Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

Nice deflection… Too bad it didn’t work

Oh, it worked alright. You don’t really think your acknowledgment is required, do ya?? :lmao:
In No way is she an American Indian... End of story
There are no lies, only embellishments ~ American rightards

"We always have an excuse why our lies are okay." - American leftards

Too hysterical coming from a Trump fluffer. :lmao:


Too hysterical coming from someone who thinks everything is about "Trump fluffing".

I didn't vote for Trump. Have never supported Trump. So congratulations on proving to everyone here that "TRRRRRRUUUUMMMMMPPP!!!!" has no more meaning coming out of your mouth than "You oppose me, and I know you're right, and I'm too much of a shitbag to admit it".

There are no lies, only embellishments ~ American rightards
She has been soundly rejected by the very tribe she claims have the heritage of...
She’s a lying bitch

We are to believe that her mother had to elope when she got married because she was 1/1000 Native American?

Well.... They must have had some very meticulous bigots in town..you know...people who were a thousand times more prejudiced than normal!

And freaking psychic, to boot. Pretty sure no one can detect 1/1024th Native American purely by sight.
So? Did she ever claim to look like an Indian?

No, her mother never claimed anything about being Indian. WARREN claimed it for her.

Try to keep up, if you can stop frothing at the mouth over Trump long enough to engage both of your brain cells at once.
please show where there was "indian" heritage in the test results.

will be interesting as no indian dna was used in the test itself.
Who told you no Indian blood was used??

the person who did the test. take up your stupidity with him.

I just showed you his test samples. :eusa_doh:

So who told you no Indian blood was used?

Um, the test summary itself. It's already been cited and linked numerous times. Are you telling us you're in here running off at the mouth, making definitive statements about the test, and you didn't actually look at the results yourself?

Damn, are YOU a gullible tool.
That’s from the actual test, ya moron. Indian samples were used. :eusa_doh:

Seriously? You're seriously going to claim that YOU are correct about how the test was done, and the person who ran the test is wrong?
what is 1/2 of 1/64th again?

hint - it's NOT 1/16th as you say above.

can you please for the love of god stop being so fundamentally stupid about math?
No worries. While I possess the character to own up to my mistakes, you apparently don’t. Even after you were shown that Indian blood was used in her DNA test, you can neither find it in yourself to admit you made a mistake by denying any Indian blood was used; nor will you admit from where you heard that nonsense.
i own up to them all the time when i make 'em. but your math is way off.

indian blood as far as i've read can't be used because american indians won't allow it. link provided several times. stop math and go google for a bit.

I showed you the test samples. What a pity you’re ineducable.

The same test samples that you didn't read, and thus didn't know they said that they didn't actually have any Native American samples from the US?
Dumbfuck, where did I say the samples were from the U.S.??

In fact, the section I posted from the report even identified them as being tribes located in Canada and Mexico.

Dumbfuck, where did I say we were talking about anything YOU said?

Let's review, because I'm not interested in playing your little "I'll be obtuse and pretend we're talking about something different every fucking time I answer until people get so tired of talking to something with fewer IQ points than a chunk of granite that they walk away, at which point I'll claim 'VICTORY' on the basis of how relentlessly stupid I am" game.

Elizabeth Warren spent years claiming to be Native American, specifically Cherokee and sometimes Delaware, in her recent family history.

The Cherokee and the Delaware are both North American tribes originating within what is now the United States.

Elizabeth Warren recently had a DNA test done, which showed that she PROBABLY had .09% DNA that the tester attributed to Native American, which is about half of what most white Americans have.

The tester admitted, in the summary results of his test, that he had no DNA samples from US Native Americans with which to compare Warren's DNA, because Native Americans in the US rarely consent to participate in genetic studies.

The tester further explained that he reached his conclusions through comparisons with DNA samples from Mexico, Colombia, and Peru, and by his own extrapolation theories as to prehistoric human migration. That is, after all, his primary field of study.

