Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

:5_1_12024: :cul2: But according to her, she is only 1/32nd Native American.

Actually, if you take the published results as wholly accurate, that is a BEST CASE guesstimate. The study said that she could be as little as 1/1024th% Non-White. Keep in mind, the study DID NOT conclude the vestige was NATIVE AMERICAN.

So right now, all Warren has given us is that she is likely 99.999% white northern European and the other 0.001% Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian. Even if we make the flying leap that Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian DNA is a good enough stand-in for American Indian, she still would need SIXTY-FOUR TIMES more of the DNA to meet the MINIMUM requirements to meet official recognition as Native American by the Cherokee tribe.

Warren saying she's American Indian is akin to Edie Brickell saying she's been to the Moon because she shot a few rubber bands at it.

Great, native Americans from Central America or South America aren't the same as Native United Statesians.

U worried about what your kids with her will look like or sumptin?
It's an amount of "native" DNA that any one of us could have.

:5_1_12024: :cul2: But according to her, she is only 1/32nd Native American.

Actually, if you take the published results as wholly accurate, that is a BEST CASE guesstimate. The study said that she could be as little as 1/1024th% Non-White. Keep in mind, the study DID NOT conclude the vestige was NATIVE AMERICAN.

So right now, all Warren has given us is that she is likely 99.999% white northern European and the other 0.001% Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian. Even if we make the flying leap that Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian DNA is a good enough stand-in for American Indian, she still would need SIXTY-FOUR TIMES more of the DNA to meet the MINIMUM requirements to meet official recognition as Native American by the Cherokee tribe.

Warren saying she's American Indian is akin to Edie Brickell saying she's been to the Moon because she shot a few rubber bands at it.

but what %%% of her is from the planet of Uranus?
Great, native Americans from Central America or South America aren't the same as Native United Statesians.

U worried about what your kids with her will look like or sumptin?
It's an amount of "native" DNA that any one of us could have.

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And its possible for me to import a European trophy bride immigrant wife.

Um, whatvs the point of this whole concern over her ancestry?
look, she has the face and body of a typical male, i still dont believe Warren is all 100% female, maybe the 3rd gender
Benny Johnson lays out ‘every time Elizabeth Warren has lied’ about her heritage in EPIC thread
https://twitchy.com ^

We really, truly think that Sen. Elizabeth Warren actually thinks that a DNA test revealing she might be 1/1024th Native American is proof of her claim to Native American heritage — even though the Cherokee Nation itself is disputing that delusion and taking it as the insult it is.

And we’ve already seen that a 1997 Fordham Law Review piece described Elizabeth Warren as Harvard Law School’s “first woman of color.” Wonder where they got that idea? Is that what she told them, or did she wear native garb and bring in a dish from the “Pow Wow Chow” cookbook to which she contributed and they just assumed?

We’ve had a lot of posts on Warren being hammered today over what she somehow considered a big win, but we have to hand it to the Daily Caller’s Benny Johnson for compiling this epic list of Elizabeth Warren lies. Enjoy

Warren is a woman of color.

White is a color, isn't it?

Technically, it's an absence of color.

Of course, most Caucasian people are actually kinda pinkish-beige.
She lied. It happens. Deal.
Oh? Where’s the lie? She said there was Indian in her heritage and she posted the results of a DNA test showing there’s Indian in her heritage.
please show where there was "indian" heritage in the test results.

will be interesting as no indian dna was used in the test itself.
Who told you no Indian blood was used??

the person who did the test. take up your stupidity with him.

I just showed you his test samples. :eusa_doh:

So who told you no Indian blood was used?

Um, the test summary itself. It's already been cited and linked numerous times. Are you telling us you're in here running off at the mouth, making definitive statements about the test, and you didn't actually look at the results yourself?

Damn, are YOU a gullible tool.
warren herself showed to be no better than 1/64th which would make her mom, and i'll do this your way, 2/64th. you're again missing a generation.
Holyshit. :eusa_doh:

Again, pay attention. We’re talking about her mom. If Elizabeth Warren’s range is 1/64 - 1/1024, what do you think her mom’s range is?

