is not your friend in rewriting this history.
They will rewrite anyway and believe it. Are they worth even debating? Facts or truth never works on them.
2% Neanderthal

She looks Northern European (Scandahoovian, Germanic, Scots-Irish) for the rest
Funny, the actual Cherokee Nation doesn't seem to agree:

Cherokee Nation Calls Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test 'Inappropriate and Wrong'

Meantime, genetic studies show that when you go back 8 generations, you only share about 0.001% of your DNA with another. That means she is 1/1000th of 1% or only 1 part in 100,000 full blooded Indian. At those levels, if her DNA test is even indeed accurate, any of us could probably make a similar claim.
The Cherokee Nation most likely has less dna showing native American Ancestry than she does.... this is why the Cherokee Indians do not use DNA tests to prove heritage. The Cherokees were the first friendly Indians to Europeans and began mixing and having children with the Europeans almost immediately....

Your last line is bulloney

I/1000 means exactly what it says...1 in 1000, NOT 1 in 100,000

1/1000 was the high number that you all keep regurgitating, but the results actually gave it the Range from 1/64 to 1/1024...1/64th means her great times 4 grandmother was Native American, which fits the family lore her mother had told her.


What is this ruckus all about....?

Certainly you are not concerned with her heritage and family lore passed down....

And certainly you truly are not concerned with any kind of lie, Since your orange god lies about everything at least 10 times a day and 20 on Sunday, since he took office....

So what's the beef with Republicans going after Elizabeth Warren for years on this?

Lol.....naive sweetie....every New Englander has an Indian heritage.


So now any person born in New England can now claim minority status when going for a job?


TO claim minority status requires you meet certain guidelines. Gert a fucking grip & quit lying to protect your orange butt buddy.

Why did she claim she was Native American and why is she now claiming she is 1/512th Native American?

Gee, 1/500th Native American. That's the highest figure I've yet seen! Does that mean if I get a metal sliver in my finger I can claim to be an iron bar? :D

LOL This morning they thought they had a winner....now not so much.
If you are a brainwashed functional moron. She always said she had Native American ancestry, and this proves she does, brainwashed functional moron.
She 1/1,024th Native American.


Left wingers are losers.
That is the lowest possible percentage, super duper, also as high as 1/32 LIKE SHE SAYS AND ALWAYS HAS.

You high on drugs?

The DNA results say it is between 1/64 and 1/1024

Or between 1.5625% and 0.09765625%

It was over 99% Caucasian, therefore she is WHITE

By LAW she is Caucasian and nothing more.
Uh, no, the results said between 6-10 generations ... that ranges between 1/32 - 1/1024. Which is not wholly inconsistent with her claims of hearing family stories of there being a Native American blood in her heritage.
Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test doesn’t prove she’s Native American
It proves there’s Native American ancestry in her heritage.

Yeah, about half of what's in the ancestry of most white Americans. Huzzah. You don't see any of us yabbling on about how our parents had to elope because of racism against our "Native American" mother, or putting ourselves down on forms with our employers as "minority", or having people write admiring articles about us being the "first person of color" to be hired somewhere.

It's never going to be true that she claimed only vague, trace amounts of NA heritage way, way back in her family history somewhere, and there is no amount of lying and pretending that you are going to do that's going to make it so.
The Cherokee Nation most likely has less dna showing native American Ancestry than she does.... this is why the Cherokee Indians do not use DNA tests to prove heritage. The Cherokees were the first friendly Indians to Europeans and began mixing and having children with the Europeans almost immediately....

Your last line is bulloney

I/1000 means exactly what it says...1 in 1000, NOT 1 in 100,000

1/1000 was the high number that you all keep regurgitating, but the results actually gave it the Range from 1/64 to 1/1024...1/64th means her great times 4 grandmother was Native American, which fits the family lore her mother had told her.


What is this ruckus all about....?

Certainly you are not concerned with her heritage and family lore passed down....

And certainly you truly are not concerned with any kind of lie, Since your orange god lies about everything at least 10 times a day and 20 on Sunday, since he took office....

So what's the beef with Republicans going after Elizabeth Warren for years on this?

Lol.....naive sweetie....every New Englander has an Indian heritage.


So now any person born in New England can now claim minority status when going for a job?


TO claim minority status requires you meet certain guidelines. Gert a fucking grip & quit lying to protect your orange butt buddy.

Why did she claim she was Native American and why is she now claiming she is 1/512th Native American?

Gee, 1/500th Native American. That's the highest figure I've yet seen! Does that mean if I get a metal sliver in my finger I can claim to be an iron bar? :D

She is sooooooooooo dumb.

Trump played her for a fool.

That doesn’t disprove there’s Native American ancestry in her heritage.

Cons are such brain-dead creatures. :lol:

LOL No one has to disprove that, since that was never what she said. Take your moving goalposts and shove 'em back up where you get your opinions from.
LOL This morning they thought they had a winner....now not so much.
If you are a brainwashed functional moron. She always said she had Native American ancestry, and this proves she does, brainwashed functional moron.
Based on that Trump does too.
I doubt it, super duper.Claims that US is a genetic melting pot appear overblown—if you're white | Genetic Literacy Project
Well it certainly was overblown by faucohauntus. If this broad is the requirement for minority status, and I hope it is, minority status includes everyone in the country. Can we be done with this racial divide democrat bullshit now?
Since when do rightards give a shit when a pol embellishes? Isn’t that the message the right boasts when defending Donald “4000 lies and counting” Trump?

I just heard, "Any excuse will do! She didn't lie, and her lies are okay, and no one gets to expect better of me, HOW DARE YOU?!"

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