Now then, since you are presumably finally caught up on all the facts, see if you can say something coherent and relevant to the topic. I'm sure we're all waiting on tenterhooks to see if you pull it off.
This has really blown up in her face. Big mistake on her part to bring all of this back up. She should have let it go, and hope the issue stops coming up in the future.
No worries. While I possess the character to own up to my mistakes, you apparently don’t. Even after you were shown that Indian blood was used in her DNA test, you can neither find it in yourself to admit you made a mistake by denying any Indian blood was used; nor will you admit from where you heard that nonsense.
i own up to them all the time when i make 'em. but your math is way off.

indian blood as far as i've read can't be used because american indians won't allow it. link provided several times. stop math and go google for a bit.

I showed you the test samples. What a pity you’re ineducable.

The same test samples that you didn't read, and thus didn't know they said that they didn't actually have any Native American samples from the US?
Dumbfuck, where did I say the samples were from the U.S.??

In fact, the section I posted from the report even identified them as being tribes located in Canada and Mexico.

Dumbfuck, where did I say we were talking about anything YOU said?

Let's review, because I'm not interested in playing your little "I'll be obtuse and pretend we're talking about something different every fucking time I answer until people get so tired of talking to something with fewer IQ points than a chunk of granite that they walk away, at which point I'll claim 'VICTORY' on the basis of how relentlessly stupid I am" game.

Elizabeth Warren spent years claiming to be Native American, specifically Cherokee and sometimes Delaware, in her recent family history.

The Cherokee and the Delaware are both North American tribes originating within what is now the United States.

Elizabeth Warren recently had a DNA test done, which showed that she PROBABLY had .09% DNA that the tester attributed to Native American, which is about half of what most white Americans have.

The tester admitted, in the summary results of his test, that he had no DNA samples from US Native Americans with which to compare Warren's DNA, because Native Americans in the US rarely consent to participate in genetic studies.

The tester further explained that he reached his conclusions through comparisons with DNA samples from Mexico, Colombia, and Peru, and by his own extrapolation theories as to prehistoric human migration. That is, after all, his primary field of study.

Now then, since you are presumably finally caught up on all the facts, see if you can say something coherent and relevant to the topic. I'm sure we're all waiting on tenterhooks to see if you pull it off.
very good response. however you may as well be saying

BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH cause that's all he's going to hear.
No worries. While I possess the character to own up to my mistakes, you apparently don’t. Even after you were shown that Indian blood was used in her DNA test, you can neither find it in yourself to admit you made a mistake by denying any Indian blood was used; nor will you admit from where you heard that nonsense.
i own up to them all the time when i make 'em. but your math is way off.

indian blood as far as i've read can't be used because american indians won't allow it. link provided several times. stop math and go google for a bit.

I showed you the test samples. What a pity you’re ineducable.

The same test samples that you didn't read, and thus didn't know they said that they didn't actually have any Native American samples from the US?
Dumbfuck, where did I say the samples were from the U.S.??

In fact, the section I posted from the report even identified them as being tribes located in Canada and Mexico.

Dumbfuck, where did I say we were talking about anything YOU said?

Let's review, because I'm not interested in playing your little "I'll be obtuse and pretend we're talking about something different every fucking time I answer until people get so tired of talking to something with fewer IQ points than a chunk of granite that they walk away, at which point I'll claim 'VICTORY' on the basis of how relentlessly stupid I am" game.

Elizabeth Warren spent years claiming to be Native American, specifically Cherokee and sometimes Delaware, in her recent family history.

The Cherokee and the Delaware are both North American tribes originating within what is now the United States.

Elizabeth Warren recently had a DNA test done, which showed that she PROBABLY had .09% DNA that the tester attributed to Native American, which is about half of what most white Americans have.

The tester admitted, in the summary results of his test, that he had no DNA samples from US Native Americans with which to compare Warren's DNA, because Native Americans in the US rarely consent to participate in genetic studies.

The tester further explained that he reached his conclusions through comparisons with DNA samples from Mexico, Colombia, and Peru, and by his own extrapolation theories as to prehistoric human migration. That is, after all, his primary field of study.

Now then, since you are presumably finally caught up on all the facts, see if you can say something coherent and relevant to the topic. I'm sure we're all waiting on tenterhooks to see if you pull it off.

Don't bet the farm on it....

This has really blown up in her face. Big mistake on her part to bring all of this back up. She should have let it go, and hope the issue stops coming up in the future.