And why do you refuse to answer the question, who told you no Indian blood was used in her DNA test?
what is 1/2 of 1/64th again?

hint - it's NOT 1/16th as you say above.

can you please for the love of god stop being so fundamentally stupid about math?
No worries. While I possess the character to own up to my mistakes, you apparently don’t. Even after you were shown that Indian blood was used in her DNA test, you can neither find it in yourself to admit you made a mistake by denying any Indian blood was used; nor will you admit from where you heard that nonsense.
i own up to them all the time when i make 'em. but your math is way off.

indian blood as far as i've read can't be used because american indians won't allow it. link provided several times. stop math and go google for a bit.

I showed you the test samples. What a pity you’re ineducable.

The same test samples that you didn't read, and thus didn't know they said that they didn't actually have any Native American samples from the US?
checking what box on her application for the Harvard job? Did she check a box on her application for the Harvard job or NOT?

I'll answer that for you, Warren DID NOT check any box on her application for the Harvard professor position she applied for....to indicate she should get native American preference.

PLEASE STOP with your bull crap Frankie....
Pocahontas is a fraud she has no credibility
how is she a fraud???

explain this thinking
how about you put I MUST PROVE THIS TRUE aside and just look at the facts around it. how is she native american, how about you prove this thinking also? i'll go first.

White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier
On average, the scientists found, people who identified as African-American had genes that were only 73.2 percent African. European genes accounted for 24 percent of their DNA, while .8 percent came from Native Americans.

Latinos, on the other hand, had genes that were on average 65.1 percent European, 18 percent Native American, and 6.2 percent African. The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.
looks like you can find "native american" in all of us to a very small degree. blacks can be .8%, latinos .18% and warren was a whopping .097%, less than blacks or latinos in generic studies.

so it really proves nothing at all except about what people thought they'd find and now people are going NEENER NEENER TOLD YOU SHE HAD INDIAN HERITAGE w/o even looking to see what the #'s hold and how to interpret them. she has in fact 1/2 the average amount in the standard european.

in short, this does not prove she has indian heritage but is a mutt like the rest of us.
Tell me something Iceberg....


Made anything at all out of Elizabeth Warren believing she had a Native American Grandmother as her family had told her?

WHY have republicans taken what she has said about her own heritage and made a mountain out of a molehill about it?

Why have you harassed her for years on it now?

Why does Trump make fun of her?

Why do you all deride and make fun of her for it?





What is the INFANTILE argument about?

Why did you go after her in the first place?

All Warren ever said was that family stories said one of her grandmothers had Native American heritage.

This is true.

She never identified herself of being Native American during the hiring processes.

he was interested in meeting other people with Native American heritage.

That is it.

LIE. That is NOT all Warren ever said, leaving aside whether or not one is desperate enough to consider the minute traces of other races that virtually everyone carries to be "Native American heritage".

She self-identified as "Native American" in The Association of American Law Schools Directory of Law Professors for nine years. If you really think that had no effect on her applications to law colleges during that time, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.
Elizabeth Warren will go nowhere on a national basis.

She comes from the same state that kept Ted "The Liar Of The Senate" in power in spite of his manslaughter.

Nobody respects them.

And they don't respect her.
Holyshit. :eusa_doh:

Again, pay attention. We’re talking about her mom. If Elizabeth Warren’s range is 1/64 - 1/1024, what do you think her mom’s range is?

And why do you refuse to answer the question, who told you no Indian blood was used in her DNA test?
what is 1/2 of 1/64th again?

hint - it's NOT 1/16th as you say above.

can you please for the love of god stop being so fundamentally stupid about math?
No worries. While I possess the character to own up to my mistakes, you apparently don’t. Even after you were shown that Indian blood was used in her DNA test, you can neither find it in yourself to admit you made a mistake by denying any Indian blood was used; nor will you admit from where you heard that nonsense.
i own up to them all the time when i make 'em. but your math is way off.

indian blood as far as i've read can't be used because american indians won't allow it. link provided several times. stop math and go google for a bit.

I showed you the test samples. What a pity you’re ineducable.

The same test samples that you didn't read, and thus didn't know they said that they didn't actually have any Native American samples from the US?


North and South America were settled by at least three waves of migrants from Asia, who occupied the Americas from Canada to the southern tip of Chile. North America was initially occupied by people who came from Siberia and coastal North Asia.

Far fewer than 1,000 people crossed the Bering land bridge, and Native Americans appear to derive from this initial wave of migration. Evidence suggests they dispersed rapidly along the western coast of the Americas, perhaps by sea, within a period of only about a thousand years. Not long after humans first appeared in today’s Alaska and the western United States, they settled as far south as the tip of modern-day Chile.