Yeah all she had to say was that they had different viewpoints on the matter and that she apologizes for any pain or inconvenience she caused the American Indian Nation.

Now she can never back away from it and the American Indian nation has become so pissed off at her they are never going to allow her to forget it.

This was not clever.

This has really blown up in her face. Big mistake on her part to bring all of this back up. She should have let it go, and hope the issue stops coming up in the future.

Yeah all she had to say was that they had different viewpoints on the matter and that she apologizes for any pain or inconvenience she caused the American Indian Nation.

Now she can never back away from it and the American Indian nation has become so pissed off at her they are never going to allow her to forget it.

This was not clever.

if she would have done the test and made it public with a "wow, i was wrong about what i heard growing up" she'd gain respect. as it is, she just dove deeper into the abyss of stupidity.
This has really blown up in her face. Big mistake on her part to bring all of this back up. She should have let it go, and hope the issue stops coming up in the future.

Yeah all she had to say was that they had different viewpoints on the matter and that she apologizes for any pain or inconvenience she caused the American Indian Nation.

Now she can never back away from it and the American Indian nation has become so pissed off at her they are never going to allow her to forget it.

This was not clever.

if she would have done the test and made it public with a "wow, i was wrong about what i heard growing up" she'd gain respect. as it is, she just dove deeper into the abyss of stupidity.

Wow this was truly impressive. I can't think of another single incident in all of my political memory that had so catastrophically the opposite effect of what it was intended to have.

This was similar to diving off of a steep cliff
Into an empty ravine making absolutely sure your face touched first.

I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
Bullshit. And Trump owes her $1 million dollars.

Alert the media. President Donald Trump has lied again.

Trump denied making a statement that he did, in fact, make -- despite knowing there is documentation to the contrary.

Trump denies that he ever said he’d donate $1 million to charity if she took a DNA test and it showed she had Native American ancestry.

The quote: “I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test and it shows you’re an Indian”

Why didn't she do Ancestry or 23 and me? Why a private lab? Trump should make her go to a lab and make sure she provides the sample

We should make Trump go to an independent doctor to prove he would be the healthiest president ever

Doctor: Trump would be healthiest president ever

Especially after this quack spilled the beans that Trump uses propecia.

Remember this is the guy who felt RAPED after Trump's men stormed into his office and illegally confiscated all of Trump's records.
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

And did you go secure yourself a cushy job by claiming to be a Native American?

Just like Elizabeth Warren, no I didn't.

Just saying she did doesn't make it true.

Provide credible and honest proof.

fox news says you're a liar.

Harvard never considered Elizabeth Warren as Native American in hiring process, report says

Liz Warren a minority hire, really? University should have verified
what is 1/2 of 1/64th again?

hint - it's NOT 1/16th as you say above.

can you please for the love of god stop being so fundamentally stupid about math?
No worries. While I possess the character to own up to my mistakes, you apparently don’t. Even after you were shown that Indian blood was used in her DNA test, you can neither find it in yourself to admit you made a mistake by denying any Indian blood was used; nor will you admit from where you heard that nonsense.
i own up to them all the time when i make 'em. but your math is way off.

indian blood as far as i've read can't be used because american indians won't allow it. link provided several times. stop math and go google for a bit.

I showed you the test samples. What a pity you’re ineducable.

The same test samples that you didn't read, and thus didn't know they said that they didn't actually have any Native American samples from the US?
Dumbfuck, where did I say the samples were from the U.S.??

In fact, the section I posted from the report even identified them as being tribes located in Canada and Mexico.

Probably why the Cherokee Nation issued a formal statement yesterday telling her to cut this crap.. Don't ya think??? :rolleyes:
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

And did you go secure yourself a cushy job by claiming to be a Native American?

Just like Elizabeth Warren, no I didn't.

Just saying she did doesn't make it true.

Provide credible and honest proof.

fox news says you're a liar.

Harvard never considered Elizabeth Warren as Native American in hiring process, report says

Liz Warren a minority hire, really? University should have verified

So Harvard promoted her as a minority hire. And Republicans don't even like it that minorities get special treatment.

Would any Republican here not vote for Trump in 2020 if you found out he lied and said he had indian ancestors? Fuck no that wouldn't stop you from voting for him.