Native American ancestry and DNA
Anyone with even a single Native American ancestor (no matter how far back) has Native American ancestry, but not everyone with a Native American ancestor has Native American DNA. Only half of a person’s DNA is passed on to their child, so with each generation that passes, the potential exists for DNA from any given ancestor to be lost.

The closer an ancestor is to you, the more likely it is that their DNA has been passed on to you. If your great-grandmother is 25% Native American, your original Native American ancestor was your great-great-great-grandparent. Although about 12.5% of your DNA comes from your great-grandmother, you may not have inherited her Native American DNA, or you may have inherited such a small amount that it doesn’t appear in a DNA test.

Though a child received 50% of each parent’s DNA, they do not typically receive 50% of each ethnicity present in the parents. A parent who’s half Nigerian and half Native American may pass on more Nigerian DNA than Native American DNA (or vice versa) to the child. Over generations, the randomness of inheritance results in DNA from some ethnicities being passed down more than others and in some ethnicities being lost entirely.

See more at link noted above.

what is 1/2 of 1/64th again?

hint - it's NOT 1/16th as you say above.

can you please for the love of god stop being so fundamentally stupid about math?
No worries. While I possess the character to own up to my mistakes, you apparently don’t. Even after you were shown that Indian blood was used in her DNA test, you can neither find it in yourself to admit you made a mistake by denying any Indian blood was used; nor will you admit from where you heard that nonsense.
i own up to them all the time when i make 'em. but your math is way off.

indian blood as far as i've read can't be used because american indians won't allow it. link provided several times. stop math and go google for a bit.

I showed you the test samples. What a pity you’re ineducable.

The same test samples that you didn't read, and thus didn't know they said that they didn't actually have any Native American samples from the US?


North and South America were settled by at least three waves of migrants from Asia, who occupied the Americas from Canada to the southern tip of Chile. North America was initially occupied by people who came from Siberia and coastal North Asia.

Far fewer than 1,000 people crossed the Bering land bridge, and Native Americans appear to derive from this initial wave of migration. Evidence suggests they dispersed rapidly along the western coast of the Americas, perhaps by sea, within a period of only about a thousand years. Not long after humans first appeared in today’s Alaska and the western United States, they settled as far south as the tip of modern-day Chile.

Native American ancestry and DNA
Anyone with even a single Native American ancestor (no matter how far back) has Native American ancestry, but not everyone with a Native American ancestor has Native American DNA. Only half of a person’s DNA is passed on to their child, so with each generation that passes, the potential exists for DNA from any given ancestor to be lost.

The closer an ancestor is to you, the more likely it is that their DNA has been passed on to you. If your great-grandmother is 25% Native American, your original Native American ancestor was your great-great-great-grandparent. Although about 12.5% of your DNA comes from your great-grandmother, you may not have inherited her Native American DNA, or you may have inherited such a small amount that it doesn’t appear in a DNA test.

Though a child received 50% of each parent’s DNA, they do not typically receive 50% of each ethnicity present in the parents. A parent who’s half Nigerian and half Native American may pass on more Nigerian DNA than Native American DNA (or vice versa) to the child. Over generations, the randomness of inheritance results in DNA from some ethnicities being passed down more than others and in some ethnicities being lost entirely.

See more at link noted above.
Blah, blah, blah.

Chief Shitting Pants is less Indian than 98% of American White People.

She got a job at Harvard based on false heritage.

Let's be truthful here.

I have an idea that the 0.09% does not cover the margin of error in this DNA test.
98% of White Americans are now minorities.

Let's just go ahead and blow this shit up. Nobody is a minority or everybody is one.

Blow it up!

No worries. While I possess the character to own up to my mistakes, you apparently don’t. Even after you were shown that Indian blood was used in her DNA test, you can neither find it in yourself to admit you made a mistake by denying any Indian blood was used; nor will you admit from where you heard that nonsense.
i own up to them all the time when i make 'em. but your math is way off.

indian blood as far as i've read can't be used because american indians won't allow it. link provided several times. stop math and go google for a bit.

I showed you the test samples. What a pity you’re ineducable.

The same test samples that you didn't read, and thus didn't know they said that they didn't actually have any Native American samples from the US?


North and South America were settled by at least three waves of migrants from Asia, who occupied the Americas from Canada to the southern tip of Chile. North America was initially occupied by people who came from Siberia and coastal North Asia.