This is Harvard's mistake not Warren's. She believed she had indian in her background, and she put it down. She did not put it down in her application when she was trying to get hired.

So Harvard bragged they had 1 more minority working there than they actually did.

Does any Republican here care? You guys don't like AA anyways.
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

And did you go secure yourself a cushy job by claiming to be a Native American?

Just like Elizabeth Warren, no I didn't.

Just saying she did doesn't make it true.

Provide credible and honest proof.

fox news says you're a liar.

Harvard never considered Elizabeth Warren as Native American in hiring process, report says

Liz Warren a minority hire, really? University should have verified

So Harvard promoted her as a minority hire. And Republicans don't even like it that minorities get special treatment.

Would any Republican here not vote for Trump in 2020 if you found out he lied and said he had indian ancestors? Fuck no that wouldn't stop you from voting for him.

This is Harvard's mistake not Warren's. She believed she had indian in her background, and she put it down. She did not put it down in her application when she was trying to get hired.

So Harvard bragged they had 1 more minority working there than they actually did.

Does any Republican here care? You guys don't like AA anyways.

Warren was the one that messed up here.
The last time this became a public Ballyhoo she ended up at odds the American Indian Nation.

Now remember she's interested in running for president and that happens to be a hot-button issue because they are a recognized minority group. It doesn't matter one way or another but she thinks she already knew they were upset about it.

There is probably no minority group in the nation that has more latent empathy than the American Indian Nation what ever tribe we may be talking about. Any one of her political advisors should have seen this as a political landmine.

We could easily be talking about millions of middle of the road swing voters here even if she never enters the race. She has effectively pissed in the well.

In effect she spectacularly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory...

I swear I have never once in my entire political memory seen an issue so catastrophically reverse itself and have exactly the opposite effect that it was intended to have as this one did.

We really ought to thank Warren and Hillary this week for sucking all the air out of the Dimocrats tent just a couple weeks before the election. :beer:
We are in a constant state of excitement with every post you make. If she’s 1/1,024th, her mom at best is 1/512th.
Wrong as always. 1/512 was her mom’s worst case. Her best is 1/16.
warren herself showed to be no better than 1/64th which would make her mom, and i'll do this your way, 2/64th. you're again missing a generation.
Holyshit. :eusa_doh:

Again, pay attention. We’re talking about her mom. If Elizabeth Warren’s range is 1/32 - 1/1024, what do you think her mom’s range is?

And why do you refuse to answer the question, who told you no Indian blood was used in her DNA test?

Couple of things. The "match" to particular racial, ethnic groups is not a DIRECT outcome of testing specific DNA from an ancient ancestor. All of those "group associations" that 23&me or others give you is a STATISTICAL estimate of your ULTIMATE ancestry. Thus the very wide range (variance) given in the estimate.

GENERALLY, if it's not 0.4% or HIGHER -- it's "in the noise" and there is NO TELLING what the actual number really is. It's a mere suggestion of possibility at that point. And there is ZERO point in arguing what the ACTUAL number might be.

In fact, to your question about her mother, it doesn't necessarily matter. Because some of the "group" markers may entirely SKIP generations.

The group basis for any ethnic/regional/racial group is ALSO widely subject to variance. Any 2 DNA analysis programs will vary in the numbers assigned. So THIS apparently was a CUSTOM STUDY done at Stanford where they are NOT in the business of collecting and processing literally MILLIONS of samples from around the world. And apparently, the researcher commissioned for this political "dog and pony" show put together his reference data bases of ethnicity, region, race from Ad Hoc stuff available thru academia.

At this point in the business of matching folks to their probably ancestry -- that simply cannot compete with the larger commercial operations for dependability, accuracy. The white coat probably should not have put his name on the report. Because NOW -- his credibility is becoming a political hand grenade tossed by politicians desperate for attention and power.
Ah, yes, the ever popular shoot the messenger tactic. Well, in reality, Dr. Bustamante was able to cross identify some ¾ of a million samples of genetic variation in this test, more than enough to back his findings.

In reality, it was Dr. Bustamante himself who said there was no Native American DNA sample involved, and that he had to extrapolate off of Mexican, Colombian, and Peruvian DNA.

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