Far fewer than 1,000 people crossed the Bering land bridge, and Native Americans appear to derive from this initial wave of migration. Evidence suggests they dispersed rapidly along the western coast of the Americas, perhaps by sea, within a period of only about a thousand years. Not long after humans first appeared in today’s Alaska and the western United States, they settled as far south as the tip of modern-day Chile.

Native American ancestry and DNA
Anyone with even a single Native American ancestor (no matter how far back) has Native American ancestry, but not everyone with a Native American ancestor has Native American DNA. Only half of a person’s DNA is passed on to their child, so with each generation that passes, the potential exists for DNA from any given ancestor to be lost.

The closer an ancestor is to you, the more likely it is that their DNA has been passed on to you. If your great-grandmother is 25% Native American, your original Native American ancestor was your great-great-great-grandparent. Although about 12.5% of your DNA comes from your great-grandmother, you may not have inherited her Native American DNA, or you may have inherited such a small amount that it doesn’t appear in a DNA test.

Though a child received 50% of each parent’s DNA, they do not typically receive 50% of each ethnicity present in the parents. A parent who’s half Nigerian and half Native American may pass on more Nigerian DNA than Native American DNA (or vice versa) to the child. Over generations, the randomness of inheritance results in DNA from some ethnicities being passed down more than others and in some ethnicities being lost entirely.

See more at link noted above.
Blah, blah, blah.

Chief Shitting Pants is less Indian than 98% of American White People.

She got a job at Harvard based on false heritage.

Let's be truthful here.


When will you ever be truthful? Post a link which provides evidence that you are being truthful [I look forward to the source(s)].

Herein is one of mine:

Concepts – Percentage of Ancestors’ DNA

Notice my link is from April 2017; before Trump made his promise to Sen. Warren.
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When will you ever be truthful? Post a link which provides evidence that you are being truthful [I look forward to the source(s)].

BTW, Indian blood? DNA is a proven source of data in individual and their ancesters, blood not nearly as much.
If she is an Indian, I am a black man.

That's the overall point.

She is not a minority. She used her lie of being a minority to get a job at Harvard.

THAT is the overall point.
Look what I just found........

The survey was commissioned by 23andMe and conducted in March of 2014 by Kelton, an independent research firm. The results have a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent and a confidence level of 95 percent.

Happy DNA Day! - 23andMe Blog
i've not studied or worried about math in quite some time and even i still remember basic fractions.

Look at how excited y’all get when I make a mistake.
We are in a constant state of excitement with every post you make. If she’s 1/1,024th, her mom at best is 1/512th.
Wrong as always. 1/512 was her mom’s worst case. Her best is 1/16.
warren herself showed to be no better than 1/64th which would make her mom, and i'll do this your way, 2/64th. you're again missing a generation.
Holyshit. :eusa_doh:

Again, pay attention. We’re talking about her mom. If Elizabeth Warren’s range is 1/32 - 1/1024, what do you think her mom’s range is?

And why do you refuse to answer the question, who told you no Indian blood was used in her DNA test?

Couple of things. The "match" to particular racial, ethnic groups is not a DIRECT outcome of testing specific DNA from an ancient ancestor. All of those "group associations" that 23&me or others give you is a STATISTICAL estimate of your ULTIMATE ancestry. Thus the very wide range (variance) given in the estimate.

GENERALLY, if it's not 0.4% or HIGHER -- it's "in the noise" and there is NO TELLING what the actual number really is. It's a mere suggestion of possibility at that point. And there is ZERO point in arguing what the ACTUAL number might be.

In fact, to your question about her mother, it doesn't necessarily matter. Because some of the "group" markers may entirely SKIP generations.

The group basis for any ethnic/regional/racial group is ALSO widely subject to variance. Any 2 DNA analysis programs will vary in the numbers assigned. So THIS apparently was a CUSTOM STUDY done at Stanford where they are NOT in the business of collecting and processing literally MILLIONS of samples from around the world. And apparently, the researcher commissioned for this political "dog and pony" show put together his reference data bases of ethnicity, region, race from Ad Hoc stuff available thru academia.

At this point in the business of matching folks to their probably ancestry -- that simply cannot compete with the larger commercial operations for dependability, accuracy. The white coat probably should not have put his name on the report. Because NOW -- his credibility is becoming a political hand grenade tossed by politicians desperate for attention and power.

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